
  • Precision & Science
    Newton's gravity theory was imprecise when it came to predicting the planet Mercury's behavior. Enter Albert Einstein's theory of relativity and it solved the problem - Mercury's orbit could now be predicted precisely.TheMadFool
    I dislike saying "[insert theory here] is just a theory" because that saying is often used to dismiss science. However, it seems intuitive to me that saying "gravity is only a theory" is indeed correct. Any theory of gravity is just that: a theory. It's just framework for describing and predicting how nature behaves at a certain abstract physical level. A very successful framework of course, yet it's still manufactured by physicists. Who knows, scientists might even come up with a new theory that rivals Einstein. If that happens, the same things we say about Newtonian laws being inaccurate or "imprecise" will equally be said about Einstein's general theory of relativity.
  • Joe Biden (+General Biden/Harris Administration)

    Ah, Wheatley! Wheatley, Wheatley, Wheatley... I would advise you not to cite this (um...garbage) "Urban Dictionary" in your posts. I know that as an intelligent fellow, you are above this. I have, upon occasion, received websearch "hits" of urban dictionary entries, and the inanity that I have always found there has ever left my head a-wagging. This site is only good for informing about how people in the ghetto, as well as "ghetto" people who live elsewhere than in the ghetto (following the cogent distinction originally forwarded by 'Malcolm X'), define the terms of their existence. Now, before anybody "gets their back up" about this, let me state overtly that these are not intended as remarks with any 'racial' connotations whatsoever, there being many 'caucasian' people who are subsumed within the group heretofore defined. This post is serious in nature, and intended to indicate a real folly.

    Many most, of the entries in the U.D. are (a) both semantically and/or grammatically incorrect, (b) vulgar, and (c) exhibiting a degenerative mental orientation towards what I might call a "typically American 'ghetto' mythos". I mean, who writes this shit, "Cita" from "Cita's World"? The instant definition of "bandwagon" is illustrative of one of these inherent problems, particularly of "(a)" above, within the "Urban Dictionary". The Urban Dictionary entry for "bandwagon" states:
    Taking interest in something just to fit in with the crowd.
    "Walker started watching Hockey because the Bruins where in the playoffs and everyone else was watching it. Walker is a major bandwagon."
    ...wherein the definition is faultily rendered in the sense of a deverbal adjective, to wit, a participle ("bandwagon" is a noun, not a verb or a verbal participle), and the usage example is given in an improperly nominative sense, that is, in the sense of a noun, but still incorrectly for being the wrong type of noun...that is, not as the specific type of derived noun (perhaps "bandwagoner", or "bandwagoneer" would be more correct?) which should be used within the example.

    Please guys, let us refrain from ever citing the Urban Dictionary for any reason, as so doing would seem to have the power to reflect negatively upon the level of discourse here on TPF. If you need a lexicographic citation, the just use Wiktionary. At least then, you have definitions generally written by pro lexicographers or others interested in good lexicography. Any appearance of the U.D. on this site just reflects badly...
    Michael Zwingli
    :lol: :up:
  • Why are Metaphysics and Epistemology grouped together?
    Why is there a subdiscipline of philosophy where Metaphysics and Epistemology grouped togetherShawn
    Because they are both fundamental to philosophy.
  • Bannings

    Was it TheGreatWhatever? If I recall correctly he was banned twice. (Back when the old forum was online.)
  • Is Halloween a pagan holiday?
    One theory holds that many Halloween traditions were influenced by Celtic harvest festivals, particularly the Gaelic festival Samhain, which are believed to have pagan roots;[12][13][14][15] some go further and suggest that Samhain may have been Christianized as All Hallow's Day, along with its eve, by the early Church.[16] Other academics believe Halloween began solely as a Christian holiday, being the vigil of All Hallow's Day.[17][18][19][20] Celebrated in Ireland and Scotland for centuries, Irish and Scottish migrants brought many Halloween customs to North America in the 19th century,[21][22] and then through American influence, Halloween spread to other countries by the late 20th and early 21st century.[23][24]
  • Is Halloween a pagan holiday?
    I don't observe pagan holidays.Shawn
    You tell me. :smirk:
  • Is Halloween a pagan holiday?
    It's a scary holiday.
  • The falsity of just about every famous quote
    "Nine times out of ten quotes are made up and attributed to people who didn't say them" - Harry PotterStreetlightX
    He did not say that! :roll:

    Clever. :clap:
  • God and time.

    William Lane Craig style arguments only. You must reformat your post. :monkey:
  • Joe Biden (+General Biden/Harris Administration)
    Marxism ground Marxism into dirt, not to the mention the millions of people buried beneath it’s rubble. If the bourgeois, unclean, and philandering Marx was able to foresee the disasters performed in his name, I wager he would have written otherwise.NOS4A2
    Communism does that. Marxism is just a philosophical doctrine that many authoritarian governments have historically incorporated into their ideology. There's nothing inherently wrong with Marxism.

