• Wayfarer
    The question again: can you stipulate some thing which is neither temporally delimited nor composed of parts? I suggest not.

    either there is a foundation, or there's a vicious infinite regress of ever-deeper layers of reality - which I reject.Relativist

    So you acknowledge that science can’t say what the foundation is, but you nevertheless claim, presumably as an act of faith, that if there is a foundation, then it must be material in nature.

    At some stage in history materialism might have been able to claim that the atom was imperishable and eternal - which was, after all, the basis of materialism in Greek philosophy - but that is no longer considered feasible. Fundamental particles, so-called, have an intrinsically ambiguous nature, and they seem to be at bottom to be best conceived as an excitation of fields, however fields might be conceived.

    I personally reject deism because it depends on an infinitely complex intelligence, with magical knowledge, just happening to exist by brute fact.Relativist

    That’s a Richard Dawkins argument - that whatever constructs must be more complex than what is constructed by it. But in the classical tradition, God is not complex at all, but is simple. And the best analogy I can think of for that is - you! Your body comprises billions upon billions of cells, the brain is the most complex natural phenomenon known to science with more neural connections than stars in the sky (or so I once read). And yet, you yourself are a simple unity. That, I think is the meaning (or one meaning) of ‘imago dei’.
  • Relativist
    The question again: can you stipulate some thing which is neither temporally delimited nor composed of parts? I suggest not.Wayfarer

    Even a God is temporally delimited if the past is finite. He simply exists at all times. The same is true of a material foundation. Regarding parts:why assume something exists without parts? I gave a good reason to believe the past is finite and there's a bottom layer of reality. I've never encountered a reason to assume the foundation of existence lacks parts. If there is, then it would be easy to stipulate that, and then build an ontology based on it.

    So you acknowledge that science can’t say what the foundation is, but you nevertheless claim, presumably as an act of faith, that if there is a foundation, then it must be material in nature.Wayfarer
    Not an act of faith: an inference to best explanation. I see no reason to think anything immaterial exists. An immaterial foundation adds no explanatory power, so it's unparsimonious. A 3-omni God is unparsimonious to the extreme.

    At some stage in history materialism might have been able to claim that the atom was imperishable and eternal - which was, after all, the basis of materialism in Greek philosophy - but that is no longer considered feasible. Fundamental particles, so-called, have an intrinsically ambiguous nature, and they seem to be at bottom to be best conceived as an excitation of fields, however fields might be conceived.Wayfarer
    Sure. Quantum field theory proposes that quantum fields (perhaps a single quantum field- in a sense, one "part") may constitute the bottom layer of reality.

    Regardless, there are good reasons to believe the world is fundamentally quantum mechanical, and an implication is that our intuitions (which are the primary tool of metaphysics) are problematic for developing a reliable metaphysical theory.

    That’s a Richard Dawkins argument - that whatever constructs must be more complex than what is constructed by it. But in the classical tradition, God is not complex at all, but is simple.Wayfarer
    I didn't assert there to be some metaphysical rule that, "whatever constructs must be more complex than what is constructed by it". Rather, I pointed to the complexity of God's knowledge. Divine simplicity seems a rationalization, one that depends on treating knowledge as a magical property. Every verifiable fact points to knowledge being composed of data, and data being encoded. The assumption of a 3-omni God is treated as a carte blanche magical answer to any question, and theists never address the prima facie implausibility of omniscience.

    the brain is the most complex natural phenomenon known to science with more neural connections than stars in the sky (or so I once read). And yet, you yourself are a simple unity.Wayfarer
    When we look at a picture of a triangle, how many things do we see? We see 4 things: the sides, and the triangle. The triangle is a "unity" (a single thing) but is more than just 3 lines (contrast it with 3 unconnected lines on a page). So a triangle is more complex than the individual lines that composed it, just like I am more complex than the particles that comprise me. So I accept calling me a "unity", but not simple.
  • A Christian Philosophy
    But this means, that if physicalism is true, and strings are the bottom layer, then everything is "nothing but" strings - so nothing has an identity other than the strings. This makes no sense. Composite objects, such as rocks and horses, exist.Relativist
    Yes, if physicalism is true, then everything is nothing but strings. But I don't think it would be absurd. Take a pile of sand for example. Most people would agree this is not an object in itself, but rather it is just grains of sand piled together due to laws of nature like the wind. If so, we could say the same for a rock: a bunch of molecules piled together due to laws of nature. Then the word "rock" only refers to the structure as a whole.

