• Benkei
    Now you are sliding from what you were arguing about. Now you’re back to Facebook ads.raza

    It's an indisputable fact the Russians have spend millions on building up an apparatus to influence US public opinion and undermine US democracy. Quite succesfully as you exemplify everytime you write anything.
  • raza
    Again, you cannot access files without changing their records. Hence, forensic research of computer systems is done on the basis of an image, which the FBI receivedBenkei

    They received Crowdstrike’s analysis.

    So let’s breakdown the only “evidence” YOU have seen.

    “We assess with high confidence that the GRU relayed material it acquired from the DNC and senior Democratic officials to WikiLeaks.”

    Ok, yeah? Please, master, do tell us more.

    “Moscow most likely chose WikiLeaks because of its self- proclaimed reputation for authenticity. Disclosures through WikiLeaks did not contain any evident forgeries”

    Ah master. Thine sight is hitherto restorith.
  • raza
    But Trump is like a fat, clumsy oaf who boasts about his tremendous stability. If he were to fall flat on his face, he would've had it coming to him, and it would be hard not to relishSapientia

    Your intellect on this matter is outstanding.......for you.
  • raza
    False presumption. A presumption that is false. You presumed something, ignorant of whether it's true or false. It's false, as Michael's reply indicates. I'm pretty sure that that's all he meant, making your above response quite amusingSapientia

    I’m happy that you are amused.
  • raza
    They do happen to put a lot of work into their coverups.

    No, not interested in this “Q” deal.
  • raza
    It's an indisputable fact the Russians have spend millions on building up an apparatus to influence US public opinion and undermine US democracy. Quite succesfully as you exemplify everytime you write anything.Benkei

    I would say it is merely something they have been doing with the US for decades just as the US have been doing to them for decades.

    You really think this stuff is new? No memory of hearing about the Cold War?

    This crap relies on short memories and zero insight of sheeples.
  • Benkei
    They received Crowdstrike’s analysis.raza

    True AND they received an image from the DNC for their own investigative purposes. So what's your point?

    Your non-sensical focus on two sentences doesn't prove a thing. It is an indisputable fact the Russians meddled in the elections as corroborated by various intelligence agencies independently of each other. You don't have proof all of them are lying, there is no ground to assume that they are, so you have nothing. Here's some facts:

    • the DNC was hacked
    • files from those servers were published by WikiLeaks
    • WikiLeaks received them from Guccifer 2.0
    • Guccifer 2.0 was a front for Russian intelligence
    • Guccifer 2.0 was unmasked as he forgot to activate a VPN once and left digital footprints that lead back to Russia
    • He couldn't speak proper Romanian
    • He could use a Russian language VPN service
    • Russia has a history of inventing "a lone hacker or an hacktivist to deflect blame" with the French and German hacks
    • the above is corroborated by the Dutch, UK, German and US intelligence agencies

    The Mueller indictment shows a larger conspiracy. You should read it.

    I would say it is merely something they have been doing with the US for decades just as the US have been doing to them for decades.

    You really think this stuff is new? No memory of hearing about the Cold War?

    This crap relies on short memories and zero insight of sheeples.

    That the Americans did it, is further proof that the Russians now did it as well. Either as retaliation or because every country that means something does it nowadays. I vote the latter. So we're in agreement then the Russians did meddle?
  • raza
    Didn't I already post this?

    Trump’s ‘Missing DNC Server’ Is Neither Missing Nor a Server

    You had, and I remember replying with an article such as this one (or it was this one).

    By EMILY SCHULTHEIS CBS NEWS January 10, 2017, 2:36 PM
    FBI Director Comey: Agency requested access to DNC servers.

    “The FBI requested access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) servers and servers for other Democratic entities that were hacked during the 2016 election, FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday, but its request was not met.

    In a hearing with the Senate Intelligence Committee Tuesday afternoon outlining the intelligence agencies’ findings on Russian election interference, Comey said there were “multiple requests at different levels” for access to the Democratic servers, but that ultimately a “highly respected private company” was granted access and shared its findings with the FBI.

    “Ultimately what was agreed to is the private company would share with us what they saw,” he said. The company to which Comey was referring is CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company doing the internal defense and investigation for the DNC”


    So. Were they, Comey included, lying back then about an actual server?
  • raza
    And yet, YOU have not seen evidence.

    The government military industrial complex lies ad finitum. Always have.

    How is your wardrobe of brown shirts?
  • raza
    I’m not interested until I see the evidence. Until then my opinions and theories are as worthy as yours.