    There hardly was any liberalism. The only thing liberal about what we have now is perhaps the rhetoric used to goad people into accepting increasing paternalistic statism and compulsory cooperation. The self-styled Liberal is taken at the face value of his pretensions, and policies which are put forth as Liberal are accepted in the same unreflecting way. See any Liberal party in the commonwealth.NOS4A2
    We know about classical liberalism. You are not stating anything new or interesting here.

    At any rate, Biden is none of those. He, like other state careerists, is but a figurehead for a cabal of effete busybodies who want nothing more than to advance the state’s, and thus their own, interests.NOS4A2
    That's a very cynical view. It's easy to go with the popular trope that X politician is evil and dishonest or selfish. All politicians now are subject to constant vilification by some "news" agency or partisan hacks. Again, nothing interesting here. Go join the echo chamber. I'm sure there's a Reddit page just for you.
  • Solution to the hard problem of consciousness
    What matters to me is the issue at had: is experience what we have or is it illusory in some manner.Manuel
    I think it should be evident that we have experience, as we think we have. Our intuitions are correct in this point.Manuel
    Good. :up:
  • Neither science nor logic can disprove God?

    It's just game. He's just playing games.
  • Neither science nor logic can disprove God?

    There's no reason to argue with him if he's going to accept well known fallacies.
  • Neither science nor logic can disprove God?
    So here's the thing. Believers will keep believing even if science and logic could disprove god/s.Tom Storm
    Or they can reformulate "god" (utilizing theology) to evade logic and science.
  • Neither science nor logic can disprove God?
    Why is it that neither science nor logic can disprove God?Shawn
    No systematic approach can disprove the existence of god because there is no universally recognized definition of god. The best we can do is refute different formulations of god. What god are we talking about?
  • Joe Biden (+General Biden/Harris Administration)
    The liberals ground Marxism into the dirt and pooped on it.frank
    I'm not too crazy about liberalism either. :meh:
  • Solution to the hard problem of consciousness
    Not for every single word. That would take forever an be pointless. No, in philosophy we try to clarify or elucidate the phenomenon in question: free will, idealism, compatibilism, psychic continuity, etc.

    That's why we have these topics being discussed, we want to understand them better.
    hmm... This seems very similar to the discussion I had with @Banno earlier. I guess it's just a matter of discussing philosophy the right way. (conduct? :chin: ) Thanks for your time. :smile:
  • Solution to the hard problem of consciousness
    By granting it, you are going to have to justify why you are using the (now) technical word "consciousness" to mean something else besides the usual meaning of the word.Manuel
    I don't believe we have to justify the way we express ourselves. How does one go about doing that? :yikes:

    If you can't do that, then I don't see why we should use a technical definition, because it doesn't modify on our usual way of using the word, so it doesn't really serve a purpose.Manuel
    There are also different ordinary definitions of consciousness. Do we also need justification for one definition over the other?
  • Solution to the hard problem of consciousness
    Dennett is using the word "consciousness" in such a way that it excludes what most people take consciousness to be.Manuel
    Most people don't think about consciousness the way philosophers do. And I think it's wrong to insist on a "usual definition".
  • IQ vs EQ: Does Emotional Intelligence has any place in Epistemology?
    Research has shown that people with a high EQ tend to be more successfulTheQuestion
    why focus on Epistemology?TheQuestion
    It seems like you are merging to very different ideas. 'Success' is about how well you do in society. While 'epistemology' is a branch of philosophy.
  • Solution to the hard problem of consciousness

    Smells like ordinary language philosophy. :chin:
  • Good luck
    I have bad luck.
  • Joe Biden (+General Biden/Harris Administration)
    Is that what Marxism does? Well, yes, we need that.frank
    Yeah, but not all the time. It's also not a very practical theory.
  • The Complaint Thread

    I am complaining. :razz:
  • The Complaint Thread
    I don't like that gif.
  • Joe Biden (+General Biden/Harris Administration)

    No need to divide the world into opressed and oppressor?
  • Joe Biden (+General Biden/Harris Administration)
    Power came to the labor class not through solidarity, but through fucking disaster.frank
    No need for Marxism then!
  • Joe Biden (+General Biden/Harris Administration)
    I had thought whataboutism was a uniquely American stupidity, but when I complained about Trump on the Trump thread, I was treated to a bunch of stupidity about Biden.James Riley
    We can't have that. It's crucial that we keep the complaints and grievances separate.Only then we end US tyranny around the globe. We shall complain on the streets and sidewalks, we shall complain with growing confidence and growing strength on cable news, we shall defend our US adversaries, whatever the cost may be.
  • Joe Biden (+General Biden/Harris Administration)
    So, this is not where I come to say "Well what about Trump? He did etc etc."?James Riley
    No whatabouts. This thread is a platform to complain about Biden. :naughty:
  • Joe Biden (+General Biden/Harris Administration)
    BTW, I'm not defending Joe Biden (I didn't vote for him). I'm just trying to play devil's advocate. And this thread isn't about ( a very slanted) US history or the cold war.