• Streetlight
    I'd rather have a Jewish Israeli like that than the two-faced bullshit where they pretend to want peace (I'm looking at Likud for starters).Benkei

    I agree. I do think the kind of sentiment expressed in the video is widespread, but most are simply too savvy to come right out and say it. It's why these expressions ought to be publicized when and where they can. It's so easy to find:

  • Andrew4Handel
    Well Done Jews! This is the Flotsam and Jetsam that oppose you!"!
  • Streetlight
    You have not defended the authority of international law so fake apologies for me ridiculing it.Andrew4Handel

    You asked me 'who makes decisions' and I gave you an answer. I happen to agree with those decisions, because they coincide with helping to stem the Israeli genocide of Palestinians.
  • Andrew4Handel
    Good job. Want a medal?khaled

    No I want an end to parental child abuse and religious abuse. Child abuse is Rife among Arabs. Do you support this or have you lobotomised yourself?
  • Andrew4Handel
    You asked me 'who makes decisions' and I gave you an answer. I happen to agree with those decisions, because the coincide with helping to stem the Israeli genocide of Palestinians.StreetlightX

    Feel free to say the word genocide a thousand more times. For whose benefit is this other than yourself? Neither You nor the Anti-Semitic UN have any power to validate this definition.

    And by the way do you not consider the nearly 2 million Arabs in Israel Palestinians. The only racism and genocidal sentiment in this thread seems to be emanating from you.
  • Streetlight
    Feel free to say the word genocide a thousand more times.Andrew4Handel

    I will. Hopefully the more normalized it is, the more people will recognize Israeli genocide for what it is.
  • Andrew4Handel
    You asked meStreetlightX

    I am not interested in you. I am interested in the Jews and Israel.

  • Streetlight
    I am interested in the Jews and Israel.Andrew4Handel

    Yeah something about your posts gave that away.
  • Andrew4Handel
    Hopefully the more normalized it is, the more people will recognize it for what it isStreetlightX

    Word salad. So you can arbitrarily accuse anyone of of genocide. Well done for the modern trend of making false and heinous allegations against people who disagree with you.
  • Streetlight
    So you can arbitrarily accuse anyone of of genocide.Andrew4Handel

    Well yes but in this case I am accusing a state that is committing genocide of genocide.
  • Andrew4Handel
    Um excuse me your are just reiterating your false claims to yourself.

    I am not a psychiatrist so I can't help you.

    I have know many mentally ill people. It is a terrible condition. Your claims do not validate themselves due to your own beliefs.
  • Streetlight
    I cited sources, but again, I realize your illiteracy continues to get the best of you.
  • Andrew4Handel
    Question one.

    International law

    Where does it derive it's authority from.

    Answer: if you are seeking a response please search for another forum.

    Or if you are less cynical another thread here.
  • Andrew4Handel
    your illiteracyStreetlightX

    Tell that to however awarded me with a university degree.

    I don't know whether I learned the term ad hominem before or during my degree studies.
  • Andrew4Handel
    Well yes but in this case I am accusing a state that is committing genocide of genocide.StreetlightX

    Are you familiar with the term tautology?

    You can't determine the definition of genocide based on your pathological vilification of Israel (The Jews?)
  • Streetlight
    You're very bad at this.
  • Andrew4Handel
    I agree. I do think the kind of sentiment expressed in the video is widespread, but most are simply too savvy to come right out and say it. It's why these expressions ought to be publicized when and where they can. It's so easy to find:StreetlightX

    So your Anti Israeli sentiment is based on a video involving 4 people. You have to be joking me! or maybe I just ended up in your nightmare somehow.
  • Andrew4Handel
    You're very bad at this.StreetlightX

    Yes I am bad at lying and being phony.
  • Andrew4Handel
    l I cited sources, but again, I realize your illiteracy continues to get the best of you.StreetlightX

    I am not going to read your garbage. There is a huge literature on this subject. You can't resolve the issues this way. You are not hoodwinking me.

    Why don't you just go to The Gaza strip and throw a few thousand rockets into Israel yourself.

    You don't care about the Israeli Arabs and non Jews targeted. Who exactly do you care about in your faux outrage?
  • Streetlight
    Are you done defending genocide or do you have like another three posts to froth out the side of your mouth?
  • Andrew4Handel
    Are you done defending genocide or do you have like another three posts to froth out the side of your mouth?StreetlightX

    Are you done lying and slurring people who oppose you and being wrapped in your own superficial reality? The genocide of your imagination unfortunately is the source of genocide because you have invented it and are willing to carry it out.
  • khaled

    Child abuse is Rife among Arabs. Do you support this or have you lobotomised yourself?Andrew4Handel

    Neither. Child abuse is rife among poor people, Arab or not. It's not very common in the Emirates for example. Also, is your argument literally "Arabs abuse their children therefore they're the bad guys in the conflict with Israel"? Wow.

