• Deletedmemberzc
    If only Trumps folks (minus Trump) and BLM et al could grow up and join forces we'd have a revolution to be proud of.
  • Deletedmemberzc
    refute it.NOS4A2

    Where there are no facts there are no refutations.
  • NOS4A2

    The fact is exactly how I stated it, and you’ve done nothing to refute it.
  • Deletedmemberzc
    The fact is exactly how I stated it, and you’ve done nothing to refute it.NOS4A2

    Sorry, you don't merit refutation.
  • Streetlight
    Sorry, you don't merit refutation.ZzzoneiroCosm

    This is the way.
  • Wayfarer
    Everyone expects political corruption. All power corrupts and so on. But Trump has done something completely unprecedented. He’s corrupted a significant section of the entire electorate.
  • Streetlight

    In full:

    The number of people killed by pro-Trump supporters at the January 6 Capitol riot is equal to the number of pro-Trump supporters who brandished guns or knives inside the Capitol. That is the same number as the total of Americans who — after a full year of a Democrat-led DOJ conducting what is heralded as “the most expansive federal law enforcement investigation in US history” — have been charged with inciting insurrection, sedition, treason or conspiracy to overthrow the government as a result of that riot one year ago. Coincidentally, it is the same number as Americans who ended up being criminally charged by the Mueller probe of conspiring with Russia over the 2016 election, and the number of wounds — grave or light — which AOC, who finally emerged at night to assure an on-edge nation that she was “okay" while waiting in an office building away from the riot at the rotunda, sustained on that solemn day.

    That number is zero. But just as these rather crucial facts do not prevent the dominant wing of the U.S. corporate media and Democratic Party leaders from continuing to insist that Donald Trump's 2016 election victory was illegitimate due to his collusion with the Kremlin, it also does not prevent January 6 from being widely described in those same circles as an Insurrection, an attempted coup, an event as traumatizing as Pearl Harbor (2,403 dead) or the 9/11 attack (2,977 dead), and as the gravest attack on American democracy since the mid-19th Century Civil War (750,000 dead). The Huffington Post's White House reporter S.V. Date said that it was wrong to compare 1/6 to 9/11, because the former — the three-hour riot at the Capitol — was “1,000 percent worse.”

    Indeed, when it comes to melodrama, histrionics, and exploitation of fear levels from the 1/6 riot, there has never been any apparent limit. And today — the one-year anniversary of that three-hour riot — there is no apparent end in sight. Too many political and media elites are far too vested in this maximalist narrative for them to relinquish it voluntarily.

    The orgy of psychodrama today was so much worse and more pathetic than I expected — and I expected it to be extremely bad and pathetic
    . “House Democrats [waited] their turn on the House floor to talk to Dick Cheney as a beacon for American democracy,” reported CNN's Edward-Isaac Dovere; “One by one, Democrats are coming over to introduce themselves to former VP Dick Cheney and shake his hand,” added ABC News’ Ben Siegel. Nancy Pelosi gravely introduced Lin-Manuel Miranda and the cast of Hamilton to sermonize and sing about the importance of American democracy. The Huffington Post's senior politics reporter Igor Bobic unironically expressed gratitude for “the four legged emotional support professionals roaming the Capitol this week, helping officers, staffers, and reporters alike” — meaning therapy dogs. Yesterday, CNN's Kaise Hunt announced: "Tomorrow is going to be a tough one for those of us who were there or had loved ones in the building. Thinking of all of you and finding strength knowing I’m not alone in this." Unsurprisingly but still repellently: Kamala Harris today compared 1/6 to 9/11.

    That the January 6 riot was some sort of serious attempted insurrection or "coup” was laughable from the start, and has become even more preposterous with the passage of time and the emergence of more facts. The United States is the most armed, militarized and powerful regime in the history of humanity. The idea that a thousand or so Trump supporters, largely composed of Gen X and Boomers, who had been locked in their homes during a pandemic — three of whom were so physically infirm that they dropped dead from the stress — posed anything approaching a serious threat to “overthrow” the federal government of the United States of America is such a self-evidently ludicrous assertion that any healthy political culture would instantly expel someone suggesting it with a straight face.
  • Maw

    This is how you know January 6 could not be considered a seriously attempted coup
  • Deletedmemberzc
    The orgy of psychodrama todayStreetlightX

    Of course the Dems are gonna soak it up. They're desperate, as always. They see the power of the Big Lie. Everyone sees how media and technology are now well-positioned to buttress any big lie, the bigger the better. The Adolph Joneses have their big lie and the Dems have got to have one too.

    ''That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities..."'


    That the January 6 riot was some sort of serious attempted insurrection or "coup” was laughable from the start, and has become even more preposterous with the passage of time and the emergence of more facts.StreetlightX

    Definitely not a serious attempt. But serious and an attempt in the minds of any number of (some self-streaming) Trumpsters. I don't doubt in Trump's mind too. It's been called a warm-up or a testing of waters. It failed to spark civil war and not a few participants were shocked and disenchanted by that.

    Here's a cute quote:

    "According to the authors of The Steal...the rioters of 6 January 2021 'had no more chance of overthrowing the US government than hippies in 1967 had trying to levitate the Pentagon'".

