• deletedmemberwy
    Did I tell you I bought a new puppy. He's huge! His ears are as big as an elephant's.Hanover

    PUPPY?!?!?!? :love: Did someone say puppy?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Did you need someone to care for your elephant/puppy when you go visit Sarah Palin? :eyes:
  • deletedmemberwy
    EEK! I got an apartment now. LOTS to do before moving! Won't have internet, so I may go missing in action for a while to whoever cares.
  • Shawn

  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Woo hoo! Congratulations on gaining freedom and the key of responsibilty! :party:
    When do we get to come over? :grin:
  • deletedmemberwy
    Lol. Super tiny place, so not all at once lol.
  • SittinWSocratesTiff
    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyaaaa Where are you?
  • deletedmemberwy
    still around, but no internet except when I go to the parents or library. Lately so busy trying to get settled, then fleas all over in my apartment, and constant job searching. Bleh.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Yaaaaaaaay Waaayyyaaa is here!!! :up:
    It sounds like you are in transition which is never fun or tidy but in the end it is all worth it. :sparkle:
    Dawn dish soap that they use on the Ducks that get covered in oil spills gets rid of fleas too.
    Stay Strong :strong:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    @Waya How is life treating you? Did the Dawn work?
  • Hanover
    You kill the fleas by giving the pets those pills that make their blood flea poison and your animals then become flea killing machines. That's what I did.

    I'm not sure how you can use Dawn to kill fleas in your apartment unless you scrub down every carpet and couch, and then you'd be left with a big sudsy apartment which would be far worse than just having fleas.

    I have these gnats in my kitchen that I think were brought in with a house plant If you put apple cider vinegar mixed with dish soap in a coffee mug and let it sit out, the gnats all fly into there and die. It works pretty well, but it makes the vinegar taste terrible.
  • deletedmemberwy
    Indeed. Finally got a full time job and working at that. Still have fleas, but I’m rarely home anymore. Supposed to have the pest control guy out again soon. I get internet at work! Yay! So I have about 1.5 hours during lunch and breaks which is cool!
  • deletedmemberwy
    Haven’t tried the dish soap though! Eek!
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I am really not sure I am going to pass this intro to Algebra class my fellow Warrior :yikes:
  • S
    I hereby dub this the boring small talk thread.

    "Hey, how's it going? How're the kids? The weather's nice outside, isn't it? What are you doing later? I might have fish and chips for dinner, what do you think? I've got to take Fido to the vets at half past two, I think he's got worms. Do you like these shoes? I'm not sure they match my dress. Lovely to see you. Take care." :meh:
  • Hanover
    It's going pretty good, I guess. Wish the weekend were longer. The kids are doing well, thanks for asking. The oldest has a birthday coming up. Fun! Fish and chips sound good, but I think the extra crispy ones are a little heavy for my taste. I hope Fido is doing good. He's always been a ball of energy. There's an over the counter treatment for worms you might try. It'll save you a little money. I'm sure your shoes are lovely and knowing your taste, I'm sure they match your dress, although I did think you were a guy. I wasn't aware you were a cross-dresser, but I do admire your courage. I'm sure you make a beautiful man. It is nice to talk to you, and I hope you, Fido, and your transition all go well.
  • Wheatley
    I don’t know what y’all talking about, but the last word is ‘Zyzzyva’. I just checked it out in the dictionary.
  • S
    I don’t know what y’all talking about, but the last word is ‘Zyzzyva’. I just checked it out in the dictionary.Purple Pond

    I hate to break it to you, but that one's been done to death already.
  • Wheatley
    Damn, I really thought I was being original.
  • S
    It's going pretty good, I guess. Wish the weekend were longer. The kids are doing well, thanks for asking. The oldest has a birthday coming up. Fun! Fish and chips sound good, but I think the extra crispy ones are a little heavy for my taste. I hope Fido is doing good. He's always been a ball of energy. There's an over the counter treatment for worms you might try. It'll save you a little money. I'm sure your shoes are lovely and knowing your taste, I'm sure they match your dress, although I did think you were a guy. I wasn't aware you were a cross-dresser, but I do admire your courage. I'm sure you make a beautiful man. It is nice to talk to you, and I hope you, Fido, and your transition all go well.Hanover

    Bad news: they had to put Fido down. The treatment got rid of the worms, but Fido walked into my room whilst I was using my laptop to browse through this discussion, and he took one look at the screen and keeled over. It was all just too much for him. Death through shock at how mind numbingly boring this discussion is.

