How about international cooperation?To your point though, it is worth asking: "have there been any peaceful and ethical movements that progresses just as rapidly and richly as the many barbaric ones that came before (or after) it?". Very few; in fact, I would say the only ones are the ones that are barbaric anti-barbarism: the violence of peace. E.g., Ghandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., etc. — Bob Ross
Didn't Gandhi and King endure the violence of the British and the southern cops / mobs respectively?
What about the Dutch, one might ask.
American Indian tribes are fairly often suggested as peaceful and unwarlike
Humans can display a great deal of solidarity, cooperation, loyalty and trust when either a sufficiently dangerous threat or an irresistible opportunity presents itself
Let's revisit both A and B conceptions of Justice — Bob Ross
Here's what I am thinking. Justice is about, fundamentally, respecting other members of the community (or social structure in which one is a member, such as a family for example) such that each member is getting what they rightly deserve and not getting what they do not deserve. — Bob Ross
if the community has the resources to suffice the basic needs of each member than it should — Bob Ross
In terms of my example of the self-sufficient man, I think you are right: it would be a matter of beneficence and benevolence and not justice. — Bob Ross
Same thing, I think, with things like animal cruelty. Beyond the injustice which would arise from violating a person's property by torturing or killing their pet, it is not something, even outside the purview of justice, that a virtuous person would do because they need to be benevolent and beneficent. — Bob Ross
Are you pulling them out of thin air? Or is there some thinker or tradition that you are getting these from?
– (After Virtue, Ch. 17 “Justice as Virtue: Changing Conceptions”, p. 246)For A aspires to ground the notion of justice in some account of what and how a given person is entitled to in virtue of what he has acquired and earned; B aspires to ground the notion of justice in some account of the equality of the claims of each person in respect of basic needs and of the means to meet such needs. Confronted by a given piece of property or resource, A will be apt to claim that it is justly his because he owns it – he acquired it legitimately, he earned it; B will be apt to claim that it justly ought to be someone else’s, because they need it much more, and if they do not have it, their basic needs will not be met. But our pluralist culture possesses no method of weighing, no rational criterion for deciding between claims based on legitimate entitlement against claims based on need. Thus these two types of claim are indeed, as I suggested, incommensurable, and the metaphor of ‘weighing’ moral claims is not just inappropriate but misleading...
I don't see much merit in either of these conceptions
I would have the same concern about this. Where is it coming from? If we look at <a dictionary> I don't really see your conception. Or if we do, it is only there in a vague way.
We need a better starting point for a definition.
Here's what I am thinking. Justice is about, fundamentally, respecting other members of the community (or social structure in which one is a member, such as a family for example) such that each member is getting what they rightly deserve and not getting what they do not deserve.
This conception of justice finds no basis anywhere in the Merriam Webster definitions above.
the quality of being just, impartial, or fair
"If you can do X then you are required to do so in justice." That is a very strange claim to my ears.
Sure, but commissions tend to be more unjust than omissions, and this is why justice was classically concerned primarily with "negative rights."
I got those from After Virtue by MacIntyre — Bob Ross
I find it plausible that justice requires a balance between A and B types of justice because they are the two extremes in a community: the one, to wit, the proper assessment of individual merit and the other, to wit, the proper assessment of natures (of members). One focuses only on the individual in terms of agency, and the other solely on the needs of each member. — Bob Ross
How would you define justice, then? — Bob Ross
But of justice as a part of virtue, and of that which is just in the corresponding sense, one kind is that which has to do with the distribution of honour, wealth, and the other things that are divided among the members of the body politic (for in these circumstances it is possible for one man’s share to be unfair or fair as compared with another’s); and another kind is that which has to give redress in private transactions. — Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, V.2
if the community has the resources to suffice the basic needs of each member than it should — Bob Ross
This is probably the kernel of the strangeness in your thought. This conception of justice finds no basis anywhere in the Merriam Webster definitions above. "If you can do X then you are required to do so in justice." That is a very strange claim to my ears. — Leontiskos
Do you deny any circumstantial aspects to justice? — Bob Ross
...and this is why justice was classically concerned primarily with "negative rights." — Leontiskos
MacIntyre's point of departure is that the two conceptions are incompatible, no? Even if there is some common ground between them?
I would follow Aristotle, Cicero, or Aquinas. As quoted above:
But of justice as a part of virtue, and of that which is just in the corresponding sense, one kind is that which has to do with the distribution of honour, wealth, and the other things that are divided among the members of the body politic (for in these circumstances it is possible for one man’s share to be unfair or fair as compared with another’s); and another kind is that which has to give redress in private transactions.
Here's what I am thinking. Justice is about, fundamentally, respecting other members of the community (or social structure in which one is a member, such as a family for example) such that each member is getting what they rightly deserve and not getting what they do not deserve.
The confusion lies in the idea that distributive justice functions in the same way that commutative justice does. Distributive justice has to do with an impartial and fair distribution of things among the community ("honour, wealth, etc."). The only legitimate claim is therefore something like, "I did not get a fair share in relation to the rest of the community." Absolute claims are excluded, such as, "I did not get healthcare, and you have a duty to provide me with healthcare."
I'm not sure. Consider your drought example. Does the community owe the members water or not?
So compare a negative right
I don’t have a problem with this view, but I am surprised you don’t...
