• Streetlight
    Trump would watch these people get shot by capitol cops and laugh as they do. These poor wretches are defending a man who wouldn't give a flying fuck about them if he tried.
  • Hanover
    On the positive side the GOP is totally fucked now. :party: (Sorry Hanover, you know I'm right).Baden

    And when did getting totally fucked become a bad thing?
  • Michael
    Trump will watch these people get shot by capitol cops and laugh as they do.StreetlightX

    One already has been shot.
  • Streetlight

    All that powerful, revolutionary energy. Channelled into defending a plutocrat like Trump. What an utter waste.
  • Michael

    This reads as if it wasn't the police who were responsible.
  • Streetlight
    An unusual sentence.
  • EricH
    But if you're saying this is the worst example of violent behavior against the US government, I'm saying it's not.Hanover

    I'd agree with that - The Civil War was worse.
  • Kenosha Kid
    Improvised explosive device seized in the Senate according to NBC.
  • Tobias
    The point has been made. What would US govt' spokespeople say, when the US embassy in Iraq, Iran, or some other place was stormed without much police interference? they would say that the current government did not want to protect the building. Here too. the point has already been made that if you have enough guns you rule. the protests did not come out of nothing no? Everyone saw them coming and everyone knew Trump already put himself at the helm of an organisation reminiscent of those in the Weimar republic. So how could US law enforcement not be able to hold the line? It is a very ominous sign.
  • Wayfarer
    If there's a silver lining, it's that the Democrats are now likely to win both primaries in Georgia, meaning that they will control House, Senate, Presidency. So this failed coup attempt - because that is what this is - is the last gasp of Trumpism. So there's some consolation in the fact that this is as close as they got.
  • Kenosha Kid
    If there's a silver lining, it's that the Democrats are now likely to win both primaries in Georgia, meaning that they will control House, Senate, Presidency.Wayfarer

    And, due credit to Trump, no doubt aided by Trump's call for voters to boycott those elections. The man is an incomparable idiot.
  • Hanover
    All that powerful, revolutionary energy. Channelled into defending a plutocrat like Trump. What an utter waste.StreetlightX

    It's such an interesting phenomenon, the influence of leadership and the cult like behavior that follows. I've got to assume these are just regular folks who go to work everyday and come home and hang out with their friends and family. They convince themselves they're fighting for a higher purpose and not just to protect Trump, their messiah. Do they not see just see the same brash, disrespectful dumbass that I see?

    This billionaire buffoon stirs up the underclass into believing their will was subverted, their election stolen, and now their guns and way of life will be taken away. I do think they really believe this and they'll speak proudly to their grandkids about how they fought for freedom like a true patriot.
  • ssu
    The man is an incomparable idiot.Kenosha Kid


    Now Trump is saying that the election was stolen... but now go home.

    The guy simply doesn't understand just how seriously his followers take him. And likely that will be the end of Trump once those hardcore supporters understand how full of bullshit their idol is. Because, in the end Trump cannot be anything else but the inept leader that he is.

    (It would be like saying to us Finns that Russia just invaded your country, but go home now, no need to mobilize the army.)
  • Ciceronianus
    Requiescat in pace, "American Exceptionalism."
  • Streetlight
    This billionaire buffoon stirs up the underclass into believing their will was subverted, their election stolen, and now their guns and way of life will be taken away. I do think they really believe this and they'll speak proudly to their grandkids about how they fought for freedom like a true patriot.Hanover

    I think so too. My immediate feelings are both of pity and admiration; pity because these poor fools are being used by powers who would not give a flying hoot if they died right there and then; admiration because they have the courage of their convictions so rarely seen. These people are real people with real greviances, and they've been manipulated into being pressed into the service of some moron who would gladly watch them burn.
  • Ciceronianus
    I think Trump should be arrested and stripped of his powers immediately.Wayfarer

    Yes. But our politicians are venal and craven as a rule, and I doubt this will happen unless their paymasters feel threatened.
  • Tobias
    My immediate feelings are both of pity and admiration; pity because these poor fools are being used by powers who would not give a flying hoot if they died right there and then; admiration because they have the courage of their convictions so rarely seen. These people are real people with real greviances, and they've been manipulated into being the wretches they've become.StreetlightX

    I agree with half you say here. Yes no one they are supporting cares for them. Yes they are real people with real grievances. However, you believe them to be 'wretches'. I am not sure. They are afraid of something being taken away from them. They are a political force but not the force of the have nots. They are a force of supremacists. They are not fighting for something, but against something, against change. This is actually counter revolutionary, it is a revolution of the right. That is why you do not see police, there is no one to restore order. That is very worrying.
  • tim wood
    admiration because they have the courage of their convictions so rarely seen. These people are real people with real greviances,StreetlightX

    A serial killer has the courage of his convictions, do you admire him? And real grievances? What real grievances?

