I am pretty sure that oysters don't know they are oysters. — Corvus
I don't know how many individual hairs I have on my head. That doesn't mean that I don't have hair. — Arcane Sandwich
If you managed to count them, you would know how many. It is not infinity for sure. — Corvus
It is an inductive statement with very high probability. You have never seen your heart, but from the empirical fact that all living humans have heart, therefore you must have one. No problem with that.In that case, I will offer a different example: I have never seen my own heart, but that doesn't mean that I don't have one. — Arcane Sandwich
OK, it sounds valid. (Had to edit my initial comment)An oyster cannot know what it is, but that doesn't mean that it is not an oyster. — Arcane Sandwich
An oyster cannot know what it is, but that doesn't mean that it is not an oyster. — Arcane Sandwich
↪Sam26 You don't seem to have said anything of substance with which I would disagree, so long as you agree that hinge propositions are true. — Banno
why is it that mathematical predictions so often anticipate unexpected empirical discoveries? He doesn’t attempt to explain why that is so, as much as just point it out. — Wayfarer
“It is important to point out that the mathematical formulation of the physicist's often crude experience leads in an uncanny number of cases to an amazingly accurate description of a large class of phenomena."He adds that the observation "the laws of nature are written in the language of mathematics," properly made by Galileo three hundred years ago, "is now truer than ever before.”
I myself am a critic of ‘scientism’, the attempt to subordinate all knowledge to mathematical quantfication, but I don’t think that invalidates Wigner’s point. — Wayfarer
If oysters don't know they are oysters, then is it right to call them oysters? — Corvus
I think so, yes. Because we're the ones calling them "oysters", they don't call themselves that. — Arcane Sandwich
If Wigner’s point is that the laws of nature are written in the language of mathematics, then that’s precisely what I’m trying to invalidate. It’s the human-constructed norms of nature that are written in the language of mathematics, not anything to do with nature ‘in itself’. — Joshs
But doesn’t that assume the very separation between mind and world that elsewhere you’re very keen to criticize? Humans are, after all, part of the very world which mathematics describes so effectively. — Wayfarer
↪Banno This is one of the main points of OC. We often refer to things as true without being justified, just as we can use the word know without it being JTB. They're just different language games. In other words, you can hold them as true in practice, e.g., chess rules — Sam26
94. But I did not get my picture of the world by satisfying myself of its correctness; nor do I have it because I am satisfied of its correctness. No: it is the inherited background against which I distinguish between true and false.
199. The reason why the use of the expression "true or false" has something misleading about it is that it is like saying "it tallies with the facts or it doesn't", and the very thing that is in question is what "tallying" is here.
200. Really "The proposition is either true or false" only means that it must be possible to decide for or against it. But this does not say what the ground for such a decision is like.
205. If the true is what is grounded, then the ground is not true, not yet false
(On Certainty)
So what are you asking me, Janus? If your solution is the right answer to the question in the OP? Because there's also @Banno's proposed solution, as well as the one that I proposed myself (mathematical fictionalism). How do you propose to solve this, in practical terms? — Arcane Sandwich
How much lerss would we need to think of infinitesimals as actual existents, and how incoherent is the idea of an actual existent being "outside of spacetime itself in some mysterious way that is incomprehensible to modern science" ? — Janus
As I said earlier: "If the infinitely many integers are understood to be merely potential as a logical consequence of a conceptual operation—in this case iteration—and are not considered to be actually existent, then the need for a Platonic 'realm' disappears." — Janus
why is it that mathematical predictions so often anticipate unexpected empirical discoveries? He doesn’t attempt to explain why that is so, as much as just point it out.
— Wayfarer
Apparently he has some ideas concerning why that is so.
Wigner wrote:
“It is important to point out that the mathematical formulation of the physicist's often crude experience leads in an uncanny number of cases to an amazingly accurate description of a large class of phenomena."He adds that the observation "the laws of nature are written in the language of mathematics," properly made by Galileo three hundred years ago, "is now truer than ever before.”
I myself am a critic of ‘scientism’, the attempt to subordinate all knowledge to mathematical quantfication, but I don’t think that invalidates Wigner’s point.
— Wayfarer
If Wigner’s point is that the laws of nature are written in the language of mathematics, then that’s precisely what I’m trying to invalidate. It’s the human-constructed norms of nature that are written in the language of mathematics, not anything to do with nature ‘in itself’. — Joshs
and it is a rhertorical question. So I wasn't asking you anything.
