• creativesoul

    ...the decisionmaking process within former special counsel Robert Mueller's team over whether to charge certain people with crimes during the probe.

    Knowledge of which would certainly directly answer any questions about why Trump was not charged by Mueller and his team as well as verifying/falsifying any public pronouncements made by anyone privy to the original(un-redacted) report about that.
  • Michael
    It is further ORDERED that, on or before November 2, 2020, the Department shall produce to the plaintiffs an updated redacted version of the Mueller Report, which discloses the information redacted pursuant to Exemption 5, unless such information has been properly withheld pursuant to another exemption.

    They have to produce it on or before the day before the election.
  • creativesoul

    Who are the plaintiffs?
  • Michael
    BuzzFeed and the Electronic Privacy Information Center.
  • creativesoul


  • Kevin
    Trump's reaction (lack thereof) to "dogwhistles" was interesting.
  • Old Master
    Oddly enough I felt Trump was at his very best (read worst) after Biden called him stupid, and he was really really angry at Biden for that. Biden struck a massive nerve with him. You could see an entire lifetime of trauma from Fred Trump calling him a stupid asshole bubbling up to the surface and causing him to lash out. That was a PTSD trigger reaction if I've seen one.

    PS as much as I wanted a candidate like Bernie, I actually appreciated how Biden talked about getting psychologists with cops when dealing with people having mental issues, so force didn't need to be used.
  • Changeling
    I actually appreciated how Biden talked about getting psychologists with cops when dealing with people having mental issuesOld Master

    Should be getting psychologists with Trump too.
  • NOS4A2
    NYC elections board says nearly 100,000 Brooklyn voters received wrong ballot return envelopes

    A misprint by a third-party vendor caused nearly 100,000 Brooklyn voters to receive absentee ballot return envelopes with the wrong address and names printed on them, the New York City Board of Elections said, and voters will be sent new ballots.

    In New York, absentee voters must place their completed absentee ballots into a return envelope, known as an "oath" envelope, that includes the voter's name, address and voter ID. The oath envelope is then placed inside a second envelope to be returned to local election officials.

    Voters affected by the recent error instead received an oath envelope with the personal information of another voter, raising questions about whether the ballots would be counted in the fall election. The incident comes amid widespread discussion -- and frequent misinformation -- about the security of mail-in voting.

    Sounds familiar to the case in California earlier this year.

    California rejected 100,000 mail-in ballots because of mistakes

    According to polling, almost twice as many Biden supporters as Trump supporters say they’ll vote by mail this year. Over 500,000 mail-in votes have been rejected this year, far outpacing 2016. Perhaps this is why Democrats have pivoted away from championing mail-in voting.
  • Punshhh
    According to polling, almost twice as many Biden supporters as Trump supporters say they’ll vote by mail this year. Over 500,000 mail-in votes have been rejected this year, far outpacing 2016. Perhaps this is why Democrats have pivoted away from championing mail-in voting.
    Sounds like there must be some QAnon (Trump) operatives infiltrating the department that sends out the ballots. It's the only way Trump can contest the election, if he has some evidence to cast doubt on its working properly. Just infiltrate the database which sends them out, find some sacks of dodgy ballots in a dumpster, or something, it's so easy.

    Again contempt for the electoral system, contempt for society, a rat in the Oval Office
  • Streetlight

    "Top GOP officials have reportedly been sent into a blind panic after seeing numbers showing that Democratic voters in key states are returning mail-in ballots at much, much higher rates than Republican voters. According to The Washington Post, the Democratic lead in mail voting is so extreme that it’s led to urgent discussions among senior GOP officials. “It’s astronomical,” said one unnamed Republican strategist, who added that he was left “horrified” by the numbers. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has reportedly twice met with Trump to urge him to stop bashing mail balloting, and is said to have told others he’s worried that the president’s rhetoric could stop Republican voters—especially elderly ones—from sending in their ballots. Republican National Committee spokesman Mike Reed insisted there was no panic, saying Republicans “will come out in droves to vote in person” on Election Day."


