• 180 Proof
    :cool: 2 down and 2 to go in 2023 ...
    The timeline of MAGA Loser #1's legal reckoning for his 2016-2023 crime spree (excluding potentially ruinous civil lawsuits) is taking a definite shape:

    1. NYC felony indictment 31Mar23 :up:
    "34 counts of Business Documents Fraud Crealing and/or Covering-up Felonies", etc


    [ ... ]
    180 Proof
    2. Miami, Federal indictment 8Jun23 :up:
    re: 37 counts "Mishandling Documents, Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice, Violating Espionage Act, Making False Statements to Federal Authorities, Witness Tampering" etc



    9Jun23 Federal indictment unsealed ...
  • jgill
    Unfortunately, these legal struggles will make Trump even more popular with a large number of Americans. Look at Bolsonaro in Brazil . It is legal for someone in prison to be elected president.

    WTF is wrong with the Dems? Biden is six years my junior and I can tell you someone that age should not be president. And then there is VP Harris.
  • 180 Proof
    WTF is wrong with the Dems? Biden is six years my junior and I can tell you someone that age should not be president. And then there is VP Harris.jgill
  • Mr Bee
    Unfortunately, these legal struggles will make Trump even more popular with a large number of Americans.jgill

    More popular with his base, that's for sure. It's less certain when it comes to the rest of the country. I like to think they won't elect an imprisoned felon who will likely try to dismantle the justice system from within if he ever becomes president again, but who the hell knows.

    WTF is wrong with the Dems? Biden is six years my junior and I can tell you someone that age should not be president. And then there is VP Harris.jgill

    It's a race to the bottom for both sides. Oddly enough I'd feel pretty good about a party's 2024 chances if they just nominated a generic Rep/Dem while the other side continues to do what they do, but it's looking to be Biden vs. Trump again.
  • Pierre-Normand
    If economic issues were the concern then they'd be voting for Democrats.

    It's clearly social issues (the "culture war") that elicit support for Trump and the Republicans.

    That may be a topic for another thread but George Packer's piece How America Fractured into Four Parts in The Atlantic suggest to me an interesting way in which culture and economics intersect to sustain both the economic inequalities and the culture war by means of the four-fold division that he details. On the left, Smart America (academics, mainstream media, tech gurus, Democrat politicians) stands on top of Just America (SJWs, students, progressive activists) while, on the right, Free America (libertarians, capitalists, lobbyists, Republican politicians) stands on top Real America (Trumpists, patriots, poor and middle class conservatives). On each side, those on top protect their economic status by redirecting the anger and grievances of their 'cultural allies' below against their fellow destitute on the other side of the exacerbated cultural divide.

    Peter N. Limberg and Conor Barnes' The Memetic Tribes Of Culture War 2.0 further refines Packer's fourfold division and underlines other dimensions of the ideological polarisation.
  • Pierre-Normand
    Mike Pence in his recent CNN town hall makes a compelling argument against Trump's indictment. It sends a terrible message to the world. Since Pence and Biden committed the exact same crimes (according to Pence), indicting only Trump undermines the U.S.A.'s enviable reputation as a place where all rich and powerful white men stand as equals above the law.
  • NOS4A2
    Biden and the deep-state going after their political opponents once again. I’m sure none of it is to distract from Biden’s bribery scandal. The US government is both crooked and stupid from top to bottom.
  • Michael
    Biden and the deep-state going after their political opponents once again.NOS4A2

    Special Counsel going after a criminal.

    I’m sure none of it is to distract from Biden’s bribery scandal.NOS4A2

    Me too. It's not a new investigation.
  • Michael
    Trump lawyers quit classified documents case

    Two lawyers who represented Donald Trump in the months before the former president was indicted on federal charges over his handling of classified documents quit working for him Friday morning.

    The attorneys, Jim Trusty and John Rowley, did not explain in detail why they had resigned, other than to say that “this is a logical moment” to do so given his indictment Thursday in U.S. District Court in Miami.

