• frank
    Don’t give up so easily, ssu. There are still 75 days left of the best American presidency to have graced this earthNOS4A2

    You mean 75 more days to enjoy the supreme smack down?
  • NOS4A2

    You mean 75 more days to enjoy the supreme smack down?

    Sure. But I wager even you will be longing for a Trump presidency before long. The hopey-changey rhetoric and lullabies may have worked before, but will it prevail again?
  • BC
    racist, misogynistic, fraudulent, fascistic, infantile, corrupt lunatic fantasist moronKenosha Kid

    What I am hearing you say is that you didn't like Donald Trump.
  • Kenosha Kid
    What I am hearing you say is that you didn't like Donald Trump.Bitter Crank

    I'm torn :p
  • Relativist
    Hey Nos - Make some predictions for the next 4 years. Share your worst nightmares.
  • frank
    But I wager even you will be longing for a Trump presidency before longNOS4A2

    Nah. He was a dumbass wannabe dictator.
  • NOS4A2

    I fear more of the same, specifically the public relations politics, where an administration can get away with anything so long as it utters the fashionable bromides and ticks the right identity boxes. I think Biden's record with race and segregation and war and corruption and lies is well enough known to predict that it won't be the best of administrations.
  • Punshhh

    Trump can't show his face, he's so naked in his failure. The next 70 days are going to be his worst nightmare come true, with the whole world literally watching him.

    His only way out of the despair and to try to save face, is to try to make some sham of a legal challenge sound credible. Then when it fails in a few weeks time to grudgingly acknowledge the transfer of power and claim that he will be back in four years. He will need to save face with his base. The trouble is that this route will only dig a deeper hole as the US public hates a sore looser.
  • Hanover
    Celebrating the demise of Trump and his minions along with my winnings at the bookies the American way. :yum: :party: :party: :party:Baden

    Tennessee, a Trump state.
  • Relativist
    I fear more of the same, specifically the public relations politics, where an administration can get away with anything so long as it utters the fashionable bromides and ticks the right identity boxes.NOS4A2
    That's a prediction about style. What bad thing will Biden actually get away with?

    I think Biden's record with race and segregation and war and corruption and lies is well enough known to predict that it won't be the best of administrations.
    You will judge it "not the best" no matter what happens. Make specific dire predictions you will stand by.
  • Baden

    Drinking Trump tears right now, baby. :razz: :kiss:
  • Relativist
    His only way out of the despair and to try to save face, is to try to make some sham of a legal challenge sound credible. Then when it fails in a few weeks time to grudgingly acknowledge the transfer of power and claim that he will be back in four years. He will need to save face with his base.Punshhh
    Multiple court challenges are inevitable, but I'm skeptical there will be any acceptance. He will go to his grave asserting he's been robbed.

    The trouble is that this route will only dig a deeper hole as the US public hates a sore looser.
    I wish that were true. His supporters will continue to believe everything he says. I wouldn't br surprised if he still has rallys.
  • Benkei
    Multiple court challenges are inevitable, but I'm skeptical there will be any acceptance. He will go to his grave asserting he's been robbed.Relativist

    Something something tiniest fiddle something something...
  • NOS4A2

    That's a prediction about style. What bad thing will Biden actually get away with?

    Yes, the style is and has been ruinous until now. Biden can lament corruption in Ukraine and meddle in their elections while his son rakes in millions from corrupt gas companies. This is the sort of politics I predict: whispering fashionable bromides in your ear while taking from your back pocket.
  • Relativist
    So....no substantive predictions. Nothing that will have a broad impact on Americans. That seems odd.
  • NOS4A2

    So....no substantive predictions. Nothing that will have a broad impact on Americans. That seems odd.

    Why does that seem odd? I have no ability to predict future events, so why would you want to hear me try?
  • Baden
    Giuliani's "fake election" presser.
  • Relativist
    It's odd because most people choose the candidate that they believe will result in policies they prefer, not just because they like the person's style. Furthermore, many Republicans voted for Trump in spite of his style, and other Republicans voted against him because of his style.
  • Mayor of Simpleton
    If nothing else, the shit storm gave us this image...
  • Mayor of Simpleton
    Tomorrow are they gonna fly all those Trump 2020 flags at half mast?
  • RogueAI
    That was my avatar on a politics forum!

    Also, I saw a rainbow this morning for the first time since April (I live in the desert). I swear to god, there was an actual rainbow about an hour after they called it.
  • FrankGSterleJr
    What I find far more disturbing than Donald Trump’s ridiculously over-stoked fan base, are the strong supporters who consider themselves to be Christian.

    The Biblical Jesus was unquestionably the opposite of the president’s character; he was all about compassion, pacifism and absolute charity. He clearly would not tolerate such superfluous wealth as the hoarding of tens of billions of dollars while so many others went hungry and homeless.

    While many true Christians have rejected Trump’s presidency, regardless of his tempting conservative politics (e.g. his Pro-life professions), this very vocal and politically active ‘Christian’ element lauds Trump.

    Apparently, so very angered by Democratic Party social liberalism, they promote, even praise, the figurative devil.

    (I know I’d dread the possibly of being looked upon by Trump’s big money corporate drivers as a useful idiot, especially if I was a supporter who's struggling to make financial ends meet.)

    Their apparent blindness to Trump being contrary to Christ’s teachings makes it seem to me they’ve sacrificed Jesus’s fundamentals on the altar of unyielding hard-conservative politics.

    “Jesus Is My Savior, Trump Is My President”, Trump’s fanatic followers are chanting across America.
    (Does Jonestown and the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project eerily come to mind, anyone?)

    Perhaps worst of all, they make very bad examples of the faith, especially to young impressionable observers.
  • Mr Bee
    It's odd because most people choose the candidate that they believe will result in policies they prefer, not just because they like the person's style.Relativist

    Not true at all. Most people didn't pick Biden in the primaries because they liked him, but because they thought he was "electable" and most people picked him in the general because he wasn't Trump. They made their decision not based on what they want, but on what they thought other people want.
  • Metaphysician Undercover

    How Trump garnered a significant portion of the Christian vote is very telling of the state of Christianity in America... too many years of the likes of Billy Graham and Oral Roberts.
  • Pfhorrest
    Also, I saw a rainbow this morning for the first time since April (I live in the desert). I swear to god, there was an actual rainbow about an hour after they called it.RogueAI

    It rained here for the first time since April too, and it’s such a gorgeous sunny post-rainy day that it feels like this must be a movie where the Big Bad is defeated and suddenly the sun comes out and the dead grass returns to life... and yeah, a big beautiful rainbow arches across the sky, though I didn’t get to see any here.
  • Relativist
    Not true at all. Most people didn't pick Biden in the primaries because they liked him, but because they thought he was "electable" and most people picked him in the general because he wasn't Trump. They made their decision not based on what they want, but on what they thought other people want.Mr Bee
    That's absurd. ~Trump carry's with it a set of related wants: judges with a broader view of civil rights, better cooperation with international partners, immigration reform, rescuing Obamacare, commitment to rule of law, and to the Constitution. These characteristics were present for all the Democratic candidates, so it made the most sense to me to support the Democrat most likely to win. (And given the closeness if the election, this appears to have been the right choice).
  • Maw
    Come January 20th we can close this thread, yeah?
  • creativesoul
    How Trump garnered a significant portion of the Christian vote is very telling of the state of Christianity in America... too many years of the likes of Billy Graham and Oral Roberts.Metaphysician Undercover

    Not enough of the likes of Betrand Russell...
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