• TiredThinker
    Are there any chess masters in here? I am terrible at chess playing a computer at an easy level and I am killed off pretty quickly. Isn't chess basically an OCD game of perfectionism? It is a game that literally can't be lost by computers these days. There is in fact exactly correct and wrong decisions. A true simulation of say a football game has far more possibilities than chess and there are so many ways to arrive at a particular outcome. Perhaps the least predictable games are the most meaningful? I think even the Chinese game "Go" hasn't yet been mastered by a computer. Does chess even exercise useful parts of the brain?
  • Vera Mont
    I am terrible at chess playing a computer at an easy level and I am killed off pretty quickly.TiredThinker

    I was knocked out by my third opponent in Gr 9 chess club. Too much work for too little reward. But that's because we have the wrong brain-wiring for that game. I quit at the end of first semester and joined the drama club, which was much more fun: they let me design and build sets. Maybe softball is a better fit for you, just as Scrabble is a better fit for me. Go is right out of my ballpark, because it's strategy, but I like mah jong, cos it's pattern-recognition.
    They're games! Some people got computers involved, because for computer people, everything has to involve computers, but that's irrelevant.
    What's relevant is whether you enjoy playing the game and the company in which you play it.

    Does chess even exercise useful parts of the brain?TiredThinker

    For sure. Observation, memory, projection, prediction, visualization, long-term and short-term planning - it's very cerebral and the learned skills have many other applications. Okay, so maybe you don't want to grow up to be a spy or diplomat or general....
    ...so, play Snakes and Ladders or Monopoly.
  • Srap Tasmaner
    I am terrible at chess playing a computer at an easy level and I am killed off pretty quickly. Isn't chess basically an OCD game of perfectionism?TiredThinker

    Did you lose again right before posting this?

    Does chess even exercise useful parts of the brain?TiredThinker




    Decide if you want to be a better player. If you do, that is an achievable goal.

    Have a look at Levy Rozman's YouTube channel. There's material there (and elsewhere) to help you play better if you want, or you can just watch it for chess appreciation, to understand a little what people love about the game.


    For the record, I quit tournament chess without ever making master, but I had a couple master-level performance ratings. I miss it.
  • Vera Mont
    There is also an online chess tutor you can sign on to, that's very good, according to my very bright chess-playing friend, who is only intermediate class, but seems to enjoy it.
  • 180 Proof
    I think even the Chinese game "Go" hasn't yet been mastered by a computer.TiredThinker
    Like Chess for over two decades, Go has not been a humans-only game since 2016-17.

  • TiredThinker

    Yes but can a computer beat a human 100% of the time? My point was it has even more possibilities than chess.
  • TiredThinker
    The thing I dislike about chess is the lack of creativity and the ability to beat someone in like 2 moves regardless of having pretty much all your pieces at that stage. It's like you need to do all preliminary moves at the start which isn't really so much skill, just protection against the shortcomings of how the board is set up initially. There can only really be creativity after eliminating equal or more valuable pieces with yours.
  • Srap Tasmaner
    The thing I dislike about chess is the lack of creativityTiredThinker


    and the ability to beat someone in like 2 movesTiredThinker

    They have to help.

    It sounds like you don't understand the game, don't play very well, and are frustrated.

    Please stop. Learn about the game or don't, but quit mouthing off about it.

    Some of us find the game beautiful. You don't, at least not yet. Let's just leave it at that.

    You might as well try to convince me I don't really like jazz because it's "just noise".

    This thread shouldn't exist.
  • 180 Proof
    Yes but can a computer beat a human 100% of the time?TiredThinker
    Yeah, so far. :up:
  • TiredThinker

    I assume with chess they know a computer will always win without testing it further. Go I think only has a very high probability of beating a person?
  • 180 Proof
    The best Go player on the planet, Lee Sedol, was beaten by the AlphaGo system 4-1 in a 5 game match in 2016. The following year, the AlphaGoZero system, which taught itself to play Go in three days, beat the AlphaGo system 100-0 in a 100 game match. Lee Sedol, the Go grandmaster beat by AlphaGo, like other Go grandmasters who have studied the AlphaGoZero matches, does not understand many of the games or strategies executed by the self-taught system.
  • Jamal

    I'm also bad at chess and the only time I felt drawn to play and improve my skills, I quickly became discouraged. Whether this was to do with the way I think, my abilities, social discomfort, or problems with interpersonal competition, it doesn't make a big difference: it's not chess that's deficient, it's us.

    That said, I don't beat myself up about it.
  • Nils Loc
    Jazz is perfectly fine.TiredThinker

    Are you sure about this? Jazz is strong supporting evidence against living for some antinatalists.

    When the songs of creation are just Jazz, how can one sleep through the night?
  • TiredThinker

    Nora Jones isn't your cup of tea? Lol.
  • 180 Proof
    Jazz is strong supporting evidence against living for some antinatalists.Nils Loc
    I suppose we have one too many tone deaf, swing-free "wish-I-was-never-borns" ...

  • praxis
    Does chess even exercise useful parts of the brain?TiredThinker

    Maybe it helps to develop strategic thinking.
  • TiredThinker
    Maybe I prefer games that are more intuitive and less objective. Clearly there are no people as powerful as the queen is compared to pawns. And certainly the king shouldn't be nearly helpless. It might be more fun to me if you can power up pieces without simply replacing pieces that already died.
  • 180 Proof
    Sounds like you're stuck on DnD ...
  • Nils Loc
    And certainly the king shouldn't be nearly helpless.TiredThinker

    In your case you'd probably prefer that the game ends quicker, so a slow and helpless king can't elude death by running all over the board.

    But what would the point be?

    The kings are too fat
    From much lamprey pie and ale
    And sit all day long.

    They strategize on
    Giant war maps of the world
    Defending the realm,

    Trying not to die
    By hand of bishop or knight
    Pawn, queen or archer.

    They'd rather leave on
    Their own terms, playing chess and
    Listening to jazz.

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