    Sure, horses are ontological objects. No objects that we define as horses existed prior to some earlier specific point of time. Although we can say "horses didn't have existence prior to that point of time", it doesn't mean there's a metaphysical object "horse" that sometimes exists and sometimes doesn't.Relativist
    I think the fact that we can say it without contradiction is sufficient for our current purpose. In contrast, we could not say "horses and rocks were not physical prior to that point of time", because horses and rocks are inherently physical things.
  • A Christian Philosophy
    So, an 'existent thing' is the label for something that exists. Now, by definition something that exists, exists. Everything that exists is an existent thing - there. Have I just explained everything? No, of course not. I've explained precisely nothing.Clearbury
    There is a difference between an existing thing and a thing with inherent existence. An existing thing could have not existed in the past or future. A thing with inherent existence could not have.
  • A Christian Philosophy
    As any logic system is built on axioms, which are assumptions taken to be true, no one logic system exists necessarily.RussellA
    As the axioms do not contradict each other, it is still true that logic is one coherent system. And that logical system is evidently correct: Based on it, we build planes that fly.
  • A Christian Philosophy
    You are circling the drain. Repeating the same claims as if they are truths.Fooloso4
    Very well. If we are not making any progress, then we can leave the conversation here. Thanks for the chat!
  • RussellA
    As the axioms do not contradict each other, it is still true that logic is one coherent system.A Christian Philosophy

    Axioms are assumptions taken to be true.

    As there is no logical necessity that assumptions don't contradict each other, there is no logical necessity that axioms don't contradict each other.
    Based on it, we build planes that fly.A Christian Philosophy

    We also build planes that crash.
  • Relativist
    Yes, if physicalism is true, then everything is nothing but strings. But I don't think it would be absurd. Take a pile of sand for example. Most people would agree this is not an object in itself, but rather it is just grains of sand piled together due to laws of nature like the wind. If so, we could say the same for a rock: a bunch of molecules piled together due to laws of nature. Then the word "rock" only refers to the structure as a whole.A Christian Philosophy
    You previously asked:

    Would a horse count as an ontological object? If so, then we can still say that before horses existed, then they did not have existence. If not, then what do you consider as objects?A Christian Philosophy
    Per your paradigm, if physicalism is true, then horses are just strings not ontological objects in their own right. There is no point in time at which the strings didn't exist.

    Doesn't this mean that your view of essence is contingent upon physicalism being false? Understand that I don't claim to prove physicalism is true. I'm just pointing out that "proving" a God exists based on essentialism entails circular reasoning.
  • A Christian Philosophy
    If we are not going to agree on the validity of the laws of logic, then unfortunately I don't think we can have a common ground to make progress in this discussion. We can just end the conversation here.
  • A Christian Philosophy
    Per your paradigm, if physicalism is true, then horses are just strings not ontological objects in their own right. There is no point in time at which the strings didn't exist. Doesn't this mean that your view of essence is contingent upon physicalism being false?Relativist
    Even if physicalism is true, it still means that strings have their own identity or essence, and thus their own essential properties. Since strings would exist necessarily, it means that their existence is an essential property.

    I have other reasons to believe that physicalism is not true, but I don't think it is relevant to our current discussion on essences.

