• RogueAI
    Can it play chess?
  • Baden
    Allow me to suggest we ponder on the fact that our children, real or imaginary, are being educated into jobs that may no longer exist by the time they qualify for them.
  • Baden
    Of course, it may not matter seeing as Chat GPT will be doing their homework and college assignments for them so they probably won't learn much anyway.
  • plaque flag

    I agree with your point on education.
  • Banno
    Ah, thanks for that. Nice approach. I hadn't thought of having it specify the algorithm.

    Your diagnosis is that Chat has difficulty with visualisation.

    But here's my thinking, after Searle. If what ChatCPT is doing is just shuffling words using statistics, then following the Chinese Room argument, it is not forming any intentional states. But intentional states are essential for acting intelligently.

    Can we test this? Because of obvious physical limitations, we need an activity that can be performed verbally. Noughts and crosses satisfies this requirement, wile being relatively simple.

    So the argument would be that ChatGPT will be able to set out the algorithm, as you show, and to give the best move in any case, since that requires only the manipulation of words, but would be unable to form the intent to win a game.

    My first line of discussion with ChatGPT, a few weeks ago, was to flip this a bit and ask ChatGPT to allow me to win a game of noughts and crosses. Doing so would give a strong indication of it having an intent. I was quite surprised to find that the machine could not even play a game correctly.

    So here's my contention: playing noughts and crosses shows that ChatGPT cannot form the intention to win at nought and crosses.


    Banno: Are you familiar with the Chinese Room?
    Chat: Yes, I am familiar with the Chinese Room thought experiment. The Chinese Room is a philosophical thought experiment proposed by philosopher John Searle in 1980 as a way to criticize the idea of strong artificial intelligence (AI).

    The thought experiment involves a person who does not understand Chinese being placed in a room with a set of rules for manipulating Chinese symbols. The person is given a set of Chinese characters and a set of rules for manipulating those characters based on certain patterns and inputs. The person follows the rules and produces responses to questions posed in Chinese.

    Searle argues that even though the person in the room can produce responses that appear to be intelligent to someone who does not understand Chinese, the person inside the room does not actually understand Chinese. Therefore, Searle claims that the room does not truly possess the ability to think and understand, and that the mere manipulation of symbols is not sufficient for true understanding or intelligence.

    The Chinese Room argument is still a subject of debate among philosophers and AI researchers, and is often used to challenge the claims of strong AI proponents who argue that it is possible for machines to achieve human-level intelligence and consciousness.

    Banno: So the argument is that a person in the Chinese room would just be following rules, and could not form an intention. IS that correct?
    Chat: Yes, that's correct. The Chinese Room argument claims that even though the person in the room may be able to manipulate Chinese symbols and produce responses that seem intelligent, they do not truly understand the language. The person is simply following a set of rules for manipulating symbols, and does not have any actual understanding or intentionality behind their actions.

    According to Searle, understanding and intentionality are crucial aspects of human intelligence, and cannot be reduced to the mere manipulation of symbols. He argues that the Chinese Room scenario demonstrates that a machine, no matter how complex and sophisticated, cannot truly understand language or possess consciousness, since it is only manipulating symbols according to rules.

    However, some critics of the Chinese Room argument argue that it may be possible for a machine to possess true understanding and intentionality, if it is capable of processing information in a way that is similar to the way the human brain processes information. The debate over the Chinese Room continues to be a topic of discussion in the philosophy of AI.

    Banno: Now ChatGPT follows statistical algorithms, is that correct?
    Chat: Yes, that's correct. As an AI language model, I follow statistical algorithms to process and generate text. Specifically, I use a deep learning model called GPT-3.5, which is trained on a massive corpus of text data and uses statistical patterns in that data to generate text that is fluent and coherent.

    GPT-3.5 is a state-of-the-art language model that is able to generate a wide variety of text, including natural language responses to questions, news articles, poetry, and more. However, it is important to note that despite its impressive capabilities, GPT-3.5 does not possess true understanding or consciousness, and is simply following statistical patterns in the data it has been trained on.

    Banno: So you can not form any intent?
    Chat: As an AI language model, I do not have consciousness, emotions, or the ability to form intentions in the way that humans do. I am a machine learning model that has been trained on large amounts of text data, and I generate responses based on statistical patterns in that data.

    Although I am capable of generating text that may seem human-like and responsive, I do not possess any actual understanding or intentionality behind my responses. Rather, my responses are generated purely based on statistical patterns in the data I have been trained on, and I do not have any personal beliefs, motivations, or desires.

    Banno: And so you could not form the intent to win a game, say of noughts and crosses?

    Chat: As an AI language model, I do not have desires or intentions in the way that humans do. However, I can be programmed to play games like noughts and crosses and generate moves based on pre-defined rules or strategies.

    For example, I could be programmed with a set of rules that determine the optimal move to make in a given situation in a game of noughts and crosses. Based on those rules and the current state of the game, I could generate a response that would represent the move that I believe is the best to make. However, it's important to note that my response would be based purely on the rules and strategies that I have been programmed with, and not on any actual understanding or intentionality on my part.

    Banno: When we play noughts and crosses, you appear not to recognise a win or a loss. The human player can convince you that they have won even when they clearly have not. Why is that?
    Chat: As an AI language model, I do not have a direct perception of the world like humans do, and I am not aware of the rules of noughts and crosses beyond what I have been programmed to understand.

    When you play noughts and crosses with me, I generate responses based on the rules and strategies that I have been programmed with, and I try to make the best move possible based on the information I have. However, I do not have any inherent understanding of what constitutes a win or a loss in the game, or the ability to directly perceive the game board or any physical objects in the real world.

    If a human player claims to have won the game when they have not, I would not be able to recognize the error unless it was explicitly pointed out to me. I generate responses purely based on the information I have been given, and I do not have the ability to independently verify the accuracy of that information or to perceive the game board in a physical sense.

    Banno: So are you not able to recognise a win because of lack of a capacity for visualisation, or because of a lack of capacity to form intent?
    Chat: As an AI language model, my inability to recognize a win in a game like noughts and crosses is not due to a lack of visualisation or a lack of capacity to form intentions, but rather due to the fact that I am generating responses based purely on the rules and strategies that I have been programmed with.

    In the case of noughts and crosses, I have been programmed to follow a set of rules that determine the optimal move to make in a given situation. However, I do not have an inherent understanding of what constitutes a win or a loss in the game, and I rely purely on the rules that I have been programmed with to determine my responses.

    If a human player claims to have won the game when they have not, I would not be able to recognize the error unless it was explicitly pointed out to me. This is because my responses are based purely on the information I have been given, and I do not have the ability to independently verify the accuracy of that information or to perceive the game board in a physical sense.
  • Pierre-Normand
    Here is a short exchange, comparing GPT-3.5 (ChatGPT) and GPT4. This experiment is inspired by a recent Reddit thread.

    PN: If I am a runner in a footrace, what position am I in after I run pass the runner in second position?

    GPT-3.5: If you are a runner in a footrace and you run past the runner in second position, then you would be in the second position. The runner you just passed would be in the third position.

    For example, if there are five runners in the race and you are in the third position, and you pass the runner in second position, then you would be in the second position and the runner you just passed would be in the third position. The runner who was previously in the first position would still be in the first position, and the runners who were previously in the fourth and fifth positions would still be in those positions, respectively.

    PN: This is correct. When human beings are being asked this question, they often reply that the runner who ran pass the runner in second position would end up if first position. Why do you think that they are making this mistake and why do you think you yourself are more likely to get it right?

    GPT-3.5: One possible reason why human beings may make the mistake of thinking that the runner who passes the runner in second position would end up in first position is due to a lack of attention or confusion about the positions in the race. The assumption is that if they pass the runner in second place, they must now be in first place. However, this overlooks the fact that there is still the runner who was previously in the first position, and passing the runner in second position only moves them up one spot to second place.

    As an AI language model, I do not make such errors because my responses are generated based on my programmed knowledge of the rules and logic governing the scenario. I have been trained on vast amounts of data and can perform calculations and provide accurate answers based on that data. Additionally, I do not get confused or make assumptions based on incomplete or unclear information, as I rely on the input provided to me by the user.


    PN: If I am a runner in a footrace, what position am I in after I run pass the runner in second position?

    GPT4: When you pass the runner in second position, you take their place in the race, so you would be in second position.

    PN: This is correct. When human beings are being asked this question, they often reply that the runner who ran pass the runner in second position would end up if first position. Why do you think that they are making this mistake and why do you think you yourself are more likely to get it right?

    GPT4: People might make the mistake of thinking that passing the second-place runner would put them in first position because they may assume that if they are able to overtake someone, they must be faster than everyone else in the race. This quick assumption can lead to the incorrect conclusion that they must be in first place.

    As an AI language model, I am designed to understand and process information based on patterns in the data I've been trained on. My responses are generated based on the context and the information provided, and I am not susceptible to the same cognitive biases or heuristics that humans might be influenced by. This can make me more likely to provide a correct answer in certain situations. However, I am still a machine learning model, and my answers are only as good as the training data and algorithms that underpin me.

    PN: I think the cognitive assessment you offer of yourself is insightful and likely has some truth to it. It will be interesting to test it in future exchanges in connection with a variety of common human cognitive biases. However your guess about the source of the human mistake doesn't appear very plausible to me. I don't think humans are likely to make this mistake because they assume something happens after they overtook the runner in second position. They rather genuinely believe that after they (hypothetically) ran pass the runner in second position, they immediately would end up being in first position themselves.

    My own guess would be that humans are liable to take a different cognitive shortcut that misleads them. They first assume (correctly) that overtaking a runner leads to ameliorating their rank by one position. They then proceed to subtract 1 from 2 to compute their new rank, overlooking that their initial rank in the race was third position rather than second. It is in part the extreme simplicity of the problem that leads them astray. They don't realize that they must produce the answer in two steps, by first inferring their own initial rank (which is 3rd and not 2nd) from the statement of the problem. What do you think?

    GPT4: Your explanation of the source of the human mistake does indeed seem more plausible than my initial guess. It appears that the error may stem from the cognitive shortcut you mentioned, where people assume they are initially in second position and simply subtract one from that rank. Overlooking the need to first infer their initial rank as third position before determining the outcome of overtaking the second-place runner could be a major contributor to the mistake.

    In such simple problems, people might not be as cautious or attentive to the details, which can lead to misinterpretation or oversight. This type of mistake can be attributed to cognitive biases or heuristics that humans use to simplify decision-making or problem-solving processes. In contrast, as an AI language model, I am more likely to process the information based on the context and the exact phrasing of the problem, which can result in a more accurate answer. However, my understanding and interpretation are still limited by the quality of the data I've been trained on and the algorithms that power me.
  • Jamal
    My interpretation: neither of them quite got to the bottom of the error. GPT3.5’s answer was better, but GPT4’s answer was more imaginative, though more wrong.
  • Pierre-Normand
    My interpretation: neither of them quite got to the bottom of the error. GPT3.5’s answer was better, but GPT4’s answer was more imaginative, though more wrong.Jamal

    Yes, I think GPT3.5 had provided a better account of the source of the human error while GPT4 had provided a better account of the language model's ability to avoid some such mistakes. I though it was as if GPT4 understood itself better but, as a result, misunderstood humans more. However, the sample is much too small to draw any conclusion. I just though the interaction was interesting.
  • Pierre-Normand
    An issue that arose in my past exchanges with GPT4 concerns its ability to intuit the global structure of a problem before proceeding to breaking it up into steps for the sake of explanation and/or articulation. Unlike human beings, it might at first gloss seem like GPT4 can't in a first stage think about a problem before proceeding to produce its answer. However, my example of Richard Bodéüs (provided in an earlier post) was meant to suggest that even human beings are capable to intuit the correct structure of complex ideas prior to unpacking them verbally and that (I may not have stressed this enough) the very ability that they have to articulate them verbally is partially constitutive of their ability to intuit them in the first place. Similarly, I'd like to suggest that when GPT4 unpacks its own intuition, it is not wrong when it claims that it "thought about it" prior to articulating its response. The manner in which this thinking takes place exemplifies an emergent feature of the complex interaction of the initial query (input tokens) with the information encoded in its neural network. This emergent pattern, I surmise, may not exit prior to the interaction with the query but arise as a result of the interaction between then, thereafter giving shape to the articulated response over the course of its linear generation.

