• Outlander

    So someone suffering sever emotional distress should face a real life animal attack instead of a metaphorical one as seems to be the subject here?

    Yeah. Avoid all losing lottery tickets while you're at it. Funny people have that in common. You gotta scratch the surface before you determine the value.
  • Wheatley
    So someone suffering sever emotional distress should face a real life animal attack instead of a metaphorical one as seems to be the subject here?Outlander
    Thats a false dilemma because you can avoid them both. If @Wandering-Philosopher wants to watch other members get ripped apart here on the philosophy forum, thats up to him. My only suggestion is to not get involved in wild internet philosophy, that's all.
  • Outlander

    At the end of the day there's only right and wrong. Justice and lack of it. The latter of which never lasts for long. I'd rather witness some of the wrong then know only the right. Perhaps I'd bring back a token of what was wrong as a momento or something. I'd be so jealous if I was born after the fact and someone I know lived to witness such a time.
  • Deletedmemberwap
    I see both your points. Although, if I were in a position of strength, this place would be fine for me. But since I have been on the verge of suicide the last few weeks, I do not think being ripped apart on here is going to add any value to my life... in fact, quite the opposite. The careless vultures may be the very cause of my demise.

    I see no reason to add to my suffering at this time.
  • Wheatley
    I think it is settled then. Hopefully over time you will get stronger. Perhaps then you will return to this forum and kick their asses. :lol:
  • Deletedmemberwap
    I'm in my 30's, done a lot for my age, seen the world, been to war, lived overseas as a civilian for many years and much more. One thing I have always believed in is being kind to others. You can get a point across without being rude, nasty or obnoxious. Without getting personal. Because most of my life I have been in a position of strength, and I have told others "be gentle with strangers, because you have no idea what they may be going through".

    The irony now, as it is ME that others should be gentle with. I am sure this time will pass. However, the point is, the one's being a "shark" today could well be the one's in a depressive and unfortaunte state tomorrow. We must all treat each other as we would wish to be treated.

    That goes for online forums too.

    No good philosopher will ever be an utter ass to another. It simply makes no sense. All opinions are valid. All arguments can be counteragued with RESPECT.

    These are basic moral values.
  • Deletedmemberwap
    You are a good person Wheatley. For what it's worth, you have my full respect.
  • Wheatley
    Thank you, and good luck with everything! All the best!
  • Outlander
    No good philosopher will ever be an utter ass to another. It simply makes no sense.Wandering-Philosopher

    What part of free registration is not being factored into your view of this forum? The "good" philosophers are out writing books, teaching curious students at prestigious universities for top dollar, bettering themselves even. Not online. Of course, some do spare a moment for the sake of the art they love. :)

    Seeing as you're a bit up there so to speak you could, generally, expect things to be kinder. Of course, knowing the chaos of life, war included, it can take an unfortunate circumstance to value constructive criticism albeit delivered in a rude way over smiles and a high five.
  • Deletedmemberwap
    See, now you are just being facetious. Constructive is fine. The "I want to hurt you" and "you must hate your work" comments (not made by you) are just out of order. That's my opinion and it's an entirely valid one.

    Many people simply don't know how to converse with each other in a decent manner.

    Free registration is always factored into view, hence why I am leaving of course.
  • Outlander

    The masochist (just kidding guy :P ) was because your apparent nonchalance toward someone taking their own life obviously struck a nerve. The other simply can relate to the fear of death or is otherwise a functional person who naturally fears the end of bio stasis. Knowing this you surely have no bone to pick with them.

    Why did you join anyhow? Because you're a professional or looking to learn? If you're the latter I think you could reason just as well as I can why that could be a foolish choice.
  • Deletedmemberwap
    @Baden - it's a shame that I have been on here little over 24 hours and yet felt much worse for having joined. Please close my account, and any related thread/s.

    Thank you kindly.
  • Wheatley
    He's offline now, and neither any of the other administrators are online either now. I'm sure he will close your account and threads though, so don't you worry.

    Edit: @Hanover
  • Judaka

    You ignored all the constructive responses and cried about the one you didn't like. I think you need to get a grip.
  • Outlander

    You can kill the messenger but not the message. It either has a point or it doesn't. And if it truly doesn't, what difference is it then receiving a telegram in a foreign language? It is not for you to be processed. Of course.. we have innate intelligence and at times it can conflict with our indoctrinated ways.
  • Wheatley
    Considering I've lost everything in the last 3 months, including my "work" as you put it, and both my parents.Wandering-Philosopher

    I think you need to get a grip.Judaka
  • Brett

    This is a vicious place, you’re the only one here to have shown that you use your mind.
  • Judaka

    I took that into account and deleted a far harsher reprimand and edited into "get a grip". My kindness is great.
  • Baden

    Thanks for the tag.

    it's a shame that I have been on here little over 24 hours and yet felt much worse for having joined. Please close my account, and any related thread/s.

    Thank you kindly.

    Sorry you feel that way. I'll do that.

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