
  • A poll on hedonism as an ethical principle
    But who defines virtue? Lots of religionists people think they are virtuous by restricting and controlling others to what their “god(s)” tell them is right.
    Your comment “ Surely the ancient Greeks weren't individualists who believed that every man and woman (!) is able and should define their own life purpose for themselves, quite divorced from the social roles and expectations placed upon them by other people.”
    Isn’t that why Socrates died? He was condemned to death for his Socratic method of questioning.
  • The Origin of the First Living Cell with or without Evolution?
    Do you mean the Miller-Urey experiment? Where yes “Their 1950s experiment produced a number of organic molecules, including amino acids”
    They’ve actually been able to create cells from inorganic “Scientists in Scotland say they have taken their first tentative steps towards creating 'life' from inorganic chemicals potentially defining the new area of 'inorganic biology'.”
  • A poll on hedonism as an ethical principle
    But what is intellect? We used to think that animals weren’t self-aware or couldn’t make tools. That’s been proven wrong. Being a white suburban female if I was dropped into Chicago ghetto would I have the intellect to survive?

    True,The transfer of knowledge is no longer genetic (cannibalism, Inbreeding). That’s why the printing press and the Internet are so important. Basic Greek mathematics and principles came from Egypt. But Egypt Restricted that knowledge within their priesthood. Greek philosophers dispersed that knowledge. Knowledge is power. How do we know that other species don’t have ideas? Simply because we don’t see it does not mean it’s not there.
  • Before the big bang?
    “ The Big Bang is the best theory we have of our universe's origin and the equations we use to study it are only good to about some billionths of a second after the actual Big Bang, beyond that, I'm told, the equations break down”. Eh? The equations don’t “break down”. Big Bang created everything in our known universe.

    From scientific American — “In the first few seconds after the big bang, the universe was very hot and dense ense, making it fully ionised — all of the protons, neutrons and electrons moved about freely and did not come together to make atoms. Only three minutes later, when the universe had cooled from 1032 to 109 °C, could light element formation begin.
    At this point, electrons were still roaming free and only atomic nuclei could form. Protons were technically the first nuclei (when combined with an electron they make a hydrogen atom) and deuterons were the second. Deuterons are the nuclei of deuterium and are made when protons and neutrons fuse and emit photons.
    Deuterons and neutrons can fuse to create a tritium nucleus with one proton and two neutrons. When the tritium nucleus comes across a proton the two can combine into a helium nucleus with two protons and two neutrons, known as He-4. Another path that leads to helium is the combination of a deuteron and a proton into a helium nucleus with two protons but only one neutron, He-3. When He-3 comes across a neutron, they can fuse to form a full helium nucleus, He-4. Each step in these reactions also emits a photon.
    Photon emission can be a slow process, and there is a set of reactions that take deuterons and create helium nuclei faster because they bypass the emission of photons. They start by fusing two deuterons and the end result is a He-4 nucleus and either a proton or a neutron, depending on the specific path.”