  • Monitor
    The rioters were not going to overthrow the government, the republicans' were. They clearly did not want the riot at all. But tell me what it serves, calling all of this a 4 on the scale rather than an 8
  • Wayfarer
    For the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession. I also accept my responsibility, which I will discharge unconditionally, to honor the new president-elect and do everything possible to help him bring Americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our Declaration of Independence defines and that our Constitution affirms and defends. — Al Gore, conceding to W. after the disputed Florida re-count

    Partisan feeling must yield to patriotism. I'm with you, Mr. President, and God bless you. — Stephen Douglas following loss in the 1860 presidential race to Abraham Lincoln
  • Streetlight
    One wonders where that warm and fuzzy feeling was when liberals were losing their mind over Russian "interference" because they could not possibly imagine that they were so useless that they let a shitstick like Trump walk right into office.

    After all, remember when liberals all kum-ba-yah'd after Trump's win and wished him well and gave him pats on the back for his win? They surely didn't start squealing like dying pigs before larping as Star Wars resistance characters while launching massively funded federal investigations that turned up next to nothing?

    Hypocrite dogs.
  • Michael

    Bloody Democrats. Trying to politicise a peaceful protest.
  • Wayfarer
    Donald Trump was impeached - twice. That is not 'nothing'. If there's anything to be disgusted about it's the inability of the American political and judicial system to extirpate him, and the complicity of those same Republican politicians, like Ted Cruz, who after a couple of days shedding crocodile tears are now begging for forgiveness for having questioned the Orange Emperor.
  • Michael

    Even Mitch McConnell called it a "failed insurrection" (1:43).

    Trying to frame this as just some Democrat hysteria or whatever is pretty ridiculous.
  • Streetlight
    If there's anything to be disgusted about it's the inability of the American political and judicial system to extirpate himWayfarer

    Lol, Trump is a consummate product of the American political and judicial system, perhaps its most paradigmatic and representative one, and the only idiots are those who have faith in that self-same system to undo its own pristine work.

    Even Mitch McConnell called it a "failed insurrection"Michael

    Oh well if Mitch McConnell said it it must be true. The man is known for his integrity and honest commentary, a true liberal darling.
  • Michael
    Oh well if Mitch McConnell said it it must be true. The man is known for his integrity and honest commentary, a liberal darling.StreetlightX

    I'm not saying it's true because he said it. I'm pointing out that if even Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz are using such language to describe it then it's a stretch to characterise the investigation as just some Democrat propaganda or whatever.
  • Streetlight
    I'm pointing out that if even Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz are using such language to describe it then it's a stretch to characterise the investigation as just some Democrat propaganda or whatever.Michael

    What choice do they have? It's why the democrats are going so hard into this. It's an easy win for them. It's possibly the only win they might ever get that isn't just placating their corporate overloads. Even though it is entirely irrelevant to anything that matters to anyone and made for people who think politics is a Michael Bay movie.

    Every person in that building deserves a hundred times over the wrath and hysteria directed at those outside of it. Instead they will find white knights who cannot wait to suck up to power and come to its swift defense. What better indication that you are being taken for a complete idiot when you agree with both democrats and republicans?

    Imagine getting this panty-twisted over a carnival gone rowdy.
  • Baden
    Imagine getting this panty-twisted over a carnival gone rowdy.StreetlightX

    Most of the carnivals I've been to haven't involved heavy weaponry and people getting shot. That's a bit beyond "rowdy" isn't it? You can be as cynical as you like and still admit the obvious.
  • Streetlight
    You can be as cynical as you like and still admit the obvious.Baden

    Exactly what is obvious? Exactly when did getting shot in America become something exceptional?
  • Baden

    It's not quite Mad Max yet, dude.
  • Streetlight
    No, but as long as people keep frothing about stupid shit like some shiny building getting scuffed - instead of, I dunno, literally anything of substance - it won't be long.
  • Baden

    So, the more physical attacks we have on government buildings, the further away from anarchy we get? And vice versa?
  • Streetlight
    Attack? They were basically waved in by cops while staying obediently between the velvet ropes while dressed up as fucking moose. This is a bread and circus show for peasants, and it's pathetic that anyone takes it seriously.
  • Baden

    No, what's pathetic is you completely mischaracterizing it to make a political point. You need to dial back the bullshit a bit.

    They were basically waved in by cops while staying obediently between the velvet ropes.StreetlightX

    As if this is the whole story; go watch some videos of what actually happened. You totally discredit yourself sometimes. It's maddening that on pretty much every other topic besides politics you're one of the smartest people here.
  • Baden
    And I just got to add as someone who probably respects your general point of view more than 99% of posters around here that at least half of your political postings consist of you calling people stupid while making the most stupidly generalized, clearly self-serving, and obviously biased statements yourself. That's the straight up honest truth.
  • Streetlight
    Nah, I just don't buy into liberal side-shows that matter to no one. If there was even a tenth of the energy invested into, I dunno, Pelosi's insider trading, or the treatment of Julian Assange, or the general political rot that is the democratic party as a whole - things that matter and have widespread, systematic ramifications for people who live real lives and don't magpie themselves to the latest shiny spectacle involving men in camo dress-up with scawwwy guns and flags - maybe it might be OK to let this rubbish fly.

    More people died at a fucking Travis Scott concert than this cosplay convention.

    What's obvious is that some powerful people were made to feel uncomfortable for a bit, and now, having directed everyone to feel sorry for them, they've had their wishes granted. The class element of unwashed rednecks dirtying the marbled halls of power is too good an image to pass up I guess.
  • Baden


    Attack? They were basically waved in by cops while staying obediently between the velvet ropes while dressed up as fucking moose.StreetlightX

    is a mischaracterization.

    The video @Michael posted (along with thousands of others) is proof that it's a mischaracterization, and a fairly egregious one. Simple fact.
  • Streetlight
    It is no more, in fact far less, of a mischaracterization than the idea that this 'attack' merits even a fraction of attention given to it by the pundit class and their pliant audiences.
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