• NOS4A2

    “No I don’t take responsibility at all” is another good one. He was speaking in regards to the lag in testing, which Fauci himself said was a “technical glitch”, and which others testified was because of previous regulations. And here it is used as fake news. Thanks for sharing.
  • tim wood
    “No I don’t take responsibility at all” is another good one. He was speaking in regards to the lag in testing, which Fauci himself said was a “technical glitch”, and which others testified was because of previous regulations.NOS4A2

    Of course! Why didn't we all realize it that Trump is not responsible? Of course it is everyone else's fault. Our fair-haired child cannot possibly be responsible for what the bad people do.

    Are you, nos4, familiar with the characters Rappaccini and his daughter? You have consumed so much poison that you and your expressions/excretions are toxic. I can hope that you spend eternity alone with Kellyanne Conway on a desert island with only Fox news for entertainment.

    What you write here harms, does harm, and is intended to harm. it is unlikely you came to that in dotage, but is more likely a trait of yours. You carry it beyond sympathy or empathy and become merely, and terribly, despicable.

    As for Trump and his, it remains to be acknowledged that he is just a very, very bad man surrounded by very bad men and women. Grok on that and you will begin to understand (y)our predicament. Nothing they say or do has intrinsic truth, merit, value, or significance. And it is a profound misunderstanding of the pathology to suppose or act as if it does.
  • NOS4A2

    That you readily gobble misinformation so long as it serves your bias concerns me very little. Even now, after showing that the “I am not responsible” epitaph on Trump’s efforts is fake, you hold it up as a shield against your nascent dissonance.

    That is where the poison lies: in your fantasies, in your world view, in the undying hope that you are on the right side of history and that your efforts weren’t simply that of a useful idiot. But the dustbin of history awaits your arrival.
  • tim wood
    You swim on the surface splashing your mis- and dis-information unaware of the horrors you summon from the deep that come towards you. Reap what you sow - if only that could be your private fate for you alone!
  • Baden
    Biggest lies bolded:

    1) January 22nd: Trump is asked about the coronavirus at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Days earlier the first case of the coronavirus was detected in the U.S., in a man who had returned to Seattle from a trip to China earlier in January.

    “No, not at all. We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control,” Trump told CNBC. “It’s going to be just fine.”

    January 30th: Trump addresses the coronavirus during a speech on trade in Michigan. The same day, the World Health Organization classified COVID-19 as an international health emergency.

    “We think we have it very well under control,” Trump said. “We have very little problem in this country at this moment — five — and those people are all recuperating successfully. But we’re working very closely with China and other countries, and we think it’s going to have a very good ending for us.”

    February 10th: Trump says the coronavirus will be gone by the end of the spring while speaking with reporters in the White House.

    “Now, the virus that we’re talking about having to do — you know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat, as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. We’re in great shape, though. We have 12 cases, 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.”

    Days later, Centers for Disease Control Director Robert Redfield estimates the “virus is probably with us beyond this season and beyond this year.”

    February 14th: Despite Redfield saying the coronavirus will be in the U.S. beyond 2020, Trump continues to push the idea that it will be gone in a matter of weeks.

    “There’s a theory that, in April, when it gets warm, historically, that has been able to kill the virus,”[/b] he said while speaking to the National Border Patrol Council.

    February 23rd: Speaking to reporters on the White House lawn: “We have it very much under control in this country.”

    February 24th:

    "The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!"

    February 26th: During a press briefing at the White House, Trump claims that positive cases will soon begin to decrease.

    “We’re going to be pretty soon at only five people,” he said. “And we could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time. So we’ve had very good luck.”

    February 27th: “It’s going to disappear,” Trump said at the White House. “One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.”

    February 28th: During a rally in South Carolina, Trump alleges Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus, calling it “their new hoax.”

    February 29th: While speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Trump again claims his administration has the coronavirus under control.

    “I’ve gotten to know these professionals. They’re incredible,” Trump said. “And everything is under control. I mean, they’re very, very cool. They’ve done it, and they’ve done it well. Everything is really under control.”

