• Agustino
    The comments of this Crooked News Network bought & brainwashed reporter, whoever he is, are stupid. Total lack of respect for decency and truth. And I've watched this last Trump speech against the media and it was actually very very good! Trump is absolutely right. The media is full of snitches & liars who are always looking for self-profit - for clicks instead of truth. And the business CEOs and whoever broke with Trump - of course they did! They would do ANYTHING for a little bit of free publicity. And it's absolutely true. That's how you become a CEO - if you don't suck up to your bosses, if you don't bow your head and be a nice chap who lets the bosses get away with shit, if you're not a politically correct and spineless character then you ain't going to be promoted to CEO. The only way you'll ever become CEO is if you put yourself there (by say being an entrepreneur). That's how crooked this world has become. And they speak about the CEO of Walmart or whatever as if I should respect that guy. So tell me, do you respect ass-kissers and lowlife scum because they earn $20 million in a year? Ohh such a nice guy, such a - give me a break! I'm never going to be CEO of Walmart because I'm an honest guy. If some stupid guy from there says the wrong thing to me I'll tell him "fuck you!" - is he going to promote me? Clearly not! He'll rather promote the spineless characters who suck up to him. Being a prostitute for money isn't respectable. These very same CEOs are now wanting to talk to Trump "privately" - of course, what would they not do for money and influence?

    And of course he has to go after the media. What are people thinking?! If you, for example, shame my wife, or insult my children, of course I'll go after you. What are you thinking? I'm a 6 year old if I go after you because you have hurt my family or my reputation? :s What has this world come to, you can't even defend yourself! Apparently, the strong man is supposed to be the one who lets himself and his family be hurt without saying anything. Utterly unbelievable. Apparently, you're a 6 year old if you defend yourself... what a load of crap.
  • Cavacava

    There are many, many more such critical videos. Bill Moyer's just described Trump as an "open sore", a "malevolent fury."..Trump is described here on this thread as a bullshitter. (besides me >:o )

    From the OP:

    The post-truth world is the result of the ascendancy of the bullshitter, who is contrasted with the liar in that while the liar knows what is true and what is false, and knowingly speaks falsehoods, the bullshitter does not know or care for truth.

    Seems to me to be an apt description of Mr Trump. Many people are fed up with Trump, his lies, his family, his 'jokes'. His current approval rating is 35% and his disapproval rating 59% according to Gallop polls, which sounds about right.

    He now threatens to close down government if the House does not provide money for his Mexican Wall ($1.6 billion this yr. I think), for a wall? I don't think he cares, it's all about winning for him and he has not had many wins since he has been in office. He creates all these great truths but they sound like lies to most people.
  • Agustino
    He creates all these great truths but they sound like lies to most people.Cavacava
    No they don't sound like lies to most people at all (have you seen Trump's crowds?!). This is again a big big mistake. Once again, you believe the fake polls - like you did during the election. What was I saying back then? Trump will win. I said it from the very beginning in fact. And everyone laughed at me. You said "No no, the polls, the polls" - the polls don't represent the people anymore. The media doesn't represent the people. The media is just the liberal elite who tries to create a fake picture of the world in their own image.
  • Michael
    No they don't sound like lies to most people at all (have you seen Trump's crowds?!).Agustino

    Which group is bigger? The group that go to Trump rallies, or the group that don't?

    I rest Cavacava's case.

    Once again, you believe the fake polls

    Gallup isn't a fake poll.

    What was I saying back then? Trump will win. I said it from the very beginning in fact. And everyone laughed at me. You said "No no, the polls, the polls" - the polls don't represent the people anymore.

