• ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Mares eat oats and Does' eat oats and little Lambs eat Ivy...
  • CasKev

    Your nursery rhymes and song tidbits will not claim the Last Word - I will make sure of it!
  • Sir2u
    Your nursery rhymes and song tidbits will not claim the Last Word - I will make sure of it!CasKev

    Gotcha covered on that,
  • CasKev
    Congratulations PFers - we made it to another Friday! To celebrate, I think I'm going to take Monday off, and make it another long weekend...
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Gotcha covered on that,Sir2u


    Are you watching the wrath of Mother Nature? Hurricanes are her Fast balls, sometimes a curve ball but rarely a bunt. God throws Squirrels down from the trees for the dogs while Mother Nature destroys anything in her path. Why people curse or Thank God, while Mother Nature gets away scotch free, still puzzles me.
  • Sir2u
    Are you watching the wrath of Mother Nature?ArguingWAristotleTiff

    Oh yeah, she is the queen and she knows it. Don't no one screw around with her and expect to win.

    I was shitting myself when Harvey passed here, some of these recent hurricanes have been known to turn south. That would have been another disaster for us.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Oh yeah, she is the queen and she knows it. Don't no one screw around with her and expect to win.

    I was shitting myself when Harvey passed here, some of these recent hurricanes have been known to turn south. That would have been another disaster for us.
    I was worried about you and yours and am glad to hear you are doing well.
    As far as Mother Nature being Queen, that would make me her Princess. O:) <<<see that Halo? I found some really good duct tape to fix where I broke it ;)
  • Sir2u

    Talking about weather forecasting and me saying that some hurricanes are starting to go south.

    Check out the track on this one.

  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Good lord! I hope Jose keeps making that right turn and you guys get blue skies and calm waters.
  • Ciceronianus
    Mares eat oats and Does' eat oats and little Lambs eat Ivy...ArguingWAristotleTiff

    A kid'll eat ivy too; wouldn't you?

    Sorry I missed this before. And now: "Hut-Sut Rawlson on the Rillarah and..."

    It's interesting how great events, like the Big One and the Great Depression, seem to inspire memorable songs, some funny and some sad. I remember my parents, who lived through both, singing Mairzy Doats and The Hut-Sut song. From the Great Depression, you had Pennies from Heaven and Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?, which for me evoke real pathos.
  • CasKev
    I guess philosophy is too deep and personal for most people. I tried to get my Facebook friends talking about their lives' meaning and purpose, and all I got was the sound of crickets chirping.
  • Marchesk
    Just mix in something about politics and race and you'll get a nice FB discussion going.
  • Sir2u
    Just mix in something about politics and race and you'll get a nice FB discussion going.

    There is no way giving this kind of advise is going to get you the last word. :-|
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    It's interesting how great events, like the Big One and the Great Depression, seem to inspire memorable songs, some funny and some sad. I remember my parents, who lived through both, singing Mairzy Doats and The Hut-Sut song. From the Great Depression, you had Pennies from Heaven and Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?, which for me evoke real pathosCiceronianus the White

    I am so glad you responded Ciceronianus because it is this time of year that I miss my hometown. I can hear my Granny singing the Mares Eat Oats song that was usually followed by Edelweiss. My Granny was convinced of my singing potential and she was right which made her day because My Mom couldn't carry a tune to save her life. (L) Another song was apparently a drinking song but My Mom and I sang it while laying on either side of my Grampa, rocking, until he took his last breath. We must have sung the one line we knew a million times that night (L) The song lyric was "Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I want to go to bed. I had a little drink about an hour ago and it went straight to my head..."
  • Ciceronianus
    The rest of it is: Wherever I may roam, on land or sea or foam, you'll always hear me singing this song, show me the way to go home."
  • Jeremiah
    I guess philosophy is too deep and personal for most people.CasKev

    I found "philosophy" to be too shallow. I mean actual philosophy would be vast and deep, but their are so few actual philosophers left, and they are not the ones musing about the meaning of life.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    The rest of it is: Wherever I may roam, on land or sea or foam, you'll always hear me singing this song, show me the way to go home."Ciceronianus the White

    (L) Ciceronianus, you will always hold a special place in my heart, for it feels like you have known the links, to the meaning of so much of my life that I took for granted. (L)
  • Ciceronianus
    Thank you, m'lady.

    I have a mind that attaches itself to odds and ends, including the poetry that can be encountered in popular songs, especially those composed in hard times, and like to remind myself now and then that they're not far away, that my parents stuffed newspapers in their shoes because of the holes in their soles, and could not afford new ones; but also to remind myself that somehow the lives of those that came before were vital and interesting nonetheless, more interesting I think than mine is, that I had a grandfather who was a prizefighter for a time and a conductor on the Chicago L and is now buried with my grandmother in Mount Carmel Cemetery not far from the graves of Al Capone and Frank Nitti, that my other grandparents were in Vaudeville. How does my life, that of a mere lawyer, compare with theirs?

