• T Clark
    Words of the Day - April 10, 2018

    Prototype - A preliminary example of something, generally a machine or equipment.

    Archetype - A typical example. Also, an example that represents or symbolizes a class.

    Stereotype - A rigid and oversimplified belief held by a group of people.
  • T Clark
    Word of the Day - April 11, 2018

    Consupponible - came across this word in R.G. Collingwood's "An Essay on Metaphysics." Can't find a direct definition and it's not used much. According to him, in order for a group of suppositions to be consupponible "it must be logically possible for a person who supposes any one of them to suppose concurrently all the rest."

    I'm going to be looking for opportunities to use this.
  • Noble Dust

    If I order fries from McDonalds, it's consupponible that, if I eat one fry, I will concurrently eat all the rest. No?...
  • T Clark
    If I order fries from McDonalds, it's consupponible that, if I eat one fry, I will concurrently eat all the rest. No?...Noble Dust

    I don't think so. I think the supposition "I have eaten one fry" is consupponible with "I will eat all the rest."
  • Noble Dust

    Right...concurrently was the joke...
  • T Clark
    Word of the Day - April 12, 2018

    Erstwhile - one of my favorite words because it's so easy to misunderstand it's meaning. It's often difficult to pick up from context. For a long time, back when it took effort to look up words, I thought it meant "worthy." It actually means "former."
  • Cuthbert
    Well it does, but I'd rather it meant what you thought it did. Lord, I am unerstwhile.
  • Mayor of Simpleton
    I suppose I'm in trouble now...

    ... like I care. xccqpjjpgy6tzc0a.jpg


  • XTG

    a mixture or blend.
    "a curious amalgam of the traditional and the modern"
    an alloy of mercury with another metal, especially one used for dental fillings.-
  • T Clark
    I suppose I'm in trouble now...

    ... like I care.

    Mayor of Simpleton

    President Trump was elected because of attitudes like those expressed in your post. If it feels good, knock yourself out.
  • Cuthbert
    I wish I could get elected simply by people reacting against other people who don't like me. I find it easy enough to get disliked and so success should be assured.
  • Noble Dust
    Hopefully this is not too off topic; I was gonna make a lame facebook post about it, but figured it would be better appreciated here.

    Ever encounter a book title, song name, etc., that's so good as a title that you don't even want to experience the work itself, for fear the magic will be ruined? I've recently been obsessing over "The Dream Quest Of Unknown Kadath" by H.P. Lovecraft. Those words strung together are unbelievable; they feel exciting and fascinating in the mouth, and the obscurity of the whole thing ignites the imagination.
  • S
    I wish I could get elected simply by people reacting against other people who don't like me. I find it easy enough to get disliked and so success should be assured.Cuthbert

    You'd have no chance if I stood against you. Me versus you would play out, respectively, like Trump versus Jeb.
  • S
    This question was answered in my antepenultimate post.andrewk

    Antepetul... Ampitenul... Antemetulnitup...

    Yeah, what he said.
  • Cuthbert
    Ten pity amulet? Wossat wennisoam eh? Brjzzz.
  • Baden

    I prefer "The Call of Cthulhu". Same author. (Also a great Metallica song).

  • T Clark
    I prefer "The Call of Cthulhu".Baden

    I've always liked "50 Shades of Cthulhu." Ol' Lovecraft was way ahead of his time.
  • Noble Dust
    Extirpate is nice.
  • fdrake

    I've always liked "50 Shades of Cthulhu." Ol' Lovecraft was way ahead of his time.

    I tried to write a parody erotic fanfic of a forbidden romance between a Shoggoth and a Night Gaunt at one point. It was quite difficult to make the indescribable have sex with the mysterious.
  • T Clark
    I tried to write a parody erotic fanfic of a forbidden romance between a Shoggoth and a Night Gaunt at one point. It was quite difficult to make the indescribable have sex with the mysterious.fdrake

    I'm guessing it was unspeakable.
  • S
    Butt Rech.
  • Wayfarer
    Meliorism: an idea in metaphysical thinking holding that progress is a real concept leading to an improvement of the world. It holds that humans can, through their interference with processes that would otherwise be natural, produce an outcome which is an improvement over the aforementioned natural one.

    Meliorism, as a conception of the person and society, is at the foundation of contemporary liberal democracy and human rights and is a basic component of liberalism.

    Found here
  • S
    Philosophy and narcissism. Or, as I like to call it, philarcissism.
  • tim wood
    You've named it! Please do not deprive us of a description of what it is, how it works, and who does it!
  • S
    Yes, I've named it. Me. So no one else gets to take the credit. The credit is all mine. My precious.

    It is what I say it is, it works how I say it works, and you do it if I say you do. Capiche?

    Anyways, one way of putting it is that it's like heliocentrism, only instead of maintaining the illusion that the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun at the centre of the Solar System, it acknowledges that I am at the centre of everything, and everything revolves around me.
  • BC
    I think Narcissophy is better than philarcissism. Clearly you are operating under the delusion that you are cleverer, snarkier, sarcasticer, ironicer, and wordier than those of us who occupy the Peak of Snark.

    Narcissophy: The collective output of any congregation of auto-fellationists (per Darth) Alternately, the collective braying of self-centered jackasses who hee haw irrelevantly in the Quadrangle of Academe.
  • S
    Philarcissism and narcissophy. Or, as I like to call it, philarnicarcissophyism.
  • Streetlight
    Necrosophy? Wisdom of... dead things?
  • unenlightened
    What we have here is a galumphing gallimaufry. Hence psychogalosophy.
  • Noble Dust
    Philosoraptosophy - the lost mystery religion of the Dino.
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