• 180 Proof

    I think by Memorial Day Weekend we will largely have this coronavirus epidemic behind us. — VP Mike Pence, radio interview, April 24, 2020

    reality check: May 23, 2020, Memorial Day Weekend

    U.S. confirmed Covid-19 cases - c1.65m (i.e. c13% tested positive)
    U.S. confirmed Covid-19 deaths - c96,920
    U.S. % population tested for Covid-19 - c04.15% :death:
  • Benkei
    You can now add that his advice to take chloroquine has caused more deaths as well : Lancet study

    when compared with mortality in the control group (9·3%), hydroxychloroquine (18·0%; hazard ratio 1·335, 95% CI 1·223–1·457), hydroxychloroquine with a macrolide (23·8%; 1·447, 1·368–1·531), chloroquine (16·4%; 1·365, 1·218–1·531), and chloroquine with a macrolide (22·2%; 1·368, 1·273–1·469) were each independently associated with an increased risk of in-hospital mortality.
  • Frank Apisa

    I'm not big on metaphor. I see him say and do terrible things and I call him out on it. That's it.

    I’m not sure “terrible” is a fair and accurate description.

    I agree with you. "Terrible" is not fair or accurate.

    I would use "loathingly disgusting" in most cases, but there are times I would use, "infantile" "adolescent" or "just plain stupid."

    Good catch on your part.
  • NOS4A2

    I like Trump and think he is a great president. I’ve never hidden that. I am also one of those bad supporters. But anti-Trumpism is, in my mind, far worse.

    “You’re not supposed to say that...”. And why not? The biggest single-day protests in American history, the Russia hoax, impeachment, and every day we are told the sky is falling, are because of Trump’s statements, not because of any injustice or tyranny. This is borderline superstition. This is the world the politically correct have built for themselves and now they have to watch as it is proven effete and powerless by a boorish, billionaire playboy. It was always effete and powerless, the white flag of a civilization too stupid to survive, but it took Trump to make them realize.

    The “racist nationalism” part is false, though. His brand of populism may be protectionist and nationalist, but it is not racist.
  • Michael
    The biggest single-day protests in American history, the Russia hoax, impeachment, and every day we are told the sky is falling, are because of Trump’s statements, not because of any injustice or tyranny.NOS4A2

    This is dishonest, and you should know that given that you've criticized Biden for the things he said on the phone call to the Ukrainian president above. What is Biden supposedly doing with his statements to Ukrainian officials? Using financial aid to pressure Ukraine into dropping an investigation that could harm his son. And what was Trump supposedly doing with his statements to Ukrainian officials? Using financial aid to pressure Ukraine to open an investigation into a political opponent to help his re-election chances.

    You might believe that Trump isn't guilty of the thing he was accused of, but that doesn't mean that he wasn't being accused of something that warrants criticism. His statements, many believe, show him to have behaved unjustly, and it's that unjust behavior that was being protested, not simply empty statements. And people do genuinely believe that he was engaging in unjust behavior - they don't secretly believe that he's innocent and are just twisting his statements as pretence.
  • Benkei
    racist nationalismfdrake

    You're behind the curve. It's the "protection of cultural values and norms" and therefore not racist. Or so they state it nowadays to avoid legal trouble.
  • Syamsu
    Total bullshit, it's nothing.Biden's son is real corruption. Trump caused all those holding corrupt nothingjobs to be punished.
  • tim wood
    xx What Trump is doing to all of us, would you like it or be so admiring of it if, for example, I did it to you?
  • tim wood
    Evidence is always good. What have you got?
  • Michael
    Total bullshit, it's nothing.Biden's son is real corruption. Trump caused all those holding corrupt nothingjobs to be punished.Syamsu

    Sure thing buddy.
  • Syamsu
    Trump was and is obviously putting the fire to anyone holding those currupt nothing jobs. Anyone who holds such a nothingjob is liable to be called out for it now. That reduces corruption.
  • Michael
    What's a corrupt nothing job?
  • NOS4A2

    I didn’t criticize what Biden said on the phone. I simply posted the leaked call and quoted how Zelensky described it. I also predicted how it might be used by the Trump campaign. I’m not here to convince you what to think of it

    This is the sort of anti-Trump fabulism I’m talking about. It leads to the kind of rhetoric that Claas Relotius would win awards for.
  • NOS4A2

    What Trump is doing to all of us, would you like it or be so admiring of it if, for example, I did it to you?

