• Baden
    Why do you ask? Are you Finnish?Tobias

    :lol: Hey, whose Irish?
  • frank

    Just not interested in in discussing it in snappy barbs with a European.
  • ChatteringMonkey

    Now Trump is saying that the election was stolen... but now go home.

    The guy simply doesn't understand just how seriously his followers take him. And likely that will be the end of Trump once those hardcore supporters understand how full of bullshit their idol is. Because, in the end Trump cannot be anything else but the inept leader that he is.

    (It would be like saying to us Finns that Russia just invaded your country, but go home now, no need to mobilize the army.)

    Does he really don't understand though, or is it exactly his intention, I can't decide. His video almost seemed like as explicit an invitation to carry on you could get away with as an acting president.
  • Tobias
    Just not interested in in discussing it in snappy barbs with a European.frank

    Ohhh dear identity politics. I thought that was a thing of the left...
  • NOS4A2
    I excused myself from work just to watch the livestreams. What a day.

    This was grassroots civil disobedience at its finest, not that corporate-funded, celebrity-endorsed astroturfing we’ve been inundated with for the past few years.

    Though the most racist and money-grubbing organization of the last millennia has once again taken power, a growing party of working class patriots forms beneath them. As Trump’s power wanes the movement he championed will carry on.
  • NOS4A2

    When did leftists storm the Capitol?

    Probably the Kavanaugh hearing. I believe the new Vice President even spoke there.
  • frank
    This was grassroots civil disobedience at its finest,NOS4A2

    It was internet-roots, stewed in conspiracy theories for years. It's all fantasy.

    Don't you realize that?
  • frank

    Read Nos's comment. See if you can spot the leftism.

    If you can't, fuck off.
  • Baden

    Whatever then. Knock yourself out. It's the same tape.
  • Tobias
    Probably the Kavanaugh hearing. I believe the new Vice President even spoke there.NOS4A2

    Ohh, was a woman shot, bombs found in the halls, thugs breaking windows? Or was it a war of words in which eventually the outcome of democratic procedure was accepted?

    If you can't, fuck off.frank

    The eloquence of these people never ceases to amaze me.
  • Baden

    You make an odd comment that sounds smart to you but doesn't to someone else and then get frustrated at the reaction (also, the you're not an American so you can't talk about America thing).
  • Baden
    Anyway, whatever, it's the Trump thread. You can cuss here, I suppose.
  • frank

    Um. That they're similar to leftists? That wasn't a salty jab. It's widely understood that QAnon now spans from right to left.
  • Baden

    Oh, so you meant QAnon leftists. Not leftists. Right.
  • frank

    Maybe. It's absorbing anybody with a conspiracy theory. It's probably already in Ireland.
  • NOS4A2

    It was internet-roots, stewed in conspiracy theories for years. It's all fantasy.

    Don't you realize that?

    Far better than the state, corporate and media-funded conspiracies we’ve all had to listen too for years now. It was only a few days ago former pentagon officials and their media propagandists were warning us that Trump might use the military to remain in power. Instead he called for peace and for people to go home.
  • Baden

    Sure, that happens on all sides of the political spectrum and in every country.
  • NOS4A2

    Ohh, was a woman shot, bombs found in the halls, thugs breaking windows? Or was it a war of words in which eventually the outcome of democratic procedure was accepted?

    Well, something like 80 people were arrested. But I’m not comparing the two.
  • frank
    Far better than the state, corporate and media-funded conspiracies we’ve all had to listen too for years now.NOS4A2

    So it's a war where both sides are deluded?
  • frank
    Sure, that happens on all sides of the political spectrum and in every country.Baden

    What happens?
  • Baden
    Meanwhile, while NOS celebrates, the woman who was shot in the capitol building is now dead.
  • Baden

    Involvement and belief in conspiracy theories.
  • Tobias
    Um. That they're similar to leftists? That wasn't a salty jab. It's widely understood that QAnon now spans from right to left.frank

    It does actually. The left right dichotomy is also dated. I see a lot of revolutionary discourse which has historically been characterized as 'left' and QAnon supporters and Trumpists. I think Trumpism can best be described as populist. Apparently a large part of the population is susceptible to conspiracy theories, which actually resonate very well with the theories in vogue in 19th century Europe.
  • frank
    Involvement and belief in conspiracy theoriesBaden

  • Baden
    National association of manufacturing has called for the 25th to be invoked.
  • Tobias
    We’ll, something like 80 people were arrested. But I’m not comparing the two.NOS4A2

    Yeah, also in Pelosi's office? I was blissfully unaware your seats of government were stormed on a regular basis.

    Or was it rioting? Something that is not to be condoned of course and a cause for arrest, but it is different from storming a government building. There is a reason why such places are often heavily guarded. The same reason why the US govt objects when in another country their buildings are stormed and rightly so. They also discriminate between riots and the storming of government building, the harassments of journalists etc.
  • NOS4A2

    Yeah, also in Pelosi's office? I was blissfully unaware your seats of government were stormed on a regular basis.

    Or was it rioting? Something that is not to be condoned of course and a cause for arrest, but it is different from storming a government building. There is a reason why such places are often heavily guarded. The same reason why the US govt objects when in another country their buildings are stormed and rightly so. They also discriminate between riots and the storming of government building, the harassments of journalists etc.

    Also, not too long ago there were riots immediately outside of the Whitehouse, in May I think. It turned quite violent and destructive, with the president sent to his bunker.

    All of this started from day one, Trump’s inauguration, outside of which was a riot. Politics has been heated ever since.
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