• Brett

    admiration because they have the courage of their convictions so rarely seen.StreetlightX

    I agree with you here. It’s also interesting that they didn’t harass citizens or destroy private property but went straight to the source who hide from the citizens. For once the real criminals felt a little fear.
  • tim wood
    a growing party of working class patriotsNOS4A2
    Do you have evidence that they work? And to be a patriot requires meeting some criteria of common sense, honor, respectable purpose, and so forth. But these are just trash. Or do you believe that any claim justifies any thing? The persistent and dangerous error here is to keep attributing to Trump and his a degree of humanity that makes it possible to refer to them in any sensible way, and they just do not arise to that standard.

    At the moment the Republican animal is not an elephant, but an animal with the body of a weasel and the head of a scorpion, the party it stands for fit only to be destroyed. Ted Cruz one of the brood. Just now he's given a speech in which he acknowledges to Democrats that Joe Biden is at the moment winning. He should have his jaw crushed and tongue cut out, although in a country of laws that won't happen. What is wrong with such people? Oops, see? I make the same mistake I warn against, trying to understand him and his as if a person.
  • Baden

    Terrorist MAGAts left a pipe bomb outside the Republican National Committee headquarters. Don't expect any tweets discouraging that. Just another thing for Trump and sycophants like NOS to cheer on while people die.
  • NOS4A2

    They probably don’t work right now, what with our trial run of socialism. Either way, I think we have a different conception of patriotism.

    But I agree with you about the Republicans. They are an essential part of the Uniparty.
  • Michael

    His since deleted tweet:

    These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!
  • Baden
    Irish foreign minister calls out human shitstain.

    Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney: "We must call this out for what it is: a deliberate assault on democracy by a sitting President and his supporters, attempting to overturn a free and fair election."

    :lol: Hey, whose Irish?Baden
  • Baden

    human shitstain.Baden
  • Baden

    By the way, a GOP source close to the President has said, and I quote, "He's out of his mind". Slow learners.
  • frank
    But I agree with you about the Republicans. They are an essential part of the Uniparty.NOS4A2

    So a Q/proudboy party? Or what? A great awakening?
  • Kenosha Kid
    America right now in a photo and a sentence...


    If this guy had been a BLM protester, he'd be fucking dead.
  • Kenosha Kid
    The guy simply doesn't understand just how seriously his followers take him.ssu

    Like Biden said, what the President says matters.

    Just seen that Trump's Twitter account is now locked.
  • Tobias
    Also, not too long ago there were riots immediately outside of the Whitehouse, in May I think. It turned quite violent and destructive, with the president sent to his bunker.NOS4A2

    Yes and that is bad. Indeed Trump's presidency began with riots and the country is deeply polarized. An invasion though of these building is something different than a riot or a threatening situation. I wonder actually why you think the White House was not taken by protesters / rioteers. That is a serious question by the way, I am interested in your take on it.
  • Baden
    Twitter have blocked the shitstain for a minimum of 12 hours.
  • tim wood
    I wonder actually why you think the White House was not taken by protesters / rioteers.Tobias
    Not answering for nos4, but I think taking the White House would be just plain difficult for anyone or any group, and ultimately fatal.
  • Brett

    Irish foreign minister calls out human shitstain.

    Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney: "We must call this out for what it is: a deliberate assault on democracy by a sitting President and his supporters, attempting to overturn a free and fair election."

    The one thing all politicians fear: the people asserting themselves. They all have that fear and they all know their lines.
  • Baden

    Yes, politicians should get right behind destroying any semblance of democracy while worms like you sit on the sidelines smiling about it.
  • ssu
    The tragedy of the situation is that so many millions of people have been sucked into his vortex of delusion. That’s the real sickness of American society.Wayfarer
    And the tragedy is that the cynical (and fearful) Republican politicians simply cannot fathom that going with the polarizing rhetoric that has earlier "rallied the supporters", starting from the "Lock-her-up" chants and that have ending now with "Stop the Steal", has truly some other effect than just to get people to turn up vote for them in the elections. It's as the politicians don't understand that their bellicose and vitriolic accusations would and could truly create a tragedy. Yet when you depict someone to be the enemy, some simpleton or delusional person will really think so and respond how one deals with real enemies.

