• 180 Proof
    Nonsense. For instance, we seek "territory and food" in order to sustain ourselves biologically (like all other non-human animals do) and not because of "imaginary stories". And I don't see the relevance here of tychism (though I've always agreed with 'the principle' ... from the perspective of classical atomsm / philosophical daoism (i.e. necessary non-necessity)).
  • T Clark
    Nonsense. For instance, we seek "territory and food" in order to sustain ourselves biologically (like all other non-human animals do) and not because of "imaginary stories". And I don't see the relevance here of tychism (though I've always agreed with the principle ... from the perspective of classical atomsm).180 Proof

    Nonsense. We, and all the other animals, seek territory and food to address hunger and security, basic animal impulses, i.e. instincts. Humans and perhaps a few other animals tell ourselves stories while we do that - explain to ourselves what we're doing and why.
  • 180 Proof
    Retrospectively, not prospectively or "instinctively".
  • Wayfarer
    I thought this was one for the collection :-)

    If I knew what that meant, perhaps I would feel insulted.T Clark
  • T Clark
    I'm so proud.
  • Manuel
    "If it be Inquired how it comes to pass, that sentiments and notions, which really are not in the things that are without us, do yet appear as if they were, and consequently that they seem to be Objects? It must be Answered, that this arises from the very nature of cogitation it self, and of the cogitative faculties; and that both Reason and Experience do evidence, it must be so.

    ...Reason sheweth that it must be so; for as we are conscious that we have a perceivance of Objects under certain Images, and Notions, so we are not conscious of any Action by which our faculties should make those Images and Notions; and therefore being sensible that we are Affected with such Images, and Notions, so long as, and no longer than we do attend to things without is (which things are therefore called Objects) and not being sensible that we are so by any Action from within our selves it cannot but appear that we are Affected only from the things without us, and so, what really is only in our selves, must seem to come from those things, and consequently to be really in them."

    - Richard Burthogge
  • Lionino
    If any philosopher had been asked for a definition of infinity, he might have produced some unintelligible rigmarole, but he would certainly not have been able to give a definition that had any meaning at all. — Bertrand Russell

    Possibly out of context, but I can't bother to check.
  • 180 Proof
    The only obsession everyone wants: 'love'. People think that in falling in love they make themselves whole? The Platonic union of souls? I think otherwise. I think you're whole before you begin. And the love fractures you. You're whole and then you're cracked open.

    Only when you fuck is everything that you dislike in life and everythiing by which you are defeated in life purely, if momentarily, revenged. Only then are you most cleanly alive and most cleanly yourself. It's not the sex that's the corruption – it's the rest. Sex isn't just friction and shallow fun.

    Sex is also the revenge on death.

    Don't forget death. Don't ever forget it. Yes, sex too is limited in its power. I know very well how limited. But tell me, what power is greater?
    — Philip Roth
  • Shawn
    Yes, sex too is limited in its power. I know very well how limited. But tell me, what power is greater? — Philip Roth

    The upholding of duty. Definitely not sex, as it may seem.
  • T Clark
    It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how Nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about Nature. — Niels Bohr
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