    Another song of the 1920s, "Ain't We Got Fun" contains the memorable lines: "There's nothing surer, the rich get richer and the poor get...children [or "poorer" in other versions]; in the meantime, in between time, ain't we got fun?" That world isn't far away at all, is it?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Be still my heart and pour me a warm one.
    Queen of Heaven cemetery is where most of my family is in the Mausoleum.
    I know Mount Carmel Cemetery well as my Granny who lived in Berwyn was a devote Catholic and I remember seeing her dressed in this beautiful black skirt suit, all her curls in place, loading me and my brother up in the Teal Caprice Classic and drove to Mount Carmel Cemetery as we had so many times before but she was never dressed in black. When we got there, there was a HUGE building draped in swags of black and we stopped, walked to the building and prayed. She had taken us to honor the passing of Cardinal Joseph Louis Bernardin. The Cardinal was waked in the Holy Name Cathedral which is where my sister chose to be married. For me? It was Creekside in Oak Creek Canyon which might just be where I ask my ashes to be spread but for her, much like many back home, it was all about the Pomp and circumstance.
    You make me smile when you speak of the newspaper in your parents shoes because in comparison, I lived the life of luxury as I got to use the plastic bread bags, three layers thick in my boots to keep my feet dry in the Chicago snow. There is some genuine gratification in knowing that you can make it with less material things and still be happy, if not happier than if you always got what you needed.
    I hope the songs live on. I am doing my part and you are doing yours and that is the best if not the only! 8-)
  • Hanover
    My turn. No song memories, but you made me reminisce, and so here it is. I suppose this explains me as good as anything...

    I remember the long hot Georgia summers where you never wore shoes and you wandered off into the woods to the creek and looked for elusive crawdads, coming home for supper ("dinner" was the big meal mid day on Sunday) only when the street lights came on. Lightening bugs never lost their entertainment value. You wore Tough Skins from Sears Roebuck all with orange knees from the red Georgia clay.

    The best spot at Grandmama's house (which was even farther south) was next to the blowing AC window unit. If the heat didn't keep you awake at night, the clatter of the crickets would.

    Every man was a sir and every woman a m'am, no matter their standing. You stood for the national anthem, you bowed your head for the prayer, and closed your eyes as tight as you could. You never told on anyone, and you hit back hard. Dads told you to be honest and work hard and moms always reminded you to "be sweet," because you often weren't.

    As I get older I convince myself my memories are all real. I think some really are. I suppose every generation laments the loss of their world.

    It seems fitting these posts are found in the Last Word thread.
  • Sir2u
    I was listening to an online radio yesterday, they played hours of music from '65 and '66.
    I remembered my first days in New Orleans, late '65 when they played "Desolation Row" by Bob Dylan.
    I was an almost 12 year old from England that had only ever seen a few people with dark skin, and most of them were Indians or Pakistanis. Lots of things came as a shock to me and in my ignorance / innocence I made some mistakes. Looking back, some were funny others not so.

    There was a sign on a laundromat door "whites only". "Mom, we cannot wash my trousers here"

    There was a separated coffee bar for colored people in the supermarket. "Why can't I have a coke?"

    I stood up to let a lady sit down on a bus and she got scared and moved away from me. She was black.
  • CasKev
    Man, TranscendedRealms seems to really think he can change the world with his thoughts on life. But no matter how many times he rewords his post, I still don't understand what his point is... I just hope he doesn't start talking about his packets again!
  • Sir2u
    Man, TranscendedRealms seems to really think he can change the world with his thoughts on life.CasKev

    Lots of people have already done that, but most of them had something to say that people wanted to listen to. Like Hitler or Martin Luther.
  • BlueBanana
    Does someone have the link to the original thread?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff

    Page 12 and although you can no longer access the content of the thread, you can see who created the thread and the forum member who got the LAST word on that thread that was reborn here. 8-)
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    In reading the thread titles as I searched the hall of thinkers for the 'Last Word' I found myself getting a bit emotional, a tad nostalgic and a whole spectrum of feelings. I will spare you the details but tonight, I will look up to the sky and see if Mars Man is watching over us. He was always up for a bit of spirits as he so often wrote to us from the snow dusted roof tops.
    Cheers to the good times~ (L)
    Cheers to those we are fortunate enough to have around us now~ 8-)
  • Sir2u
    Cheers Tiff, here's to all.

    Got a couple of 6 packs of cheap Portuguese beer that tastes good, so the first one will be dedicated to all of those friends come and gone and those still here. The rest of them will probably be dedicated to them as well unless I think of some one or thing to toast.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    so the first one will be dedicated to all of those friends come and gone and those still here.Sir2u
    Cheers for many years to come my friend~
    It's good for us all to still be together, amazing friends~ (L)
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    We are being tested and we will rise to the challenge
  • Sir2u
    We are being tested and we will rise to the challengeArguingWAristotleTiff

    Damn right we will. (Y)
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