    It would be revealed later that a CPAC attendee tested positive for COVID-19, leading multiple Republican lawmakers who came into contact with him to self-quarantine.

    March 4th: In an interview with Sean Hannity, Trump calls the WHO’s estimate of the global death rate “false,” describes the coronavirus as “very mild,” and suggests that those infected can get better by “sitting around” and “going to work.”

    Trump to Hannity on WHO saying coronavirus death rate is 3.4%: "I think the 3.4% number is really a false number ... personally, I'd say the number is way under 1%."

    March 7th: “No, I’m not concerned at all,” Trump said from Mar-a-Lago. “No, I’m not. No, we’ve done a great job.”


    March 9th: Trump bashes Democrats for sounding the alarm “far beyond what the facts would warrant” before implying that the common flu is far worse, an argument he’s made on several occasions and which has been parroted by Fox News.

    Trump: "The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant."


    People are dying because of this.NOS4A2

  • ssu
    Fake fake news from NOS4A2!

    Trump dissolved the pandemic response team, cut funding for the CDC, and reduced the CDC presence around the globe.NOS4A2
    You're wrong, actually. The utter inability of Trump to get anything done is the reason why, thanks to the Congress, the budget wasn't slashed as dramatically as Trump wanted. Yet fighting possible pandemics was slashed: The global presence was indeed reduced because of cuts.

    And Trump did really want cut the CDC budget. I remember that years ago. It was one of those irresponsible bullshit moves that Trump was doing that I remember well. Luckily for us, he FAILED just like he usually does in his policy decisions. Just as he does in many things starting from the Mexican paid wall and the deal with North Korea.

    The budget, which was released Tuesday, takes drastic spending cuts to agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services. Almost immediately, the proposed budget drew criticism, including from former heads of those agencies.

    Here are some of the biggest cuts the agencies within the HHS are facing:

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - 17%

    The CDC, which is in charge of public health and disease prevention, would see its budget cut by $1.2 billion. Dr. Tom Frieden, who was director of the agency until 2017, went off on the proposed cuts on Twitter on Monday, saying Americans would be "less safe," and that the cuts "would increase illness, death, risks to Americans, and health care costs."
    See Former Obama administration officials blast Trump's proposed health budget cuts from May 23rd 2017

    . If CDC had to absorb the kinds of combined cuts supported by the White House as of late March — a total cut of nearly one-third — Holubowich said it could “completely erode the safety net system — you’re looking at a tidal wave of need that would completely subsume the system.” On the proposal to block grant CDC’s budget, she predicted the funds would come from reallocating existing resources.

    John Auerbach, MBA, president and CEO of Trust for America’s Health, said if CDC actually experienced the combined cuts it faced as of March, it would impact virtually all areas of public health, from responding to emerging disease outbreaks to partnering with hospitals to reduce health care-associated infections. He said turning CDC’s budget into a block grant would likely result in much less funding support for state and local public health. On the proposal for a new emergency response fund for outbreak response, Auerbach said it would certainly be “advantageous” to have a pot of money for crises like Zika and Ebola. However, he is concerned that money for the fund would be pulled from other public health programs.
    See President’s 2018 budget devastating to public health: Cuts to prevention, research, programs from May 2017

    Yet let's look what happened:

    However, while Trump has attempted to cut funding to the CDC, overall funding to the agency has increased under the Trump administration.

    Since assuming office in 2017, Trump has sent four budget proposals to Congress. Each one requested a decrease in funding for the CDC—you can view the budget numbers here: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. Congress has not yet passed a budget for this year, but Trump has signed a budget that increased funding for the CDC every year he’s been in office.