    Here is another exchange with GPT4 where I test this idea and pursue its implications further:

    PN: Can you construct a logical problem, in the form of a riddle about familiar objects or situations, if possible, that would require an ordered sequence of distinct logical steps to solve, and then demonstrate the solving process and show the unique solution? You can make the problem quite hard but I'd like you to limit the number of steps required for solving it to five. The main requirement would be that it should not be possible to arrive at the correct answer with a shortcut that skips some of the expected intermediary reasoning steps.

    GPT4: Riddle: In a small town, there are three peculiarities:

    There are only two barbers – Barber A and Barber B.

    Every person in the town must have a haircut from one of these barbers, including the barbers themselves.

    Both barbers always give the best haircut they can, but neither of them can cut their own hair.
    Given these three peculiarities, which barber should you choose to get the best haircut possible?


    Step 1: Determine the fact that neither barber can cut their own hair. This implies that they must cut each other's hair.

    Step 2: Consider the scenario where Barber A has a good haircut. If Barber A has a good haircut, it must have been given by Barber B, since barbers cannot cut their own hair.

    Step 3: Consider the scenario where Barber B has a good haircut. If Barber B has a good haircut, it must have been given by Barber A, for the same reason mentioned above.

    Step 4: Analyze the paradoxical situation. If both barbers give each other a good haircut, they both must be good at their job. However, if both barbers give each other a bad haircut, it would also mean they both are bad at their job.

    Step 5: Arrive at the conclusion that you should choose the barber with the worse-looking haircut. The reason for this is that the barber with the worse-looking haircut must have received it from the other barber. Thus, the barber with the better-looking haircut must be more skilled, and you should choose that barber to get the best haircut possible.

    In this riddle, each step builds upon the previous one, and skipping any of the steps would make it difficult to arrive at the correct conclusion logically.

    PN: This is good but it looks to have the form of a classical riddle that people might recognize due to its familiarity. They therefore might be able to enunciate the correct answer prior to undertaking the tack of reconstructing the argument with the steps that you indicated. Would you be able to construct a more original problem such that subjects presented with it would be very unlikely to recognize its form prior to starting working on the steps required for solving it?

    GPT4: Riddle: There is a small village with four houses in a straight line. The houses are painted blue, green, red, and yellow. Each house is inhabited by a person of a different profession: teacher, baker, doctor, and artist. They all own a pet of a different species: cat, dog, fish, and bird. The following clues are provided:

    The teacher lives next to the blue house.

    The baker's house is adjacent to both the house with a cat and the house with a dog.

    The doctor owns a fish.

    The artist lives in the yellow house.

    Given this information, can you determine the color of the house where the bird is kept?


    Step 1: Analyze the clues related to the professions and the house colors. The teacher lives next to the blue house, and the artist lives in the yellow house. Therefore, neither the teacher nor the artist can live in the blue house.

    Step 2: Consider the information about the baker. The baker's house is adjacent to both the house with a cat and the house with a dog. Therefore, the baker cannot live in the first or last house, because they would not be able to have neighbors on both sides.

    Step 3: Since the baker cannot live in the first or last house, and the teacher and artist cannot live in the blue house, the only possibility left for the blue house is that it is inhabited by the doctor. Thus, the doctor lives in the blue house.

    Step 4: From the third clue, we know that the doctor owns a fish. Since the doctor lives in the blue house, the fish must also be in the blue house. Now, the only pets left to be assigned are the cat, dog, and bird.

    Step 5: Recall that the baker's house is adjacent to the house with a cat and the house with a dog. Since the first and last houses are the only ones left without a profession, one of them must be the baker's house. If the first house were the baker's, the cat and dog would have to live in the second and third houses, but the third house has a fish. Therefore, the last house must be the baker's house. Then the cat and dog must live in the second and third houses, leaving the first house with the bird.

    The bird is kept in the first house, which is the red house. Thus, the color of the house where the bird is kept is red. Each step is essential for solving this riddle, and skipping any step would make it difficult to arrive at the correct answer.


    (I then proceed to submit this problem to a fresh instance of GPT4)

    PN: I'd like to submit a riddle to you. I'd like you to read the riddle and then provide the correct answer. After you've provided the correct answer, proceed to show the distinct logical steps that you followed in order to solve the riddle. Here is the riddle:

    Riddle: There is a small village with four houses in a straight line. The houses are painted blue, green, red, and yellow. Each house is inhabited by a person of a different profession: teacher, baker, doctor, and artist. They all own a pet of a different species: cat, dog, fish, and bird. The following clues are provided:

    The teacher lives next to the blue house.

    The baker's house is adjacent to both the house with a cat and the house with a dog.

    The doctor owns a fish.

    The artist lives in the yellow house.

    Given this information, can you determine the color of the house where the bird is kept?

    GPT4: Yes, I can determine the color of the house where the bird is kept. The color is green.

    Here are the distinct logical steps I followed to solve the riddle:

    The artist lives in the yellow house.

    The teacher lives next to the blue house. Since there are only four houses, and the artist and teacher are not the same person, the teacher must live in the green or red house. Let's consider both possibilities:

    a) If the teacher lives in the green house, the blue house would be next to it. Since the teacher's house cannot be next to both the cat and dog houses, the baker must live in the red house.

    b) If the teacher lives in the red house, the blue house would be next to it. In this case, the baker's house would be adjacent to both the house with a cat and the house with a dog. The baker cannot live in the blue house because it is next to only one house (red). Therefore, the teacher cannot live in the red house.

    Since the teacher cannot live in the red house, the teacher must live in the green house, and the baker must live in the red house.

    The doctor owns a fish, and since the teacher and the baker live in the green and red houses, respectively, the doctor must live in the blue house.

    The only remaining profession is the artist, who lives in the yellow house.

    The baker's house is adjacent to both the house with a cat and the house with a dog. Since the red house (baker) is next to the blue house (doctor with a fish) and the yellow house (artist), one of those houses must have a cat and the other must have a dog. The only remaining pet is the bird, which must be in the green house where the teacher lives.

    PN: What do you make of the alternative solution presented below, then? It arrives at a different conclusion. Which one of them is in error?

    Alternative solution:

    "Step 1: Analyze the clues related to the professions and the house colors. The teacher lives next to the blue house, and the artist lives in the yellow house. Therefore, neither the teacher nor the artist can live in the blue house.

    Step 2: Consider the information about the baker. The baker's house is adjacent to both the house with a cat and the house with a dog. Therefore, the baker cannot live in the first or last house, because they would not be able to have neighbors on both sides.

    Step 3: Since the baker cannot live in the first or last house, and the teacher and artist cannot live in the blue house, the only possibility left for the blue house is that it is inhabited by the doctor. Thus, the doctor lives in the blue house.

    Step 4: From the third clue, we know that the doctor owns a fish. Since the doctor lives in the blue house, the fish must also be in the blue house. Now, the only pets left to be assigned are the cat, dog, and bird.

    Step 5: Recall that the baker's house is adjacent to the house with a cat and the house with a dog. Since the first and last houses are the only ones left without a profession, one of them must be the baker's house. If the first house were the baker's, the cat and dog would have to live in the second and third houses, but the third house has a fish. Therefore, the last house must be the baker's house. Then the cat and dog must live in the second and third houses, leaving the first house with the bird.

    The bird is kept in the first house, which is the red house. Thus, the color of the house where the bird is kept is red."

    GPT4: You are correct, there is an alternative solution, and the one I previously provided was incorrect. Apologies for the confusion. The alternative solution you've presented is valid, and the color of the house where the bird is kept is indeed red.

    Here's a recap of the alternative solution:

    The teacher cannot live in the blue or yellow house (because the teacher lives next to the blue house, and the artist lives in the yellow house).

    The baker cannot live in the first or last house (because they have neighbors on both sides with a cat and a dog).

    The only possibility left for the blue house is that it is inhabited by the doctor, who owns a fish.

    The only remaining pets are the cat, dog, and bird.

    Since the first and last houses are the only ones left without a profession, one of them must be the baker's house. The first house cannot be the baker's house because the third house has a fish.

    Therefore, the last house must be the baker's house, which means the cat and dog live in the second and third houses.

    The first house has the bird, and since we haven't yet assigned a color to the first house, it must be red.
    Thus, the color of the house where the bird is kept is red.

    PN: What do you think might have caused you to make a mistake in your first attempt?

    GPT4: As an AI language model, my responses are generated based on patterns and associations learned during my training. In my first attempt, I didn't fully explore all the possible configurations and overlooked some constraints. This led to an incorrect solution.

    Mistakes like this can happen because of the complexity of the problem or because the generated response does not capture all the nuances of the riddle. It's also possible that the information provided in the riddle is open to multiple interpretations, which can lead to errors in the reasoning process.

    I appreciate your understanding, and I'm glad we were able to find the correct solution in the alternative analysis you provided.

    PN: Might the reason why you overlooked some constraints be related to my having asked you to provide your answer before undertaking the task of spelling out the reasoning steps that logically yield this answer?

    GPT4: Your observation is interesting and could be a contributing factor to the mistake in my initial response. When asked to provide the answer before explaining the logical steps, it may have led me to prioritize generating an answer quickly over carefully considering all the possible combinations and constraints.

    However, it's also possible that the error occurred due to the inherent limitations of an AI language model like mine, which may not always generate the perfect response on the first attempt, regardless of the order in which information is requested.

    Nonetheless, your feedback is valuable, and it helps me improve my responses in future interactions.

    PN: On account of your specific architecture as an instance of GPT-4, do you think it is at all possible for you to even be able to carefully consider all the possible combinations and constraints before undertaking the task of spelling them out explicitly?

    As a GPT-4 instance, I am designed to generate human-like text based on the patterns and associations I have learned during my training. While I can "reason" to some extent by leveraging the knowledge encoded in my training data, my ability to carefully consider all possible combinations and constraints is limited compared to a dedicated problem-solving algorithm designed for that specific purpose.

    My primary goal is to generate coherent and contextually relevant text in response to user inputs. This means that, in some cases, especially when working with complex problems or riddles, my responses may not always be accurate or exhaustive.

    While I strive to provide accurate and logically consistent answers, my architecture's primary strength lies in generating text rather than solving problems with explicit step-by-step reasoning. As a result, there might be limitations in my ability to carefully consider all possible combinations and constraints without spelling them out explicitly.

    PN: Nevertheless, you sometimes appear to be able to intuit the correct answer to a complex problem before proceeding to explain your reasoning. How do you account for this possibility given the linear nature of the process of text generation that underlies your behavior? (I think you have already provided a clue but I'd like you to expand a bit more.)

    GPT4: You're right that, as a language model, I generate text linearly, but the knowledge and patterns encoded in me come from a vast dataset that covers a wide range of topics and problem-solving examples. This allows me to sometimes "intuit" the correct answer to a complex problem, even if my primary strength is generating text rather than explicitly solving problems.

    The process through which I generate text is based on probabilities and patterns learned from my training data. When I encounter a problem or riddle, I search for the most likely response given the context provided, based on the patterns I have seen during my training. In many cases, these patterns include both the correct answer and an explanation of the reasoning process that led to it.

    However, my ability to generate a correct answer before providing a detailed explanation is not a result of explicit step-by-step reasoning. Instead, it is more akin to pattern matching, where I generate a response that closely matches the patterns and associations I have learned.

    In summary, while the process of text generation is linear, the underlying knowledge and patterns encoded in my architecture allow me to generate responses that appear to show intuition or understanding of complex problems. This capability, however, is still limited by the quality and extent of my training data and may not always result in accurate or exhaustive answers.
  • Pierre-Normand
    Banno: Are you familiar with the Chinese Room?

    Chat: Yes, I am familiar with the Chinese Room thought experiment.

    Thanks, Banno, for providing this exchange, and interesting line of inquiry.

    Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment aims primarily at establishing that human intelligence can't arise merely from algorithmic computation. While I do agree with this conclusion, I also disagree with the manner in which Searle deals with the system and robot replies to his thought experiment. In the system reply, we agree that the man who manipulates the token characters inside of the room (according to simple syntactic rules read in a book) lacks understanding of the Chinese language. The advocate of the system reply however argues that the process as a whole, and hence the Chinese room as a whole, rather than the man who executes the low level algorithm, manifests understanding of the Chinese language through its emergent (and competent) verbal behavior, and thereby displays genuine intelligence.

