• tim wood
    So tell me how is it possible that the most admired man in America (according to a Gallup poll) had fewer votes than Joe Blow, who couldn't bring fifty people together at a rally?Rafaella Leon

    He got 18% of the "vote" according to reports. 82%, in other words, preferred somebody else. As to rallies, they don't count as votes. E.g. I never went to a Biden rally, but I voted for him. So, if you're doing the best you can, take a rest and learn. Or if not, then stop being stupid.
  • NOS4A2

    These are things they cannot explain. They can only explain it away.
  • NOS4A2
    A woman in Texas was just arrested for voter fraud. Yikes.

    Rodriguez is accused of election fraud, illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail and unlawfully possessing an official ballot, according to Paxton. She could face up to 20 years in prison if she is convicted.

  • frank

    Don't care.
  • NOS4A2

    Why would you care?
  • Kenosha Kid
    The President just got busted inciting peace and calm.

    In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind. That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You.

    Let me explain how time works. That ^ was issued today. The riot happened last week. Trump is being busted for what he did last week. Not doing it again today has no bearing on last week. Geddit?
  • Mikie
    Let me explain how time works. That ^ was issued today. The riot happened last week.Kenosha Kid

    How silly, appealing to reason, logic, general rationality, etc. The "debate" with NOS or anyone else still supporting Trump is already over. It ended years ago. There are no principles or consistency in anything -- just pure tribalistic thinking.

    A little thought experiment makes it clear: just imagine if Obama (who I'm no fan of) held a rally saying the exact same things and the capital was overrun with his supporters. Would these people be equivocating, so eager to qualify every fact/statement they could? Would they suddenly take an interest in nuance?

    Please. I heard more outrage when he asked for dijon mustard. It's a futile enterprise.

    Still, your replies are funny.
  • ssu
    In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind. That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You.NOS4A2

    Here's the fact why this is so absolutely perverse and crazy.

    Who is urging violence, lawbraking or vandalism?

    (Streetlight X is even quite for a while on that)

    The only thing is that Donald Trump is impeached because of inciting the storming Capitol Hill with his prolonged delusional propaganda of the elections being stolen that culminated in an event which even the US military sees as sedition and insurrection.

    What on Earth is there to heal? The US Congress should do it's obvious job in this case.

    Oh right, that Trump supporters estranged from reality would next time get their guns and resort to more violence?

    You don't handle an angry mob by appeasing it. That makes the mob just feel more powerful. You disperse the mob, get the ringleaders and the instigators of the mob and you don't tolerate violence. Didn't you learn anything from last summer, NOS?
  • Wayfarer
    The ‘no-violence’ call is undoubtedly scripted by Trump’s handlers, It’s welcome all the same, but the scripted Trump should never mistaken for the real Trump.
  • Changeling

    Except he was nowhere near there, of course.
  • Ciceronianus
    So tell me how is it possible that the most admired man in America (according to a Gallup poll) had fewer votes than Joe Blow, who couldn't bring fifty people together at a rally?Rafaella Leon

    Well, he's no Franco, I'll give you that. Or, perhaps you prefer "Caudillo"?

    But seriously, the claims and cases you refer to were almost literally laughed out of court. It's difficult to believe any lawyer, even one of limited intelligence, could summon the nerve to file them. Those who claim massive electoral fraud have the burden of proof. Nobody must prove there is no fraud. The affidavits submitted simply were not evidence, being conclusory and largely hearsay. Others have dealt more than adequately with your popularity claim. Preposterous claims don't become more persuasive with time.
  • Wayfarer
    So tell me how is it possible that the most admired man in America (according to a Gallup poll) had fewer votes than Joe Blow, who couldn't bring fifty people together at a rally?Rafaella Leon

    Not to forget that Trump had the lowest consistent approval ratings of any President in history. They never got above 50%
  • Ciceronianus
    I guess it's all over for the US if this is how the president behaves.unenlightened

    Well, it will certainly be more difficult for our Great Union to hector other nations about the rule of law and proper governance, thanks to recent events and claims that the results of our elections can't be trusted. We've lost a great deal of moral authority in the world. As we're being told by friends and foes.
  • Tobias
    These are things they cannot explain. They can only explain it away.NOS4A2

    Are you referring to this: "18% of Americans named Trump, 15% named Obama, 6% Biden and 3% Fauci." ?

    That is simple mathematics no? That is why many election systems such as the French have a first an a second round. It just shows that Trump has a very firm and loyal base, not per se a large one. But you know that, you are bright enough.
  • Michael
    Impeached, with 10 Republicans voting yes.
  • Wayfarer
    "18% of Americans named Trump, 15% named Obama, 6% Biden and 3% Fauci." ?Tobias

    Out of a poll sampling of 1000. Similar poll named Richard Dawkins as the world's leading intellectual not long back.

    Impeached, with 10 Republicans voting yes.Michael

  • 180 Proof
    The first time for love, second time for the money-shot :sweat:

    Thank you, Madam Speaker! :flower:

    Abuse of Power 230-197

    Obstruction of Justice 229-198
    — 116th Congress, H. Res. 755 (12/18/19)
    180 Proof
    Thanks again, Speaker Pelosi. :clap:

    Incitement of Insurrection 232-197 — 117th Congress, H. Res. 24 (1/13/21)

    Eff ewe, magaMORON-1 (your fascist enablers and your terrorist supporters)!
  • Hanover
    tell me how is it possible that the most admired man in America (according to a Gallup poll) had fewer votes than Joe Blow, who couldn't bring fifty people together at a rally?Rafaella Leon

    With that sort of iron clad proof I totally get why a horned man stormed the Capitol. You are on the side of righteousness. Keep telling yourself that.
  • Kenosha Kid
    If nothing else, it's good to have Trump's status as the worst President in history ratified by Congress. I hope, since it's happening, the Senate convicts. The Republican enablers cleansing themselves of their sins is a lesser evil than magamaniacs seeing their cult leader "totally exonerated".
  • praxis

    No iron clad argument for voter fraud is complete without hearing from Alex Jones.

  • Changeling
    with 10 Republicans voting yesMichael

    Is that a lot? How many are there in total? (Working so no time to Google info)
  • Michael
    The highest number to vote to impeach their own party’s President. Previous highest was 5.
  • ssu
    s that a lot? How many are there in total? (Working so no time to Google info)The Opposite
    211. (Yes 10 Nay 197 Not voted 4)
  • Changeling
    197 death threats to family members then I guess...
  • Wayfarer
    That is telling!
  • NOS4A2

    Again, all evidence of “incitement” comes from that stuff in your skull, or worse, propaganda. That it closely resembles the Democrat’s articles of impeachment is no comfort.

    Some may have came to the same perverse “logical conclusion” of yours, I admit, but to believe Trump is guilty for making you come to those conclusions, or in the protester’s case, to come to those conclusions and storm Congress, then that is something you’ll have to prove from evidence outside of your skull. It’s just that simple.
  • Kenosha Kid
    Fortunately his criminal threats to Raffensperger to falsify the vote count are significantly more founded. But probably not symbolic enough for Republicans to get behind, since it's only the law and stuff. They might yet convict the right guy for the wrong reason.
  • NOS4A2
    The House has certainly proven its disregard for the rule of law and the United States constitution, and thus their oaths. The article of impeachment is contrary to the 1st amendment of the constitution, does not pass the test of “immanent lawless action”, and thus does not raise to “incitement” according to any American law. In other words, they are impeaching him based on something they made up, a clear weaponization and abuse of power.
  • NOS4A2

    That was an opinion poll. It has nothing to do with elections or how people voted. So I’m not sure of your point.
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