    Regarding parts:why assume something exists without parts?Relativist
    I thought I'd chime in on this. The First Cause is traditionally seen to be without parts or without multiple properties. This is because, if a being is composed of multiple properties, then there must be a sufficient reason for the properties to "stick together" in the same being. But the First Cause has no prior causes, by definition. So, the only explanation for the supposed multiple properties to stick together is that they do so inherently, that is, all properties are in fact one and the same. Thus, the First Cause is not composed of multiple parts or properties.
  • Relativist
    Even if physicalism is true, it still means that strings have their own identity or essence, and thus their own essential properties. Since strings would exist necessarily, it means that their existence is an essential property.A Christian Philosophy
    You implied that, in this physicalist scenario, ONLY strings have an identity (and only strings have an essence). If only one thing has an identity and essence, why bother with considering identity and essence at all?

    Although the bottom layer of reality (strings, in this scenario) exists necessarily, this is de dicto necessity - not an intrinsic property. My impression is that essentialists consider essence to be intrinsic.

    You also referred to "essential properties". Doesn't this imply there are also UNessential properties?

    I thought I'd chime in on this. The First Cause is traditionally seen to be without parts or without multiple properties. This is because, if a being is composed of multiple properties, then there must be a sufficient reason for the properties to "stick together" in the same being. But the First Cause has no prior causes, by definition. So, the only explanation for the supposed multiple properties to stick together is that they do so inherently, that is, all properties are in fact one and the same. Thus, the First Cause is not composed of multiple parts or properties.A Christian Philosophy
    A first cause exists as a brute fact: without cause or reason, because there is nothing causally prior, nor is it ontologically dependent upon something else. This does not imply it lacks multiple properties - it has whatever properties it happens to have. Intrinsic properties are inseparable from the objects that have them - not something that "sticks" onto the object (unless you stipulate that in an ontology). So it doesn't follow that it lacks multiple properties.

    The PSR implies there are no brute facts. But I infer the first cause has to be a brute fact, because it is uncaused and autonomous (no ontological dependency). Making more stipulations about the ontology in order to force fit it to the PSR makes the ontology more ad hoc, and therefore less credible.
  • A Christian Philosophy
    You implied that, in this physicalist scenario, ONLY strings have an identity (and only strings have an essence). If only one thing has an identity and essence, why bother with considering identity and essence at all?Relativist
    There would be more things if some things are not physical. E.g. souls or the power of free will. There is also anything that is man-made if man has free will. E.g. a paper-cutter. It is a man-made device designed to cut paper. "Being able to cut paper" is its identity because this is how we identify a thing as being a paper-cutter.

    Although the bottom layer of reality (strings, in this scenario) exists necessarily, this is de dicto necessity - not an intrinsic property. My impression is that essentialists consider essence to be intrinsic.Relativist
    I know we disagree on this point, but to me, existence would be an intrinsic (or inherent or essential) property of strings. This is to fulfill the PSR and avoid brute facts.

    You also referred to "essential properties". Doesn't this imply there are also UNessential properties?Relativist
    Yes. Take the paper-cutter example again. Since its identity is to cut paper, then any property that enables it to cut paper (e.g. a blade) is an essential property, and any property it has that does not serve to cut paper (e.g. its color) is a non-essential property. When it comes to strings, having a mass is probably an essential property, whereas having a specific position in space and time would probably be a non-essential property.

    Intrinsic properties are inseparable from the objects that have themRelativist
    That's what I meant by properties "sticking to an object". In other words, there must be a reason why a particular set of properties belongs to an object.
  • Relativist
    There is also anything that is man-made if man has free will. E.g. a paper-cutter. It is a man-made device designed to cut paper. "Being able to cut paper" is its identity because this is how we identify a thing as being a paper-cutter.A Christian Philosophy
    This contradicts what you said earlier:

    if physicalism is true, then everything is nothing but strings.A Christian Philosophy
    It's also absurd to claim that a function that an object can perform is its identity. It certainly doesn't uniquely identify a specific object, so this isn't an individual identity. It sounds more like a sortal, for identifying a set (the set of all objects which can cut paper; this would include box cutters, scizzors, knives...).

