• Benkei
    That's written as if Democrats had a choice. They didn't. The Democratic party moved right in the 80s because rightism was just too powerful. It was either work with them or become completely irrelevant.frank

    If fascists were "too powerful" we should therefore emulate them? Sounds like the worst excuse ever. I'd suggest it was that monied interests wanted certain things from politicians and politicians got paid well if they'd provide the policy outcomes corporations and rich people wanted.
  • Punshhh
    Yes, the same in the UK. Labour had to become Tory light to win power back in 1997. During the successful days of the 1980/90's capitalism was king, politics drifted to the right, thinking things could only get better.

    Then globalisation started to bite.
  • Benkei
    But as far as I can see as an outsider, most of the American Left choose to ignore this and just throw in their lot with the liberals.jamalrob

    Not AOC thank God. What Trump has shown is that money doesn't make the campaign, which is good as that opens the door for actual progressives. The truce in the Democratic party is over.

    I did think James Clyburn had something useful to say about sloganeering and how that creates risks for making political gains in certain areas. I hope that The Squad takes that advice on board. But the conclusion some other mainstream Democrats made that the Democrats should move further right to court the "undecided Republican" is insanity.
  • Punshhh
    Unfortunately its human nature to become complacent when one is in a position of privelidge. This is what the political class did, they were complacent in the face of the global economic changes.
  • frank
    Yes, the same in the UK. Labour had to become Tory light to win power back in 1997. During the successful days of the 1980/90's capitalism was king, politics drifted to the right, thinking things could only get better.

    Then globalisation started to bite.

    There's no fighting prosperity. Leftism has to wait.
  • Baphomet

    Because Biden wants no association with any of the policy goals that Bernie, AOC, and other progressives in the Democratic Party have pushed for. He corrects his interlocutors anytime they accuse him of being a socialist or even being a "trojan horse" for socialism.

    See who Biden taps for his Cabinet. I will put money down the pool of candidates will be CEOs, moderate administrators from non-profit organizations, and other liberal like-minded lawmakers.

    And what's really frustrating is how the rightwing media and many conservatives love to label the Democrats as being communists wanting to usher in socialism. They are hysterical about it. If only the Democrats had the cojones to fully embrace the label and be a communist party...

    Bernie was already the compromise candidate for the left. And even still you had primary candidates like Michael Bloomberg who fought so hard against Bernie becoming the nominee. Biden is A-OK because he isn't a threat to Bloomberg's way of exploitingliving. The financial capitalists can rest easy knowing there will be no intrusion on what they do. Heck Biden was the only "barely-just-left-of center" primary candidate.

    And to be fair to Biden, he is already hamstrung with both a Republican controlled Senate and Supreme Court. So if he wasn't already going to be a worthless agent of "change", it's all assuredly guaranteed.

    What can Biden do to "unite" this country then? Take a page from Obama's playbook on more "hope and change" platitudes? Trump's loyal base already thinks he's an illegitimate president-elect so I can't see what Biden can say that would change their minds. He's got to do something but how can he? Stifled by the separation of powers and ideologically not capable of radical change that so desperately needs to happen with American politics.
  • Benkei
    I have a new conspiracy theory and since everybody loved my last one: Trump can't accept defeat because he rigged and cheated himself and as such can't believe it didn't work so the other side must have cheated as well in his mind.

    And here's proof, after Trump told people to vote twice that's exactly what Republicans did: https://news.yahoo.com/nc-man-says-told-polls-223318035.html?guccounter=1

    Shame on you Richard Brecht! Somebody go threaten him with a lawsuit or something.
  • Hippyhead
    If only the Democrats had the cojones to fully embrace the label and be a communist party...Baphomet

    Exactly, what we need in America is to follow the example of Cuba and Venezuela! Brain dead cojones, that's what is needed!!!

    What can Biden do to "unite" this country then?Baphomet

    He can not go to the podium every day to tell blatant lies while jamming his finger in to the eyes of everyone he's ever met for our entertainment.
  • Hippyhead
    Could commentators please share the following information about themselves?

    1) Have you ever been to America?

    2) At what point in American history did you become an adult?

    My answer, lived in America my entire life, came to maturity during the Vietnam War.
  • Jamal

    1) Have you ever been to America?

    I've seen it from the Canadian Falls at Niagara. Does that count?

    2) At what point in American history did you become an adult?

    The era of R. Reagan and F. Bueller.
  • Michael
    1) Have you ever been to America?Hippyhead


    2) At what point in American history did you become an adult?Hippyhead

    2006. The same point in every nation's history.
  • Baden
    The same point in every nation's history.Michael

    In some places, you're not an adult until you climb up a tree, stick your hand into a beehive, and steal a fistful of honeycomb. Not suggesting you do that, of course. Unless you really want to.
  • Hippyhead
    Thanks Michael and Jamalrob.