    And what is true is this:

    the CDC “cut back on this program of overseas vigilance.” The CDC decided to end epidemic prevention activities in 39 out of the 49 foreign countries it was active in due to a predicted absence of funding for the programs, even as funding for other CDC activities increased.
    See https://factcheck.thedispatch.com/p/did-donald-trump-cut-the-cdc-budget

    And more clearly from 2018:

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is cutting back its epidemic prevention programs in 39 of the 49 countries it serves due to a funding shortfall, reported The Washington Post on Friday.The CDC programs are largely responsible for strengthening outbreak emergency response systems and training front-line workers to detect outbreaks before they occur. - The rollback in prevention programs is primarily in response to the dwindling funds provided by an emergency five-year aid package approved by Congress in 2014. The package included $600 million to help countries prevent infectious disease epidemics such as the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Only $150 million is left and is set to run out by September of next year, a senior government official told The Washington Post.
    CDC Rolls Back Disease Prevention Programs Due to Budget Shortage

    Republican Presidents have this obsession not to be prepared for the next crisis. I remember Bush at first didn't care a shit about terrorism or the prevention of terrorism. For Trump it was preparations for countering pandemics.
  • Relativist
    I've always been of the opinion that a large percent of the untruths uttered by Trump are the product of stupidity, rather than intentional deceit. He really didn't believe we'd have a problem with the coronavirus.
  • Baden
    What it's like for the intelligence community to brief a moron President:

    Summary: He's an illiterate fool who knows nothing about anything and asks stupid questions... But it was fun.
  • Michael
    He would say that. Look at his hair. Clearly a liberal hippy with an agenda.
  • Baden

    Please don't insult my Dad.
  • Michael
    Speaking of the Irish:

    March 15: Coronavirus: Pubs asked to close by Irish government

    March 16: Irish-developed kit confirms infection in 15 minutes

    You lot are really keen to get back on the Guinness.
  • tim wood
    The only reason that pitbull mauled your baby to death is because - ultimately who cares!! Yours is a question for his therapist - or his defense attorney. It should be clear to any and every person capable of thought that the the only correct response to anything Trump or his say or do is, "Fuck you," repeated as necessary. Because in every case, that's all - more, actually - than what they say or do is worth.

    If you asked Trump or any of his people what time it was, and any of them answered, wouldn't you still want to check a clock? I'm simply suggesting that to ask them anything, or expect anything of any value whatsoever to come from any of them, is an error of understanding most charitably attributable to magical-wishful thinking.
  • NOS4A2

    If Trump’s optimism is all you need to blame Trump for the death of Americans, then I’m afraid I cannot do much to convince you otherwise. But I can do my best for the sake of others.

    Trump’s right, he has done a great job, and recent approval ratings reflect this. And this isn’t some rinky-dink country of a few million. It’s a massive country with a massive population spanning a massive geographic area.

    But it doesn’t take too much effort to remember that while Trump was taking decisive measures to meet coronavirus head on, the press and Democrats we’re trying to impeach him, and spectacularly failing in the process.

    So while one can string together disparate, out of context quotes to make a case against Trump’s efforts, all I need to do is look at what one suspiciously left out to make a case for the opposite.

    Jan. 14th


    But, as we’ve come to learn, we now know that they they were warned in December by Taiwanese health officials.

    Taiwan has accused the World Health Organization of failing to communicate an early warning about transmission of the coronavirus between humans, slowing the global response to the pandemic.

    Health officials in Taipei said they alerted the WHO at the end of December about the risk of human-to-human transmission of the new virus but said its concerns were not passed on to other countries.


    The WHO also advises against travel restrictions, contradicting most governments. An Italian virologist says the Italian government took the same approach, but that they would rather lay the lives of its citizens at the alter of political correctness.

    "There was a proposal to isolate people coming from the epicenter, coming from China," he said. "Then it became seen as racist, but they were people coming from the outbreak." That, he said, led to the current devastating situation.


    Trump, on the other hand, took decisive action almost immediately.

    Jan. 25th

    U.S. Working to Evacuate American Citizens From Epidemic-Stricken Chinese City

    Jan, 29th

    Trump Forms Coronavirus Task Force

    Jan. 31st

    Trump administration declares coronavirus emergency, orders first quarantine in 50 years

    Feb. 3rd.

    Since we’re using one’s optimism as a point of criticism, Andrea Ammon, the director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, had this to say about the coming pandemic.