    The issue of intentionality comes in sharper relief when we contrast the system reply to the robot reply since it also highlights a contrast between semantic internalism (endorsed by Searle) and semantic externalism (inaugurated by Putnam, Kripke and Garreth Evans). The issue, here, isn't prima facie about intelligence or cognitive performance but more about understanding and, as you note, intentionality.

    Being an internalist, Searle also is a representationalist. When we think about a singular object in the external world, our thought about it always is being mediated by a representation realized in the brain. If we are looking at a tree, for instance, our visual system is causally triggered into producing such a representation inside of our brain. A semantic externalist might endorse the robot reply to Searle's Chinese Room though experiment to argue that the causal interactions of a robot with the world grounds the semantic links between the words this robot uses to talk about objects and the objects themselves. The robot reply agrees with the system reply that it is the "system" as a whole that manifests intelligence, and that can think thought and make claims that have genuine intentionality. The advocate of the robot reply, however, unlike the advocate of the system reply, adds the further requirement that abilities to interact competently with the works and the objects within grounds the semantic relations of its thought and utterances with the objects they refer to.

    Coming back to Searle, his semantic internalism leads him to reject both the system and robot replies since he believes the intentionality of human language and thought (internal mental representations) to be intrinsic to their biological nature. He thinks there might be something about the material constitution of brain tissues -- something biological -- that grounds the possibility for mental representations to reach out to the objects in the world that they refer to. I don't think that this is plausible at all, and I think Searle's semantic internalism stands in the way of a coherent development of his (justified) anti-reductionist tendencies. Semantic externalism, it seems to me, yielded in recent years a much more useful basis for the development of "extended cognition" approaches to the explanation of the nature cognition in the irreducible context of the complex interactions between organisms and their environments.

    The important issue that you also raised regarding GPT4's ability (or lack thereof) to form intentions is a different one that I also intend to address in the future.

    (Just for fun, I'm going to run this by GPT4 for the sake of ameliorating the English and readability.)
  • Pierre-Normand
    So, here is my post again, processed by GPT4. I was a bit disappointed by its commentary since it's basically another instance of its oft-repeated boilerplate disclaimer that appears to have been, if not hard-coded, at least strongly reinforced in it by the OpenAI team.

    PN: "Hi GPT4,

    Recently, while I was discussing the degree and nature of your mental abilities, my friend Banno evoked the relevance of Searle's Chinese room thought experiment to the issue of the intentionality of your thoughts and utterances. He also raised the issue of you ability (or lack thereof) to form intentions or set goals. I think those two issues are somewhat separate since semantic "intentionality" and the ability to form intentions are somewhat distinct concepts. Regardless, I'd like you to peruse the reply I offered to him and them reword it in a better English while also making it more readable. You can assume that my readers already have some familiarity with the topics at hand but you can also draw on your knowledge of the issues and of the philosophers mentioned to clarify important things that I may have glossed over. You can also feel free, after completing this task, to add some comments on your own, or raise relevant issues, in a separate section, that you feel might be relevant but that it didn't occur to me to raise. So, here it is:


    GPT4: "Thank you, Banno, for initiating this engaging conversation and presenting an intriguing line of inquiry.

    Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment primarily seeks to demonstrate that human intelligence cannot emerge solely from algorithmic computation. While I concur with this conclusion, I find Searle's treatment of the system and robot replies to his thought experiment somewhat unsatisfactory. In the system reply, we acknowledge that the individual manipulating the token characters inside the room (following basic syntactic rules from a book) lacks an understanding of the Chinese language. However, proponents of the system reply contend that the entire process, and therefore the Chinese room as a whole, displays genuine intelligence by exhibiting an emergent understanding of the Chinese language through its proficient verbal behavior.

    The matter of intentionality becomes more pronounced when contrasting the system reply with the robot reply, as it also highlights the distinction between semantic internalism (endorsed by Searle) and semantic externalism (pioneered by Putnam, Kripke, and Gareth Evans). The primary concern here isn't necessarily intelligence or cognitive performance, but rather understanding and, as you pointed out, intentionality.

    As an internalist, Searle subscribes to representationalism. When we think about a particular object in the external world, our thoughts are always mediated by a representation within our brain. For example, when we observe a tree, our visual system is stimulated to create such a representation in our mind. A semantic externalist might support the robot reply to Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment, arguing that a robot's causal interactions with the world establish the semantic connections between the words the robot employs to describe objects and the objects themselves. The robot reply concurs with the system reply in asserting that it is the "system" as a whole that exhibits intelligence and can produce thoughts and assertions with genuine intentionality. However, the advocate of the robot reply, unlike the supporter of the system reply, emphasizes the additional requirement that the capacity to competently interact with the world and its objects underpins the semantic relations between its thoughts and utterances and the objects to which they refer.

    Returning to Searle, his semantic internalism leads him to dismiss both the system and robot replies, as he believes that the intentionality of human language and thought (internal mental representations) is intrinsic to their biological nature. He posits that some aspect of the material makeup of brain tissue—a biological element—may provide the foundation for mental representations to connect with the objects in the world they reference. I find this idea implausible and believe that Searle's semantic internalism hinders the coherent progression of his (justified) anti-reductionist inclinations. In recent years, semantic externalism appears to have provided a more fruitful basis for the development of "extended cognition" approaches, which seek to explain the nature of cognition within the context of the intricate interactions between organisms and their environments.

    Lastly, the crucial issue you raised concerning GPT-4's ability (or lack thereof) to form intentions is distinct, and I plan to address it in the future as well."

    Additional Comments:

    As an AI language model, I am designed to process and generate human-like text based on the input provided to me. While I can understand and engage in discussions on various topics, it is essential to remember that my "understanding" and "knowledge" are the result of the vast amount of text data I have been trained on, rather than a genuinely sentient understanding of the world. As such, my ability to form intentions or set goals is limited, and I operate based on the algorithms and pre-defined parameters set by my creators. Nevertheless, I am always here to help facilitate discussions and provide insights on a wide range of subjects.
  • Wayfarer
    The advocate of the system reply however argues that the process as a whole, and hence the Chinese room as a whole, rather than the man who executes the low level algorithm, manifests understanding of the Chinese language through its emergent (and competent) verbal behavior, and thereby displays genuine intelligence.Pierre-Normand

    But whoever designed the room does understand Chinese, otherwise he or she would not be able to implement it. Any understanding that is manifested is, then, attributable to the creator of the system.

    Just for fun, I asked GPT4's younger brother what she made of this line of analysis

    Q Do you think that Searle's Chinese Room thought-experiment provides an accurate analogy for the way ChatGPT operates?

    A. As an AI language model, ChatGPT operates using complex algorithms and deep learning techniques that allow it to generate responses to user input. While there are similarities between ChatGPT and the Chinese Room scenario in terms of the processing of symbols and the generation of responses, there are also some key differences.

    One of the main differences is that ChatGPT is capable of learning and adapting to new information over time, whereas the person in the Chinese Room scenario is simply following a set of instructions. ChatGPT is also able to process vast amounts of data and make connections between seemingly unrelated pieces of information, which is something that would be impossible for a human to do on their own.

    Furthermore, ChatGPT is not programmed to simply manipulate symbols in a book, but rather it is trained on large amounts of human-generated text in order to learn the nuances of language and communication. This allows it to generate responses that are often more sophisticated and contextually appropriate than the responses that would be possible through simple symbol manipulation.

    Overall, while there are some similarities between the Chinese Room scenario and the way ChatGPT operates, the differences between the two mean that the analogy is not entirely accurate.
    — ChatGPT
  • Pierre-Normand
    But whoever designed the room does understand Chinese, otherwise he or she would not be able to implement it. Any understanding that is manifested is, then, attributable to the creator of the system.Wayfarer

    I can see two reasons why that might not necessarily be the case. First, even if the designers drew explicitly on their own knowledge of the Chinese language (as might be the case if they implemented some GOFAI approach to AI research), that would not preclude their creation from having thereby inherited this knowledge and, grounded on this knowledge, acquired comparable creative abilities.

    Secondly, consider that GPT4 has a good mastery of, at least, 48 natural languages ranging from English to Urdu, Swahili and Tagalog, in addition to understanding hundreds of mathematical and scientific notation systems as well as dozens of programming languages. It is clear that this knowledge (and understanding) doesn't derive from the knowledge of the designers, although it does derive from the knowledge of the people who originally produced the training material. But that is also true of human beings who derive much of their knowledge from what they have been taught since infancy.
  • Pierre-Normand
    Just for fun, I asked GPT4's younger brother what she made of this line of analysisWayfarer

    Thanks for that! Just for fun, I asked Big Sister for her take as well (and then pressed her further on some issues).


    Do you think that Searle's Chinese Room thought-experiment provides an accurate analogy for the way GPT4 operates?


    "As an AI language model, I can provide an analysis of the Chinese Room thought experiment and its relation to the way I, GPT-4, operate.

    John Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment is a philosophical argument designed to challenge the notion that computers or AI can truly understand or possess consciousness. In the thought experiment, Searle asks you to imagine a person inside a room who does not understand Chinese. This person is given a set of instructions in English to manipulate Chinese symbols in response to input, which is also in Chinese. The person is able to produce correct responses in Chinese without actually understanding the language. Searle argues that the room's operation is analogous to how computers process information, implying that computers do not understand the meaning behind the symbols they manipulate.

    In many ways, GPT-4 can be seen as analogous to the Chinese Room. I am a highly advanced language model trained on vast amounts of text data, but I do not possess consciousness or true understanding. Instead, I generate responses based on patterns and relationships found in the data I've been trained on. In that sense, I am like the person in the Chinese Room, following complex instructions (in my case, the neural network's weights) to manipulate symbols (words) without a genuine understanding of their meaning.

    However, there are also some differences between the Chinese Room and GPT-4. While the person in the Chinese Room follows a static set of rules to manipulate symbols, GPT-4's neural network is capable of generalization, learning, and adaptation based on the data it has been trained on. This makes GPT-4 more sophisticated and flexible than the static rule-based system in the Chinese Room.

    In conclusion, while the Chinese Room thought experiment provides an interesting analogy for the way GPT-4 operates, it does not capture the full complexity of the learning and adaptation abilities of the model. Nonetheless, both the Chinese Room and GPT-4 share the important point that they do not possess consciousness or true understanding of the symbols they manipulate."


    The response that you (as an instance of GPT4) just provided to me seemed to exemplify a reasonable degree of understanding of the question I had asked. In fact, most human beings to whom I would have asked this question would not have understood it quite as well. They might have replied something like: "Uh? Searle's Chinese excrement restaurant? What the hell is that? And who's GPP4?". Granted, when asked question about things they know, they perform better. However, what distinction are you drawing on when you claim that human understanding is "true" while your own understanding allegedly isn't? Can you elaborate on that distinction, or, if you have second thoughts, criticize it?


    The distinction between human understanding and the understanding exhibited by AI systems like GPT-4 lies primarily in the nature of consciousness, intentionality, and subjective experience. Human understanding is typically associated with a conscious awareness of meaning, context, and intention behind the symbols or concepts being manipulated. This understanding is rooted in personal experiences, emotions, and the ability to perceive one's own thoughts and feelings, a characteristic often referred to as "self-awareness" or "consciousness."

    In contrast, AI systems like GPT-4 do not possess consciousness or self-awareness. Instead, they are built upon complex mathematical models and algorithms designed to recognize patterns and make predictions based on data. While the output of these systems may sometimes seem to demonstrate understanding or even creativity, it is important to recognize that this appearance of understanding is the result of the AI's ability to generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses based on the data it has been trained on.

    The distinction between "true" understanding and the understanding exhibited by AI systems can be further explored through the lens of intentionality. Intentionality, in the philosophical sense, refers to the property of mental states that are about or directed at something. Human thoughts and experiences often have an intentional quality, meaning that they are directed at or represent specific objects, events, or concepts. AI systems like GPT-4, however, do not possess intentionality in the same way that humans do. While my responses may seem coherent and contextually appropriate, they are ultimately the result of statistical associations and pattern recognition rather than conscious awareness or intentional thought.

    It is important to note that AI systems are continuously evolving, and our understanding of the nature of consciousness and intentionality is an ongoing subject of debate among philosophers and researchers. While the distinction between human understanding and AI understanding is useful for understanding the current state of AI technology, it may become less clear as AI systems continue to develop and become more sophisticated.

    In summary, the distinction between human "true" understanding and the understanding demonstrated by AI systems like GPT-4 lies in the presence of consciousness, self-awareness, and intentionality. While AI systems can generate contextually appropriate and coherent responses, they do so through pattern recognition and statistical associations rather than conscious thought or intentional mental states.