You ask me how I proposed to solve this in practical terms—the only solution (more a dissolution) I am offering was the one at the top of the post you were responding to:
As I said earlier: "If the infinitely many integers are understood to be merely potential as a logical consequence of a conceptual operation—in this case iteration—and are not considered to be actually existent, then the need for a Platonic 'realm' disappears." — Janus
Does that count for you as a practical solution? If you are seeking an empirical solution to such questions, I'd say you are wasting your time. Seems it would be impossible to establish a fact of the matter. — Janus
The notion that scientific laws and maths are contingent human artifacts rather than the product of some Platonic realm seems more intuitively correct to me. — Tom Storm
But as an untheorized amateur, I would say that. — Tom Storm
I find this some of the most interesting ideas on the forum. The notion that scientific laws and maths are contingent human artifacts rather than the product of some Platonic realm seems more intuitively correct to me. But as an untheorized amateur, I would say that. — Tom Storm
↪Arcane Sandwich
I have jumped to no assumptions about you. Ironically it seems to be you who is projecting some concerns onto me such as that you seem to think I think my solution is the correct one, or that I'm concerned about having it "certified" somehow. — Janus
What I present is nothing more than how I look at it—for me the purported problem regarding whether mathematical entities exist in any platonic sense is a non-issue, a collateral result of reificational thinking. — Janus
It was a joke. You know that, right? — Arcane Sandwich
Have you solved the problem of the OP? If yes, cool. If not, what are we arguing about, you and me? Clue me in, as I've no idea. — Arcane Sandwich
Because I said "sweet chicken" at the end? Who says that seriously? — Arcane Sandwich
Then why are you hassling me, matey-mate? — Arcane Sandwich
It's called a conversation, or at least an attempt at one. — Janus
I find this some of the most interesting ideas on the forum. The notion that scientific laws and maths are contingent human artifacts rather than the product of some Platonic realm seems more intuitively correct to me. But as an untheorized amateur, I would say that. — Tom Storm
some Platonic realm — Tom Storm
We try to imagine it as a literal domain or place, which doesn't make sense, but then, only things that exist in space and time are considered real. So the 'platonic realm' then becomes imagined as a kind of ghostly palace with ethereal models of ideal objects, when it is not that at all. — Wayfarer
You never answer the question so often posed to you. How could something that does not exist in space and time be real? Real in what sense? — Janus
My heuristic, and it is only that, is that numbers, laws, etc, are real but not existent as phenomena. They do not appear amongst phenomena, but can only be discerned by the intellect (nous). So they are, in the Platonic sense, but not the Kantian, noumenal objects, object of nous. Of course, we rely on them automatically, transparently, and continuously, in the operations of discursive thought, whenever we make inferences or judgements. But the elements of those judgements do not, themselves, exist in the way that tables and chairs and Banno's beloved crockery exists. Without them, though, we could not even converse, let alone pursue philosophy. — Wayfarer
Here I want to consider whether there is a difference between what is real and what exists.
'Exist' is derived from a root meaning to 'be apart', where 'ex' = apart from or outside, and 'ist' = be. Ex-ist then means to be a seperable object, to be 'this thing' as distinct from 'that thing'. This applies to all the existing objects of perception - chairs, tables, stars, planets, and so on - everything which we would normally call 'a thing'. So we could say that 'things exist'. No surprises there, and I don't think anyone would disagree with that proposition.
Now to introduce a metaphysical concern. I was thinking about 'God', in the sense understood by classical metaphysics and theology. Whereas the things of perception are composed of parts and have a beginning and an end in time, 'God' is, according to classical theology, 'simple' - that is, not composed of parts- and 'eternal', that is, not beginning or ending in time.
Therefore, 'God' does not 'exist', being of a diffrent nature to anything we normally perceive. Theologians would say 'God' was superior to or beyond existence (for example, Pseudo-Dionysius; Eckhardt; Tillich.) I don't think this is a controversial statement either, when the terms are defined this way (and leaving aside whether you believe in God or not, although if you don't the discussion might be irrelevant or meaningless.)
But this made me wonder whether 'what exists' and 'what is real' might, in fact, be different. For example, consider number. Obviously we all concur on what a number is, and mathematics is lawful; in other words, we can't just make up our own laws of numbers. But numbers don't 'exist' in the same sense that objects of perception do; there is no object called 'seven'. You might point at the numeral, 7, but that is just a symbol. What we concur on is a number of objects, but the number cannot be said to exist independent of its apprehension, at least, not in the same way objects apparently do. In what realm or sphere do numbers exist? 'Where' are numbers? Surely in the intellectual realm, of which perception is an irreducible part. So numbers are not 'objective' in the same way that 'things' are. Sure, mathematical laws are there to be discovered; but no-one could argue that maths existed before humans discovered it.
However this line of argument might indicate that what is real might be different to what exists.
I started wondering, this is perhaps related to the platonic distinction between 'intelligible objects' and 'objects of perception'. Objects of perception - ordinary things - only exist, in the Platonic view, because they conform to, and are instances of, laws. Particular things are simply ephemeral instances of the eternal forms, but in themselves, they have no actual being. Their actual being is conferred by the fact that they conform to laws (logos?). So 'existence' in this sense, and I think this is the sense it was intended by the Platonic and neo-Platonic schools, is illusory. Earthly objects of perception exist, but only in a transitory and imperfect way. They are 'mortal' - perishable, never perfect, and always transient. Whereas the archetypal forms exist in the One Mind and are apprehended by Nous: while they do not exist they provide the basis for all existing things by creating the pattern, the ratio, whereby things are formed. They are real, above and beyond the existence of wordly things; but they don't actually exist. They don't need to exist; things do the hard work of existence.
So the ordinary worldly person is caught up in 'his or her particular things', and thus is ensnared in illusory and ephemeral concerns. Whereas the Philosopher, by realising the transitory nature of ordinary objects of perception, learns to contemplate within him or herself, the eternal Law whereby things become manifest according to their ratio, and by being Disinterested, in the original sense of that word.
Do you think this is a valid interpretation of neo-platonism? Do you think it makes the case that what is real, and what exists, might be different? And if this is so, is this a restatement of the main theme of classical metaphysics? Or is it a novel idea?
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