    Yes. Take the paper-cutter example again. Since its identity is to cut paper, then any property that enables it to cut paper (e.g. a blade) is an essential property, and any property it has that does not serve to cut paper (e.g. its color) is a non-essential property.A Christian Philosophy
    So if I have a paper cutter whose blade has become too dull to cut paper, it has lost its identity?! Is this identity lost suddenly at some particular level of sharpness? What if a second function is found for a functional paper cutter (e.g. it can function as a torture device to cut off fingers). Does possessing this newly discovered function give it a new identity?

    That's what I meant by properties "sticking to an object". In other words, there must be a reason why a particular set of properties belongs to an object.A Christian Philosophy
    In my view, an object has its properties necessarily, per Leibniz' law (identity of the indiscernibles). IOW, 100% of the object's properties must be present for it to constitute that particular object. An essentialist might point to a subset of the objects properties that are necessary and sufficient for being that object - so that sunset of properties are present necessarily. But you've claimed it is an object's function, rather than its properties, that give it an identity.

    Frankly, I think you've gone down a blind alley.
  • A Christian Philosophy
    This contradicts what you said earlier:Relativist
    Sure. So to correct my view: If physicalism is true, then everything that is not man-made is nothing but strings - this is because every complex natural object is not designed but caused accidentally by the laws of nature. And if man has free will, then everything that is man-made has its identity from its function - this is because man-made things are designed, and what is designed is always designed for a function.

    It certainly doesn't uniquely identify a specific object, so this isn't an individual identity.Relativist
    True; there are many paper-cutters. But they are all identified as paper-cutters; that's why we call all these unique devices "paper-cutters", and do not give them unique names like we do with people. And only the fact that they are made of unique molecules (and this uniqueness is a non-essential property) makes them unique.

    So if I have a paper cutter whose blade has become too dull to cut paper, it has lost its identity?! Is this identity lost suddenly at some particular level of sharpness? What if a second function is found for a functional paper cutter (e.g. it can function as a torture device to cut off fingers). Does possessing this newly discovered function give it a new identity?Relativist
    A paper-cutter that can no longer cut paper is indeed no longer a paper-cutter. This is reflected in our common language when we speak of those things. It has a new identity which is simply to be a physical object like other non man-made things.

    What if a second function is found for a functional paper cutter (e.g. it can function as a torture device to cut off fingers). Does possessing this newly discovered function give it a new identity?Relativist
    I have not encountered that question before, so I'm thinking out loud here. I'd say only if its creator designed it with that function in mind. It is the designer that gives the man-made object its identity - that's the reason why it exists.

    IOW, 100% of the object's properties must be present for it to constitute that particular object.Relativist
    If I cut my hair, I have changed some of my properties. Does it follow that I have a different identity? I'd say that fundamentally, I am still me. It would also seem that any change that any object encounters, no matter how small, would give them a wholly new identity. Thus there would be no change; only substitutions from one identity to another at any point in time.
  • Relativist
    IOW, 100% of the object's properties must be present for it to constitute that particular object.
    — Relativist
    If I cut my hair, I have changed some of my properties. Does it follow that I have a different identity? I'd say that fundamentally, I am still me. It would also seem that any change that any object encounters, no matter how small, would give them a wholly new identity. Thus there would be no change; only substitutions from one identity to another at any point in time.
    A Christian Philosophy

    As you said, everything supervenes on the ultimate foundation of physical reality. That doesn't strictly depend on physicalism being true, it just depends on there being an ultimate foundation to physical reality. Every individual identity is just a concept. We can speak of a device, like a paper cutter, and consider it to have an enduring identity- in our minds. We may use it every day, and not notice the microscopic changes that occur with each use. So in our minds, it's the same device. Even if we replace parts on it, we'll still regard it as the same paper cutter (the one we own). Over the years, we could end up replacing 100% of the parts, while meanwhile always considering it the same device from each day to the next. Or we could arbitrarily decide that it has a new identity after X% of the parts are replaced, or X% of the mass has been replaced; or consider the identity to be associated with the serial number that is present on one specific part. There's no intrinsically correct answer, because an enduring identity isjust a concept.