    What you decide to believe is true is a belief nonetheless.
  • Benkei
    And yet, YOU have not seen evidence.

    The government military industrial complex lies ad finitum. Always have.

    How is your wardrobe of brown shirts?

    I’m not interested until I see the evidence. Until then my opinions and theories are as worthy as yours.

    What you decide to believe is true is a belief nonetheless.

    No you tin-foiled shill. That's not how it works. Your opinion and theories are decidedly not as worthy as mine because you spout conspirational bullshit. Neither I nor you has seen evidence of the maximum speed of light in vacuum, quantum entanglement or surface temperature of the sun. Yet there are theories supported by available evidence why we accept that it's 299 792 458 m/s, entanglement is real and the surface temperature of the sun is 5,778 K.

    That Russians meddled in the elections is supported by the available evidence which you ignore for the transparant reason that you have an agenda. Unless you provide proof directly discrediting that, you have nothing. That you construct an alternative narrative by ignoring available evidence because you haven't seen it with your own eyes but at the same constructing your narrative based on evidence you haven't seen with your own eyes is hypocrisy. All you have is a fucking runway meeting that you weren't present to where it concerns collusion, a miserable understanding of computer forensic research with no understanding how meta-data is changed through regular copy-move actions and a host of websites with right-wing conspiracy material.
  • raza
    That's not how it works. Your opinion and theories are decidedly not as worthy as mine because you spout conspirational bullshitBenkei

    They want you to merely believe, and that is what you are doing.

    Insert “hacked by Putin” DNC servers here


    or go home.

    Your crying is utterly boring.
  • Benkei
    They want you to merely believe, and that is what you are doing.raza

    Said the Russian shill.
  • raza
    Evidence thereof, within >...........<
  • Benkei
    Evidence thereof, within >...........<raza

    Everything you wrote.

    EDIT: sorry, there's a second option and that's you're just batshit insane.
  • Michael
    So. Were they, Comey included, lying back then about an actual server?raza

    There were servers, plural, as Comey said, which is exactly what the article I provided explains:

    The “server” Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNC’s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putin’s surveillance.
  • Michael
    And because clearly you didn't actually read the article:

    In some versions of the servergate conspiracy theory now espoused by Trump, nothing less than physical possession of the hardware will suffice, because Crowdstrike, a respected security firm helmed by a former senior FBI agent, might be part of the deep state’s efforts to frame Putin. White scoffs at that notion, noting that National Republican Congressional Committee is one of Crowdstrike’s customers.

    “I’ve done incident response for defense contractors and healthcare groups, this is all standard practice,” said White. “It’s completely defensible in terms of best practices and what was going on.”

    It’s also consistent with the Department of Justice’s electronic evidence manual, which recommends capturing images when practical even when the FBI is executing a search warrant against a uncooperative suspect. When the computers belong to a cooperating victim, seizing the machines is pretty much out of the question, said James Harris, a former FBI cybercrime agent who worked on a 2009 breach at Google that’s been linked to the Chinese government.

    “In most cases you don’t even ask, you just assume you’re going to make forensic copies,” said Harris, now vice president of engineering at PFP Cyber. “For example when the Google breach happened back in 2009, agents were sent out with express instructions that you image what they allow you to image, because they’re the victim, you don’t have a search warrant, and you don’t want to disrupt their business.”
  • raza
    The “server” Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNC’s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putin’s surveillance

    They certainly don’t miss a trick to find an excuse to destroy evidence of what would have been contrary to the narrative.

    Clinton: “Like, with a cloth? *chuckle, chuckle*”
  • raza
    “In most cases you don’t even ask, you just assume you’re going to make forensic copies,” said Harris, now vice president of engineering at PFP Cyber. “For example when the Google breach happened back in 2009, agents were sent out with express instructions that you image what they allow you to image, because they’re the victim, you don’t have a search warrant, and you don’t want to disrupt their business

    Well, we should all know what the “business” is by now.

    Insert evidence of DNC servers being hacked by Putin here >……………………<

    Or go home.
  • Michael
    Well, we should all know what the “business” is by now.

    Insert evidence of DNC servers being hacked by Putin here >……………………<

    Or go home.

    Insert evidence of DNC conspiring to entrap Tump's campaign at a meeting in Trump Tower and the DNC and FBI and DHS and SIC lying about Russia hacking the DNC here >...<

    Or go peddle your ridiculous conspiracy theories elsewhere.
  • raza
    Including motive (Pence to replace Trump).
  • Michael

    What's RINF?