    Rest in peace, Fido.

    The transition went well though. Thanks for your support.
  • Hanover
    Sorry to hear about Fido. Are you doing the full bagpipes sort of funeral or are you throwing him in the county incinerator like you did your children?

    Are you going to change your name to Esse? It sounds a bit more feminine I think.
  • S
    Sorry to hear about Fido. Are you doing the full bagpipes sort of funeral or are you throwing him in the county incinerator like you did your children?Hanover

    How dare you?! I did not incinerate my children. I would never do such a thing.

    I threw them off of a cliff.
  • Hanover
    How dare you?! I did not incinerate my children. I would never do such a thing.

    I threw them off of a cliff.

    The incinerator was at the bottom of the cliff though.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Small talk eh?
    The kids are great! The female rottie is out of heat and her cone of shame! It's 70* here and -50* in Chicago :razz: I am spending at least 5 hrs a day in Algebra and just started Effective Help in a Diverse World and Intro to Social Welfare. I am still eating nuts and leaves but have added coffee back into my regime thinking it helps with math. Surgery is going to be after May 1st because without the ability to use Opiates, I am thinking it will be better to be in pain without having to learn "The Story of 'X'" argggggggggh!!!
    @Hanover Where is my gigolo? :eyes:
  • S
    The incinerator was at the bottom of the cliff though.Hanover

    This is why I love you. Let's get married. I hear that there are some beautiful churches in Dover. There's this one church in particular which I have my heart set on, close by those lovely white cliffs.

    On an unrelated note, does anyone know how much it would cost to hire an incinerator for the day?
  • S
    Would you mind if I borrowed your dog? You see, I'm not sure whether my incinerator is working. It seems to have gotten something wedged right in there, deep down inside.

    Come to think of it, perhaps you could take a look for me. My eyes aren't too good these days, you see. (I don't). It's just over here. Follow me, I'll lead you to your death. Wait, did I say "death"? I meant to say "ice cream" or something pleasant and enticing.
  • Hanover
    This is why I love you. Let's get married. I hear that there are some beautiful churches in Dover. There's this one church in particular which I have my heart set on, close by those lovely white cliffs.S

    The church in Dover sounds nice, but there are a few problems. First, Dover is far away from me and I'm not sure it's worth the flight. Second, I was more thinking a synagogue. Third, I think we're going to have to convince the immigration officials that our marriage isn't a sham just to give you citizenship in the US so that you can avoid the consequences of Brexit. Fourth, since man on man love cannot result in disposable offspring, we'll have to adopt children for that purpose, and I understand there is red tape involved in that process, especially for those who have previously incinerated their children. If I had my druthers, I'd prefer adopting and disposing Dutch children as the best they'd have ever achieved is becoming a Dutch adult, and their value is just above a piece of straw and just below a chewing gum wrapper based upon the International Human Worth Scale (IHWS).

    On an unrelated note, does anyone know how much it would cost to hire an incinerator for the day?S

    I don't think we need a whole day. We can throw a whole lot of fuckers in there in just under an hour. I have some evidence from some other shit I did a while ago that I also need to incinerate, so we can do all that at once.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Would you mind if I borrowed your dog? You see, I'm not sure whether my incinerator is working. It seems to have gotten something wedged right in there, deep down inside.S

    Iff everything is "Goat" then yes, I can get ahold of an incinerator for you. :monkey:
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