    With living organisms, we can avoid arbitrariness by defining an identity in a way that is unique from everything else that exists. IMO, perdurance is the best way to do that: your identity is associated with the temporal-causal chain that is associated with "you" from one instant to the next. There is exactly one such "you" associated with "your" unique temporal-causal chain. This definition satisfies Leibniz' law, and I don't think any other definition can do so. Still, there's no metaphysical mandate to use this definition - it's still fundamentally conceptual, but I don't think there's a better one - unless you make metaphysical assumptions.

    It certainly doesn't uniquely identify a specific object, so this isn't an individual identity. — Relativist

    True; there are many paper-cutters. But they are all identified as paper-cutters; that's why we call all these unique devices "paper-cutters",
    A Christian Philosophy
    In terms of essentialism, you're treating function as something like a natural kind, although you're not basing it on anything natural. My problem with natural kinds also applies to your definition: all you've done is identify a set of objects (paper cutters). This is a conceptual compartmentalizing out of the full set of objects of existence, so it's arbitrary. You could have categorized it in many different ways (office tools, manufactured devices, sharp objects, objects you own...). But the biggest problem is that you haven't addressed the issue of individual identity.. You haven't touched on that at all.
  • A Christian Philosophy
    As you said, everything supervenes on the ultimate foundation of physical reality. [...]Relativist
    It sounds like we are in agreement in this paragraph. Notwithstanding man-made things, everything that is merely physical is nothing but strings, and any "identity" we assign to complex physical objects is by name only.

    In terms of essentialism, you're treating function as something like a natural kind, although you're not basing it on anything natural. My problem with natural kinds also applies to your definition: all you've done is identify a set of objects (paper cutters). This is a conceptual compartmentalizing out of the full set of objects of existence, so it's arbitrary. You could have categorized it in many different ways (office tools, manufactured devices, sharp objects, objects you own...).Relativist
    What do you mean by "natural kind"?

    Otherwise, I agree that categories are arbitrary. But the function of a man-made thing is more than that. While not everything is designed, a design is a type of identity. And what is designed is always designed with an end goal, or purpose, or function. This is to fulfil the PSR: all voluntary acts (including creating man-made devices) must have an end goal; otherwise, the act would be random which would violate the PSR. Thus, the function is an inherent property of a voluntarily created or designed thing.

    But the biggest problem is that you haven't addressed the issue of individual identity.. You haven't touched on that at all.Relativist
    What individualizes man-made things with the same function, e.g. 2 paper-cutters, is the individual physical parts or molecules they are made of. They are numerically 2 because they have 2 separate sets of physical parts. But as you said, even if we replace 100% of the parts, they do not cease to be paper-cutters. Thus, even if we can individualize man-made things, it has no consequence on their identity.
  • Relativist
    What do you mean by "natural kind"?A Christian Philosophy
    "Natural kind essentialism is a specification of the intuitive idea that there are some mind-independent or objective categories in nature."
    (Definition taken from this paper, but it's pretty standard).
    I agree that categories are arbitrary. But the function of a man-made thing is more than that. While not everything is designed, a design is a type of identity.A Christian Philosophy
    It's still not a mind-independent category.

    And what is designed is always designed with an end goal, or purpose, or function. This is to fulfil the PSR: all voluntary acts (including creating man-made devices) must have an end goal; otherwise, the act would be random which would violate the PSR. Thus, the function is an inherent property of a voluntarily created or designed thing.A Christian Philosophy
    I agree that design entails a goal (by definition).

    I do not agree that randomness violates the PSR. The outcome of a quantum collapse is random (within a probability distribution). IMO, having a reason just means it can be accounted for, and in this case - randomness can be accounted for. If one were to rule out the randomness of quantum collapse based on a metaphysical assumption, like the PSR, then one's metaphysics in on shaky grounds.

