• Tzeentch
    Listen son, when you step on your pee pee, man up and admit it. Like you should have when I called your bluff about experts and you stood with egg on your face. You just keep digging. :roll:James Riley

    You think by repeating that it will make it true? Who are you trying to save face for? Me? Others? Yourself?

    It's a bit embarrassing to see you latch onto the fact you were able to find a random person in an article proclaiming an opinion you liked (speaking of confirmation bias).

    Your personal attacks convey only your inability to bring anything of substance to the table. I attacked your ideas, you attacked me, and in the end all you had was an inept "You're a fascist". What a joke.
  • James Riley
    Who are you trying to save face for? Me?Tzeentch

    Just trying to help. Many a young man I've seen who picks up a shovel and starts digging himself a hole and won't quit. Some folks don't want to learn. But please don't toss your dirt out on us while you dig.

    It's a bit embarrassing to see you latch onto the fact you were able to find a random person in an article proclaiming an opinion you liked (speaking of confirmation bias).Tzeentch

    Do your own research, Doctor Tzeentch. :rofl: Ask Doc Fauci. Let me know what he says. Or is he some random person? Your personal attacks convey only your inability to bring anything of substance to the table. There is no person on Earth that will satisfy your obstinance. You will just pivot to some personal attack on them, like they are paid by big pharma, or they are duped by big government or have some other bias. The list will go on. You won't be satisfied because it's not about the science. The science is clear: I am right and you are wrong. No, this is about politics.

    I merely pointed out that you have no scientific reason to not get the shot. Your reason is political. Your politics can be discerned by the company you keep. Look around you. Who thinks like you? Fascist stooges for Putin and his bitch Trump, that's who. They and/or their ilk are your leaders. Sheep follow them.
  • Athena
    No they don't. You won't find an expert that will tell you an unvaccinated person is more contagious than a vaccinated one, nor will you find one that tells you a vaccine is more effective than natural immunity.Tzeentch

    "An unvaccinated person is at greater risk of becoming a host to the virus and being contagious than a vaccinated person." Is a true statement.

    " an unvaccinated person is more contagious than a vaccinated one" is not a true statement because the unvaccinated person may not be infected.

    Your untrue statement does not make the true statement untrue.
  • Alkis Piskas
    Anti-vaccination sentiment (as it relates to COVID19) is tied to suspicions about the origins of the disease and the profitability of vaccines, as well as fears about it's safety.frank
    "COVID-19 anti-vaccination" is just what is says: being against COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination. For whatever reason. Anti-vaccination may be related to suspicions about the origin and whatever else about the disease itself, but they are different things. The latter may be referred to as "COVID-19 conspiracy" or "Suspicion of COVID-19", etc.
  • SpaceDweller
    Anti-vaccination sentiment (as it relates to COVID19) is tied to suspicions about the origins of the disease and the profitability of vaccines, as well as fears about it's safety.frank

    You can also think of it another way.

    Let's assume it was intentional to spread COVID-19.
    Anti-vaxxers believe that this is so for the sole purpose of selling vaccines.

    But you should really ask yourself 1 important question!
    Who are anti-vaxxers anyway? who is their leader or who started all this madness?
    What makes you believe anti-vaxxer movement wasn't actually started and is supported by governments?

    But why would one ask such an absurd question?
    Well because anti-vaxxer movement may as well be a tool for depopulation.

    Does that make any sense as to whether it is prudent to join anti-vaxxer movement?
  • Tzeentch
    Many a young man I've seen who picks up a shovel and starts digging himself a hole and won't quit.James Riley

    I'm afraid that's you, though.

    Ask Doc Fauci. Let me know what he says. Or is he some random person?James Riley

    You didn't quote Fauci. You quoted a random person in an article whose opinions you happened to agree with, without taking a look at the studies they were basing their claims on. If you had done that, you would have known that those studies did not support the claims the person was making, which means it's either politicized or they don't understand the fact that cherry-picking the studies that agree with one's views and ignoring the rest is not science - thus they are no expert.

    But even if you did quote Fauci, it means nothing to me unless they come with evidence that backs up their claims - a substantiated body of scientific evidence, not half-truths, framing or pandering to a narrative. The science around this subject has become heavily politicized and everything that supports the government narrative is latched onto, while everything that doesn't is systematically ignored or even surpressed.

    You won't be satisfied because it's not about the science. [...] No, this is about politics.James Riley

    Correct. I never made it a secret I wasn't interested in a scientific debate. I outright stated it.

    Your politics can be discerned by the company you keep.James Riley

    I don't keep any political company. You're just desperate to put me into a box that you can easily attack. And of those boxes you picked the most cliché of all: fascism. It's such a joke - I am not going to defend myself against such an accusation. I can only laugh at it.

    Who thinks like you? Fascist stooges for Putin and his bitch Trump, that's who.James Riley

    Those people don't think like me, unless I missed their appeals to human rights.

    Are you sure you aren't just projecting? An authoritarian nationalist (you call it "patriotism") with a predisposition towards force and violence?

    A few pages back I asked you on two seperate occassions whether you'd be in favor of treating unvaccinated people in a similar manner to how Israel treats Palestinians. Why didn't you answer that?
  • James Riley
    I never made it a secret I wasn't interested in a scientific debate. I outright stated it.Tzeentch

    Then why did you tell me I couldn't find the scientific experts? Are you digging again? :lol:

    I don't keep any political company.Tzeentch

    Ah, but you do. Just look around at who agrees with you. You remind me of the guy at the "Unite the Right" rally who was simply concerned about freedom. :roll:

    A few pages back I asked you on two seperate occassions whether you'd be in favor of treating unvaccinated people in a similar manner to how Israel treats Palestinians. Why didn't you answer that?Tzeentch

    Because I don't live in Israel and don't know how they are treating Palestinians with regard to the vaccine. I'd look up their relative Covid death and hospitalization rates but I'm in the United States. We have our own problems. Maybe the U.S. should see what Israel is doing. How are their death and hospitalization rates over there? Never mind. Don't tell me, Doctor Tzeentch: just call your peers at the CDC and explain it to them.

    unless I missed their appeals to human rights.Tzeentch

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