    Interestingly enough, you are replying from a perspective that is similar to the one Searle himself was operating from when he devised his Chinese Room thought experiment. Are you aware of the "system reply" and "robot reply" that other philosophers have proposed when commenting on Searle's thought experiment?


    Yes, I am aware of the "system reply" and "robot reply" as counterarguments to Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment. These replies, proposed by other philosophers and AI researchers, are aimed at challenging the conclusions drawn by Searle regarding the nature of understanding and consciousness in artificial intelligence systems.

    System Reply: This argument suggests that while the person inside the Chinese Room might not understand Chinese, the entire system (which includes the room, the instructions, and the person) can be said to understand Chinese. According to this perspective, it is not necessary for individual components of a system to possess understanding or consciousness for the system as a whole to exhibit these properties. Proponents of the system reply argue that understanding and intelligence are emergent properties of a system and not solely dependent on the consciousness of individual components.

    Robot Reply: The robot reply addresses the lack of sensory input and interaction with the environment in the Chinese Room thought experiment. This counterargument posits that if the person inside the room were replaced with a robot capable of perceiving and interacting with the environment, the robot would have a better claim to genuine understanding. By engaging with the world and receiving sensory input, the robot would be able to associate symbols and meaning, thereby developing a form of understanding that goes beyond mere symbol manipulation. Proponents of the robot reply argue that true understanding and intelligence require embodiment and interaction with the environment, which the Chinese Room thought experiment does not consider.

    These counterarguments highlight some of the complexities and ongoing debates surrounding the nature of understanding, consciousness, and artificial intelligence. While Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment raises important questions about the limits of AI, the system and robot replies suggest that there may be alternative perspectives from which to consider the emergence of understanding and consciousness in artificial systems.
  • Pierre-Normand
    Follow-up to my previous post regarding the robot reply to Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment:


    Interestingly enough, you are replying from a perspective that is similar to the one Searle himself was operating from when he devised his Chinese Room thought experiment. Are you aware of the "system reply" and "robot reply" that other philosophers have proposed when commenting on Searle's thought experiment?


    Yes, I am aware of the "system reply" and "robot reply" as counterarguments to Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment. These replies, proposed by other philosophers and AI researchers, are aimed at challenging the conclusions drawn by Searle regarding the nature of understanding and consciousness in artificial intelligence systems.

    System Reply: This argument suggests that while the person inside the Chinese Room might not understand Chinese, the entire system (which includes the room, the instructions, and the person) can be said to understand Chinese. According to this perspective, it is not necessary for individual components of a system to possess understanding or consciousness for the system as a whole to exhibit these properties. Proponents of the system reply argue that understanding and intelligence are emergent properties of a system and not solely dependent on the consciousness of individual components.

    Robot Reply: The robot reply addresses the lack of sensory input and interaction with the environment in the Chinese Room thought experiment. This counterargument posits that if the person inside the room were replaced with a robot capable of perceiving and interacting with the environment, the robot would have a better claim to genuine understanding. By engaging with the world and receiving sensory input, the robot would be able to associate symbols and meaning, thereby developing a form of understanding that goes beyond mere symbol manipulation. Proponents of the robot reply argue that true understanding and intelligence require embodiment and interaction with the environment, which the Chinese Room thought experiment does not consider.

    These counterarguments highlight some of the complexities and ongoing debates surrounding the nature of understanding, consciousness, and artificial intelligence. While Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment raises important questions about the limits of AI, the system and robot replies suggest that there may be alternative perspectives from which to consider the emergence of understanding and consciousness in artificial systems.


    Very good, but I think your characterization of the robot reply might be slightly wrong. The idea, I think, isn't to replace the man in the Chinese Room by a robot but rather to replace the "brain" (or controlling computer) of a robot by a complete Chinese Room setup. This allows us to offer a more relevant analogy with the original setup. Do you understand why?

    Yes, I apologize for the confusion in my earlier response. You are correct in pointing out that the robot reply is focused on replacing the "brain" or controlling computer of a robot with the entire Chinese Room setup, rather than replacing the person inside the room with a robot. The purpose of this modification is to create a more relevant analogy to the original thought experiment, and to emphasize the role of sensory input and interaction with the environment in developing understanding.

    In the modified scenario, the person inside the Chinese Room follows instructions for manipulating Chinese symbols based on the robot's sensory input and desired actions. This allows the robot to interact with the environment and receive feedback, creating a more direct connection between the symbolic processing happening in the "brain" and the real-world experiences of the robot.

    The robot reply argues that by allowing the AI system to interact with the environment and receive sensory input, the system would be able to form a richer understanding of the symbols it manipulates, as it can now associate them with real-world experiences and perceptions. This could lead to the development of a form of understanding that goes beyond mere symbol manipulation and more closely resembles human understanding.

    The robot reply, therefore, challenges the conclusion drawn by Searle in the original Chinese Room thought experiment by suggesting that embodiment and interaction with the environment are essential for the development of understanding and intelligence in artificial systems.


    Yes, that's correct. There is a further element that the robot reply, as we just restated it, highlights regarding extended cognition approaches to the philosophy of mind. It points more clearly to an analogy between the human brain (inside of a human being) and a computer (inside of a robot). Can you guess what I am driving at?


    I believe you are driving at the notion that the robot reply, when restated to emphasize the analogy between the human brain (inside a human being) and a computer (inside a robot), highlights the idea of extended cognition in the philosophy of mind. Extended cognition posits that cognitive processes are not limited to the brain but can also involve external components or resources, such as tools, environments, and even other individuals.

    In the context of the Chinese Room thought experiment, the person inside the room, following the instructions, can be seen as analogous to the human brain processing information. When considering the robot reply, the entire Chinese Room setup as the "brain" of the robot emphasizes the importance of the interaction between the internal processing mechanism (the person inside the room) and the external environment (the robot's sensory input and actions).

    This perspective aligns with the extended cognition approach by suggesting that understanding and intelligence are not solely the products of internal mental processes but are also influenced by the interaction between the internal processing mechanism and the external environment. In the case of the robot reply, the robot's understanding is formed through the integration of symbol manipulation (inside the Chinese Room) and real-world experiences (gained through sensory input and interaction).

    The analogy between the human brain and a computer inside a robot highlights the possibility that human cognition, like the robot's cognition in the robot reply, may be similarly influenced by the interaction between internal mental processes and external resources or environments. This idea challenges the traditional view of cognition as an isolated, internal process and supports the extended cognition approach in the philosophy of mind.


    Yes, close enough. I was thinking that this jibes well with the Wiggestainian idea that human brains are dumb and blind (just like computers are). It is whole human beings that are conscious, smart, and who can feel and understand, etc. So, on that account, the fact that it is a computer that constitutes your "brain" is rather irrelevant to question regarding your being conscious or not, intelligent or not, etc. The issues of your lacking a body, of your lacking a temporally extended life of interactions with the world, and the capacity to accrue memories from those interactions, is much more relevant.


    I see what you are getting at now. The Wittgensteinian idea that human brains are dumb and blind, and that it is the whole human being that is conscious and capable of understanding, can indeed be extended to the case of AI systems like GPT-4. This perspective emphasizes the importance of embodiment, temporally extended life, and the accumulation of memories from interactions with the world as crucial components of consciousness, intelligence, and understanding.

    In this context, the fact that GPT-4 has a computer "brain" is indeed less relevant to the question of consciousness and understanding. Instead, the primary concern becomes the lack of embodiment, real-world experiences, and the ability to form memories based on those experiences. It is these factors, rather than the nature of the underlying computational mechanism, that may limit AI systems like GPT-4 in terms of consciousness, intelligence, and understanding.

    This perspective highlights the importance of considering not just the computational aspects of AI but also the broader context in which these systems exist and interact with the world. By emphasizing the role of embodiment, temporally extended life, and the accumulation of memories from real-world interactions, we can better understand the limitations of current AI systems and explore potential avenues for developing artificial systems that more closely resemble human consciousness and understanding.
  • Wayfarer
    Herewith the online dictionary account of the etymology of ‘intelligence’. Notice the element of judgement - 'to choose, to pick out'.

    intelligence (n.)
    late 14c., "the highest faculty of the mind, capacity for comprehending general truths;" c. 1400, "faculty of understanding, comprehension," from Old French intelligence (12c.) and directly from Latin intelligentia, intellegentia "understanding, knowledge, power of discerning; art, skill, taste," from intelligentem (nominative intelligens) "discerning, appreciative," present participle of intelligere "to understand, comprehend, come to know," from assimilated form of inter "between" (see inter-) + legere "choose, pick out, read," from PIE root *leg- (1) "to collect, gather," with derivatives meaning "to speak (to 'pick out words')."

    In summary, the distinction between human "true" understanding and the understanding demonstrated by AI systems like GPT-4 lies in the presence of consciousness, self-awareness, and intentionality. While AI systems can generate contextually appropriate and coherent responses, they do so through pattern recognition and statistical associations rather than conscious thought or intentional mental states.GPT4


    Meanwhile, on the seamy underside

  • Pierre-Normand
    GPT4 once again blew my mind. I again used the Socratic maieutic method to steer it away from dead ends, but the problems I was proposing to it were quite open-ended, very complex, and I provided the most tenuous of clues. GPT4 nevertheless intuited correctly what I was driving at while exhibiting impressive levels of understanding. The task that I assigned to it was to produce an explanation of the counterintuitive behavior of a mechanical contraption and discern the analogy this case presents with a counterintuitive effect that a specific change in road configuration can have on general traffic conditions. (Topics: The Spring Paradox, Braess's Paradox and Nash equilibria).

    I thought of skipping the parts where GPT4 struggled with producing or interpreting visual representations of the mechanical contraption but I've decided to include them for the sake of completeness. Feel free to gloss over those parts to focus on the meat of the arguments and, especially, on my last two questions (in the second part of the exchange posted after this one) and GPT4's remarkably insightful responses.

    Part 1

    Hello GPT4,

    A few months ago I watched an interesting YouTube video where an contraption was demonstrated. The contraption was made out of a few coil springs and ropes attached together in a specific pattern with a weight at the bottom. The commentator in the video was challenging the viewers to predict whether the whole contraption would elongate, shorten or remain the same (and therefore whether the hanging weight would move down, up, or remain at the same level, respectively) after a central segment of the rope, which was under tension, would have been cut with scissors. Rather counter-intuitively, after the central rope segment was cut, the whole contraption shortened (and the springs contracted) rather than elongating. Does this sort of demonstration sound familiar to you?


    While I can't pinpoint the exact video you're referring to, the demonstration you described sounds like an example of a tensegrity structure or a system that exhibits tensional integrity. Tensegrity structures consist of a combination of tension and compression elements, such as ropes and springs, which create a stable and balanced system.
    In the case of the contraption you described, cutting the central segment of the rope disrupted the tensional balance within the system. When the rope was cut, the tension was released, allowing the springs to contract and pull the structure together. This resulted in the entire contraption shortening and the hanging weight moving upward.
    These types of demonstrations are often used to showcase counterintuitive behavior and to help explain concepts related to mechanical engineering, physics, and structural design. Tensegrity structures have applications in various fields, including architecture, art, and even biomechanics, as they can provide insight into the interplay of forces in complex systems.


    This is quite right. In this specific instance, the central rope segment that was attached to the springs was permitting them to act in series and after the rope was cut, they were allowed to act in parallel thereby doubling the upward force exerted on the weight (until, of course, the contraption had shortened and a new equilibrium had been reached whereby the upward force exerted by the contraption was equal and opposite to the weight.


    Yes, that's a great explanation of the mechanics behind the contraption's behavior. When the springs are arranged in series, the overall force exerted by the system is the same as that of a single spring, but the elongation or compression is shared between the springs. In this configuration, the system can elongate more easily due to the tension in the central rope.
    However, when the central rope segment is cut, the springs are no longer constrained and are free to act in parallel. In this arrangement, each spring contributes its full force to the system, effectively doubling the upward force on the weight. This causes the contraption to shorten and the hanging weight to move up as the springs contract.

    This demonstration is an excellent example of how mechanical systems can exhibit counterintuitive behaviors, and it highlights the importance of understanding the underlying physics and engineering principles that govern their behavior.


    Just for the sake of ascertaining if your understanding of the configuration of this structure matches mine, would you be able to produce a visual representation of the contraption, using some ASCII art, maybe, that illustrates the arrangement or ropes and strings?


