• Wayfarer
    There’s an asymmetry which Trumpistas are expert in exploiting. Democratic government is above all a framework of rules and agreements whereby candidates for government put their case and are elected to enact their policies. Well and good but the framework also relies on a larger framework of the acceptance of fact and resultant honesty in order to operate. Granted all politicians sometimes bend the rules and conceal the truth; there is at least a sense that, were they presented with facts that don’t permit equivocation, then they must yield to them. ‘Everyone has a right to their own opinions’, said one famous politician, ‘but not to their own facts’.

    Yet it is just this which has been torpedoed by Trump. Trump’s constant stream of half-truths, untruths and lies has corroded the framework of common facts. And that’s why he’s such a threat to democracy. He and his lackeys have no regard for facts - only for what can be sold, or told, as facts, to maintain political power. So here Americans have legally appoint someone to office, who then begins to methodically unravel the foundations of the democracy that put him there. And once those levers are no longer effective, then he can hold on to power by undemocratic means, having flouted democracy.

    That’s what we’re seeing here. If Trump is acquitted by his Senate lackeys then what restraint can be put on him after that? Having gotten away with crimes which 500 professors of law and 400 retired federal prosecutors say are definitely impeachable, Trump and his henchmen will be in an ideal position to drive a stake through the heart of American constitutional democracy. Hey, you’ve got people here rooting for it.

    Anyway, I think the Democratic Party is doing a great job in pursuing this matter to the bitter end. They have to do it, as they say, as duty the constitution. The problem is, all they have is the law, and the facts; and they’re up against people for whom neither of these matter.
  • NOS4A2

    We are entering an era of migration crisis. Donald Trump is the foreguard of Fascism ready to defend nationalism. The jack-boots marching can be heard approaching from a distance.

    That’s a good little racket. Keep saying fascism is coming and when it never arrives you can say you helped keep it at bay. Any time now...
  • ovdtogt
    Those that forget history are condemned to repeat it. If you don't see parallels with the 1930's you are being wilfully blind.
  • ovdtogt
    Migration is not just affecting the US. Europe and most rich countries are facing an influx of economic refugees causing a political crisis in all these regions. This will inevitably give rise to increasingly extreme right wing governments that don't eschew violence to beat down domestic or foreign threats.
  • NOS4A2

    What are the parallels to the 1930s? Is it the booming economy?

    The only parallels I see are to the various points of moral panic and mass hysteria.
  • Brett

    If you don't see parallels with the 1930's you are being wilfully blind.ovdtogt

    Yes, I’d like to see the parallels with the 1930’s myself.
  • ovdtogt
    he only parallels I see are to the various points of moral panic and mass hysteria.NOS4A2

    That is all you need for strong authoritarian leadership.
  • ovdtogt
    Yes, I’d like to see the parallels with the 1930’s myself.Brett

    Study the rise of Fascism in Germany and the parallels are obvious.
  • Brett

    I imagine the fact that Impeachment is being considered by the Democrats would be one strike against your comment, also the fact that the Republicans, an elected body, may block it, is another strike against your opinion.

    Edit: spell out the obvious.
  • ovdtogt
    I imagine the fact that Impeachment is being considered by the Democrats would be one strike against your comment,Brett

    I imagine the fact that the Senate in no way is going to convict him confirms my conviction. And the fact that the Republicans are totally and the Democrats mostly, are corporate Fascists.
  • Brett

    I guess my point went right over your head.
  • ovdtogt

    Corporate Fascism.
    """Its purpose is to portray the interests of billionaires as the interests of the common people, to wage war against trade unions and beat down attempts to regulate business and tax the very rich. Now the people who helped run this machine are shaping the government."""
  • NOS4A2
    Like I said, a moral panic. Trump is their folk devil. It is with scary stories and promises of a coming terror that they justify their authoritarianism and megalomania.
  • ovdtogt
    Like I said, a moral panic. Trump is their folk devil. It is with scary stories and promises of a coming terror that they justify their authoritarianism and megalomania.NOS4A2

    Seriously..how old are you man?
  • NOS4A2

    Seriously..how old are you man?

