• Thinking
    Is there something that you feel or think you truly know. Perhaps some universal truth or intuitional feeling? What about something from experience? I would like to see your answers below.
  • TheMadFool
    There's no way we can answer the question without being dishonest.

    I would've liked to say that I know nothing but then I know that I know nothing and that's self-refuting.

    I would've liked to take Agrippa's route and bring up the Munchhausen trilemma but that to is self-refuting to a certain extent and it's no longer as satisfying as it would be were that not the case.

    I guess, given these two limitations, I should simply shut up and not say a word.

    Perhaps, instead of all that I wrote above I should post this: :zip: The less said, the better :smile:

    Those who speak don't know. Those who know don't speak — Laozi
  • Pantagruel
    Is there something that you feel or think you truly know. Perhaps some universal truth or intuitional feeling?Thinking

    Sure. I've been pondering this recently in conjunction with my thread on belief and posted just such an example there. Max Scheler says : "The mind itself is the self-revelation of the highest sort of being."
    This is something that I've "known" since I was a child. Basically, from a scientific perspective, that the ultimate empirical fact is consciousness itself. I know that my own mind is the key to understanding the nature of reality, not only as a tool, but as exemplary object of study. I've never been more certain of anything.
  • Outlander
    Hell is a place where everything once beautiful and pure will become ravaged, vile, and destroyed. Heaven is a place where everything once vile and corrupted may be redeemed and restored. Are these two different places or merely different phases? We may all live on the same planet, but we're worlds apart.
  • Heracloitus

    I experience (or, there is experience).
  • ghostlycutter
    I know a lot.

    My brain can half more than most people.

    It's not general knowledge I know most of.

    I know who, how, where, when, what and why...

    What I know is...
  • Tom Storm
    Is there something that you feel or think you truly know.Thinking

  • Count Timothy von Icarus
    Several things that I can be sure of. The call that fouled out Paul Pierce in Game Seven of the 2010 NBA finals was total garbage, and was what allowed the Lakers to squeak by to win by four points.

    GGG definitely did not lose to Canelo, and was robbed of his undefeated record. At best for Canelo, he got a draw in the first fight, and lost in the second. Glovokin still has never had even a knee touch the mat in a fight, Canelo got knocked to the ground in that same fight.
  • Amalac
    There's no way we can answer the question without being dishonest.

    I would've liked to say that I know nothing but then I know that I know nothing and that's self-refuting.

    I would've liked to take Agrippa's route and bring up the Munchhausen trilemma but that to is self-refuting to a certain extent and it's no longer as satisfying as it would be were that not the case.

    I guess, given these two limitations, I should simply shut up and not say a word.

    Perhaps, instead of all that I wrote above I should post this: :zip: The less said, the better :smile:

    Those who speak don't know. Those who know don't speak
    — Laozi

    That's pretty much my answer too, couldn't have said it better.
  • TheMadFool
    That's pretty much my answer too, couldn't have said it better.Amalac

  • Thinking
    well said.
    interesting perspective
    I too believe that is true
  • 180 Proof
    I know that uncertainty is frustrating and certainty is foolish. Maybe.

    (and what Laozi says)
  • Benkei
    I know a lot of definitions...
  • ghostlycutter
    Knowing is not just halving something. I will correct myself now and add consuming the halved something rigidly, whereas being wise of it would involve more fluidly scanning over this something, almost like brail, as if the something was non-fiscial.
  • Zophie
    There is in principle an infinite number of equivalent hypothesis that can justify the same phenomenon.
  • frank
    Is there something that you feel or think you truly know. Perhaps some universal truth or intuitional feeling? What about something from experience? I would like to see your answers below.Thinking

    Honeysuckles have a delightful aroma.
  • RogueAI
    External things won't make you happy.
  • ghostlycutter
    So do bees which pollinate, but this aroma is hard to conceptualise, takes a true knoer.
  • Anand-Haqq

    . I know myself ... I know thyself ... I know that wich is not and that wich is ...
  • Anand-Haqq

    . Perfectly good ... Yes ... Truth is the unassailable ... It cannot be expressed, verbally ... As it cannot be expressed the beauty of a flower ... But seen ...

    . Life is beyond any thinking ...

    . Life is not a problem to be solved ... But a mystery to be lived ...
  • Manuel
    If "know" is to have any meaning at all, then I'd say that experience is what I most intimately know about myself.
  • TheMadFool
    I know that uncertainty is frustrating and certainty is foolish.180 Proof

    If intelligence were a crime, you'd be arrested. :up: :clap:
  • Ying
    Is there something that you feel or think you truly know.Thinking

    ... No, not in particular.

    Perhaps some universal truth or intuitional feeling?

    ... No.

    What about something from experience?

    ... No, I don't think so.

    So, what do I know? I don't. I don't even know if I know nothing. It's of no concern to me.

    "In the beginner's mind there is no thought, "I have attained something." All self-centered thoughts limit our vast mind. When we have no thought of achievement, no thought of self, we are true beginners. Then we can really learn some-thing."
    -Shunryu Suzuki, "Zen Mind, Beginners Mind"
  • Daemon

    Those who speak don't know. Those who know don't speak — Laozi

    He said that did he?
  • 180 Proof
    Also, I think I know that there are (at least) three kinds of people –

    (1) those who know what they don't know
    (2) those who don't know that they don't know &
    (3) those who don't care that they don't know

    – but only the first is worth y(our) time because there's nothing nontrivial to learn from the other two, especially the third who, unlike the second fool, is dangerously stupid

    Who knows? :smirk:
  • synthesis
    I don't believe we can know anything (literally).
  • Manuel

    How can you know that? If you believe that, then you cannot believe your own statement. You need to have a vague notion of correct knowledge or belief in order to state that "I don't believe we can know anything", otherwise you don't believe what you said and the statement is negated. :chin:
  • TheMadFool
    Those who speak don't know. Those who know don't speak — Laozi

    He said that did he?

    What you know you must be able to tell — Socrates

    I know that I know nothing — Socrates


    Doesn't "daemon" have something to do with Socrates? :chin:
  • TheMadFool
    I just realized that the OP, in different words, is actually about The Problem Of The Criterion.

    Two questions,

    1. How can we know?

    2. What do we know?

    Can't answer the first query without answering the second. Can't answer the second query without answering the first. It's a vicious circularity of epic proportions, no?
  • synthesis
    Exactly! The human intellect is a paradox without equal.
  • Zophie
    The human intellect is a paradox without equal.synthesis
    It's a wonder how we survived this long.
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