• Changeling
    So, it's looking awfully like Waterloo for Boris, ain't it? From here in the Antipodes, he really does seem an empty suit, and one who's time is just about up.Wayfarer

    Like putin, he's the human equivalent of that strain of dog shit that just can't be scrubbed off one's shoe. I can see him sticking around for a while yet.
  • Wayfarer
    If I were a betting man I’d bet on Putin outlasting Johnson. From what I’m reading he might be gone within a week. Really it’s extraordinary how little substance the man has, he’s depiction of the ‘amiable but cunning buffoon’ regardless.

    Yes, but they’re a bad look. Just the kind of thing that riles the public, who will ignore more substantial issues that take some concentration to understand.
  • Olivier5
    the same BBC that has previously devoted thousands of hours to climate skepticismsime

    Any evidence of that, or should we take your word for it?
  • Changeling
    I hope you're right, but I don't think you're taking into account the growing isolationism/moron-ization of the UK populace.
  • Changeling
    They won't be able to get that Cunt out. The UK democratic system is fucked, quite frankly.
  • unenlightened
    They won't be able to get that Cunt out.The Opposite

    'They' ( conservative MPs) are debating quietly when to make their move. What no one wants is a leadership contest that The Cunt wins, because then he is safe for year. So are the numbers stacking up now, or do they wait for.... whatever, the Met report, the Gray report, possible prosecutions, the next scandal, a wave of mass starvation, WW3?
  • Wayfarer
    How can he go on? Surely every possible excuse has just been incinerated by this report. The writing must be on the wall.

  • Changeling
    well they better do it before they (the conservative party) become the 'boris johnson party' - like the republicans are now the trump party :sad:
  • Wayfarer

    Hell hath no fury like a senior adviser scorned.

    And more to the point of the OP

    Brexit has been ‘big success’ says government – despite 60% of exporters struggling with red tape
  • Punshhh
    Excellent article on how Johnson’s move in the last chance saloon could mark the end of his premiership and the failure of the Brexit project.

  • Wayfarer
    This is the only thread where Boris Johnson is discussed so it seems an appropriate thread to post news of the no-confidence vote against him. As I write this, the vote is still some hours away but the commentary seems to indicate that he's in serious peril. And, from everything I've gleaned, bloody well ought to be. :brow:
  • unenlightened
    It's rare for a conservative leader to actually lose a vote of confidence, but for most not winning by a large margin is enough to make them resign fairly quickly. However, Boris is another matter. I have even seen the suggestion that if he scrapes a win, he might call a snap election and lose all his detractors their seats, in a political mutual assured destruction gesture - Après moi, le déluge. The is very unlikely, but an unedifying attempt to cling to power is quite on the cards. There are a couple of by-elections coming up that he is set to lose too, and that will be concentrating minds, so it is just possible that he will actually lose the confidence vote outright. (This is an internal party vote not a full government vote in which the other parties also get to vote.)
  • unenlightened
    The killer for Johnson is that Brexit is unravelling. It could only have worked for Ireland if we had basically a free trade deal with the EU, that May negotiated, and that's what Boris was brought in to prevent. Unfortunately, the other alternatives turn out to be either a trade war with Europe or a return to civil war in Ireland, or both.
  • Benkei
    Amazing. You need to be a particular type of cunt to be into politics and it's the same type of cunt in every country.
  • unenlightened
    Johnson won 60/40 - near enough; and now he's safe for the next 12 months.karl stone

    In theory. In practice, he's an election liability and the Tories are likely to find a way to get rid before the next election, which means in the next year. There is no way they want to get to election year with a new no-confidence vote looming.

    Bring back monarchy, at least there's a chance of getting a decent leader.
  • unenlightened
    How? They cannot have another no confidence vote for a year. They knew this when they voted today; they chose who will lead them into the next election.karl stone

    They can change the rules, or push him under a bus; or 'exert some pressure', as they did with Thatcher and with May. I don't know how it works, bribery, blackmail, brainwashing?
  • Wayfarer
    Johnson has won that particular battle, but according to many accounts, will lose the war. Commentator just now recalled that Thatcher and May both lost the premiership shortly after winning confidence votes.

    It's a shame, because at least some of Johnson's recent moves have been commendable, such as his forthright action on climate change and his full-throated support for Ukraine. But he really does seem to be a pathological liar and - how to put it - not a man of sound character.
  • unenlightened
    some of Johnson's recent moves have been commendableWayfarer

    No. His moves are always and solely directed towards his own image and his own status.

    Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core. — Hannah Arendt
  • BC
    How much hypocrisy can one maintain without being rotten to the core? Everyone is a hypocrite to some degree (excepting thee and me, of course), so are they rotten just in spots?

    How to distinguish between rotting and fermenting? She's rotting into slime; I'm fermenting into wine.

    Boris should resign post haste.
  • unenlightened
    Thee and me can see our bitterness, and our unenlightenedness because we are not entirely dead to another being. Thus we feel our hypocrisy and are ashamed. Rotten to the core is dead to the other and comes to believe their own bullshit. Shamelessness is the key to saying sorry, admitting fault, admitting being wrong, without remotely thinking that such things ought to be consequential except for the purposes of manipulating others. The hollowness is all there is.

    But you should probably ask Hannah - I say what I see, and she was looking at something or someone (I think similar) in a different world.
  • Wayfarer
    His moves are always and solely directed towards his own image and his own status.unenlightened

    I believe you. There's an editorial in today's Sydney Morning Herald saying he ought to resign. And he should.
  • Tim3003
    When I saw Jacob Rees Mogg has a prominent ministry in the new Truss govt it dawned on me that we now have the true Brexiteers in power, and we're seeing what they really wanted to happen after winning the referendum. First the tax cuts to draw in overseas investors; next will come the cutting of red tape (code for workers' rights); the immigration doors are on their way open to anyone who can contribute money or talent. One unfortunate fly in the ointment is the death of the US trade deal Brexiteers trumpeted when Trump was still around. Another (connected one) is the NI protocol impasse. The Tory membership were clearly not smart enough to vote in a possible election winner (Sunak) rather than a no-hoper (Truss); but it's not the first time they've made that error (see Clarke vs Duncan Smith..) I've yet to see political commentators make the point, but now we're going to see the Brexiteer reality of post-Brexit Britain. Keir Starmer is probably smart enough not to use the B-word against Truss's heavies, all he needs to do is keep quiet and pick up the next election..
  • ssu
    Keir Starmer is probably smart enough not to use the B-word against Truss's heavies, all he needs to do is keep quiet and pick up the next election..Tim3003
    I think the UK should get passed Brexit finally and tackle the present problems. It has been a nice thread, but Brexit is so Elizabethan. You already have some young Britons that have never lived under Elizabeth II's reign.

    There can easily come a new "winter of discontent" with the inflation and all the problems. Then conservatives MPs have gotten so rowdy that they can think of change the prime minister if they don't like the person, which tells about their hubris.

    I think labor can win the next elections. Assuming if Labour politicians don't do something insanely stupid, go hyper-woke, attack their traditional base and go ideologically full Marxist. If they really try, they can push their supporters to vote some other party. Yet, I think Sir Keir Starmer doesn't look like to declare himself non-binary and veer the Labor party even more to the left than Jeremy Corbyn.

    But you know better, I'm just a foreigner...
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