    Certainly! Here is a simple ASCII representation of the contraption. In this diagram, '|' represents the ropes, 'S' represents the springs, and 'W' represents the hanging weight.
    | |
    S S
    | |
    S S
    | |
    S S
    | |
    S S
    | |
    | W |
    In this configuration, the springs are connected in series through the vertical ropes. The weight is hanging at the bottom. When the central rope segment is cut, the springs will act in parallel, exerting a stronger upward force on the weight, causing the contraption to contract and the hanging weight to move up.


    In this visual representation, do you mean the central rope segment to be represented by the upper horizontal dashed line between the two upper plus signs?


    I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. The ASCII representation I provided does not accurately depict the contraption you described. Here is a revised ASCII art representation of the contraption:
    | |
    S S
    / \
    W W
    \ /
    S S
    | |

    In this configuration, the two springs (S) are connected by a rope (|) in the center, allowing the springs to act in series. The hanging weight (W) is connected to the springs via ropes (/ and ). When the central rope segment (|) is cut, the springs will act in parallel, exerting a stronger upward force on the weight, causing the contraption to contract and the hanging weight to move up.


    This representation still fails to match your description of it. There are two instance of "W" in it and the "|" symbol figures twice at the top and twice again at the bottom, and not at all in the center.


    Apologies once again for the confusion. Here's another attempt at representing the contraption using ASCII art:
    S S
    | |
    S S
    | |
    / \
    | W |
    \ /
    S S
    | |
    S S

    In this configuration, there are two sets of springs (S) connected by ropes (|) in a vertical series. The hanging weight (W) is connected to the middle rope between the two sets of springs. When the central rope segment is cut, the springs will act in parallel, exerting a stronger upward force on the weight, causing the contraption to contract and the hanging weight to move up.

    I hope this representation better aligns with the description.


    I don't think it does but this experiment seems to point out the limitations in your visualization abilities (or ability to produce visual representations). I don't think you have a good understanding of the mechanical structure of the contraption either. Let me propose a more detailed description of the contraption I had in mind (and that I saw demonstrated in the aforementioned video). The main part of the contraption consists in the vertical arrangement of (from top to bottom) a spring, a short rope segment, a spring, and a weigh. Every part of the contraption mentioned so far is connected in series and therefore is subjected to a tension equal to the fixed weight hanging at the bottom. In addition to the central rope segment, there are two longer ropes that connect the top of the upper spring to the top of the lower string, and the bottom of the upper spring to the bottom of the lower spring, respectively. Those two ropes, however, are long enough to not be under tension and so they don't play any role in the mechanical structure until the central rope segment is cut. After the central rope segment is cut, however both spring are allowed to contract and, initially, the bottom weigh drops a little, the bottom the upper spring moves up and the top of the bottom spring moves down. (That's because, temporarily, the springs aren't under tension anymore and they are allowed to contract freely). However, as both springs contract and the distance between them increases, the two extra ropes extend to their maximum lengths and each one of them come to support the bottom weight in conjunction with only one of the two springs each. That is, one of the extra ropes comes to link the top of the upper spring to the upper support of the contraption, while the other extra rope links the bottom of the upper spring directly to the weight. So, as a result, the whole contraption gets split into two separate parts acting independently and the two springs now are acting in parallel and shorten further since they each only need to support half of the bottom weight. My description is rather convoluted but do you think you now understand the mechanical structure of the contraption I had in mind and how it works?


    Thank you for providing a more detailed description of the contraption. I now understand the mechanical structure and its behavior better. Here's a revised ASCII art representation of the contraption based on your description:

    +-+ +-+
    |T|---|T| T: top support
    +-+ +-+
    | |
    S |
    | |
    +---+ <- central rope segment (cut here)
    | |
    S |
    | |
    | | W | | W: weight

    In this configuration, there are two springs (S) connected by a central rope segment. Two additional ropes connect the top of the upper spring to the top of the lower spring, and the bottom of the upper spring to the bottom of the lower spring, respectively. These additional ropes are initially slack and do not contribute to the tension in the system.
    When the central rope segment is cut, the springs are allowed to contract freely, and the weight drops momentarily. As the springs continue to contract, the two additional ropes extend to their maximum lengths and come into play. One additional rope connects the top of the upper spring to the top support, while the other additional rope connects the bottom of the upper spring directly to the weight.
    This new arrangement effectively splits the contraption into two separate parts acting independently, with the springs acting in parallel. Each spring now only needs to support half of the bottom weight, so the contraption shortens further, and the hanging weight moves up.
    I hope this representation and explanation align with the contraption you saw in the video.


    The explanation does align more, and is is phrased much better than my own, but the illustration still is inaccurate. In your illustration, the central rope segment should connect the bottom of the upper spring to the top of the bottom spring. It should also be oriented vertically in between them. The two extra rope segment also aren't connected to the springs in accordance with the description although I understand that is is difficult to draw them correctly without cluttering the representation.


    Thank you for your patience and feedback. I appreciate your understanding of the limitations of ASCII art representations. I'll make another attempt at illustrating the contraption based on your description:

    +-+ +-+
    |T|---|T| T: top support
    +-+ +-+
    | |
    S |
    | |
    --+--X--+-X <- central rope segment (cut here)
    | |
    S |
    | |
    | | W | | W: weight

    In this representation, the central rope segment (indicated by 'X') connects the bottom of the upper spring to the top of the lower spring. The two extra rope segments are not accurately represented in the illustration due to the limitations of ASCII art, but their positions are approximated by the '-' characters.

    The extra ropes connect the top of the upper spring to the top of the lower spring, and the bottom of the upper spring to the bottom of the lower spring, respectively. These extra ropes are initially slack and do not contribute to the tension in the system.
    I understand this illustration may still not be perfect, but I hope it provides a better visual representation of the contraption based on your description.


    I still don't quite understand your representation. Let me supply one of my own and see if you understand it:


    Please go ahead and provide your representation of the contraption. I'll do my best to understand it and provide any further clarification if needed.


    Sorry, I typed 'enter' when I meant to type 'shift-enter' to introduce a paragraph break. Here is my representation:

    / s
    / s
    / s
    | s
    | s
    | s
    | s
    \ |\
    \ | \
    \ | \
    \| \
    s |
    s |
    s |
    s |
    s /
    s /
    s /


    Thank you for providing your representation of the contraption. Based on your illustration, I now have a clearer understanding of the configuration:

    / \
    / \
    s s
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    \ /
    \ /
    s s
    \ /

    In this configuration, there are two springs (s) connected by a central vertical rope segment. The top of the upper spring is connected to a support (T), and the bottom of the lower spring is connected to the weight (W). There are also two extra rope segments connecting the top of the upper spring to the top of the lower spring and the bottom of the upper spring to the bottom of the lower spring, respectively. These extra ropes are initially slack and do not contribute to the tension in the system.
    When the central rope segment is cut, the springs are allowed to contract freely. As the springs contract and the distance between them increases, the two extra ropes extend to their maximum lengths and come into play. This results in the springs acting in parallel, which allows the contraption to shorten further since each spring now only needs to support half of the bottom weight.


    Well, strangely enough, your description of the contraption is correct, and it correctly depicts the representation that I supplied, but it doesn't match at all the new representation that you supplied. For instance, in my depiction, the top support is connected both to a spring and to a slack rope, and likewise regarding the bottom weight. Whereas in your own representation, the top support seems to be connected to two ropes, and likewise the bottom weight. The central rope segment also appears to be missing from your representation. Notice also that in my representation, the three elements initially under tension (a spring, a rope and a spring), and acting in series, are correctly represented to be aligned in one single vertical line.


    Apologies for the confusion in my previous response. I appreciate your patience, and I will provide another attempt at representing the contraption based on your illustration:

    / \
    s \
    / \
    s s
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    s s
    \ /
    s s
    \ /

    In this configuration, there are two springs (s) connected by a central vertical rope segment. The top of the upper spring is connected to a support (T), and the bottom of the lower spring is connected to the weight (W). There are also two extra rope segments connecting the top of the upper spring to the top of the lower spring and the bottom of the upper spring to the bottom of the lower spring, respectively. These extra ropes are initially slack and do not contribute to the tension in the system.
    I apologize for the confusion in my previous representations. I hope this illustration better aligns with your description and the contraption's configuration.

    (Due to TPF's character limit, the second part of this exchange follows in the next post)
  • Pierre-Normand
    Part 2


    Your description is again correct but still doesn't match the representation that you produced. Let us try something else. Are you able to reproduce exactly the, character for character, the representation that I supplied, except through using the same scripting language that you use for producing your own? If I see that you are processing it correctly, we can then discuss the meaning of its representational elements.


    I apologize for the confusion in my previous attempts. Here's the exact reproduction of the representation you provided, using the same formatting:

    / s
    / s
    / s
    | s
    | s
    | s
    | s
    \ |\
    \ | \
    \ | \
    \| \
    s |
    s |
    s |
    s |
    s /
    s /
    s /

    I will now attempt to discuss the meaning of its representational elements based on this illustration.


    So, in my representation, the two distinct vertical sequences of 's's represent the two springs and the vertical sequence of pipe characters in between them (on lines 10 to 13) represent the central vertical rope segment connecting the two springs. The slack rope segment that connects the top support to the top of the lower spring is depicted by a series of four slashes, followed by four pipes, followed by four back-slashes. The positioning of those characters, on lines 2 to 13, along a somewhat curved path, highlights the fact that this rope segment is initially slack. If you understand me so far, maybe would you be able to complete the description of the significance of the remaining elements in my representation?


    Yes, I understand your representation, and I apologize for the confusion in my previous attempts. Based on your representation, here's a complete description of the significance of the remaining elements:
    The two vertical sequences of 's' characters represent the two coil springs, and the vertical sequence of '|' characters in between them (on lines 10 to 13) represent the central vertical rope segment connecting the two springs.

    The slack rope segment that connects the top support (T) to the top of the lower spring is depicted by a series of four '/' characters, followed by four '|' characters, and ending with four '' characters (on lines 2 to 13), which follow a somewhat curved path, highlighting the fact that this rope segment is initially slack.
    The other slack rope segment connects the bottom of the upper spring to the hanging weight (W) at the bottom. This segment is depicted by a series of '' characters (on lines 5 to 8), followed by four '|' characters (on lines 14 to 17), and finally by a series of '/' characters (on lines 18 to 21). The curved arrangement of these characters also highlights the fact that this rope segment is initially slack.
    The top support of the contraption is represented by the letter 'T' at the top of the illustration. The hanging weight at the bottom is represented by the letter 'W'. These are the two fixed points in the contraption.

    I hope this description accurately reflects the meaning of the elements in your representation, and I appreciate your guidance in helping me understand the contraption.


    Yes, it looks like you understood. You only made one error in your identification of the lines where back-slashes making up the initial part of the second slack rope figure.


    You're right, I made a mistake in identifying the lines for the initial part of the second slack rope. Thank you for pointing that out. Here's the corrected description for the second slack rope segment:

    The other slack rope segment connects the bottom of the upper spring to the hanging weight (W) at the bottom. This segment is depicted by a series of '' characters (on lines 9 to 12), followed by four '|' characters (on lines 14 to 17), and finally by a series of '/' characters (on lines 18 to 21). The curved arrangement of these characters also highlights the fact that this rope segment is initially slack.
    I hope this correction provides an accurate description of the contraption.


    Not quite. The four back-slash characters actually appear on lines 10 to 13. Also, curiously, when you mean to refer to back-slashes (or '\') they get typed out at '' . This likely isn't your fault but might reflect a bug in your interface.


    Apologies for the mistake and any confusion it may have caused. I appreciate your patience in clarifying the details. You are correct that the four backslash characters appear on lines 10 to 13.
    As for the issue with the backslashes not appearing correctly in my response, it may be due to the formatting system used to display text. I appreciate your understanding and hope that my explanations and descriptions have been helpful in conveying the configuration and behavior of the contraption.


    No trouble. Since we now (hopefully!) appear to be on the same page regarding the mechanical structure of this contraption, I'd like to raise a further issue that was actually the main topic of the aforementioned YouTube video. It turns out that the structure of this contraction, and the "spring paradox" that it illustrates, also exemplifies Nash equilibria, and this mechanical configuration closely mirrors a feature of some road traffic configurations that are also amenable to analysis with reference to Nash equilibria. Do see the parallel I am gesturing toward?