    A lot of the polls were right, especially when it was a national poll (i.e. predicting the popular vote). It was a few swing state polls that got it wrong which made the electoral college prediction wrong.
  • Agustino
    Which group is bigger? The group that go to Trump rallies, or the group that don't?Michael
    Do all Trump supporters go to Trump rallies? I wouldn't go, but I'm a Trump supporter (for the most part) for example.
  • Michael
    I was being facetious. I was trying to point out how ridiculous your comment was. Trying to suggest that Cavacava is wrong in saying that most people believe Trump to be lying because a few thousand people show up to his rallies? That's a non sequitur.
  • Agustino
    I was being facetious. I was trying to point out how ridiculous your comment was. Trying to suggest that Cavacava is wrong in saying that most people believe Trump to be lying because a few thousand people show up to his rallies? That's a non sequitur.Michael
    No it totally isn't. I can see you know little about politics, but there's no better suggestion of a leader's effectiveness than his ability to generate crowds and get people out. It's a well-known fact that Trump's crowds were larger than Hillary's! Some of the liberal people here in fact used to come on the forums and be like "uhh I don't get it, why are they all going there to chant TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP". The fact Trump is still capable to generate very large crowds is actually in truth a much much more important sign than your silly polls.
  • Michael
    No it totally isn't. I can see you know little about politics, but there's no better suggestion of a leader's effectiveness than his ability to generate crowds and get people out. It's a well-known fact that Trump's crowds were larger than Hillary's! Some of the liberal people here in fact used to come on the forums and be like "uhh I don't get it, why are they all going there to chant TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP". The fact Trump is still capable to generate very large crowds is actually in truth a much much more important sign than your silly pollsAgustino

    Again with the non sequitur. It doesn't matter if Trump has big crowds or if they were larger than Hillary's, because that doesn't refute Cavacava's claim that most people believe Trump to be lying.

    The fact Trump is still capable to generate very large crowds is actually in truth a much much more important sign than your silly polls

    You clearly don't understand how polls work.
  • Agustino
    Cavacava's claim that most people believe Trump to be lying.Michael
    Cavacava made an assertion. He based that assertion on the polls. The polls aren't accurate to judge the people's sentiments about Trump (we saw that many many times). Gathering crowds is a better criteria.
  • Agustino
    Mark my words - when Trump loses the crowds, he will either lose the Presidency, or be out of politics all together. But if Trump can keep pulling out those huge crowds, he'll win even the next election.
  • Wayfarer
    if Trump can keep pulling out those huge crowds,Agustino

    They're bussed in. Greater numbers of Americans believe Trump ought to be impeached, than believe he's doing a good job.
  • Buxtebuddha
    Greater numbers of Americans believe Trump ought to be impeached, than believe he's doing a good job.Wayfarer

    You got some skimpy polls to back this claim up, mang?
  • Michael
    You got some skimpy polls to back this claim up, mang?Buxtebuddha

    This has his approval at 38% and impeachment at 40%.
  • Buxtebuddha
    Is there some place that shows how they've conducted the polling? Who, where, how many, etc.
  • Wayfarer
    What difference would 'polls' make? This is the post-truth thread, right? Whatever 'poll' one refers to, a Trump troll will come along and say 'fake news'. So I'm not going to go to the bother. Take it or leave it.
  • Michael
    The About page says this:

    All PRRI public opinion research is based on probability sampling to ensure that results are broadly representative of the population of interest. All PRRI studies include bilingual (English and Spanish) interviewing. Telephone studies are conducted by professional interviewers and include a high proportion of cell phone interviewing. PRRI provides public access to the raw data files of its surveys after an embargo period of one year.

    So, no, not yet. Have to wait on that one.
  • Buxtebuddha
    What difference would 'polls' make? This is the post-truth thread, right? Whatever 'poll' one refers to, a Trump troll will come along and say 'fake news'. So I'm not going to go to the bother. Take it or leave it.Wayfarer

    Well, if not through polls, how else would you be able to claim what you did? You made the claim, I'm just curious how you came to posit its truth.

    I'm skeptical because there are so many variables in polling that it's hard for me to make a decision about something if I don't know how that something was formulated.
  • Wayfarer
    Well, if not through polls, how else would you be able to claim what you did? You made the claim, I'm just curious how you came to posit its truth.Buxtebuddha

    It was a poll, in July - http://www.newsweek.com/support-donald-trumps-impeachment-higher-latest-approval-rating-631212


    I do believe he will be impeached. I think the Republicans will move against him. Who would support him, considering his disgraceful behaviour towards his colleagues?
  • Buxtebuddha

    That poll doesn't mention gender, political affiliation, adult age range. Hardly conclusive.

    Same poll looks like. 1500 people is a minuscule tally.