    I also do not agree that a function is an "inherent property" of a designed object. It is a relational (extrinsic) property. A sharp stone can be produced by natural forces, and it can then be used to cut things - so a function can be found for things even without being the product of design.

    What individualizes man-made things with the same function, e.g. 2 paper-cutters, is the individual physical parts or molecules they are made of.A Christian Philosophy
    I suggest that it's not just the set of physical parts, it's the way they are configured, down to the molecular level. If you take apart a paper cutter, the heap of parts is not a paper cutter. Even so,
    this works only for point-in-time identity, as I've described. If you use the paper cutter even once, there will be a slight change to its physical make-up at the molecular level.
  • A Christian Philosophy
    [regarding functions of man-made things] It's still not a mind-independent category.Relativist
    Of course, if natural kind excludes man-made things by its definition, then no property of man-made things would be a natural kind. Man-made things are necessarily mind-dependant since their design comes from our minds. But the function of designed thing is not a matter of opinion. E.g. it is a fact that the function of a paper-cutter is to cut paper; regardless of whether we actually use it for that function or not.

    I agree that design entails a goal (by definition). I do not agree that randomness violates the PSR.Relativist
    That's fine. If we agree that design entails a goal and that voluntary acts are not random but deliberate, then I don't think we need to agree on whether randomness violates the PSR.

    I also do not agree that a function is an "inherent property" of a designed object. [...] A sharp stone can be produced by natural forces, and it can then be used to cut things - so a function can be found for things even without being the product of design.Relativist
    Just because a function could be found in natural things, it does not follow that it is not an inherent property of man-made things as well. "3 sides" is an inherent property of triangles, and yet a shape can also have 3 sides and not be a triangle (if the sides are not straight).

    I think we agree that design entails a goal. And a function is the means to attain the goal. Thus, a design entails a function. I.e. a function is an inherent property of a design.

    I suggest that it's not just the set of physical parts, it's the way they are configured, down to the molecular level. If you take apart a paper cutter, the heap of parts is not a paper cutter. Even so, this works only for point-in-time identity, as I've described. If you use the paper cutter even once, there will be a slight change to its physical make-up at the molecular level.Relativist
    The heap of parts is not a paper-cutter because it cannot cut paper in that state.
    I don't disagree with the rest of the paragraph; though I find that identifying individual man-made things is not impactful.
  • Relativist
    Just because a function could be found in natural things, it does not follow that it is not an inherent property of man-made things as well. "3 sides" is an inherent property of triangles, and yet a shape can also have 3 sides and not be a triangle (if the sides are not straight).A Christian Philosophy
    Read about the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic properties here:

    "We have some of our properties purely in virtue of the way we are. (Our mass is an example.) We have other properties in virtue of the way we interact with the world. (Our weight is an example.) The former are the intrinsic properties, the latter are the extrinsic properties. "

    Function is extrinsic (irrespective of whether natural or man-made): it pertains to the way the object interacts with other objects.

    Regarding triangles: they are abstractions; they don't exist. Triangular objects exist, and their shape is indeed an intrinsic property.

    The heap of parts is not a paper-cutter because it cannot cut paper in that state.A Christian Philosophy
    Function is not an intrinsic property, but it's shape and structure is.

    I don't disagree with the rest of the paragraph; though I find that identifying individual man-made things is not impactful.
    Nevertheless, you haven't accounted for individual identity. A microscopic change to an object means it is not identical to what it had been. What makes it the same object? This is important because you earlier said:

    Essence is the same as identity, metaphysically speaking. As per the law of identity, everything has an identity.A Christian Philosophy
    So if you're going to use the term essence, and defined it as identity, you need to be able to account for individual identity.
  • A Christian Philosophy
    Function is extrinsic (irrespective of whether natural or man-made): it pertains to the way the object interacts with other objects.Relativist
    I agree that an inherent property must be intrinsic. But I still claim that the function of a designed thing is intrinsic. A paper-cutter, i.e. a thing designed to cut paper, remains a thing designed to cut paper whether we use it to cut paper, use it as a door holder, or don't use it at all.