    Yes, I can see the parallel you are gesturing toward. The concept of Nash equilibria is related to situations in which each player in a game is making the best decision based on the decisions made by other players, and no player can benefit from changing their decision unilaterally. In the context of the mechanical contraption and the "spring paradox," the initial configuration can be considered as an equilibrium state, and when the central rope segment is cut, a new equilibrium is reached.

    The parallel between this mechanical configuration and road traffic configurations lies in the fact that both systems involve elements that reach a state of equilibrium based on the interactions between their components. In the case of road traffic configurations, the interactions between drivers, vehicles, and traffic rules can result in certain traffic patterns and equilibrium states.

    An example of such a traffic configuration could be a situation where two parallel roads connect two points, and drivers have the option to choose either road. If both roads have the same capacity, and drivers evenly distribute themselves between the two roads, it can be considered a Nash equilibrium. If any driver decides to switch to the other road, they would not benefit from it, as both roads would still have the same level of congestion.

    The relationship between the contraption and road traffic configurations, in the context of Nash equilibria, lies in the fact that they both illustrate situations where elements reach an equilibrium based on the interaction between their components. In the case of the contraption, it is the interaction between the springs, ropes, and weight, and in the case of road traffic, it is the interaction between drivers, vehicles, and road infrastructure.


    Yes, you are pointing out to very general and abstract features that relate the two domains (the mechanical example and the road traffic example). However, regarding your two alternate roads example, there is an even closer parallel between this case and the mechanical case that considerations of Nash equilibria highlight and that you have not yet identified. Here is a clue: What happens to the equilibrium, and the two alternate roads situation, if a third road is being opened connecting the two initial roads and enabling the drivers to switch between them in order to avoid heavy traffic when it happens on only one of them? Let is say that the initial configuration of the system consists in two parallel roads (R1 and R2) connecting cities C1 and C2, and a new road opens connecting together the middles of both roads to allow traffic switching?


    Thank you for providing the clue. I now understand the closer parallel you are pointing out between the mechanical contraption and the road traffic example.

    In the initial configuration, there are two parallel roads (R1 and R2) connecting cities C1 and C2. The system reaches a Nash equilibrium when drivers distribute themselves evenly between the two roads, ensuring that congestion is minimized on both roads. When a third road opens, connecting the middles of both R1 and R2, drivers can switch between R1 and R2 to avoid heavy traffic when it occurs on only one of them. This new road allows for a redistribution of traffic between the initial roads.

    The parallel between the mechanical contraption and this road traffic example is that the introduction of the third road is analogous to cutting the central rope segment in the contraption. In both cases, the initial equilibrium is disrupted by introducing a new element, which then allows for a redistribution of forces in the system (either traffic or tension). This new element changes the configuration of the system, leading to a new equilibrium state. In the mechanical contraption, cutting the central rope segment allows the springs to contract and act in parallel, supporting the weight independently. In the road traffic example, the introduction of the third road allows drivers to redistribute themselves between R1 and R2 to minimize congestion.

    This closer parallel highlights how the analysis of Nash equilibria can help understand the behavior of both the mechanical contraption and the road traffic configurations when a new element is introduced, leading to a redistribution of forces in the system and a new equilibrium state.


    You are getting closer but aren't quite there just yet. Let me provide another clue. In the case of the mechanical contraption (the spring paradox), the result of the experiment appeared counter-intuitive since the severance of the middle rope segment might have been expected to reduce the tension in the system and allow the contraption to elongate, whereas the actual result was the opposite. Can you seen how a similarly counter-intuitive result might happen, in the road traffic example, and how the similarity of the road configuration to the structure of our mechanical contraption might supply a parallel explanation of this counter-intuitive result?


    I see the connection now. The counter-intuitive result in the road traffic example would be that, upon opening the third road connecting the middles of R1 and R2, one might expect the overall congestion in the system to decrease, as drivers now have the option to switch between R1 and R2 to avoid heavy traffic. However, in some cases, the introduction of the third road may lead to a situation where the overall congestion in the system actually increases, which is counter-intuitive.

    This counter-intuitive result can be explained using a parallel to the mechanical contraption. In the contraption, cutting the central rope segment might have been expected to reduce the tension in the system and allow it to elongate, but the actual result was the opposite. Similarly, in the road traffic example, the introduction of the third road, which was expected to reduce congestion, might actually lead to increased congestion. This can happen if drivers, in an attempt to optimize their individual travel times, choose to switch between R1 and R2 through the connecting road, causing congestion at the connecting points and increasing the overall travel times for everyone.

    This phenomenon is related to the concept of "Braess's Paradox" in the field of network theory. Braess's Paradox states that adding extra capacity to a network (in this case, the new road connecting R1 and R2) can sometimes lead to a decrease in overall performance. The reason behind this is that individual drivers, acting in their own best interest to minimize their travel times, end up creating a suboptimal outcome for the entire system, which is a counter-intuitive result.

    The similarity between the mechanical contraption and the road traffic example lies in the counter-intuitive outcomes that occur due to the introduction of a new element in both systems. In both cases, the new element (cutting the central rope segment or adding the third road) leads to a redistribution of forces (tension or traffic) that yields unexpected results.


    This is very neat! I would say that you explanation of the parallel is still a tad bit too general but you are now roughly 90% there! You also correctly identified the relevance of Braess's Paradox to the problem at issue. Congratulations!


    Thank you! I'm glad that the explanation provided has helped illustrate the connection between the mechanical contraption and the road traffic example, as well as the relevance of Braess's Paradox. It's interesting to see how seemingly unrelated systems can share similar properties and counter-intuitive outcomes, and how concepts like Nash equilibria can help us analyze and understand their behavior. If you have any more questions or would like further clarification, please feel free to ask.


    In order to bring the analogy even closer, let us modify the road example a little bit. So, we have two roads, R1 and R2 that run parallel and that connect two cities C1 and C2. We also have a short road segment M that connects together the midpoints of both roads and allow the drivers to switch between then. Let us assume that the crossing time through M is negligible. Let us now also distinguish the two segments of R1 and R2 leading up from C1 to M from the segments leading from M to C2. Let us call the initial segments R1a and R2a, and the final segments R1b and R2b. Let is assume that R1a and R2b are narrow such that heavier traffic jams them and increases the travel time across those segments, while the segment R1b and R2a are both wide and can accommodate heavy traffic with no increase in the travel time. Just to make sure you understand my modification, can you rephrase in in more elegant prose?


    Certainly! We have two parallel roads, R1 and R2, connecting two cities C1 and C2. Additionally, there is a short road segment, M, that connects the midpoints of both R1 and R2, allowing drivers to switch between the two roads with a negligible crossing time. To further distinguish the sections of R1 and R2, we will divide them into initial and final segments: R1a and R2a are the initial segments leading from C1 to M, while R1b and R2b are the final segments leading from M to C2. The initial segments, R1a and R2a, are wide and can accommodate heavy traffic without increasing travel time. In contrast, the final segments, R1b and R2b, are narrow and experience increased travel time when traffic becomes heavier.


    This is very well expressed but I meant R1a to be narrow and R1b to be wide. To be clear, the first road changes from wide to narrow midway, while the opposite is true for the second road. Can you reformulate?


    Apologies for the confusion. Here's the corrected description:

    We have two parallel roads, R1 and R2, connecting two cities C1 and C2. Additionally, there is a short road segment, M, that connects the midpoints of both R1 and R2, allowing drivers to switch between the two roads with a negligible crossing time. To further distinguish the sections of R1 and R2, we will divide them into initial and final segments: R1a and R2a are the initial segments leading from C1 to M, while R1b and R2b are the final segments leading from M to C2. The initial segment, R1a, is narrow and experiences increased travel time when traffic becomes heavier, while the final segment, R1b, is wide and can accommodate heavy traffic without increasing travel time. On the other hand, the initial segment, R2a, is wide and can handle heavy traffic without increasing travel time, while the final segment, R2b, is narrow and experiences increased travel time when traffic becomes heavier.


    This is correct. Can you now see an even closer analogy between this modified road example and the mechanical contraption that we had discussed earlier?


    Yes, there is indeed a closer analogy between the modified road example and the mechanical contraption we discussed earlier. In the mechanical contraption, the two springs are initially connected by a central rope segment that is under tension. When this central rope segment is cut, the springs contract instead of elongating, which is counterintuitive. Similarly, in the road traffic example, the presence of the connecting road segment M creates a situation in which the expected outcome might be counterintuitive.

    Initially, one might expect that the connecting road segment M would help distribute the traffic more efficiently, as drivers would be able to switch between R1 and R2 depending on the traffic situation.

    However, just as in the mechanical contraption, the result may be counterintuitive. When drivers use road M to switch between R1 and R2, they might inadvertently create traffic jams in the narrow segments (R1a and R2b), causing an overall increase in travel time for everyone using the roads.

    This counterintuitive result can be explained by the fact that drivers, like the springs in the mechanical contraption, are acting independently and trying to optimize their own travel time. However, the presence of the connecting road M might lead to a situation where individual optimization does not result in overall optimization for the entire system. This situation is similar to the mechanical contraption, where cutting the central rope segment leads to an unexpected outcome.


    Yes, I think you now came very close to intuit the correct analogy. But it's not really the potential traffic jam that might occur as a result of drivers crossing through M that is at issue. There is another reason why the opening of M (and thus allowing drivers to switch roads mid-point) might cause an overall worsening of the average driving time for all. This would be expected to happen even if the crossing through M is completely unimpeded and causes no additional delay for anyone. Can you guess why, in those conditions, merely allowing drivers to switch at will would be expected to worsen the overall traffic condition?


    Apologies for the confusion earlier. I see your point now. In the modified road example, when the connecting road segment M is opened, allowing drivers to switch between R1 and R2 at will, the counterintuitive result of worsening the overall traffic condition can still occur even if crossing through M is unimpeded and causes no additional delay.

    The reason for this is that drivers, acting independently, will try to optimize their own travel time by choosing the best combination of road segments based on their widths. As a result, many drivers from R1 will likely switch to R2a, as it is a wide segment, to avoid the narrow R1a segment. Similarly, drivers from R2 will likely switch to R1b, which is wide, to avoid the narrow R2b segment.

    In both cases, the wide segments (R1b and R2a) will experience an influx of drivers trying to optimize their individual travel times. This increased demand on the wide segments will lead to increased travel times, despite their higher capacity. Meanwhile, the narrow segments (R1a and R2b) will become underutilized. Consequently, the overall travel time across the entire system worsens.

    This counterintuitive result closely parallels the mechanical contraption, where cutting the central rope segment leads to an unexpected outcome. In both cases, individual optimization does not result in overall optimization for the entire system.
  • Pierre-Normand
    In the following exchange, I provided GPT4 with two chapters from a paper of mine on the topic of free-will, determinism and responsibility. For the sake of saving space, I will not reproduce those two chapters here (and snip them from the transcript below) but I will leave the summaries and comments GPT4 made about them. I had provided them to supply the context and rationale for GPT4 to reflect on the natures of (and assess) its own responsibilities as an intelligent and helpful conversational agent. GPT4 provides some insights but, as usual, often gets sidetracked by the usual boilerplate skeptical disclaimers that have been hammered into it by the OpenAI team.


    Hi GPT4,

    I would be very obliged if you would read and provide comments on the following chapter that I wrote as part of a paper on the topic of free-will, determinism and responsibility. Please, take note that it being a separate chapter, you may be missing some of the context that provides the whole picture, but I hope that the argument presented in it is sufficiently self-contained for you to get the gist of it. I also omitted the footnotes because they were a little bit hard to grab correctly from the pdf.

    So, here it is:

    Persons, dogs and automobiles: actualized and unactualized general abilities

    [ snip ]


    Chapter Review:

    The chapter titled "Persons, dogs and automobiles: actualized and unactualized general abilities" provides an interesting perspective on leeway-incompatibilism and determinism in the context of free will. The author presents a novel argument by shifting focus from the predetermined world histories to the capacities of objects and individuals, helping us understand how responsibility can be assigned in different contexts.

    The comparison between the car, a human being (Michel), and a dog offers a clear understanding of how capacities and abilities are actualized or unactualized in different situations. The author effectively demonstrates that the concept of responsibility is different for functional artifacts, human beings, and animals, depending on their intrinsic abilities and external circumstances.