    I do believe he will be impeached. I think the Republicans will move against him.Wayfarer

    I have a feeling you also believed that Donald Trump would never get elected, either :\
  • Wayfarer
    Same poll looks like. 1500 people is a minuscule tally.Buxtebuddha

    What I said! Whatever poll you quote, someone will say 'fake news'. So you were baiting me.

    I have a feeling you also believed that Donald Trump would never get elected, either :\Buxtebuddha

    Damn right, I overestimated the intelligence of the US electorate.
  • Thorongil
    Damn right, I overestimated the intelligence of the US electorate.Wayfarer

    And this is why you'll never understand why he was elected.
  • Wayfarer
    Damn right I won't. He's a mendacious narcissist, an habitual liar, and totally incompetent to boot. The thing that really baffles me is that apparently intelligent people can somehow not see all this.

    Yesterday's ego-inflation event speech:

    “Our movement is a movement built on love. It’s love for fellow citizens,” said Trump. He went on: “We are all on the same team. We are all Americans.” Then Trump spent most of the speech attacking his teammates. Twelve times, he called the media “dishonest,” “crooked,” or “sick.” “They’re bad people,” he concluded. “And I really think they don’t like our country.” He derided “all of the Democrats in Congress” (“They obstruct, that’s all they do”), Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake (“Nobody knows who the hell he is”), TV pundits (“lightweights … that nobody ever heard of”), CNN (“pathetic”), and executives who have withdrawn from White House business councils to protest Trump’s remarks about Charlottesville, Virginia (“I remember the ones that did”). In a gesture that echoed his mockery of a disabled reporter, the president lowered a hand to ridicule the shortness of “little George Stephanopoulos.”

    Trump talked about unity, selflessness, racial healing, and the rule of law. Then he made clear that he doesn’t believe in any of these things.
    rump talked about serving others. “Washington is full of people who are only looking out for themselves,” he declared. “But I don’t come to Washington for me.” Then he boasted of how many bills he had signed, claiming—without even mentioning what the bills were about—that no president had done as much as he has. He bragged about his post-Charlottesville statements (“The words were perfect”), his speech Monday night on Afghanistan (it “got great reviews”), his coinage of “extreme vetting” (“I came up with that term”), and businessmen who, according to Trump, have been asking him for lunch dates. Trump said of his critics: “I went to better schools than they did. I was a better student than they were. I live in a bigger, more beautiful apartment. And I live in the White House, too.” 1

    How anyone can defend this man, boggles the mind, I regret to say.
  • Thorongil
    How anyone can defend this man, boggles the mind, I regret to say.Wayfarer

    You're too caught up in binary thinking. People can defend him when he's right and criticize him when he's wrong. Human beings are more nuanced than simply good vs. evil, especially politicians.
  • Buxtebuddha
    What I said! Whatever poll you quote, someone will say 'fake news'. So you were baiting me.Wayfarer

    It's a poopy poll, nothing fake about it. Shite is shite.

    Damn right, I overestimated the intelligence of the US electorate.Wayfarer

    But you're overestimating again by thinking Trump will be impeached.
  • Wayfarer
    you're overestimating again by thinking Trump will be impeached.Buxtebuddha

    Time will tell. Not much time, we can only hope.
  • Buxtebuddha
    Time will tell. Not much time, we can only hope.Wayfarer

    Do you want Pike Mence to assume control? :-O
  • Wayfarer
    I am not a US voter, I have no opinion, beyond the fact that Trump is manifestly, plainly and obviously unsuitable, incompetent, dangerous, and a disgrace to the office.
  • Buxtebuddha
    I thought you were American seeing how uppity you are, :B

    Anyway, I think it's unlikely that Trump gets impeached merely for being unpopular or being an idiot. He has to actually do things that warrant impeachment, which is rather hard, mind you.
  • Wayfarer
    nevertheless, that is the one difficult thing that he is credibly capable of doing.

    And us Aussies are pretty pro-Yank - well, me anyway. Plus my son lives in Chicago, I am about to visit there for the birth of first grandchild - a Yankee! So I have at least some vested interest.
  • Buxtebuddha
    Grats on the little guy, Grandpa Farer, O:)
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