• ztaziz
    Is the moderator who removed my thread, hastily, before anyone could read it, a bully or just going to hell? Literally making me desire to respond in this way.

    Look, I don't care if I get banned for this, all that's posted here is vague nonsese by self proclaimed ametuer philosphers and that's even toned down by bad moderation.

    Looking at the titles in every thread on this forum, because of bad moderation, you've barely moved on from 1AD.

    I was just bullied by a stinky, stupid pervert who is going to hell.

    Now your team will try their hardest with their tiny minds and useless bodies.

    The thread was entitled: the universe was a mistake - the creator couldn't tackle so many numbers - the ideal future is cancellation.

    Why can't we discuss this. I KNOW, you're a fucking dumb pervert(who is going to get chopped up one day).

    I know you attendees stay here because it's the only option, or you like kissing mods asses and pretending to be part of something special.

    You've literally done nothing good. Go check, any good idea is not directly implied. It's off handed.

    1*/100 - can't fucking wait for you to burn.
  • Streetlight
    I removed the thread because it was indeed a low quality one. A bunch of just-so stuff about the universe having been some kind of hell or whatever. And now, since you don't care about being banned, I've obliged.
  • Outlander
    Probably just having a bad day? :/

    Alcohol or something?

    As a theologist many religions do allude to the idea this is either a 'fallen world' or that 'existence is suffering'. Question is. Are you not suppose to rise above it and not succumb to it? What is more important. What the situation does to the man or what the man does to the situation?
  • unenlightened
    Probably just having a bad day?Outlander

    Look at the post history. Every day was a bad day. And this particular thread did not even reach the dizzy heights of wooly un-researched theological speculation. It was incoherent garbage. The standards are very low and flexible here, but stuff has to have some merit - if not intelligent or polite, then at least amusing.
  • DingoJones

    Ok but how was his post not amusing? Stinky pervert? Its just so...harmlessly juvenile. I laughed.
  • Michael
    I was just bullied by a stinky, stupid pervert.ztaziz

    I'm actually quite clever and wash often.
  • Baden

    I just presumed he meant Hanover.
  • unenlightened
    I laughed.DingoJones

    So did I, but this thread has been left; the one that was deleted lacked the passion and humour of this one.
  • praxis
    Now your team will try their hardest with their tiny minds and useless bodies.ztaziz

    Not completely useless. We know they can type, for instance.
  • Streetlight
    udon t kMow me
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