    In other Third World countries such rhetoric from the elections losing President that Trump has used would have already brought it down to a small civil war with urban combat in the Capital where tanks and combat aircraft are used.

    Yet Trump lives in his own delusional TV World where he can say whatever and if things really get bad, he might settle the issue out of court. This all is so obvious from Trump now begging his own supporters simply to "go home". And of course, respect monuments.
  • Brett

    Yes, politicians should get right behind destroying democracy while worms like you sit on the sidelines smiling about it.Baden

    Really, is that what I said? And I’m a “ worm”. But I expected that, it’s part of the “conversation” these days.

    Do you feel, the election aside, that people feel like the politicians not only ignore them but treat them with total disrespect, all over the world. I’m assuming from your posts you’re no happier than anyone else with the state of the world. Whoever wins elections is not going to make any difference to that situation. So the system is stacked against change, otherwise you would have seen it by now.

    Do you really think, whatever side of politics you’re on, that the system is going to accept change. What was your anger at racism directed at, who can change that, who has the power and does nothing except use those tensions to their advantage?

    Edit: as someone said, many of the Trump supporters and Sanders supporters are against the same thing but the politics divides them.
  • praxis


    You make an odd comment that sounds smart to you but doesn't to someone else and then get frustrated at the reaction (also, the you're not an American so you can't talk about America thing).

    You’re Canadian?
  • Baden

    Don't compare a scumbag like Trump who used a bunch of violent gullible morons as a proxy for his ego to any serious uprising against political oppression.
  • Brett

    ↪Tobias Are you an American?frank

    I know this is about the US right now, but it’s not just an American condition, it’s happening in many different ways across the world. Left or right it’s the people against a heartless system.
  • NOS4A2

    Yes and that is bad. Indeed Trump's presidency began with riots and the country is deeply polarized. An invasion though of these building is something different than a riot or a threatening situation. I wonder actually why you think the White House was not taken by protesters / rioteers. That is a serious question by the way, I am interested in your take on it.

    I think it was a mix of good fencing and police force. But you’re right. I don’t know why these people were allowed to get in the capitol building, or why they bothered to do so.
  • Baden
    ...or right it’s the people against a heartless system.Brett

    Yes, poor white supremacist proud boys and QANON nutters against the heartless system that doesn't let them use the word "nigger", make death threats against anyone who disagrees with them, or plant pipe bombs outside government offices. :cry:
  • Brett

    Don't compare a scumbag like Trump who used a bunch of violent gullible morons as a proxy for his ego to any serious uprising against political oppression.Baden

    You don’t know how many people silently support these “morons”, nor who they may be. You also exaggerate my statement so as to attack it. I didn’t compare Trump to anyone, you took that upon yourself. I was talking about disenfranchised people. Are the yellow shirts any different, are the student protests of the sixties any different, are the people of Hong King any different. How can one use the system for change when it’s stacked against them, as, for example, your ideas on systemic racism in the US?
  • frank
    know this is about the US right now, but it’s not just an American condition, it’s happening in many different ways across the world. Left or right it’s the people against a heartless system.Brett

    This event was organized on line by QAnon and the proudboys. That's a small group of people who inhabit a very different world from the rest of us.

    Whose side are you on?
  • frank
    You’re Canadian?praxis

    Nos is. I'm American.
  • Brett

    Who's side are you on?frank

    Obviously the people. These people shook up the system. I don’t have to like them to see that.
  • frank
    Obviously the people. These people shook up the system. I don’t have to like them to see that.Brett

    I understand that. What do you want to see happening next?
  • Baden

    They didn't shake up shit. Trump and the Trumptards committed political suicide, you fool.
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