    Jamalrob, I voted for Sarah Palin because she can see Russia from her backyard. :-) So your application is accepted.
  • Hippyhead
    In some places, you're not an adult until you climb up a tree, stick your hand into a beehive, and steal a fistful of honeycomb.Baden

    Ha! I'm an adult then, sorta. True story, I once leaned over to the right putting my hand and full body weight on a wasp's nest. YEOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW! No honeycomb, but I'm still some kind of adult. A stupid one probably.
  • unenlightened
    And what exactly were - are - those "material conditions"?tim wood

    The deputy sheriffs, the soldiers, the governors get paid
    And the marshals and cops get the same
    But the poor white man's used in the hands of them all like a tool
    He's taught in his school
    From the start by the rule
    That the laws are with him
    To protect his white skin
    To keep up his hate
    So he never thinks straight
    'Bout the shape that he's in
    But it ain't him to blame
    He's only a pawn in their game.
    — Bob Dylan
  • jorndoe
    The discontent with the US Elite-versus-Commoner thing (and "the swamp" and "class divide" etc), aren't those issues related to US free enterprising and capitalism...?
    Just seems odd to keep pointing elsewhere, to keep emphasizing lower taxes and less government, and the ordinary family still expecting to readily be able to put their kids through a solid educational system equally available to everyone, reliable health care, etc.
    Wouldn't you want government to facilitate and organize such likes, since government is employed by voters in the first place?
    That's not an objection to capitalism, just seeing the US situation as odd.
  • Pfhorrest
    Born and raised in California, Elder Millennial (HS Class of 2000).
  • Relativist
    You have a lot of valid concerns, but what is your wish list of things for a President (your ideal of a President) to do?
  • magritte
    Expect this next few months to be scorched earth destruction on the part of Trump. Yall ain't done at all.StreetlightX

    :alarmed: He is replacing a number of Defense Dept officials. Just to be paranoid, which is called for with HeWhoMustNotBeNamed, is this just childish revenge or part of a preparation to mobilize federal agents as was done against the Portland protests?
    While the personnel changes added to the tumult in the wake of Esper's departure, it's not clear how much impact they could have on the massive Pentagon bureaucracy. The department is anchored by the tenet of civilian control of the military — NBC News
  • Wayfarer
    OK here's a Trump update. His repeated claims that he was 'cheated' out of election victory have been utterly refuted by a statement from his own election officials (whose work and dedication he impugns every time he speaks). His lawsuits purporting to show that electoral fraud was committed are going nowhere. And as it stands, the Electoral College vote is at 306 for Biden which is the same number that Trump won with in 2016. Yet he refuses to concede and won't even mention Biden by name. "Loyal republicans" are "doubling down" on his transparent falsehoods regarding the election result and refusing to acknowledge that Trump has clearly lost the election, some of them even saying they're preparing for a second term. Meanwhile he continues the charade of preparing for a second term, and hiring and firing as he sees fit, mainly to stack the beauracracy with personnel who will continue to demonstrate subservience.

    It seems abundantly clear that the wheels of democracy will in fact grind Trump out of office come 20th Jan. The first stop is certification of the electoral college vote which culimates 14th Dec. Yet he will draw this out as far as possible, once again demonstrating his contempt for democratic norms, the constitution and the rule of law. American citizens are dying in enormous numbers due to a pandemic he utterly failed to control, and yet, in his mind, the only thing that matters is that he didn't win. This is the only thing he will ever weep about, as the only genuine emotion he's capable of is self-pity.

    (I would have hoped that Trump had rode into the sunset by now, or been tarred and feathered and dumped on the city outskirts, but as neither has happened I felt compelled to comment.)
  • Pfhorrest
    If it weren't for, you know... all the dire practical consequences of Trump refusing to concede... I'd be eagerly looking forward to seeing him forcibly escorted from the White House on Jan 20th.

    But, you know... there are all those dire consequences, so, I'd rather those go away than get to watch the amusing spectacle.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    It seems abundantly clear that the wheels of democracy will in fact grind Trump out of office come 20th Jan.Wayfarer

    Trump seems to be losing more than the election. The question is not how long till he's out of office, but how long until he's committed to a mental institution.
  • ssu
    Earlier some people were worried that Trump might stage a coup. I didn't agree with that and I just presumed that what could follow is epic Trumpian confusion. Yet seems that isn't going to happen.