    Trusty and Rowley also said they will no longer represent Trump in a pending federal criminal probe into his efforts to overturn his loss in the 2020 election to President Joe Biden.
  • NOS4A2

    Special Counsel going after a criminal.

    A wholly biased special prosecutor who displayed his bias in his tweets, and all for a glorified paperwork dispute. If justice is supposed to be blind then this isn’t justice.

    Meanwhile, Biden, who never had unilateral declassification powers, took and kept classified documents for almost a decade in unsecured locations. Not a criminal, I guess.
  • Michael
    He's on Twitter?
  • NOS4A2

    Nope. I just checked and found out it’s a parody account. What a dupe.
  • Mikie
    Not my fault mom, the teacher is against me.
  • praxis
    The US government is both crooked and stupid from top to bottom.NOS4A2

    You just figured that out today?
  • NOS4A2

    Just reasserting the obvious because there seems to be a few people cheering this kind of tyranny.
  • frank
    Just reasserting the obvious because there seems to be a few people cheering this kind of tyranny.NOS4A2

    A tyrant is a dictator, like the former president wanted to be, but utterly and completely failed to be.
  • NOS4A2

    I’m sure you can read Trump’s mind, knowing his wants and desires.

    Tyranny is cruel and oppressive government.
  • praxis
    Just reasserting the obvious because there seems to be a few people cheering this kind of tyranny.NOS4A2

    Cheering for stupidity and corruption in government? Does your undying cheerleading for Trump count?
  • Michael

    37 counts.

    The classified documents Trump stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack, and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack

    a. In July 2021, at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey ("The Bedminster Club"), during an audio-recorded meeting with a writer, a publisher, and two members of his staff, none of whom possessed a security clearance, TRUMP showed and described a "plan of attack" that TRUMP said was prepared for him by the Department of Defense and a senior military official. TRUMP told the individuals that the plan was "highly confidential" and "secret". TRUMP also said "as president I could have declassified it," and, "Now I can't, you know, but this is still a secret.
  • Ciceronianus

    I think representing Trump would be a nightmare for a lawyer. He has no discipline, is scatter-brained, tends not to take advice, and has a reputation for stiffing his lawyers. I hope those representing him now will demand a very large retainer, and do nothing until they know the money is in the bank.
  • EricH
    Mike Pence in his recent CNN town hall makes a compelling argument against Trump's indictment. It sends a terrible message to the world. Since Pence and Biden committed the exact same crimes (according to Pence), indicting only Trump undermines the U.S.A.'s enviable reputation as a place where all rich and powerful white men stand as equals above the law.Pierre-Normand
    Either Pence is lying or he is deeply ignorant of the law. OK maybe he misspoke in the heat of the moment. But either way Pence did not break any laws. Merely possessing documents is not a crime since the documents came into Pence's possession through procedural/bureaucratic error - and Pence reported the documents as soon as he became of them and immediately turned them over to the FBI.

    Whether Biden committed a crime is still under investigation. As with Pence, he immediately notified the FBI as soon as he became aware of them and turned them over.

    Again - there has to be intent in order for possession to be a crime.
  • Mikie
    Cult leader can do no wrong. Has to be a deep state conspiracy.
  • praxis

    He says that he got more votes than any other president in history but actually even Hillary Clinton received almost three million more votes than he did. Biden had seven million more votes than Trump.

    This new inditement couldn't be a hoax when it's clear that he had the documents and knew they were classified.
  • NOS4A2

    Cheering for stupidity and corruption in government? Does your undying cheerleading for Trump count?

    Nope. He’s the one being persecuted.
  • Michael
    He’s the one being persecuted.NOS4A2

    It's spelled "prosecuted".
  • NOS4A2

    No it isn’t.
  • Mikie

    Ohhh I love it I love it I love it.
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