    If you were hitting back at people who spoke about you unfairly I would be by your side defending you, and admiring you while doing so. But since you’re not hitting back at anything save for the fantasies swimming about in your skull, I feel nothing but contempt and pity.
  • remoku
    Trump has only done good in my books ~was as poor as every other man in resolving corona ~but now that statistical malfunction has passed it isn't so much of a bad.

    Perhaps he could be more green, but other than that, what is Trump doing to all of us then?

    I don't understand and agree where NOS4A2 says these arguments are fantastical.
  • tim wood
    But since you’re not hitting back at anything save for the fantasies swimming about in your skull,NOS4A2
    And all the people he's injured in oh so many ways? They're fantasies in my skull?
  • remoku
    I bet half of them have MAN-flu.
  • tim wood
    Trump has only done good in my booksremoku
    Hasn't done anything bad, in your book, you say? Any pages in that book?
  • NOS4A2

    And all the people he's injured in oh so many ways? They're fantasies in my skull?

    Which people?
  • tim wood
    I bet half of them have MAN-flu.remoku
  • remoku
    I want you to pick one of the three bads Trumps done, but for this game, it can't be 1 or 2.

    1. Covid was badly administrated.
    2. Trump said stupid stuff about Covid.
    3. Any bad thing he has done to America that you can name.
  • tim wood
    Is this your way of saying you think there are no such people that he's hurt? if it is, it would be more honest to say so. But just for yucks, how about Jeff Sessions.
  • tim wood
    All three and more besides. But I'm not playing any "who did he hurt" game here. if you think there's no one, then say so.
  • remoku
    I can't name off the top of my head any severe wrongdoing Trump has comitted. I don't like the man personally, I think he's a second grade version of someone higher standing, but I'm right-wing. I hope the prop stays in place, and the prop has so far done no harm to the population.

    He has created many Jobs, he has reduced immigration, he has reduced the debt - and plans to do more. I think, he will suceed there; and his war policies good, if you're wise of what's going on in the world.

    The man who truly makes the election swing, probably will re-elect Trump. I doubt votes matter. It's up to you whether you make sense of this statement.
  • NOS4A2

    I’m not aware of any injuries inflicted by the man. Jeff Sessions and other establishment rhinos got exactly what they deserved.
  • tim wood
    I’m not aware of any injuries inflicted by the man.NOS4A2
    What a remarkably stupid and ignorant remark. I forget what a bottom dweller you are, and how low you so easily go. But let's see. Hmm. You are aware that early in his administration he without notice blocked entry of all sorts of people into the US who were otherwise according to US completely entitled to enter?
  • Syamsu
    Entitled, lol.
  • tim wood
    Are you a fool, Syamsu? If not, stop posting like one.
  • Syamsu
    It is anti common sense thinking that everyone is entitled to enter a country.
  • tim wood
    Fool! The people he blocked from entering the United States were people carrying paper from the United States saying that the United States had determined that they were fine to enter the United States (in many cases because those people had spent both years and treasure providing to the United States answers to every question the United States could think of to ask them, and answering them in a way satisfactory to the United States), becoming, according to the United States, welcome to enter the United States, which invitation, given under such terms, they thought meant something.

    But people make that mistake a lot with DJT. He is without any honor whatsoever. Not does he honor anything.

    Here's a challenge. I know of one good thing he did, though he diminished it in the how and why and the lack of any follow-through. Can you name any good thing he's done?
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