• Mikie
    If the national Democrats could be more like Minnesotans, perhaps they'd have a better shot.

    Minnesota now offers 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave, the opportunity for any resident to buy into Medicaid, free public college tuition for low- and middle-income families, a new child tax credit for those families, free breakfast and lunch for all public school students, driver’s licenses for all residents regardless of their immigration status, and stronger protections for workers seeking to unionize.

    Middle-class seniors will no longer have to pay state income taxes on Social Security benefits. A law immediately restoring the voting rights of felons who have completed their prison sentences expanded the franchise to 55,000 more people. Minnesotans serving life behind bars for crimes they committed as minors are now eligible for supervised release 15 years into their sentence. Suspending gun permits for people experiencing a mental health crisis got easier. Recreational marijuana is legal. A new state law protects abortion rights. A “trans refuge” law shields transgender children who travel to Minnesota for medical transitions from legal repercussions in their home states. And Minnesota has set a goal of moving to 100% carbon-free energy by 2040.

  • 180 Proof
    "31 counts of Violating The Espionage Act ..." :shade:

    (Update pending on imminent US Federal indictments for Obstruction of Justice, Espionage, etc.)180 Proof
    No longer "pending" ...



    It's only a matter of time, @Mikie, before Traitor-1 buckles under the crush of criminal indictments & civil lawsuits. :victory: :smirk:
  • Mikie

    Then I’ll owe you $10 to the charity of your choice, or whatever we agreed on. Happily.
  • 180 Proof
    All decent families are alike; each corrupt family is corrupt in its own way.

    Sleepy Joe's family:

    • Hunter Biden
    e.g. 2013 energy industry (China) & 2014 "Burisma" (Ukraine) – more than $10 million (investigated by DoJ special counsel since 2018 that has resulted in guilty plea (pending as of 20Jun2023) to two misdemeanor tax charges plus five years probation on an unrelated firearm charge)

    Traitor/Seditionist-1's family:

    • Ivanka & Jared Kushner
    e.g. $640 million jointly reported "investment" income while both were employed by the WH 2017-2021 (re: deals in China, etc – yet to be investigated)

    • Jared Kushner
    e.g. $2 billion from Saudi Arabia in 2021 for ??? (yet to be investigated)

    • Ivanka Kushner, Donald Trump Jr & Eric Trump
    e.g. along with their father, they are principles of the Trump Organization, currently facing civil lawsuit by NYS AG for over 200 documented cases of (state & federal felony) tax fraud, etc from 2011-2015 for at least $250 million (trial begins 2Oct23)

    @NOS4A2 – Like Hillary's emails, IDGAF about Hunter Biden's laptop. :victory: :mask:

    @Hanover @Wayfarer @Maw @Mikie @frank
  • Hanover
    I wish Christie had a chance, but I don't expect him to last. He's a solid opposition voice, although that seems to be more the result of Trump shunning him by not rewarding him for his support following Trump's (actual) presidential win. Who knows. If Trump had embraced him early on, maybe he'd be another Rudy Giuliani clown show by now.

    Trump's father Fred lived to 93, so it looks like maybe Donald will actually live through all these trials.
  • Tzeentch

    You may get to vote for an actual person this time, Americans. Don't disappoint please.

    I'm not sure the world can handle another four years of muppets and puppets on the throne.
  • frank

    I think maybe he's going to jail for real this time.
  • Benkei
    About 30 years too late.
  • frank

    Most of the Republicans running for president say they'll pardon him if elected. :confused:
  • Wayfarer
    House Censures Adam Schiff Over His Role Investigating Trump.

    Complete waste of time, as has no chance of passing the Senate, only serving to illustrate the mendacity and corruption of MAGA Republicans.

    Adam Schiff said, for his part, “You honor me with your enmity. You flatter me with this falsehood. You who are the authors of a big lie about the last election must condemn the truth tellers, and I stand proudly before you.”
  • RogueAI
    It figures you would like that kook.
  • Benkei
    Jesus. Political opponents are now enemies and a mainstream newspaper uses that language as if it's normal. And none of you seem to have an issue with it. You realise the USA is completely fucked right?
  • 180 Proof
    That ain't news, B. For decades now national politricks in the US has been as legitimate as professional wrestling. :mask:
  • RogueAI
    The U.S. has been through much worse times than this. Trumpism will pass.
  • Tzeentch
    Historically, it's the norm that people don't realize the ship is sinking.
  • NOS4A2
    Schiff promised them evidence of Russian collusion and when he didn’t deliver they didn’t care. He deceived congress, the public, and the world and it is quickly forgotten. They followed the Big Lie™ all the way to the end.
  • 180 Proof
    Whoever the Dem candidate will be in the end will decisively beat any GOP canditate in 2024 due to a significamt "leftward" shift in support by Independents and higher turnout by Dems base voters because of Traitor-Seditionist-1's multiple prosecutions and SCOTUS' MAGA decisions on abortion plus ...
  • RogueAI
    I hope so, but this stupid country is totally capable of electing Trump again.
  • 180 Proof
    As long as Shillary isn't the supremely unpopular Dems nominee who carelessly throws away the election again, IMO, Traitor-Seditionist1 can't win.
  • Mikie
    due to a significamt "leftward" shift in support by Independents180 Proof

    Not seeing that leftward shift in independents yet.
  • EricH
    I wish this were so, but the Democrats have a unique ability to undermine their own chances. If there are 19 ways to win an election and 1 way to lose, the Dems will seize that one chance out of 20. They will occasionally win because they do not correctly implement that one chance and actually win through incompetence.
  • Mikie
    Cornel West is running as a Green Party candidate.

    I like Cornel West very much. I think more serious parties is a good idea and would be an improvement in our two party system.

    On the other hand, third party votes in swing states are a waste and, essentially, a de facto vote for one’s least preferred candidate. That’s simple arithmetic, so it’s always puzzled me why some people push for not voting given the importance of the election in a country like the US, where even small differences between parties make a big difference in the world.

    However, I’m trying to give the idea more weight. Chris Hedges, a person I admire and have much to learn from, seems to advocate for this position. He’s helping Cornel West. He seems to believe that the only way out of this cycle is to make the Democratic Party afraid, to the point where there’s real reforms.

    I need to think more about it, but it still seems to me misguided.
  • 180 Proof
    Yeah, in 2024 that "1 way to lose" will be the same as 2016: HRC. The Dems don't learn new tricks often ... though maybe VP Harris :yikes: (if Biden drops out of the race and the Dems don't nominate e.g. Gov Newsom, Gov Whitmer, et al) – HRC redux.

    Btw, Putin's Bitch & MAGA GOP candidates have lost in 2018, 2020 & 2022. Despite media hysteria (which is needed apparently to keep the rabble mobilized), MAGA GOP prospects in 2024 are even bleaker in no small part due to SCOTUS' 2022, 2023 (& probably 2024) rulings.

    Not seeing that leftward shift in independents yetMikie
    Neither do I. Be patient. Remember "the red tsunami" of 2022? The GOP "sweep" was predicted it had seemed by everybody (except me).
    Thanks, "Independents". :smirk:
  • Mikie
    Remember "the red tsunami" of 2022? The GOP "sweep" was predicted it had seemed by everybody (except me).180 Proof

    True…no doubt it’ll tighten up as time goes by. Always does. Nominating Trump is probably a mistake, but I can’t underestimate the electorate’s ability to do silly things.
  • 180 Proof
    If I had to, I bet that Trump won't be the GOP nominee (though a MAGA shithead will be).
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