    We are however trapped by time.
  • The Origin of the First Living Cell with or without Evolution?
    The question is how did inorganic substance become organic? Science today still doesn’t understand they think that early earth had electrical storms that created organic.
    “ Electrical sparks simulated lightning to provide energy. In only about a week’s time, this simple apparatus caused chemical reactions that produced a variety of organic molecules, some of which are the basic building blocks of life, such as amino acids”
    We are all chemicals interacting with other chemicals.
  • A poll on hedonism as an ethical principle
    I can’t quote philosophers. I have read a few. But may I weigh in?
    I am in hedonist. I’m also an atheist. People that are religious when they find out I’m atheist say “but you’re so nice”. I have a tendency to give a lot of things away.
    Religion tries to explain what we can’t understand. As we will never know what happens after we die there is religion. Religion helps control the population.
    Humans are the only species that can alter their environment. However, altering environment is like shitting in your nest. If you don’t understand everything is in connected you understand nothing. A true Zen saying “Nothing is what I want”. Even Buddhist don’t allow women to be in the upper echelon. Humans think that we are morally superior to other species. And we used to think that the universe revolved around us. We are nothing. Everything in this universe is from the big bang. Now it is just devolving into chaos. I believe in math and chemistry. I don’t take a vantage of other people. I dislike seeing people control others. I ask questions. Personally, I can’t wait to die.
  • 0.999... = 1
    Infetisimal calculus. Take half, and half again. Keep getting closer but you never really get there.
  • Simple Argument for the Soul from Free Will
    “The scientific community has no consensus on whether quantum indeterminacy is a thing or not“ Brings up Schrödinger's cat. The act of observation changes the physical thing.
  • Can one provide a reason to live?
    Chemistry and physics are. You tweak that basic reality by calling it different things. naturalism, physicalism, scientisism are all semantics. Math doesn’t lie, people twist it. E= mc2. I can’t wait. Why be afraid?
  • The Objectification Of Women
    The ability to do what you want in your own personal space is basic power. Having control of your body. Where just because you’re raped and have a kid defines your life.
  • The Objectification Of Women
    A friend said tonight only zombies will love you for your brains. sex sells. Women Obtain power through their sexual appeal. I have yet to find a man that likes me for my intelligence. The feel threatened.
  • Contradictions in the universe.
    Wow! Debating semantics rather than reality
  • Can one provide a reason to live?
    You state “ However, a physicalist metaphysical position entails no assessment or evaluation for how humans can respond to the world”. Which again, is incorrect, we are chemical beings we we interact with our environment. Which is by definition means we interact physical/metaphysical.Because we’re human doesn’t make us any better than physical beings.
  • I'm afraid of losing life
    So, what makes you happy?
  • Can one provide a reason to live?
    Yes, you are correct I did not know about the coding parameters. But do I care,;NO. And I disagree with your assumption that physics,chemistry are a non-sequitur. Physics, and chemistry are the base of our existence. If you don’t understand that you understand nothing
  • Can one provide a reason to live?
    “Suffering to be born” Again disagree with that statement. We are chemical beings Your statement that we are suffering to be born makes it religious. Math and physics are true religion is a fairytale
  • Why are we here?
    Oh, so you’re thinking Hinduism? Or Buddhism? Where
    by being good here we achieve a new level?Personally, I disagree
  • Can one provide a reason to live?
    God! You guys are so wordy! Does that make you better? Or more knowledgeable? You think I’m a pessimist because I can’t wait to die? I dispute that Assumption. Anybody that knows me personally state I am one of the happiest people they have ever met.
  • Contradictions in the universe.
    “May or not be the case” is what you state. Show me your sources.
  • I'm afraid of losing life
    “Once alive, always alive. The universe can't dispute this.” I’m sorry, but this is total bullshit
  • Does philosophy make progress? If so, how?
    Gosh! You guys are so wordy. Personally, I don’t care.You guys can argue semantics all you want. But physics and math are true
  • Contradictions in the universe.
    Perfection is only perceived within your own mind. We are all chemical beings.
  • Technology and quality of life
    It is true, the more bread you make less shit you have to eat.However, on the other hand personal possessions tie you down. To state that people didn’t understand other peoples feelings 10,000 years ago is incorrect. Call it whatever you want
  • Does philosophy make progress? If so, how?
    “Doesn't philosophy mean 'wisdom of love'?” Personally I would turn that around I believe that love of wisdom equates philosophy.
  • Can one provide a reason to live?
    Personally, I can’t wait. To be rid of this physical being. To be energy. Are we still trapped by time?
  • Why are we here?
    Seneca was Roman, And perhaps 300 years after Socrates? And where did the Greeks get their mathematics from? Egypt! Egypt built the pyramids. Nothing has been so specific in it’s construction until the last century - 5000 Years. Simply because they had a “pagen” religion doesn’t mean they didn’t question.
  • Can one provide a reason to live?
    Personally, I look forward to death. To be rid of this physical being will be a blessing. However to quote Woody Allen “If I wasn’t such a chicken I kill myself”.And on the other hand, when I 1st took acid, I realized there was a reason for me to be. I didn’t understand that reason, but it was there.
  • A Theory of Information
    I like how you think. We are trapped in time.And I really like that you’re syscant and don’t blather on.
    However, the reality is we are chemical beings.
  • Simple Argument for the Soul from Free Will
    The whole idea of a soul is a religious, or fairytale idea.We are all Stardust.We are chemical beings, we interact with everything chemically. If you don’t understand that you don’t understand anything
  • Contradictions in the universe.
    What about Schrödinger's cat? The act of observance changes the physical entity.
  • Let’s chat about the atheist religion.
    I don’t think of atheism as an ideology. Atheism means you don’t believe in fairytales. While we still don’t understand everything, including death, we have to make up the fairytales to explain it.Simply because you don’t know it does not mean you have to fear it
  • Depression a luxury of the time?
    However, it is true that people with more material goods report more depression. And then, of course there is teenage angst. I do agree, that our society today is like Roman society in the time of the early Cesars. Bread and circuses, cater to the lowest.
  • Contradictions in the universe.
    Wow! How would you prove that? How do you know there’s only 10 or 11? Maybe there’s 20. However, I do agree there is a non-physical universe of energy. We are trapped.
  • Why are we here?
    I love neuroscience! And quantum physics! I believe in math and chaos! May I ask, why do you live?
  • Do we lose appreciation for new technology but still pay the price for its presence?
    In America today I majority of the population depends on their phone. Take away their phone and they’re lost.
  • What are you listening to right now?
    This is really funny. I’m listening to the birds, the sounds of nature. Who does that?
  • How well can we really ever self- express?
    Art, or self-expression is limited as much as you let it. I dance to music. But I don’t dance like other people do. I’ve been chastised because I don’t dance “normal”. There’s the term “dance like no one’s watching”. That’s what art or self-expression should be. You do it for yourself
  • Ad Hom vs Appeal to Authority
    I’m concerned with “ Sometimes appealing to authority is appropriate.”. Religious figures are seen as authorities. Next thing you know you’ve drank the kool-aid.
  • Contradictions in the universe.
    Banjo is right that “ grammars are neither good nor bad as they stand; only that they are better and worse for some purposes, and not others. But yes - paradoxes are grammar - techniques - pushed to where they ought not go.” I don’t speak well, however I love math, computers, chemistry. Those languages make sense, and are concise. Grammar can be flowery and deceptive.