• Maw
    Howdy gang,

    As some of you may remember, I was part of the old Philosophy Forum that for whatever reason has become a ghost town for the last year. What the hell happened there? Nothing is accessible anymore.

    Anyway, I've been missing the thrill of philosophical discussions, and have been feeling the need to resharpen by knowledge and debating skill. And while I really dislike this forums layout, I figured I'll give it a shot. Who else is from the old forum?
  • _db
    Sup mate. Great to see you here.
  • Emptyheady
    Welcome lad.

    And while I really dislike this forums layout, I figured I'll give it a shot.Maw

    Same here, but it may be just bias against any change -- eventually you will get used to it.
  • Shawn
    Hello there comrade!
  • Agustino
    Hello Maw! Welcome! :)
  • Saphsin
    A lot of the same people and some new ones I think.
  • Maw
    Good to "see" you all again!
  • Thorongil
    Mae govannen, Maw. Good to see you here.
  • Lower Case NUMBERS
    Hold the door open on your way in for those on the way out.
  • Jamal
    What took you so long?
  • mcdoodle
    Welcome, Maw :)
  • Baden
    Welcome on board! 8-)
  • BC
    Still cranking away. Welcome back.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Hiya Maw!
    Wooot Woot!
    Glad you are here!
  • S
    Welcome, Maw.

    What the hell happened there? Nothing is accessible anymore.Maw

    The short version is that it was sold and then abandoned.

    Who else is from the old forum?Maw

    I am, as are many others.
  • Jamal
    And while I really dislike this forums layoutMaw

    Same hereEmptyheady

    What don't you like about it?
  • Maw
    Very good to be seeing you all again!

    The old forums layout was more of a standard internet forum layout, so it was simply easier to navigate. This layout is pretty unusual to me.
  • Baden

    You'll get used to it, Maw, and it's far better on mobile if you roll that way.
  • Emptyheady
    A traditional forum has more options, but I am getting used to this minimalistic forum design.
  • Jamal
    The old forums layout was more of a standard internet forum layout, so it was simply easier to navigate. This layout is pretty unusual to me.Maw

    So it's about ease of navigation? Anything in particular? I much prefer this one in almost every way, once it's zoomed to 125% at least.

    A traditional forum has more optionsEmptyheady

    Such as?
  • Michael
    Such as?jamalrob


  • Jamal
    Yes, that's come up a few times.

    In any case, a lack of features has nothing to do with the layout.
  • Baden
    It's largely a matter of taste, I think. Personally, I also like it better in just about every way to the previous place.
  • Emptyheady
    Colour texts, personalised themes, the threads are much clearer structured as my scope of interest is quite limited regarding philosophy -- but I actually do not want be pedantic.
  • S
    Colour texts, personalised themes, the threads are much clearer structured as my scope of interest is quite limited regarding philosophy -- but I actually do not want be pedantic.Emptyheady

    The categories page is structured just as well - if not better - than the previous forum's main page. It's just that it's not the home page here. But it's only ever a click or two away. If, for example, your interest is limited to logic and philosophy of mathematics, we have a category for that. And if you untick all of the categories outside of your interest, they won't show up on your home page.

    Coloured texts and personalised themes I see as trivial. And personally, I prefer it without the option to use coloured text. If you can't use it, you can't abuse it. It just looks neater and more professional when it's all in black.

    It's bad enough that you can do this:

    :D Coloured texts and personalised themes I see as trivial (Y) . And personally, I prefer it without the option to use coloured text :-$ :-* . If you can't use it, you can't abuse it >:) :B . It just looks neater (Y) and more professional 8-) when it's all in black. (L) O:)

    Just imagine how much worse that could be if coloured text was added to the palette! No to coloured text, no to signatures, no to gifs. That's what I say.
  • Maw
    Personally, I think the layout is very bland, and there is also a lot of unused space. Granted, it does look a lot better on Mobile, but I usually use Desktop when writing on forums. Wouldn't mind user profile pics being bigger either, but all that is just my 2 cents.

    I also miss the approval or disapproval ratings.

    Also where is 180 Proof?
  • Erik
    Welcome. Would be awesome to get 180 Proof and Landru Guide Us over here.
  • _db
    180 ProofErik

    Also where is 180 Proof?Maw

    I think 180 Proof showed up briefly but didn't return. Not sure why though.
  • Baden
    @180 Proof, @Landru Guide Us, and @Paul are members but not active. BusyCuttingCrap is another notable absence. (I think he's the member @busy but no posts there.)
  • Agustino
    I also miss the approval or disapproval ratings.Maw
    Why so? Philosophy isn't about what folks like, it's about what is true. Approval and disapproval ratings were misused and became popularity contests, hence why we voted against them here.
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