    A microscopic change to an object means it is not identical to what it had been. What makes it the same object?Relativist
    I suspect the disagreement still comes from the meaning of the term "identity". Yes, a microscopic change means that a thing is not identical to what it had been. But this is different than what I mean by identity. It is in fact closer to what you called "natural kind", and this term falls short only because it contains the word "natural" in it. Perhaps a better term would be "objective kind", where the kind is a matter of fact and not of opinion, but the thing can still be man-made.
  • Relativist
    Sorry for the long delay in respoinding.

    I agree that an inherent property must be intrinsic. But I still claim that the function of a designed thing is intrinsic. A paper-cutter, i.e. a thing designed to cut paper, remains a thing designed to cut paper whether we use it to cut paper, use it as a door holder, or don't use it at all.A Christian Philosophy
    I earlier brought up the fact that a paper cutter could be used as a torture device, even though it wasn't designed for that purpose. I believe you said this changed the essence. It seems weird to suggest that the discovery of a new purpose for something constitutes an intrinsic change to it.

    Suppose the human race gets wiped out next week. 10 years later, aliens from Tralfamador arrive and discover a paper cutter. They have no idea it was meant to be a paper cutter; they instead use it as a musical instrument. Then the Tralfamadorians all from the common cold, and a time traveler from 2025 arrives and begins cutting paper with it. Did the essence change several times?

    Is it even correct to say something's essence can change? That treats the object as something existing independent of its essence, but a variety of essences can become attached to it - even though nothing changes about its physical structure.
  • A Christian Philosophy
    No problem. I’m a bit busy myself. I’ll respond to your comment on Thursday.
  • A Christian Philosophy
    I earlier brought up the fact that a paper cutter could be used as a torture device, even though it wasn't designed for that purpose. I believe you said this changed the essence.Relativist
    No - as per the original response here, it has the essence of a torture device only if the creator designed it for that purpose. Using an object in a way it was not originally designed for does not change its essence. The only case I can think of when the designed object loses its essence is if it can no longer perform its designed function. E.g. a broken paper-cutter.

    I forget if I said this before: Although not everything that has an essence is designed, a design is definitely an essence: to design a thing is basically to create its identity or essence. And all things designed are designed for an end goal or purpose or function in mind. The function is the drive to design the thing, and is thus essential to the design.
  • PoeticUniverse
    There's no intrinsically correct answer, because an enduring identity isjust a concept.Relativist

    So-called ‘things’ are events and process. The sun is a long event but it is not identical with itself over time, although its semblance is a ‘thing’ to us, seeming to have continued from a moment ago.
  • Relativist
    I'd say only if its creator designed it with that function in mind. It is the designer that gives the man-made object its identity - that's the reason why it exists.A Christian Philosophy

    First of all, thanks for pointing out my error. Sorry about that.

    So at this point, I don't see any logical inconsistency in your position. I don't agree with it, and your view that an object's designed function is intrinsic to the object is non- standard. The only implication is that any arguments you make will not be compelling to many of us.

    One question: the first-cause/ontological foundation was not designed. Does this mean it lacks essence?
  • A Christian Philosophy
    One question: the first-cause/ontological foundation was not designed. Does this mean it lacks essence?Relativist
    No - in my view, nothing lacks an essence or essential identity (although for non-man-made physical things, the essence is reduced to the fundamental physical stuff). For the first cause, its necessary properties are essential to it. This is to fulfil the PSR at all times and avoid any brute facts.

    If the discussion comes to a close, I want to say that I really enjoyed it. Thank you for the respectful and constructive tone.
  • Relativist
    For the first cause, its necessary properties are essential to it.A Christian Philosophy
    Aren't all of its properties essential to it?
  • A Christian Philosophy
    All of its original properties are essential to it. But it may acquire more non-essential properties later. As you said, it may have extrinsic properties like its relation with created things. In my opinion, it can also give itself additional properties like acquiring a body.
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