• Benj96
    Facebook Instagram and WhatsApp have gone down globally in the past hour. Not a big deal really not being in contact with people for a few hours but what if the entire internet shut down for a day? What would the be most major impacts/consequences for the globe in this brief but major widespread return to a pre-globalised technological dark age?
  • unenlightened
    What would the be most major impacts/consequences for the globe in this brief but major widespread return to a pre-globalised technological dark age?Benj96

    Much whinging! I remember the old forum going down for ages more than a day - the world literally stopped turning, and philosophy has still not recovered.
  • Benj96
    Much whingingunenlightened

    I mean most probably. However I was thinking more along the lines of economics, transport, health services etc. Would it not be a bit more chaotic than just inconvenient?
  • Hanover
    In the event of a prolonged shut down, Defcon 1 would be declared and TPF would execute its Emergency Readiness Protocol. Rest assured, the mods and admins here are committed to philosophical interaction regardless of circumstance.
  • Jack Cummins

    I think that it would cause all sorts of emergencies because everyone is so dependent on it increasingly. Being unable to use this site would probably be low on the agenda of our worries, although I once dreamt that TPF site crashed..The problem of people using Wifi for most things is going to become more of a problem though, especially as we rely on it for information in emergencies and for communication.
  • Outlander
    Not a big deal really not being in contact with people for a few hours but what if the entire internet shut down for a day?Benj96

    You realize it costs around 50 cents to make a simple phone call to just about anyone anywhere in the world at just about any payphone, right? Let alone your own cell or landline. I'm assuming you mean a true communication blackout which would be just short of a true blackout of all electricity. In places that experience severe weather such blackouts are common. Long story short, not only can your selfies and food porn wait, it will probably benefit every individual involved as well as mankind as a whole.

    Edit: And even when the phones are down, there's always CB radios and satellite phones, though unless you're a highly successful drug dealer or international secret agent having the latter device in your possession is unlikely.

    Another edit: And on top of that social media posts are literally just excuses to brandish some sort of accomplishment or express some sort of grievance to as many people as you possibly can while still being able to, from the safety of your home and/or convenience of your mobile device, state you were just "mentioning it" to a friend.
  • Tom Storm
    What would the be most major impacts/consequences for the globe in this brief but major widespread return to a pre-globalised technological dark age?Benj96

    You tell me. I have never used any social media and don't entirely understand what it is for.
  • baker
    Meh. I sometimes go for days without even turning on the computer, I just don't have the time. I only recently got a smart phone, but I don't use it much. Those damn small letters and having to move the text in order to read it. Nah.

    Imagine there's an internet blackout and noone is there to see it ...
  • BC
    but what if the entire internet shut downBenj96

    in third-rate sci-fi novels, when something happens to disrupt society, people promptly turn to looting, riot, vigilante reprisals for current, recent, or long-past slights; murder, and cannibalism.

    Probably something like that. If you are plump and tender, you'd just better hope the Internet keeps functioning.
  • jgill
    I only recently got a smart phone, but I don't use it much. Those damn small letters and having to move the text in order to read it. Nah.baker

    Fat fingers is a drawback. I try to avoid apps, but it keeps wanting them. Very demanding. :angry:
  • Athena
    in third-rate sci-fi novels, when something happens to disrupt society, people promptly turn to looting, riot, vigilante reprisals for current, recent, or long-past slights; murder, and cannibalism.

    Probably something like that. If you are plump and tender, you'd just better hope the Internet keeps functioning.
    Bitter Crank

    That is hilarious.

    But personally, I can survive when I lose internet service as long as I can play games on the computer.
    However, if more than a week passes, I do develop symptoms of a nervous breakdown.
  • Wayfarer
    There is no single ‘internet’. The whole system is built in such a way that the vital bits are replicated in many different locations. To take it down all of them would have to be disabled.
  • Michael
    Facebook Instagram and WhatsApp have gone down globally in the past hour. Not a big deal really not being in contact with people for a few hoursBenj96

    If only our phones could text and call without the internet.
  • BC
    I would suffer traumatic brain injury if the internet crashed. Really. One of the reasons my mind appears to still be functioning is that Google search, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube, and a few thousand web pages provide me with mental content. It's always there 24/7. When I'm talking to relatives and others on the phone I can fact check; look up diseases and drug side effects; find recipes they (or I) forgot parts of; check etymology; get words and phrases translated; read scattered articles from NYT, Guardian, Boston Globe, LA Times, WSJ, and the Washington Post--and porn, of course: Architecture porn, dog porn, science porn, rock and roll porn, slum porn, porn porn... And I can shop for stuff--80% of which I could probably live without.