    I hope Trump and his little sycophants keep pushing this line of mail-in ballot fraud - the only people stupid enough to believe it are the people who would otherwise vote for him. And it seems to be having the lovely effect of energising everyone else.
  • Benkei
    Lmao. And our resident Trumptard is still pushing the same line too.
  • Streetlight
    He's good for something other than being a breathing joke.
  • NOS4A2

    Lmao. And our resident Trumptard is still pushing the same line too.

    Yet your DNC fellow-travellers are beginning to see the error in their ways.

    But you have yet to get the memo. Only about one-hundredth of 1 percent of in-person votes are rejected, whereas rejection rates of 1 percent are common with mail-in votes. If your ballot is rejected your vote doesn’t count.

    And rejected ballots are on the rise. There go all your votes to the trash bin. Brilliant.

    With the coronavirus creating a surge in mail-in balloting and postal delays reported across the country, the number of rejected ballots in November is projected to be significantly higher than previous elections.

    If ballots are rejected at the same rate as during this year’s primaries, up to three times as many voters in November could be disenfranchised in key battleground states when compared to the last presidential election, according to an Associated Press analysis of rejected ballots. It could be even more pronounced in some urban areas where Democratic votes are concentrated and ballot rejection rates trended higher during this year’s primaries.

  • Benkei
    Good to see you self identify as a Trumptard. Now run along.
  • 180 Proof
    tRumptards: STFD & STFU.

  • Michael
    After Trump and RNC Fail to Cite 'Single Instance' of Fraud, Federal Judge Rejects Effort to Block Mail-In Voting in Montana

    A federal judge on Wednesday rejected an effort by the Trump campaign and Republican National Committee to block an expansion of mail-in voting in Montana after the GOP plaintiffs failed to present to the court a single example of voter fraud in the state within the past two decades.

    "This case requires the court to separate fact from fiction," Judge Dana Christensen of the U.S. District Court for the District of Montana wrote in his 46-page ruling (pdf). "Central to some of the plaintiffs' claims is the contention that the upcoming election, both nationally and in Montana, will fall prey to widespread voter fraud. The evidence suggests, however, that this allegation, specifically in Montana, is a fiction."

    Christensen went on to note that during hearings on the lawsuit filed last month against Montana's secretary of state and Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock, the Trump campaign and RNC "were compelled to concede that they cannot point to a single instance of voter fraud in Montana in any election during the last 20 years."

    "Importantly, Montana's use of mail ballots during the recent primary election did not give rise to a single report of voter fraud," Christensen wrote. "There is no record of election fraud in Montana's recent history, and it is highly unlikely that fraud will occur during the November 3, 2020 general election."
  • ssu
    According to polling, almost twice as many Biden supporters as Trump supporters say they’ll vote by mail this year. Over 500,000 mail-in votes have been rejected this year, far outpacing 2016. Perhaps this is why Democrats have pivoted away from championing mail-in voting.NOS4A2

    Great. So if Trump would win the Democrats could argue that the Republicans manipulated the mail-in votes. The same kind of switcheroo that Republicans had with the FBI and Comey as we have seen. Or whatever :shade:
  • Pierre-Normand
    I've been studying. So there's Cocoa Puffs, Apple Jacks, Lucky Charms, Fruity Pebbles, and Count Chocula. I just hope I remember them while they're kicking me in the nuts.Hanover

    Good luck with that! Trump's own application was rejected when all he could recite was: "Person, woman, man, camera, TV".
  • fdrake
    Cocoa PuffsHanover

    Fruity Pebbles,Hanover

    For some reason I doubt that those types of cereal meet the exacting standards of the Proud Boys.
  • Relativist
    But you have yet to get the memo. Only about one-hundredth of 1 percent of in-person votes are rejected, whereas rejection rates of 1 percent are common with mail-in votes. If your ballot is rejected your vote doesn’t count.

    And rejected ballots are on the rise. There go all your votes to the trash bin. Brilliant.