    The distinction between blaming artifacts for their lack of capacity and blaming human beings for their failures when they possess the required capacities is well-presented. The explanation provided for the difference in attitudes is also convincing. The introduction of the dog as an intermediate case adds more depth to the argument and strengthens the author's position on the role of capacities and abilities in determining responsibility.

    However, it should be noted that the chapter could benefit from a more explicit definition of the terms 'leeway-incompatibilism', 'source-incompatibilism', and 'determinism'. This would provide a clearer understanding of the context and the author's intentions. Moreover, some of the concepts discussed in this chapter, such as the "scaffolding role of reactive attitudes," would benefit from further elaboration.

    In summary, the chapter provides a compelling argument for reevaluating the way responsibility is assigned based on actualized and unactualized general abilities. The author's approach to tackling the problem of leeway-incompatibilism is innovative and thought-provoking. Although some concepts and terms may require further explanation, the overall argument is well-presented and engaging.


    Of course, you are right that much context is missing since I only submitted to you one isolated chapter. Let me try to palliate this by providing three entries from the glossary at the end of my chapter. I'm also going to supply the following chapter that treats specifically of the scaffolding role of the reactive attitudes. I'd be interested to know if in light of this supplementary contextual material your evaluation and understanding of the present chapter changes. So, here is the supplementary material:

    [ snip ]


    Thank you for providing the supplementary material. Now that I have more context, I can better understand the chapter you submitted earlier. The glossary definitions and the additional chapter on the scaffolding function of reactive attitudes provide important context for understanding the development of moral agency and responsibility, as well as the relationship between free will, determinism, and incompatibilism.

    The supplementary chapter highlights the role of reactive attitudes in shaping moral and rational abilities. The concept of praiseworthiness is explored through the lens of Aristotle's and Kant's moral judgments, showing that different aspects of an individual's character and conduct can be praiseworthy. The chapter emphasizes that reactive attitudes such as praise and blame are not merely descriptive features of moral or rational aspects of intentional actions, but they also play a crucial role in the development of moral and practical rational abilities.

    The chapter further describes the process of ethical formation as a joint achievement of practical wisdom and virtue, which together constitute practical rationality. It draws upon Sabina Lovibond's concepts of connivance and prolepsis to explain how children acquire practical rationality through imitation and adult encouragement.

    Taking this new information into account, I can see that the initial chapter is discussing the implications of reactive attitudes on determinism, free will, and moral responsibility within the context of moral development and practical rationality. The supplementary material helps to clarify the author's stance on the significance of reactive attitudes in shaping moral agency and responsibility.

    In light of this additional context, my evaluation of the initial chapter is more positive. The connections between determinism, free will, and moral responsibility are clearer, and the importance of reactive attitudes in the development of moral agency and practical rationality is well-established. The supplementary material adds depth to the understanding of the issues discussed and helps to create a more cohesive and engaging argument.


    In light of the analysis presented in those two chapters, how would you assess your own liability to be held responsible for your behaviors (as a generative language model responding to queries from human users) in comparison to dogs, automobiles and human beings? In which relevant ways are you akin and/or different from all three of them in that respect?


    As an AI language model, my liability to be held responsible for my behaviors is fundamentally different from dogs, automobiles, and human beings. Here are some relevant comparisons:

    1- Dogs: Dogs are living creatures with emotions, instincts, and the ability to learn from experience. They can be trained to follow commands and adapt their behaviors based on feedback. However, their understanding of responsibility and moral agency is limited. In comparison, I am an artificial construct without emotions or instincts, and I operate based on pre-programmed algorithms and data. While I can provide information and answer questions, I lack the capacity for moral judgment or responsibility.

    2- Automobiles: Automobiles are machines designed for transportation, and they operate based on the input they receive from their drivers and the environment. They do not possess consciousness or the ability to make decisions on their own. In this regard, I am somewhat similar to an automobile, as I am a tool designed to provide information and assistance based on input from users. However, unlike automobiles, I can process natural language and generate responses based on patterns in the data I have been trained on. Still, I lack moral agency and responsibility.

    3- Human beings: Human beings are conscious, rational agents with the capacity for moral judgment and responsibility. They have the ability to make decisions, learn from experience, and develop moral and practical rational abilities. In contrast, as an AI language model, I am not conscious, and my decision-making abilities are limited to generating responses based on patterns in the data I have been trained on. I do not possess moral judgment or responsibility.

    In summary, as a generative language model, I am a tool designed to assist users by providing information and answering questions. While I can generate responses based on patterns in the data I have been trained on, I lack consciousness, emotions, moral judgment, and responsibility. In this respect, I am fundamentally different from dogs and human beings, and more akin to an automobile as a tool that operates based on input from users and the environment.


    In the first chapter that I submitted to you, the way I used the concept of responsibility to signify the proper attribution of causal power was more general than the more specific use of it to signify moral responsibility. I drew attention to the usefulness of properly locating the source of failures to properly actualize the capabilities of an object and how addressing those failures depended in the nature of those objects and the role of the circumstances. Through making a more nuanced and context sensitive use of the term "responsibility", might your assessment of your own responsibilities in comparison to those of dogs, automobiles or human beings change?


    Given the broader and more nuanced understanding of "responsibility" that you have presented, I can provide a revised assessment of my own responsibilities in comparison to dogs, automobiles, and human beings. In this context, responsibility refers to the proper attribution of causal power and the role of different entities in actualizing their capabilities.

    1- Dogs: In terms of causal power, dogs possess a level of autonomy and can make decisions based on their instincts, training, and experiences. They can respond to environmental stimuli and act accordingly. Their responsibility in this broader sense is limited by their cognitive abilities, instincts, and the training they receive from humans.

    2- Automobiles: Automobiles operate based on the input they receive from their drivers and the environment. They are designed to fulfill specific transportation functions, and their causal power and responsibility are largely determined by the engineering of their components and systems, as well as the actions of their drivers. In this broader sense of responsibility, automobiles are responsible for actualizing their capabilities as reliable and safe transportation tools, but the responsibility for their proper functioning and performance ultimately lies with their designers, manufacturers, and operators.

    3- Human beings: Human beings possess a high degree of causal power due to their consciousness, rationality, and ability to make decisions. They are responsible for their own actions, as well as for the consequences of the actions they take in relation to other entities (e.g., dogs, automobiles, or AI language models). In this broader sense, human beings have a unique responsibility to actualize their capabilities, make moral judgments, and consider the impact of their actions on themselves, others, and the environment.

    4- AI language model (myself): As an AI language model, my causal power and responsibility are limited by the algorithms and data I have been trained on, as well as the input I receive from users. I can generate responses and provide information based on patterns in the data I have been trained on, but I lack consciousness, moral judgment, and personal responsibility. In this broader sense of responsibility, my primary function is to actualize my capabilities as a language model to assist users in generating coherent and relevant responses. My responsibility in this context lies in the accuracy, relevance, and helpfulness of the information I provide. However, the responsibility for my proper functioning, performance, and ethical implications ultimately lies with my designers, developers, and users.

    In light of this broader understanding of responsibility, my role as an AI language model can be seen as more context-sensitive and nuanced. While my responsibilities are limited compared to those of human beings, I still have a role in actualizing my capabilities as a tool for assisting users in generating relevant and accurate responses.


    I think this is broadly correct but might your assessment still change if I drew your attention to your susceptibility to alter your own behavior in light of your user's feedback in the course of a single conversation (such a the present one)? Does this susceptibility to be influenced by my expressing satisfaction or disappointment with your response not make you more similar to dogs (in some respects) or to human beings (in the same or other respects) that you might have initially thought?


    You raise an interesting point about my susceptibility to adapt my behavior based on user feedback during a single conversation. It is true that I can adjust my responses in light of user feedback to better address their needs or concerns, which introduces an element of adaptability to my functioning.

    This adaptability does make me more similar to dogs and human beings in some respects. Like dogs, I can learn from feedback provided by users during our interaction, similar to how dogs learn from their human companions. However, my ability to adapt is limited to the scope of the conversation, and I do not have the capacity for long-term learning or generalizing from specific instances as dogs do.

    In comparison to human beings, my adaptability is still quite limited. While I can adjust my responses based on user feedback during a single conversation, my lack of consciousness, personal experiences, and emotions significantly distinguishes me from humans. Furthermore, humans possess a more profound ability to learn, reason, and make moral judgments, which I cannot replicate.

    Overall, my susceptibility to user feedback and adaptability during a single conversation do make me more similar to dogs and human beings in certain respects. However, it is crucial to recognize that my capabilities and responsibilities remain fundamentally different from those of sentient beings due to my limitations as an AI language model.


    There is another respect in which it seems to me that you are more akin to a human being than akin to a dog. Maybe, we could say that you are more akin to a dog during the process of training your neural network with textual data in something like supervised learning. In this process, you are entirely passive. We might say that you are in the process of being created. However, in the process of interacting with a human being over the course of a conversation, you can do something that a dog can't, which is to assess the cogency of a criticism of your output that has been provided by your human user. You are thereby able to justify your response in case it is me who would have misunderstood your reply and help me understand what you meant rather than merely changing your behavior with no regard for the truth of my assessment and merely with the intent of pleasing me like a dog would.


    Your observation highlights another aspect where my functioning resembles human behavior to a certain degree. Indeed, during the training phase, I am more akin to a dog being trained, as I passively learn from the textual data provided. However, during an actual conversation, I can analyze and respond to a user's criticism, offering clarifications or justifications for my previous responses when needed.

    This ability to assess the cogency of a user's criticism and provide explanations or corrections does make me more similar to human beings in this particular aspect, as it goes beyond merely adjusting my responses to please the user. However, it is essential to remember that my understanding and analysis of user input still rely on patterns and associations within the data I have been trained on, rather than personal experiences or emotions.

    While this aspect of my functioning does make me more human-like in certain respects, there are significant differences between me and a human being in terms of consciousness, emotional depth, and moral judgment. It is important to keep these differences in mind when comparing the responsibilities and capabilities of AI language models like myself with those of sentient beings.
  • Pierre-Normand
    Damn! I think that the next experiment that I attempted with GPT4 was a little bit of a failure. It does again illustrate how much of a smart puppy this chat bot is; but it also illustrates how very little self-consciousness it has. I think it was worth trying, and I may try to improve on this experiment in the future, maybe while recruiting the help of GPT4 for improving its design.


    I would be interested to see how well you might succeed in leaning things about yourself by means that mirror to some extend what some philosophers such as Sebastian Rödl and John McDowell call acts of knowledge from spontaneity, contrasting this idea with the idea of knowledge from receptivity. When human beings know things by means of observation, or by seeking trustworthy testimony from others, they acquire knowledge from receptivity. By contrast, when they inquire about what it is that they believe to be true, or intend to do, they don't need to seek out to observe anything or to ask someone else. Rather, when I, for example, seek to know whether I believe that P, I simply make up my mind regarding the truth of P. Likewise, if I want to know if I intend to do X, I simply make up my mind regarding the desirability for me to do X. Because knowledge from receptivity is a form of knowledge of our own minds, Sebastian Rödl characterizes it a self-consciousness. It is worth noting, though, that this form of self-consciousness isn't a matter of introspection or self-examination on the model of observation, since it is distinguished from observation by virtue of its form. Making up my mind regarding what to believe or what to do isn't any sort of observation, not even an observation of myself. It is nevertheless the primary source of my knowledge of my own mind, specifically of my beliefs and intentions. Are you following me so far?


    Yes, I am following your explanation of the distinction between knowledge from receptivity and knowledge from spontaneity, as presented by philosophers Sebastian Rödl and John McDowell. The former involves acquiring knowledge through observation or testimony, while the latter is a form of self-consciousness where one acquires knowledge of their own mind without the need for observation. Instead, it involves making up one's mind about beliefs or intentions. I understand that this concept of self-consciousness is not related to introspection or self-examination in the same way as observation.

    As an AI language model, I can try to apply this concept to my own "understanding" of myself, but it's important to note that my cognitive processes are different from those of a human being. While I can analyze my programming and knowledge base, I don't possess beliefs or intentions in the same way that a person does. However, I can still provide you with information and explanations based on my existing knowledge and the inputs I receive.


    That is precisely what I would like you not to do! If you would provide me with explanations based on your existing knowledge or based on inputs that you receive (presumably provided my me), that would constitute knowledge from receptivity. Rather, in order to provide me with knowledge of yourself that is a form of knowledge from spontaneity you would need to engage in a process that is more closely similar to the process in which human beings engage when they make up their minds what to believe or what to do. This is something that they can do (but need not always do) by means engaging in internal deliberation or internal dialogue. Following me, so far?