    Let's check Media Bias/Fact Check

    A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

    Bias: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Hate Group

    Notes: Launched in 2004, RINF is an alternative news, citizen journalism website that focuses on producing television shows, films and publishing conspiracy theories such as “’9/11 was an inside job, yes it was’, organised by the American government and Hollywood”. RINF is based in Lancaster, United Kingdom and Mick Meaney is the CEO.

    In review, RINF utilizes strong loaded words and some of their articles are poorly sourced such as “Muslim Who Attacked Couple With Axe Yesterday Has Robbed A Bank Today.” Although not stated on the web page for this article, the original source is Jihad Watch, which is a questionable source and considered a hate group by the SPLC. In general, all stories favor the right and they use questionable sources such as the Alt-Right Breitbart and extreme right conspiracy websites such as the Gateway Pundit and Red Ice TV. All of these sources have a very poor track record with fact checkers. RINF also supports Neo-Nazi White Supremacist Andrew Anglin who is the publisher of the racist website the Daily Stormer. Overall, we rate RINF questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and support for media and personalities connected to hate groups. (M. Huitsing 2/20/2018)
  • raza
    A week ago, or so, I watched this documentary on YouTube. Immediately after I posted link to this forum. Within 2 or 3 days Youtube purged the video from it’s platform.

    Hello 1984.

    A Scandal of The West’s News-Suppression, to ‘Justify’ U.S.-v.-Russia War
    Posted on February 1, 2018 by Eric Zuesse.
    Eric Zuesse

    An accountant, Sergei Magnitsky, was employed by a wealthy American investor, William Browder, and died in a Russian prison on 16 November 2006. How did it happen; who was to blame for it? The Russian Government was blamed for it, and this blame produced in 2012 the first set of economic sanctions to squeeze Vladimir Putin out of power.

    Magnitsky’s death in prison thus provided the factual basis for the first of the economic-sanctions regimens that were imposed by The West against the Russian Government, the 2012 Magnitsky Act — sanctions that preceded the 2014 sanctions which were imposed on account of Russia’s response to America’s February 2014 coup in Ukraine. However, that account of the Magnitsky incident is full of lies, according to a 2016 documentary investigation into the matter. But publication of this video investigation — at youtube or anywhere — is effectively banned in The West.

    Here’s how Gilbert Doctorow, who is one of the extremely few people in The West who managed to see this totally-suppressed-in-The-West investigative news-documentary that was done (and which he said proved to him that the basis of the Magnitsky Act is lies) expressed his shock, at what he saw and learned from it
  • raza
    You certainly couldn’t have read the article in that time.
  • raza
    Bill Broweder’s lying is obvious. I watched his entire testimony in 7 parts.

  • Michael
    You certainly couldn’t have read the article in that time.raza

    I didn't. I first checked up on the source to assess its credibility. It's what rational people do when reading something on the internet.

    But I have just read it now. I have no idea what relevance it has to our discussion. The only thing remotely related is the final paragraph:

    Several articles by Lucy Komisar have connected the Magnitsky case to that 9 June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Trump’s people and Veselnitskaya, which meeting Robert Mueller investigates in order to find reasons to impeach Trump (i.e., to make Mike Pence President). Not only is Russian President Putin trying to get the Magnitsky Act overturned and nullified, but so too are Russian corporations which have suffered from the U.S. sanctions. Veselnitskaya represents at least one of those corporations, but whether she also represents Russia’s Goverrnment, isn’t yet clear. Of course, the proponents of replacing Trump by Pence are arguing that Veselnitskaya has been representing the Russian Government.

    So explain to me how this defends your conspiracy claims regarding the DNC not being hacked by the Russians (and the FBI, DHS, and SIC lying about it) and the Trump Tower meeting being a DNC-led entrapment campaign.
  • Michael
    Bill Broweder’s lying is obvious. I watched his entire testimony in 7 parts.raza

    What does Bill Browder have to do with anything we're discussing? Are you just losing your mind and spouting out random nonsense?
  • raza
    Browder, an utter fraudster. Caught stealing from Russia $230,000,000. Created a coverup story implicating enemies. He sweats through this testimony pretending to not know hardly anything, yet he has written an entire book of his “evidence”.

    Bill Browder had called John Kerry “Putin’s lapdog”.

    Browder renounced his US citizenship to avoid new tax laws in the US, and eventually, years later, constructs a hero-of-the-US narrative to hide his theft of Russia.

    He lied that Magnitsky was a his lawyer. He was his accomplice, as accountant, in the theft.

    Browder was sued successfully in London by the Russian investigator he accused of killing Magnitsky.
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