    Rejected ballots do not necessarily get trashed:
    The vast majority of these ballots were rejected because voters made a mistake or failed to fill out the witness information, according to state records. A rejected ballot does not necessarily mean the voter is denied his or her vote: North Carolina allows for a process called “vote curing,” where voters are notified that there’s a mistake and given a chance to fix their ballot. But that’s not an option in every state. And even that isn’t foolproof. In Nevada’s statewide primary in June, for example, 12,366 ballots had a missing or mismatched signature, but even after voters were notified to fix it, only 45 percent were successfully cured.

    This was from this fivethirtyeight article, which the Axios article linked to.

    This highlights the need to educate people on how to correctly fill out their ballot, if they choose to go this route. In the future, we should push for "vote-curing" in all states.

    Personally, I'm voting in person on election day to ensure my vote is tabulated on that day.
  • NOS4A2

    Great. So if Trump would win the Democrats could argue that the Republicans manipulated the mail-in votes. The same kind of switcheroo that Republicans had with the FBI and Comey as we have seen. Or whatever :shade:

    I’m not sure how they could do that when the place and manner of federal elections is regulated by each state.
  • NOS4A2

    Personally, I'm voting in person on election day to ensure my vote is tabulated on that day.

    That’s a good idea. I fear that the whole “it’s dangerous to vote in person” idea is a form of voter suppression, and it’s good to see someone unswayed by it.
  • Relativist
    It doesn’t settle it because “the IC does not know the accuracy of this allegation or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication.”
    We don't even know the SOURCE of the allegation. It would not be surprising if the ultimate source is Russia.
    But given that the Steele dossier was largely sourced from suspected Russian spies, and payed for by the Clinton campaign, it appears that any “Russian collusion” to dig up dirt on an opponent was a Democrat affair.
    What's the problem? It's common practice to dig up dirt on political opponents and to utilize whatever dirt is available (consider Trump's use of Wikileaks, not to mention Stone's coordination with Assange). It WOULD be a problem if the formal Russian investigation by the FBI and Mueller were a product of a political witch-hunt, but the IG has already assessed that and indicated it was not.

    Suppose the only thing Clinton ever received was Steele's work, and decided to use this against Trump. That would be about as bad as Trump using the low quality information Guiliani obtained from Ukraine. So if you're going to cry foul in the hypothetical against Clinton, you should cry foul in the actual against Trump.
  • Relativist
    I fear that the whole “it’s dangerous to vote in person” idea is a form of voter suppression, and it’s good to see someone unswayed by it.NOS4A2
    Has anyone actually pushed it being too dangerous to vote in person? I haven't seen any. If it's there, it's been drowned out by the bogus claims about fraud.

    That said, the Axios article was useful. We shouldn't just enable people to mail in ballots, we need to also be sure they are filled out correctly.
  • Michael
    Texas governor to close mail-in ballot drop-off boxes, limiting one per county

    Harris county has a population of 4.7 million. They get 1 drop-off box. Republicans sure like to make it harder to vote.
  • Streetlight

    Santorum saying the quiet part loud.
  • Maw
    Incredible that there is a white supremist group who call themselves the Proud Boys which they named after a song cut from the Disney musical, Aladdin, and one of the group creeds is to masturbate no more than once a month.
  • NOS4A2

    I remember Tom Perez, chair of the DNC, suggesting that Republicans are “going to keep forcing millions of Americans to choose between their safety and their vote.”


    But there is always more:


    What's the problem? It's common practice to dig up dirt on political opponents and to utilize whatever dirt is available (consider Trump's use of Wikileaks, not to mention Stone's coordination with Assange). It WOULD be a problem if the formal Russian investigation by the FBI and Mueller were a product of a political witch-hunt, but the IG has already assessed that and indicated it was not.

    Crossfire Hurricane was set up to investigate whether individuals associated with President Trump's campaign was coordinating with the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

    The problem is that they investigated the wrong campaign.
  • NOS4A2

    They’re idiots, as far as white supremacists go. They don’t even realize that their leader is a black Cuban.
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