    There's no "smoking gun" for election fraud. No ominous plans for a coup. Who would implement it? As I said, you would need a lot more balls and cunning than this trash talking media bully can do. The QAnon people might have been active in social media, but they aren't in the government. And the Republicans aren't going to rock the boat for Trump. They just understand that 76 million voted for Biden and 71 million (was it so?) voted for Trump and Trump is listened in Republican circles. At least still. Seems to be that Trump won't go with a bang, but with a whimper. For Trump that is fitting. The response that attorney general Barr's memo, mainly put there to woo the President, did get some response from his own department:

    Perhaps finally now the Trump hating media is understanding that his immature tweets aren't worth the outrage or even commenting and what he does comment doesn't matter so much, because it's not actually real US policy. These media outcries against Trump has only kept Trump in the limelight and his followers happy about thinking that Trump is doing something. Because the actual work is not much. Just look at the wall. And not starting a new war (just killing an Iranian general and getting Iran to lob missiles into US bases didn't start it) is actually, really, not a huge accomplishment.
  • NOS4A2

    Because the actual work is not much. Just look at the wall. And not starting a new war (just killing an Iranian general and getting Iran to lob missiles into US bases didn't start it) is actually, really, not a huge accomplishment.

    But “normalization” and the brokering of diplomatic relations between Israel and some Arab states is a huge accomplishment.

    I remember you telling me that putting your son-in-law in charge of the Middle East policy with absolutely no idea about politics in the area is absurd. This was during the fear-mongering about the brief Turkey-PLK spat—so much talk of genocide, world war 3, and ISIS, none of which occurred. Yet during his brief time there the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan normalize relations with Israel. These are countries that were a part of the Khartoum resolution of 1967, which essentially forbids peace with Israel. Even Ambassador Jim Jeffry, who once signed a letter proclaiming Trump a danger to the world, is going to recommend the Biden administration continue the Trump administration Middle East policies. He says it yielded better stability in the area than his predecessors.

    So it’s not only that he didn’t start new wars, but he moved forward on peace in the Middle East, something that no virtue-signalling, “compassionate conservatism”, hopey-changey government could ever hope to accomplish.
  • Baden

    You keep repeating this rubbish despite being refuted. So, again, Trump didn't do shit of substance in the Middle East. You can't make peace between countries that are not only not at war, but are not even in meaningful conflict. Meanwhile the parties that are in conflict, either directly or by proxy, eg. Israel, Palestine, Iran, still are, and are, in fact, further away from peace than ever due to Trump's one-sided approach, which included the inflammatory acts of relocating the US embassy to Jerusalem and withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.

    So, Trump's efforts at "peace" amounted to nothing more than granting a Netanyahu wishlist while attempting to bribe the Palestinians with a few billon to shut them up. That failed miserably, so he was reduced to this pathetic PR effort of "normalising relations" between Israel and a few Arab countries that had no part in the conflict. He did this for one reason and one reason only, so he and his sycophants could proclaim to an ignorant public that he made "peace" in the Middle East. Utter BS, the Middle East, in terms of the protagonists that actually matter, is further away from peace than ever.
  • Baden
    ... Of course, I'm wrong, Trump made peace in the Middle East, won the election by a landslide, and is a very stable genius. :brow:
  • Jamal
    Trump didn't do shit of substance in the Middle EastBaden

    Apparently the killing of Qasem Soleimani substantially hurt the Iranian efforts to dominate the Middle East.
  • Baden

    Out of context. In terms of hurting the other side, yes, he hurt Iran with that attack. But it could hardly be argued that that was a successful effort to forge peace. In fact, it almost led to a dangerous escalation.
  • Baden
    From the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz:

    Achieving the Impossible, Trump May Leave the Middle East Worse Than He Found It

    Trump deserves praise for brokering normalization accords between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, and Sudan is the latest to join the list. In exchange, each country received a gift package suited to its needs: the UAE got F-35 fighters; Sudan was removed from the list of state sponsors of terrorism; and Bahrain will get what’s left over.

    But a deal of the century that would end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it isn’t. Trump didn’t work any miracles; he didn’t resolve a bloody conflict between Israel and any Arab state.

    He gave a seal of approval to the continuation of the occupation and the annexation of the Golan Heights. He moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. And he destroyed Washington’s status as a mediator between Israel and the Palestinians, and thereby any hope of a diplomatic horizon for both Israelis and Palestinians.


    But the crown jewel of Trump’s business doctrine was actually a liquidation: his withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran in 2018.


    Trump’s efforts to heal the quarrel that pitted Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UAE against Qatar, which hosts the largest U.S. base in the Middle East, also failed. The economic blockade that the Gulf states and Egypt imposed on Qatar resulted in the latter forging closer relations with Turkey and Iran, which have formed an alliance that seeks to replace the pro-American Arab axis.


    We can only hope that the next U.S. presidential term will be a boring one, devoid of passions and without a clown running the world.

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