    But anyways, since I keep critiquing your points and you either ignore them or you contradict yourself, then I don't think I gain anything by responding to you anymore. I can't have a conversation with someone that doesn't respond.

    And what's "Child abuse"? What's an "Arab"? All fictions of course!
  • Andrew4Handel
    Also, is your argument literally "Arabs abuse their children therefore they're the bad guys in the conflict with Israel"khaled

    I have literally posted thousands of words on this thread and you think that is my sole argument?

    I pointed out that a man having 14 children and 2 wives in a conflict zone is not the Jews or Israelis' fault.

    Firing thousands of rockets arbitrarily into Israel is arguably worse than creating thousands of unnecessary children to suffer. (Make up your own mind).

    Can I be bothered to reiterate the argument.

    You can blame other people for your own problems but not for your decision to pointlessly create children.

    I could arguably blame lots of people for my problems but as soon as I choose to create children it is no one else's fault.

    But who cares just carry on creating children and blaming everyone else but the parents for their suffering. The Jews are histories biggest scapegoats and it is horrifying to see it happening here.
  • Andrew4Handel
    Child abuse is rife among poor peoplekhaled

    No it is not.
  • Andrew4Handel
    Poor peoples children are the victim of societies delusional values. The abuse is rich people convincing poor people to breed so they can accumulate the wealth from other people's labour. (If you want my opinion)

    Only the wealthy win in this scenario.
  • khaled
    I have literally posted thousands of words on this thread and you think that is my sole argument?Andrew4Handel

    It's disastrous that you even think it's an argument... "They had too many kids, kill em and their kids". Amazing honestly.

    I pointed out that a man having 14 children and 2 wives in a conflict zone is not the Jews or Israelis' fault.Andrew4Handel

    And no one disagreed. That makes it ok to blow up the man, his 2 wives and his 14 children? Yikes.

    Firing thousands of rockets arbitrarily into Israel is arguably worse than creating thousands of unnecessary children to suffer.Andrew4Handel

    "Thousands". Right. You know Israeli rockets kill over 100x more Palestinians than Hamas rockets do right? This is not an exaggeration these are real statistics.

    You can blame other people for your own problems but not for your decision to pointlessly create children.Andrew4Handel

    So let me get this straight: Your main problem with the Palestinians isn't the terrorism (by Hamas) but that they have too many kids? And thusly, they deserve to be blown up?

    Huh, guess Hamas is not so bad. After all, their rockets reduce the number of people that can have children! It's win win! Yay for murder by both sides!

    But who cares just carry on creating children and blaming everyone else but the parents for their suffering. The Jews are histories biggest scapegoats and it is horrifying to see it happening here.Andrew4Handel

    Literally not a soul has blamed the Jews for the number of children that Palestinians have being higher than usual.

    Child abuse is rife among poor people
    — khaled

    No it is not.

    I should be more specific. Child abuse is rife among people who benefit from having many children. Farming communities and the like. This is assuming you count having too many children as abuse.
  • Andrew4Handel
    It's disastrous that you even think it's an argument... "They had too many kids, kill em and their kids". Amazing honestly.khaled

    Where have I made this egregious claim that people and their children should be killed because they had large families. This is libellous slander. I simply said anyone especially large families in a warzone are responsible for the suffering of their children You are apparently another prolific liar on this thread.

    I have stated that if I had children none of the people who made me suffer are responsible for my children's suffering. What exactly is your point that parents are not responsible for the suffering they had deliberately to outnumber the other side in war? Derisible.

    I have not advocated killing anyone this thread. So lie yourself blue I don't care.
  • Andrew4Handel
    And no one disagreed. That makes it ok to blow up the man, his 2 wives and his 14 children? Yikes.khaled

    No one did that. When did this happen?

    However Hamas has fired over 2,000 rockets now into Israel that has millions of Arab Palestinians living there. Why the hell do you want to prolong the conflict? Lies like the prolific fantasies on here prolong the division and fantasy..
  • Andrew4Handel
    I should be more specific. Child abuse is rife among people who benefit from having many children. Farming communities and the like. This is assuming you count having too many children as abuse.khaled

    How can an antinatalist differentiate between anyone creating a child knowing that they will all suffer? Most people I know with mental health issues etc did not have deliberately abusive parents.

    But years ago in my country of birth the UK I watched Open University demographics programme where a Gazan man living in a 2 bedroom house claimed he had 8 children to outnumber the Jews. I have never heard the equivalent of say someone living in Belsen Bergen having 10 children to outnumber the Nazi's
  • Andrew4Handel
    Ethnic cleansing is even worse than slavery180 Proof

    What a disgraceful statement.

    Slavery has been present every day throughout human history. My ancestors were slaves. What do you actually know about slavery to make such a fatuous statement?
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