• Maw
    Bernie had a heart attack literally a year ago to the day and received far less support from the Democratic elite than Trump did today for contracted a virus he exacerbated.
  • creativesoul
    Bernie had a heart attack literally a year ago to the day and received far less support from the Democratic elite than Trump did today for contracted a virus he exacerbated.Maw

    Things that make you go hmmmmmm......
  • Maw
    Things that make you go hmmmmmm......creativesoul

    No pretty straightforward: liberals would rather attach themselves to fascists than socialists.
  • creativesoul
    I think it has more to do with socio-economic policy... but yeah. Seems that way, huh? They certainly do everything in their power to inhibit certain people's ability to publicly speak about what the problems actually are...

    Bernie is one such person(whose been inhibited). I admire his participation in the general this time around.
  • Benkei
    Progress! You compared Trump to a poisonous snake in that analogy. There's hope for you yet.
  • Streetlight
    The only cogent argument I've seen so far for giving a hoot about Trump's health is the need to see him roundly thumped at the polls, which is a really cute thought, but the thought of him drowning in his own lungs is better.
  • Benkei
    I don't care one way or the other. It would be karma if he dies from covid, considering how many covid deaths he's caused with his bungling of the pandemic.
  • Punshhh
    The reason we should drop talk of "doom" is that it isn't based on science. When that's the primary message coming from climate change acceptors, it undermines their cause. The climate is changing. We will change with it.
    There isn't a cause which needs accepting any more wer're past that point. It is scientifically accepted that we have, or will shortly trigger a number of irreversible tipping points which will release large (or fail in sinking it) quantities of Greenhouse gases. Or will precipitate mass extinction of species.

    People like Trump and his supporters who deny this reality are the new flat earthers.

    Doom is appropriate because it is also scientifically accepted how easily humanity descends into anarchy and war when the pips squeak.

    I don't want to veer off into climate change here, but if you remember this was discussed at length a couple of years ago in a climate change thread.
  • Mr Bee
    People like Trump and his supporters who deny this reality are the new flat earthers.Punshhh

    To be fair to the flat earthers, at least their ignorance isn't causing the destruction of all life on earth. I would have no problem with them otherwise if they're not affecting me or anybody else with their beliefs. There's being stupid and there's being dangerously stupid, with climate deniers and anti-vaxxers I'd categorize in the latter.
  • frank
    Doom is appropriate because it is also scientifically accepted how easily humanity descends into anarchy and war when the pips squeak.Punshhh

    Are we doomed to experience turmoil? Yes. If that's how you read "doomed," fine.
  • magritte
    That all said it would still be good if Trump choked to death on his own spittle.StreetlightX

    What exactly would the consequences be if that happened? Let's try to do the calculus.
    1. Pence becomes Pres.
    2. The Republicans nominate a younger more dynamic stand-in for the trumpees
    3. Republicans sweep the elections
  • Olivier5
    Did someone tried injecting him clorox? Could well save his life.

    Also please quadruple dose of hydroxychloroquine.
  • ssu
    What exactly would the consequences be if that happened? Let's try to do the calculus.magritte
    As millions have already voted, likely the election would result in the tragicomedy and a full shit show.

    Likely the Republicans would argue to change their dead candidate with the vice president (then the acting president). It would be really difficult to pick any other than Pence. Only if Pence would resist being the President, which is unlikely for a Vice President.

    And Biden winning a dead candidate? Sounds like a matter that many Republicans would not forget.
  • Mayor of Simpleton
    Just wondering...

    ... if Trump does become incapacitated, what's Mike Pence's golf handicap?
  • Streetlight
    1. Pence becomes Pres.magritte

    Pence is basically a walking hamburger. The idea that he could in fact be elected is laughable.
  • Tzeentch
    You'd expect that on a philosophy forum people would have some reservations about wishing death upon others.
  • Mayor of Simpleton

    That kind of depends upon one's perspective regarding the 'US trolley problem' or is it a US variation on 'Killing Baby Hitler'?

    I'm sure there are some utilitarian debates here that would not rule out the death of Trump as well as some that would strictly forbid it.

    If only there were some utilitarians in the USA to 'think' about it and hash this one out for us.
  • Michael
    Also there are some (mostly conservatives?) who say that (older) people should be allowed/willing to die to save the economy.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    You can't be tolerant towards the intolerant, that's just your basic Karl Popper /s. Next logical step is hoping all your political opponents choke on their own vomit or come down with AIDS because they're like basically Nazis. I mean besides conservatives like don't even care about black people or whatever.

    Trust me it's all good philosophy.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    You'd expect that on a philosophy forum people would have some reservations about wishing death upon others.Tzeentch

  • Tzeentch
    I honestly can't tell if you all are joking or actually serious. I'm hoping for the former.
  • Benkei
    So when can you wish someone were dead? If there are circumstances where it's OK to kill someone, then there certainly must be a lot more circumstances where its OK to wish someone were dead.

    Random nobodies on the Internet aren't going to influence anyone so I think it's pretty harmless. It's just people expressing they really don't give a shit about Trump and it has nice shock value with Conservatives (which is ironic as Michael points out). I suspect exactly 0 people here would shoot Trump dead if given the chance.
  • BitconnectCarlos
    So when can you wish someone were dead? If there are circumstances where it's OK to kill someone, then there certainly must be a lot more circumstances where its OK to wish someone were dead.Benkei

    That's a good question. I don't have an immediate answer. If we're just going to wish leaders dead every time they do something suspect or enforce a policy that we don't like or believe something that we consider offensive then all leaders are to be wished dead. This would go very well beyond Trump.

    If Trump is indeed either committing treason or something along those lines I'd rather see him on trial though.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I honestly can't tell if you all are joking or actually serious. I'm hoping for the former.Tzeentch
    I am serious as I can possibly be. I've lost loved ones to COVID-19 and my husband did NOT have COVID BUT was on a ventilator for 24 days this May and I was not allowed in to see him, at all, EVER, except for 2 minutes after his emergency surgery with a security guard waiting at the door to escort me down to my kids who were not given that 2 minutes.
    I wish I could say that it was day by day but it was minute by minute for 21 days and then it became hour by hour.
    It's all said in jest, until it's not funny
    Everything in life is okay, until it isn't
    Life could be better until a loved one has a medical crisis and then nothing but their very survival matters.
  • Maw
    What exactly would the consequences be if that happened? Let's try to do the calculus.
    1. Pence becomes Pres.
    2. The Republicans nominate a younger more dynamic stand-in for the trumpees
    3. Republicans sweep the elections

    This isn't calculus this is just make-believe. Pence doesn't have the support of the GOP base that Trump possesses, and he certainly doesn't have enough time to form a solid voting coalition.
  • Mr Bee
    2. The Republicans nominate a younger more dynamic stand-in for the trumpeesmagritte

    And who would this backup cult leader be? The MAGA cult are mostly in it for Trump.
  • praxis
    US trolley problemMayor of Simpleton

    The other day Trump mentioned that corona only affects the elderly or “virtually nobody,” so if these virtual nobodies (including the elderly Trump) are on one track and our big beautiful economy and the precious American Dream are on the other, he seems to suggest that there’s virtually no dilemma.
  • Streetlight
    Having paid virtually nothing in taxes, Grandpa Trump is clearly a drain on the economy and ought to be left to rot - for the economy.
  • Mayor of Simpleton
    And who would this backup cult leader be? The MAGA cult are mostly in it for Trump.Mr Bee

    Perhaps Enrique Tarrio?

    He seems to be a modern day match for 'MAGA values'.
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