    It seems clear that you have little or no grasp of what the good or right is, how it works, or who is or isn't and why. You just have your itches, which you scratch.
  • Streetlight
    Yeah, I made a small edit to the post you quoted. But yeah, in the main you're right. I guess I just see alot of wasted potential there, as it were. These people should be allies. Their fight should be the same fight any as on the left.
  • Streetlight
    And real grievances? What real grievances?tim wood

    Four years and you still can't answer this question. I feel pity for you too.
  • Wayfarer
    The guy simply doesn't understand just how seriously his followers take him.ssu

    There was an interview with Pelosi around the commencement of the impeachment hearings. She said, everything Trump says is a projection. When he says that Adam Schiff is ‘a corrupt politician’, deep down he’s talking about himself. When he talks about the election being ‘stolen’, deep down it’s because he thinks he never deserved to be elected. But the neurosis is so deep, and his ego defences so powerful, that he can never allow himself to see it. In fact, if he did see it, it would be the end of him, a complete psychotic breakdown. (Mary Trump sees all this too.) The tragedy of the situation is that so many millions of people have been sucked into his vortex of delusion. That’s the real sickness of American society.
  • Streetlight
    That all said this really is a fitting denouement of four years of Trump rule: loss of the white house and the two legislative chambers, along with fruits of exactly what the Republican party have been sowing for years now. You couldn't get away with fiction this on the nose.
  • Tobias
    Yeah, I made a small edit to the post you quoted. But yeah, in the main you're right. I guess I just see alot of wasted potential there, as it were. These people should be allies. Their fight should be the same fight any on the left.StreetlightX

    I agree with you there too. They should be allies and the left actually led them down. The left did not care about working class problems. Many on the left are very decent university educated people, but have no idea of the real hardship that current society is causing. In the 1990's at least in the Netherlands the biggest leftist parties actually left economic issues behind and focused on post materialist values. If that is true elsewhere than the working classes had nowhere to go. However, though many things are the same as the days of old, there are differences too. The spirit of the entrepreneur, instead of 'Der Arbeiter" has taken center stage as the political hero. Money, not work are the products that people are proud of. That means that an affluent populist will be the popular icon around which revolutionary forces coalesce.
  • Pfhorrest
    everything Trump says is a projectionWayfarer

    I've been saying this about the right in general for a long time. Pretty much everything they ever accuse anyone on the left of is something they themselves are even more guilty of. (Not that the so-called "left" they're usually focusing on, the Democrats, are so blameless themselves).

    :100: :up:

    You couldn't get away with fiction this on the nose.StreetlightX

    And to top it all off, today's crowd of insurrectionists storming the capitol were lead by some lunatic cosplayer running around shirtless in a buffalo-horn hat and face paint. What the even fuck I can't.
  • frank
    Do they not see just see the same brash, disrespectful dumbass that I see?Hanover

    What all these people have in common is that they don't trust the mainstream media at all. Their world has been taken over by fraud and evil. They're fairly rudderless. They think you're the one who is deluded.

    They have a lot in common with leftists.
  • Tobias
    I wonder also how big the crowd is. When you see scenes from revolutionary Caïro for instance or after the Turkish coup in 2016 you see crowd on the streets, crowds of civilians everywhere. Not even the Turkish military stood a chance. Here however... they say the night will be problematic, I doubt it. Maybe because of counter protests. The Trumpists will go home or to their hotels peacefully. Well, peacefully. beating up people left and right but far from a revolution. I fear the truth is that the police has no interest in being forceful. Therefore, there is no crack down, no violence and dispersal. How many were there really? How many protesters?

    That is the difference with other revolutions. It is not a revolution against a government that rules at gun point. It is a revolution of those who own guns against those that write laws.

    They have a lot in common with leftists.frank

    When did leftists storm the Capitol?
  • frank
    Are you an American?
  • Tobias
    Are you an American?frank

    Wy do you ask? Are you Finnish?
  • Baden
    Reckon those dirty Trumpers gave their spoiled bitch enablers a shock by getting too close. Oh, the stink of our plebs...
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