    I would be a vastly better student today than I was in the 1960s. Well, maybe. I wasted a lot of time back then and there is nothing better than the Internet for massive time wastage. But still, there is such a wealth of good information (music, history, science, philosophy fora, etc.).
  • 180 Proof
    There is no single ‘internet’. The whole system is built in such a way that the vital bits are replicated in many different locations. To take it down all of them would have to be disabled.Wayfarer
    I suppose the Earth is due for another Carrington Event. The globally disruptive after effects would go on for weeks or months at least, making "2020" look like a kindergarden food fight by comparison.
  • T Clark
    In the event of a prolonged shut down, Defcon 1 would be declared and TPF would execute its Emergency Readiness Protocol. Rest assured, the mods and admins here are committed to philosophical interaction regardless of circumstance.Hanover

    Also, you'd have to go back to the Sears catalogue.
  • Manuel
    I suppose the Earth is due for another Carrington Event. The globally disruptive after effects would go on for weeks or months at least, making "2020" look like a kindergarden food fight by comparison.180 Proof

    Everything is quite sunny, literally.

    If it isn't extreme heat, let's get our electrical grid fried. Damn man, yeah life entails suffering and all that, but these are premium level problems, we are here to witness some crazy shit going down. The privilege of being born now. :smirk:

    It would be quite problematic actually. Not because of the humor-ish aspect of not being able to go to Facebook or AlJazeera or ABC or YouTube, but because lots of financial data, all kinds of data actually, now belong online almost exclusively. It might well cause a significant market problem, with who knows what else.

    So not good.
  • 180 Proof
    The privilege of being born now.Manuel
    :up: :mask:
  • TheMadFool
    I'm sure, given how catastrophic such an event would be, there's a backup (plan) ready for just such an eventuality. Right?
  • Manuel

    Don't hold your breath.

    Maybe, but communication would be a big problem.
  • TheMadFool
    Don't hold your breath.

    Maybe, but communication would be a big problem.

    Communication or speed, convenience, record, etc. of communication?
  • 180 Proof
    I suspect there is (relics of the Cold War) EMP-hardened government and military infrastructure that will leave global urbanized masses in the dark, disconnected and panic-stricken enough to nearly cannibalize one another. Preppers, survivalists & militias will inherit the suddenly not air-conditioned Earth for a few months or more. Welcome to WhatTheFuckItStan, kids. :scream:
  • baker
    If only our phones could text and call without the internet.Michael

    But then one would have to communicate with real people!
  • TheMadFool
    I suspect there is (relics of the Cold War) EMP-hardened government and military infrastructure that will leave global urbanized masses in the dark, disconnected and panic-stricken enough to nearly cannibalize one another. Preppers, survivalists & militias will inherit the suddenly not air-conditioned Earth for a few months or more. Welcome to WhatTheFuckItStan, kids.180 Proof

    The USA has been caught with its pants down on a number of occasions (9/11 for example) but if there's a country that has a reputation of being prepared for anything, it's USA. Go USA! Save the world! :lol:
  • TheMadFool
    all kinds of data actually, now belong online almost exclusively.Manuel
    More than 90 per cent of all money – more than $50 trillion appearing in our accounts – exists only on computer servers. — Yuval Noah Harari (Sapiens)
  • TheMadFool
    There is no single ‘internet’. The whole system is built in such a way that the vital bits are replicated in many different locations. To take it down all of them would have to be disabled.Wayfarer

    I was just wondering about that. Are there some core servers that run the show? Is there an internet HQ? If there is then it's an accident waiting to happen. If not, we have one less thing to worry about.
  • TheMadFool
    porn, porn, pornBitter Crank

    The fastest growing websites are all porn-related.
  • 180 Proof

    "Don't follow leaders,
    watch the parkin' meters"

    ~Subterranean Homesick Blues, 1965
  • TheMadFool
    "Don't follow leaders,
    watch the parkin' meters"
    ~Subterranean Homesick Blues, 1965
    180 Proof

  • Hermeticus
    There is no single ‘internet’. The whole system is built in such a way that the vital bits are replicated in many different locations. To take it down all of them would have to be disabled.Wayfarer

    I was just wondering about that. Are there some core servers that run the show?TheMadFool

    There are 13 DNS root servers that map the internet. If those are gone it's Bye-Bye internet. Other than that everything else is quite replaceable.

    The entire internet shutting down would be quite a big deal. Economists would probably label it the darkest day in human history. Major loses for all the companies generating revenue through the web. I'd imagine stock markets (including all the cryptos) would crash quite gloriously. Important infrastructure would no longer be reachable - banking, cash terminals, some health and insurance services. Big troubles for logistics. And last but not least a lot of panic and "Help! I don't know what to do with my time."
  • Wayfarer
    The entire internet shutting down would be quite a big deal. Economists would probably label it the darkest day in human historyHermeticus

    Non-resolution of the US debt ceiling impasse is both more likely and would be more devastating. Would make 2008 look like a walk in the park. The internet will still be working but the banks will not be.
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