    Tell us more about the parallels between Trump’s America and Nazi germany.
  • ovdtogt
    Tell us more about the parallels between Trump’s America and Nazi germany.NOS4A2

    Google it man..do your own homework.
  • NOS4A2

    Google it man..do your own homework.

    You made the claim and I should back it up for you...How old are you?
  • ovdtogt
    ou made the claim and I should back it up for you...How old are you?NOS4A2

    Do you want me to tell you how to wipe your arse too?
    You show such a degree of ignorance. I am not going to waste my time on you.
  • NOS4A2

    No, there are no parallels beyond the fever dreams of those wedded to propaganda.
  • Brett

    Google it man..do your own homework.ovdtogt

    You made the statement so it rests with you to prove it. Which of course you can’t do because it’s ridiculous.

    One day this OP will be used as a document in the study of mass hysteria. The comments made on this OP right from the start are full of hysterical nonsense about the end of the world, fascism, catastrophic consequences and war. It’s mass hysteria that plays into the hands of totalitarianism, which is what this OP amounts to. Look at the way any difference of opinion is attacked. And this from supposedly intelligent, reasoning people.
  • praxis
    The comments made on this OP right from the start are full of hysterical nonsense about the end of the world, fascism, catastrophic consequences and war.Brett

    Would you mind pointing out these comments? There’s two hundred and thirty four pages so I’m sure you can find something to support this claim, but it might take you a while to find it.
  • ovdtogt
    It’s mass hysteria that plays into the hands of totalitarianism,Brett

    Yes mass hysteria. Let's seek appeasement with Donald Trump. The fascist leader of the fascist Republican party.


    Appeasement in an international context is a diplomatic policy of making political or material concessions to an aggressive power in order to avoid conflict.[1] The term is most often applied to the foreign policy of the British governments of Prime Ministers Ramsay MacDonald, Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain towards Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy[2] between 1935 and 1939.
  • Brett

    he'll take a leaf from Erdoğan's book - suspend the constitution, start to round up his accusers, and move towards extending his term extra-constitutionally.Wayfarer
  • ssu
    One day this OP will be used as a document in the study of mass hysteria.Brett

    Hmm, so the Opening Paragraph was:

    Please put general conversations about Trump here. Anything that is not exceptionally deserving of its own OP on this topic will be merged into this discussion. And let's keep things relatively polite. Thanks.René Descartes

    Or perhaps earlier before this format:

    This place serves 7 purposes:
    1) Debate about Trump.
    2) Talking about Trump.
    3) Shouting whatever you want at Trump.
    4) Laughing, crying, hating, liking Trump.
    5) Whatever else you want to do so long as it relates Trump.
    6) Whateve else you want to do even though it has nothing to do with Trump.
    7) etc.
    René Descartes

    Yeah....mass hysteria.
  • ssu
    Let's seek appeasement with Donald Trump. The fascist leader of the fascist Republican party.ovdtogt
    I'm just waiting how Americans will feel after both Trump and Bill Clinton are shown have been participating in Epstein's underage girl sex ring / racket.
  • NOS4A2
    “Today’s job report, more than any other report in recent months, squashed any lingering concerns about an imminent recession in the US economy,” said Gad Levanon, head of the Conference Board’s Labor Market Institute. “Employment growth also shows no signs of slowing further despite the historically low unemployment rate.”

    Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

  • praxis

    There’s one for Fascist hysteria? What about the rest? The one from wayfarer was on page 218. Are you working from the end towards the OP?
  • NOS4A2

    I’ve come to believe it’s more live action role playing. They get to live out a fantasy of an oppressive force while at the same time remaining completely safe and comfortable, and all of it to disguise the moral depravity hidden within. The impeachment, for instance, is a fantasy.
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