• ucarr
    Henry Stapp (click link below) gives us a talk explaining the causal force of consciousness upon physics via the asking of a question. When a sentient forms a question based upon a need, that expression of meaning from information determines the state changes of physical system towards an end state.

    There is no simple situation of a Deist omnipresence who creates an initial state and then withdraws to eternal silence, with a materialist nature-as-system proceeding through state changes that populate physics.

    The Schrödinger equation addresses the involvement of the observer with-a-question within the causal structure of physics. Cognition shaking hands with physics produces the events of experience.

    If the equation linking cognition to existential is an imperfect symmetry, then the interweave of matter, force and thought is an entropic system with information-heat-loss that maintains fundamental incompleteness. Cognition and existential approach each other, but we don’t know completely any systemization of this linkage.

    The undecidability of the systemization of the cognition_existential interweave keeps us alive and going forward.

  • ucarr
    QM launched a revolution when is made science shake hands with humanities by insisting that cognition is integral to the causal process that determines the final state of a system operating through changes.

    Who_What poses the question that activates QM towards a measurable probability of a particular final state outcome of a system?

    The questioner who does an experiment to get an answer poses the question that activates QM processes towards a final state of the system i.e., an answer.

    How does the questioner make a decision about what question to ask? The questioner exercises his/her will.

    Use the link below to listen to Henry Stapp.

    What Poses the Question?
  • ucarr
    When the sentient human looks into the imperfect mirror of nature, as rendered by the senses, s/he sees an imperfect likeness of what we can assume to be the source of the likeness, originality, which is to say TIS.

    Thoughts, ideas and feelings are necessary because the decidability of what the originality of TIS examples materially must be chosen. A decision about what exists materially must be made.

    It is the uncontainableness of TIS i.e., unlimited possibilities, that demands the decision.

    This is Aristotle’s Agent Intellect meets Intelligibility.

    Life and sentience require unlimited possibilities incompletely contained strategically so that intrinsic entropy can be overcome in successive stages such that no complete systemization can endstop the future.
  • ucarr
    When sentient human looks into the imperfect mirror of nature, as rendered by the senses, it’s a case of unlimited consciousness strategically incomplete facing unlimited possibilities strategically incomplete.

    Strategic incompletion forestalls complete systemization, a phenomenon, if allowed to occur, that would foreclose on originality and would thus trap existence within bounds, thereby preventing an unlimited way forward.
  • ucarr
    Strategic Incompletness wisely keeps human individuals from knowing themselves finally.

    In this way, the individual can always go forward into the future armed with the panoply of unlimited possibilities.

    Strategic Incompleteness (SI) keeps human out of the reach of the calculus. You can’t sum human to a limit because of thoughts, ideas and feelings,

    The mass of consciousness is sagaciously hidden from the calculation with strategic absence, so there’s always something that remains beyond the reach of measurement.

    This is part of the end game of entropy and thermodynamic resistance to completeness of measurement, which is to say completeness of system.

    The impossibility of complete measurement of consciousness goes heads up with the scourge of infinity as the diplomat who sticks his head into the lion’s mouth.

    By seeming to be massless, NI uses escape from complete system to also sidestep the ultimate unwieldy mess of infinity.

    Incompleteness resembles undecidableness, but the former is creatively future looking, whereas the latter is simply stuck.
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