• VagabondSpectre
    In other news, Manafort took a plea deal from Muller...
  • Michael
    Is that too big a swing for the fall?VagabondSpectre

    There are only 9 Republican-held Senate seats up for election. Best-case scenario the Democrats (and Independents) will have 58 seats.
  • VagabondSpectre
    I didn't realize that the dems had 24 seats up compared to only 9 republican...

    What's the plausibility that some republican senators would vote to impeach?
  • Michael
    Probably not at all plausible.
  • VagabondSpectre
    I imagine if the results of the Muller investigation disgrace Trump enough the votes will be there (that might be a tall order given his resiliency).

    Surely there must be at least a few republican senators eager to plunge the dagger though...
  • Maw
    So we just gonna not talk about the Kavanaugh accusation or what
  • Baden
    MOD OP EDIT: Please put general conversations about Trump here. Anything that is not exceptionally deserving of its own OP on this topic will be merged into this discussion. And let's keep things relatively polite. Thanks.
  • Relativist
    Does anyone think the following are both true:

    1) Bill Clinton deserved to be impeached and should have been removed from office because he committed perjury - lying about getting blow jobs
    2) Trump does not deserve to be impeached if he broke laws during the campaign (such as might be uncovered by Mueller's investigation).

    My impression is that Lindsay Graham believes this, so I'm curious if anyone else does.
  • Shawn
    Trump got loled at, at the UN. Haha.
  • Baden

    I haven't reached my media time yet. What went down?
  • S
    "The world is laughing at us," he would say on the campaign trail, referring to the policies of then-President Barack Obama.

    "We don't want other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore,' Trump said last June "And they won't be. They won't be."


    You can see a video of Trump being laughed at by other leaders and other countries here.
  • Baden

    He actually took it well, considering. :D
  • Wayfarer
    It's called 'rolling with the punches'. He found out that he wasn't standing in front of one of his rallies with the bleachers full of bussed-in fans.
  • frank
    Make it
  • praxis
    This is the headline Fox News decided to go with:

    Late night comics celebrate UN countries mocking Trump, United States

    Brietbart is even worse:

    Establishment Media Sides with Countries Laughing at America at U.N.

    They were laughing at Trump, obviously.
  • ssu
    This is the headline Fox News decided to go with:

    Late night comics celebrate UN countries mocking Trump, United States

    Brietbart is even worse:

    Establishment Media Sides with Countries Laughing at America at U.N.

    They were laughing at Trump, obviously.
    Well, President's do tend to personify a bit the country they lead, you know.

    I'd say the Trump administration is a tragicomedy: you really don't know if to laugh or cry. The various books about the administration paint such a painstakingly similar picture. In fact when I think of it now, to a foreigner Trump supporters are a tragicomic bunch too.
  • praxis

    It's just the spin is so blatant.
  • 0 thru 9
    Thread title: Donald Trump (All General Trump conversations here)

    I wasn’t aware that he started referring to himself as General Trump. Not surprising, though. Only a matter of time before he is wearing military outfits like some banana republic dictator. :grimace:
  • Baden
    I wasn’t aware that he started referring to himself as General Trump.0 thru 9

  • 0 thru 9
    Why does everyone laugh at our fearless leader? Is he a clown? Does he amuse you? :yum:
  • Baden

    Not sure whether to be amused or horrified that the leader of the most powerful country in the world has the mental age and emotional maturity of a 12-year-old, and is literally being laughed off the world stage. And that a huge swathe of Americans are just fine with that because, apparently, the only job in the country where no standards of competency at all apply is the Presidency.
  • Benkei
    I didn't really perceive it as a mocking laugh to be honest. More bemused and a bit incredulous.
  • 0 thru 9

    Yes. One doesn’t know whether to laugh, cry, recoil, clap, boo, or just walk out of this movie. Oh wait,
    the doors have been sealed for our protection... guess we’ll stay.

    To continue the drama metaphor of clowns and the world stage... the mask has fallen off the presidency. It slipped after the invasion of Iraq, and now it’s on the ground. The head of the leading imperial power in the past might have tried to appear dignified, cultured, educated and ethical. But that was the costume for the part. Raw power and expansion was and is the goal of empire. Culture, thought, and ethics grow elsewhere in the territories as a provisional crop for export. This is becoming such a shockingly naked truth that it’s almost pornographic. How can anyone keep anything hidden, covered, or secret for more than 5 minutes nowadays?
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    Not sure whether to be amused or horrified that the leader of the most powerful country in the world has the mental age and emotional maturity of a 12-year-old, and is literally being laughed off the world stage. And that a huge swathe of Americans are just fine with that because, apparently, the only job in the country where no standards of competency at all apply is the Presidency.Baden

    It's a very simple symptom, we value entertainment higher than we value good leadership. And an incompetent leader provides a high quality entertainment. But those who laugh at the leader are not really allowing themselves to be led, they're just being entertained. So the entertaining leader is not really the leader. Who, or what, do you think real leads the most powerful country in the world?
  • Baden
    Who, or what, do you think real leads the most powerful country in the world?Metaphysician Undercover

    A conglomeration of forces for and against Trump seemed to have formed a kind of Frankenstein's monster of an administration that's blindly and destructively stumbling forward. There is nothing worth calling a leader. There's no coherence around an obvious central force or set of values.
  • S
    Soulless Media Scum Collude With UN To Deride Our Great Nation!

    Leftist Comics With Terrible Ratings Exploit UN Laughter And Spit in the Face Of Our Noble People!

    War - The Only Option?
  • Michael

    Despite the Negative Press Covfefe
  • praxis

    Apparently Trump missed his cues from Fox News and claimed that he meant it as a joke.

    Imagine telling the same joke for years at rallies and it only finnialy working for the UN audience. No wonder he didn’t expect to get a laugh.
  • Maw
    From The New York Times:

    The president has long sold himself as a self-made billionaire, but a Times investigation found that he received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges in the 1990s.
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