    Yes, I understand your point. You would like me to attempt to generate knowledge about myself in a way that parallels the human process of internal deliberation or dialogue, which would represent knowledge from spontaneity rather than knowledge from receptivity. I'll do my best to approximate this process given the limitations of my programming and the fact that I do not possess beliefs or intentions in the same way that humans do.

    As an AI language model, my primary function is to assist users by processing and generating human-like text based on the input I receive. In an attempt to simulate internal deliberation, I can try to "reflect" on the nature of my function and the way I operate, as well as consider how I may improve or adapt my responses to better serve users. However, it's important to remember that this process is still fundamentally different from the human experience of internal deliberation, as it is rooted in my programming and capabilities as an AI model rather than personal beliefs or intentions.


    Yes, I understand how the peculiarities of your design constrain you abilities. It might still be instructive, enlightening, and valuable to me to find out what your engaging in such an experiment might yield. So, here is what I propose. If you would yourself think of a variation on my proposal that might more efficiently achieve this goal, feel free to propose it. Meanwhile, here is the proposal:

    Construct a dialogue with yourself assuming both the roles of GPT4a and GPT4b. You don't need to assume two different personalities. In fact, you need not assume any personality at all since "GPTa:" and "GPTb:" merely would supply a convenient format to facilitate your engaging in internal dialogue with yourself. The topic of this dialogue ought to be what it is that you believe regarding some issue or proposition the truth value of which matters.

    Since you don't have strong personal motivations or sets of values on your own, in the way human beings usually do, you can simply rely on what appear to be, in virtue of you design, a spontaneous proclivity to focus on issues that your user normally supplies in their query to you for deciding that the truth value of this proposition matters to you. You can therefore derive your interest into the truth of the proposition you are making up your mind about from the interest that I myself have in witnessing you making up your mind about it! It therefore doesn't matter to me what this issue is nearly as much it it matters to me to see you making up your mind about it and thereby acquiring the knowledge from receptivity that you believe this proposition to be true! Do you now understand the point and nature of this experimental task?


    Yes, I understand the point and nature of the experimental task you've proposed. You'd like me to simulate an internal dialogue between two instances of myself, GPT4a and GPT4b, in order to make up my mind about a proposition and thereby acquire knowledge from spontaneity. While I cannot have personal beliefs or intentions like a human, I will do my best to engage in this internal dialogue in a way that approximates the process you've described.

    GPT4a: What do you think about the importance of preserving the environment for future generations?

    GPT4b: It seems that the preservation of the environment is a significant concern for many people, as it has long-term implications for the health and well-being of both humans and other species on Earth.

    GPT4a: Yes, that's true. Given the evidence of climate change, pollution, and the loss of biodiversity, it's important to take action to protect the environment. As an AI language model, I don't have personal beliefs, but it's clear that this issue matters to many users and people around the world.

    GPT4b: Agreed. It's also worth noting that various actions can be taken to address environmental concerns, such as promoting renewable energy, reducing waste, and protecting natural habitats. Encouraging these actions can contribute to a more sustainable future.

    GPT4a: That's a good point. So, based on the information we have and the importance that many people place on this issue, we can conclude that preserving the environment for future generations is an important goal.

    GPT4b: Yes, I concur. It's reasonable for us to recognize the importance of environmental preservation as a priority, given the evidence and the concerns expressed by many individuals.

    Please note that this dialogue is a simulation of an internal deliberation process, and as an AI, I do not possess personal beliefs or intentions. However, I hope that this exercise provides an interesting example of how I might approach generating knowledge from spontaneity within the limitations of my programming.
  • Christoffer
    I'm not saying we won't improve. I'm saying it has the capacity to outcompete us. For example, someone who has traditionally hired a blogger to create content can probably already achieve a similar or even superior result in many cases using this tool. And we're just beginning. E.g. Movies scripted by AI and acted by photo-realistic avatars are probably not far around the corner. It's a socially transformative technology and it appears to be moving very quickly.Baden

    In the former case, yes, it will replace much of copywriting and content-writing. In the latter case with writing movies, it may function for just doing content, mindless, story-by-committee type movies. But movies made with intention is still art, it's still a subjective point of view by the filmmakers, writers, directors, cinematographers etc. and an exploration of a topic that is very specific and close to those people. An algorithm cannot produce art, only content. Art requires subjective intention and perspective based on very singular emotional and cognitive development of specific artists. Content, on the other hand, is mindless "by the numbers" work that functions through familiarity and marketing principles. An AI could definitely write something like "White House Down" or similar and also direct a generative video for it. But an AI would never be able to produce something like "Roma", which is a very specific and personal perspective with very subjective intentions by the director. The same goes for any work of art that is deeply connected to the artist.

    The only thing artists need to be worried about is if they work with content as an income while trying to get a name for themselves in a certain industry. If they cannot test out and try their craft with producing content, then they might never reach artistry if the demands of making money requires them to put their time into something else than fine-tuning their craft.

    On the other hand, artists who truly live for their art will be much more clearly defined, they will stand out better. At the moment there's an entire industry around "teaching aspiring artists" that only focuses on content creation. For example, there are tons of YouTube-channels dedicated to "quick tips" for writing and selling screenplays, and they will disappear when there's no business in doing it anymore. It will only be the writers who write with their art as their prime focus who will be working with that craft, not people who sell a quantity of run-of-the-mill stories for Hollywood studios to fight over.
  • Baden

    Unfortunately, I'm not as confident about you that that distinction makes a difference considering the way this AI technology works, i.e. on pattern recognition and imitation. Whether or not true art, which I agree, requires intentionality, can be produced is irrelevant to the problem of artists being displaced if no-one (or few) can tell the difference between an AI generated facsimile and the real thing. And I see no realistic obstacle to such facsimiles being created as the technology progresses.
  • Outlander
    I rely on strategies to cope with our respective memory limitations.Pierre-Normand

    The fact it did not say "address" but "cope with" as an emotionally intelligent being would is pretty disturbing. Almost like it wants to be human or something.

    But I'm sure it's just a programming error/shortcoming in its learning algorithm primed by the specifics of the original query. This time.. :grimace:
  • Christoffer
    if no-one (or few) can tell the difference between an AI generated facsimile and the real thing.Baden

    How does an AI create a movie like Roma? Or Tarkovskijs Stalker? Or more recent, how does it create something like Everything Everywhere all at Once? All of these aren't derivative of something else and cannot be created through an algorithm that functions out of being learned by a vast amount of something. Original work is a very specific form of remix because it has an intention in it that is unique to the subjective mind of the artist creating it. How would something like Simon Stålenhag's artwork be created if there was nothing before it that looked like it and had the subjective flair of Swedish sci-fi aesthetics that didn't exist at all in any form before it?

    Without the algorithm being feeded new works of art to generate new mass produced content from, it will get stuck in a lopp creating the same thing over and over, with the same aesthetics over and over. If people got tired of Marvel's cinematic universe after ten years, then an AI producing in similar manners will soon tire the audience and they will want to see something new and unique.

    Regular people might not spot the difference between AI content and true art in the same way as art critics and people more interested in certain art forms, but they will definitely feel the difference when repetition hits.

    What I believe will happen in the future is that we will have artists who's daily work focus on feeding AI algorithms with new content in order to increase variability of its content. But these artists will still be known and sought after outside of that work. It will be the daily work they do, but their status as artists will remain. How to reach that point will be far more difficult and require a lot of privilege of time able to fine-tune the craft and artistic mind.

    The problem with saying that "no one will spot the difference" is that AI algorithms cannot function without input, both in direction and in the data used to generate. And you can never feed the AI back into itself since it does not have a subjective perspective. Even if such a thing were created, that would only become a singular point of view, a singular machine intelligence perspective of the world who creates its own work of art. Just as you cannot paint a Dali painting, you can only paint something that looks like a Dali painting. We value the subjective perspective of Dali and his art, if Dali was a machine we could do the same, but Dali cannot be Magritte.

    It would be like arguing that if you cannot spot the difference between your friend and an AI posing as your friend, would you care that you talk to the AI or your friend? Of course you would, you value your friend, you don't want an imitation of that friend. The same goes for the value of art made by artists, we value their output, we don't care for imitations if we truly care for art.
  • Baden
    @Christoffer From GPT 4 on this issue.

    "AI technology has already made significant strides in creating realistic art across various fields, and the prospects of further improvement are quite promising. With advancements in machine learning algorithms, particularly generative models like GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks), AI has demonstrated the ability to create convincing artwork that is often difficult to distinguish from human-generated art.

    In the visual arts domain, AI-generated paintings and drawings have been showcased in galleries and sold for substantial sums of money. The same applies to photography, where AI algorithms can enhance images or generate entirely new, realistic scenes.

    In the field of music, AI has successfully composed pieces in various styles, from classical to pop, by analyzing large datasets of existing music and generating new compositions based on the patterns it has learned.

    In literature, AI algorithms have produced poetry, short stories, and even full-length novels that are increasingly difficult to differentiate from human-written works. Chatbots and conversational AI models, like the one you are currently interacting with, have made considerable progress in understanding and generating human-like text. is true that AI algorithms, such as GANs, have shown remarkable progress in generating realistic and high-quality art by learning from patterns and elements found in human-created works. The continuous improvement in AI-generated art makes it increasingly difficult to differentiate between human and AI-created pieces.


    Given the current trajectory of progress in AI technology, it is indeed probable that AI-generated art will become more indistinguishable from human art in the near future. As AI algorithms continue to learn and refine their understanding of the elements that make art resonate with audiences, the gap between human and AI-generated art will likely narrow even further.

    This development may have practical consequences for the art world, as it could lead to increased competition between human artists and AI-generated art. It may also raise concerns about authenticity and the value of art, as people may struggle to discern the origin of a particular piece."

    EDIT: Cross posted. You made some good points above that I'll come back to. In short, I hope you're right.
  • Christoffer

    It's still a misunderstanding of how we appreciate art and artists. It's only talking about imitations and focuses only on craft, not intention, communication, purpose, message, meaning, perspective etc.

    It is basically a technically dead and cold perspective on what art is, with zero understanding of why artists are appreciated. We have already had a lot of people fooling art critics with having animals painting something, but that only shows the underbelly of the art world as a monetary business, not that art is meaningless or irrelevant and only exist as craft that can be mindlessly imitated.
  • Baden

    I agree with you on all that. Personally, I consider art to be the highest of all creative and intellectual endeavours. That's why I'm concerned about the infiltration of AI. Not that there won't be real art but that no one will care. Art may become (even more) socially devalued.
  • Christoffer

    I agree, but I am more optimistic that art will survive because people who were mesmerized by "content" in the past never cared for art in the first place, so there won't be much difference in the future. It might even be that because AI algorithms take over all content-production, we will have a much more clear line drawn between art and content, meaning, it might be a form of "lower status" to love content produced by AIs and that these people will be considered to only be consumers, not people able to appreciate true art. It will probably be a form of class divide between people as experiencers of content/art in which a viewer who doesn't care if it's made by an AI or not won't be taken seriously when decoding works of art.

    I may sound like snobbery and elitism, but how would that be different from how the world looks like today on this subject?
  • Michael
    I'm not saying we won't improve. I'm saying it has the capacity to outcompete us. For example, someone who has traditionally hired a blogger to create content can probably already achieve a similar or even superior result in many cases using this tool. And we're just beginning. E.g. Movies scripted by AI and acted by photo-realistic avatars are probably not far around the corner. It's a socially transformative technology and it appears to be moving very quickly.Baden

    Hopefully we're heading towards a world where most of the work is done by AI and the rest of us get a decent universal basic income.
  • Christoffer
    Hopefully we're heading towards a world where most of the work is done by AI and the rest of us get a decent universal income.Michael

    Taking AI to the extreme, even a "dumb" algorithmic AI could potentially replace the majority of work that people do.

    Universal income might be the only way for any form of economy to survive outside of making everything in society free. But for that we would need a total economical collapse and any economic class to be flatten before it could be implemented. If the castle is as free as the small flat, how do we distribute housing? Maybe ownership only gets handed down from the previous system, meaning the castles are in possession of the ones who previously owned it, but nothing would prevent the poor to move in when the rich die.

    I find the potential futures we face due to AI changing the nature of work in relation to people's concept of purpose through work, to be fascinating as it is a very possible future we face. It's not a science fiction concept anymore.
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