    “An outbreak of novel viruses is always an issue of public concern, [but] the situation right now is really under control [in Europe]," Ammon added.


    A little more than a month later, Europe would be declared the epicenter of the coronavirus.

    Feb. 4th (eve of impeachment trial), the night the press and Dems were praising Pelosi tearing up his speech, his state of the Union address:

    “Protecting Americans health also means fighting infectious diseases. We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the coronavirus outbreak in China. My administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat”.

    Feb. 29th
    (22 known infections of coronavirus and one death in the US)

    Bans Travel from Iran

    March Onward

    At the first death, Trump’s actions immediately escalate, resulting in a flurry of proclamations, meetings with industry leaders, near daily press conferences, coordinating with governors, mayors, and consecutive legislative actions that are just too numerous to get into, but that all concerned citizens should take a look at from a sufficient distance from the antitrumpism.

    The virus continues to spread and continues to infect many, but Trump’s leadership, his nimble instincts, decisive actions, and the 24/7 work of the administration has and is saving lives, not ending them.

    As for my own criticisms, the massive spending is worrying me. But worse, on a personal note, the general public response and American refusal to take the issue seriously might seriously affect my family.
  • NOS4A2

    Asked about the criticism at a House budget hearing Wednesday, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said that, “during the president’s tenure, every part of our preparedness and infectious disease program activity has been enhanced and expanded.”

    Azar went on the say the president’s budget proposals are just the jumping-off point for budget negotiations.

    “Budgets are like the first move in a chess game with, I’ll be honest, a fairly profligate Congress,” Azar said. “And the president starts that move with a budget knowing that we’re going to get a lot higher there as we work with Congress.”


    Art of the deal, baby.

    And what is true is this:

    the CDC “cut back on this program of overseas vigilance.” The CDC decided to end epidemic prevention activities in 39 out of the 49 foreign countries it was active in due to a predicted absence of funding for the programs, even as funding for other CDC activities increased.

    You’re wrong, actually.

    CDC did not have to cut back its work from 49 to 10 countries,” said Maureen Bartee, CDC’s associate director for Global Health Security, in a statement to FactCheck.org . “In the FY18-FY20 annual appropriations, CDC received base appropriations for global health security from Congress. This was used to continue the essential public health capacity development in the four core areas that was started in 2014 with the one-time supplemental funds.”

    Those four core areas, Bartee said, are surveillance, laboratory systems, workforce development and emergency management and response. “Focusing on potential weak links in these core areas ensures that partner countries are better prepared to respond to disease threats, wherever they might begin,” she explained.

    CDC operating budget plans show that its funding for global public health protection — which includes global disease detection and emergency response and global public health capacity — increased from $58 million in fiscal year 2017 to around $108 million in fiscal years 2018 and 2019. (And that does not include any remaining supplemental funds available for use.) The increases included nearly $50 million more each year for CDC’s global health security initiatives.

    Those amounts went up again in fiscal year 2020, when the CDC was awarded $183 million for global public health protection, overall, and $125 million specifically for its global health security efforts. For fiscal year 2021, President Donald Trump has requested that CDC funding for global disease detection and other programs be increased further — to $225 million total, with $175 million going directly to global health security.

    With its current funding, Bartee said, the CDC is actually working in “more than 60 countries” — not 10 — to address the threat of global infectious diseases and outbreaks.

  • Benkei
    Disinformation isn't optimism. Optimism sounds like this: Things look bad, but I'm convinced we'll get together as a country and take care of each other to beat this virus.
  • NOS4A2

    Optimism isn’t disinformation. Speaking confidently about ones actions and decisions is optimism by definition.
  • ssu
    Art of the deal, baby.NOS4A2
    Art of Bullshit, baby. Bullshit.

    Just like the Wall paid by Mexico, the deal with North Korea AND NEARLY EVERYTHING ELSE...

    Of course, nothing of those happened as promised, but who cares? It's art of the deal. Just like "Art of the Deal" was written by a ghostwriter. As we know, Trump is incapable of writing himself something as long as a book. But who cares? It's all quite fake and that's Trump.

    Just think about it: how whimsical it is for a President who's party is at first in control of BOTH houses of Congress and then to get what through? One tax break! Yeah, great work.

    You’re wrong, actually.NOS4A2
    So let's me get this straight. Trumps wants to make cuts. Finally the CDC does make the cuts, but AFTERWARDS understanding that this is their core area to operate, the CDC wiggles with base appropriations (thanks to Congress) and transfers then them to sustain things. And knowing Trump, the CDC has an reason to paint everything with roses as not to make this President angry. Just like after the "taboo words" debacle. Oh no, Trump administration surely didn't do it!
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Optimism sounds like this: Things look bad, but I'm convinced we'll get together as a country and take care of each other to beat this virus.Benkei

    Woo hoo :party: Excellent approach Benkei!
  • Benkei
    Speaking confidently about ones actions and decisions is optimism by definition.NOS4A2

    No, that's just arrogance.
  • Nobeernolife
    No, that's just arrogance.Benkei

    Yeah, if it comes from OrangeOtan, I know. If it came from someone you like, you would gloat about it.

    I see an interesting situation coming up very soon. Some industries are especially hard hit by the whole Corona thing, so politicians will be starting about bailouts. Some of the hardest hit are the travel and hotel industries. Of course they will be asking for help. Now.... OrangeHitler is in the hotel business. Can you see where this is going?

    Just warning you.... lots of triggered people in the TDS community very soon. Better find a safe space.
  • Benkei
    Remind me again. TDS stands for Trump Defense Syndrome endemic under Trumpanzees right?

    I don't see why companies ought to be bailed out. If taxpayers save companies that would otherwise go bankrupt, they should own it. It's the typical corruption that allows the vested interests to have cake and eat it too.
  • Benkei
    Yeah, if it comes from OrangeOtan, I know. If it came from someone you like, you would gloat about it.

    Glad Orange-oetan is sticking with you. Also, I'm a reflexive kind of guy and quite allergic to arrogance. I don't like arrogant people, so there's no world where I would think differently.

    In any case, in light of the tons of lies Trump had already uttered, the idea his disinformation is "really just" optimism is rather disingenuous.

  • Nobeernolife
    Remind me again. TDS stands for Trump Defense Syndrome endemic under Trumpanzees right?Benkei
    Yawn... ok ok

    I don't see why companies ought to be bailed out. If taxpayers save companies that would otherwise go bankrupt, they should own it. It's the typical corruption that allows the vested interests to have cake and eat it too.Benkei
    Well, no matter what you think about it, companies will still asking for it. And in some cases, they have a good argument. I don´t want to get bogged down into arguing which should and which should not (for some reason, banks always seem to have priority). I was just warning you of the oncoming big trigger event, because hotels WILL ask for bailouts. So watch your blood pressure.
  • Benkei
    You're pretty new here so you don't know what gets my blood pressure up. I certainly don't swear with cutesy made up names for people when I'm angry. It's all in good fun. This particular example would just be the typical corruption endemic to US politics. Another body that's sick I suppose.
  • NOS4A2
    Democrats have decided to shirk a Senate vote on worker relief so Nancy Pelosi could introduce a 1200-page Democratic policy wishlist. They’re playing with people’s livelihood to include provisions such as diversity hiring, aviation climate change studies, minimum wage, and other piffle.
  • Nobeernolife
    You're pretty new here so you don't know what gets my blood pressure up. I certainly don't swear with cutesy made up names for people when I'm angry. It's all in good fun. This particular example would just be the typical corruption endemic to US politics.Benkei

    The orange monster getting bailed out by tax money? Oh my. I am glad that your blood pressure is OK, but you can see the screaming headlines and your triggered fellow CNN./NYT bubble dwellers, can you not? It will be glorious.
  • Monitor
    They’re playing with people’s livelihood to include provisions such as diversity hiring, aviation climate change studies, minimum wage, and other piffle.NOS4A2

    I know, it's so selfish.
  • Benkei
    We should just bail out corporations without any strings attached. Again.
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