Also, Aristotle’s description, like mine, has an interdependency on the community and the individual such that there is a need for “redress in private transactions” and “the distribution of honor, wealth, etc.” — Bob Ross
...which was my point before: — Bob Ross
Here's what I am thinking. Justice is about, fundamentally, respecting other members of the community (or social structure in which one is a member, such as a family for example) such that each member is getting what they rightly deserve and not getting what they do not deserve. — Bob Ross
This definition is also not found in the Webster dictionary, which you used as a critique of mine. — Bob Ross
However, in terms of what you would call “distributive justice”, it seems like if the community, e.g., has an abundance of water then they shouldn’t hoard it for the ruling elite—that would be unjust.
Moreover, this “distributive justice” seems connected still to what one is ‘owed’. Viz., it is only unjust for the community to hoard the abundance of water because they have duties, as the community, which include properly distributing resources—so that is owed to the individual in a sense. — Bob Ross
That’s fair: negative rights a lot easier to uphold than positive ones; but I think we both agree we have positive rights. Take the water example: if you were denied any water simply because the government didn’t want to give it to you (perhaps they want to use that water for a water slide party for the ruling elites) even though you are doing your duly fair share of work in society—which we could think of it in terms of you having the money to pay for the water bill—then that is unjust because you have a positive right to the water. — Bob Ross
I think the trouble comes in, as you rightly pointed out, when we think of positive rights just like negative ones. E.g., when we think of our right life like our right to have water when it isn’t being distributed fairly. This ends up conflating the right which can never be breached with a straw man version of the “water right” such that one thinks that the government is required to give them water simpliciter. That’s not what we are saying here. — Bob Ross
The problem then as now is that your conception is not Aristotelian, so I am wondering what it is. Is it Christian? Marxist? Rawlsian?
It is unjust not to help someone on the other side of the world.
It is unjust when the rich do not help the poor.
It is unjust for the community not to fulfill members' needs when it can.
Sure, so for example, the community has a duty to properly distribute the revenue it receives via taxation, and the individual is owed a proper distribution. But he is not owed water qua water,
This is good: you are making me think about this more. — Bob Ross
I agree, this isn’t true; because justice would be relative to the community, and the nation would be the highest community. — Bob Ross
This isn’t true as well if we are talking about how citizens should treat each other and not what goods the government should be providing. More on that later. — Bob Ross
Here’s the interesting part: distributive justice seems to require the community to take care of that child—if the resources are available in a sustainable and reasonable sense: do you agree? — Bob Ross
This gets interesting though, as most people would disagree with this, prima facie, because most people would say one has a duty to keep an orphan baby, which was dropped off anonymously at their house, as long as required until the authorities arrive or despite any authority ever being on their way. — Bob Ross
Agreed; but how do we decipher what distributive justice entails? I started re-reading Aristotle to try and get some clues. — Bob Ross
That which is just, then, implies four terms at least: two persons to whom justice is done, and two things.
And there must be the same “equality” [i.e. the same ratio] between the persons and the things: as the things are to one another, so must the persons be. For if the persons be not equal, their shares will not be equal; and this is the source of disputes and accusations, when persons who are equal do not receive equal shares, or when persons who are not equal receive equal shares.
This is also plainly indicated by the common phrase “according to merit.” For in distribution all men allow that what is just must be according to merit or worth of some kind, but they do not all adopt the same standard of worth; in democratic states they take free birth as the standard, in oligarchic states they take wealth, in others noble birth, and in the true aristocratic state virtue or personal merit. — Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, V.3
It seems like the community’s distribution of goods based off of trying to promote the human good (e.g., institutionalized marriage [in the sense of giving tax breaks and incentives], foster care system, CPD, etc.); so why wouldn’t it be obligated to give a base income, e.g., for each citizen if that were feasible (given the abundance of resources)?
It seems like why you and I wouldn’t go for universal base income, is because it, in fact, doesn’t work and is not sustainable; but what if it were? In principle, would that be distributatively just? — Bob Ross
I forgot to mention another thing: although it is not unjust to choose to not help a person who is not of your nation; I do still find it potentially lacking in beneficence, which could result in it being immoral albeit not unjust. — Bob Ross
The Dutch have had their colonial wars, but it's usually said that the Dutch have been quite smart when it has come to their colonies. But they tried to hold on to their Indonesian colonies, and had their own lost colonial war also.I don’t remember much about Dutch history, but I would guess that they haven’t done anything monumental towards the course of history. We are not talking about countries that merely survived but, rather, plummeted humanity into a new age or significantly expedited the development process. I am not sure if the Dutch count here… — Bob Ross
(Feb 25th, 2022) The Dutch government formally apologised last week for its role in “systematic and extreme violence” during Indonesia’s fight for independence from Dutch colonial rule between 1945 and 1949.
The apology overturns the official Dutch government position since the last state-sponsored inquiry in 1969. That inquiry held that Dutch military “excesses” during the Indonesian National Revolution had been irregular and exceptional. The Dutch government based the official apology on Dutch and Indonesian historians’ findings. Their project was funded by the Dutch government through three Dutch research institutes. The historians conclude that Dutch leaders in the late 1940s enabled extreme violence by fostering conditions of impunity for military perpetrators. Their atrocities went largely unpunished. The researchers were careful to emphasize the findings lay no blame on individual soldiers. Yet Dutch soldiers’ own records – especially amateur photographs, many thousands of which survive – have long contained evidence of atrocities. They also recorded other kinds of violence that have yet to receive proper attention.
The Dutch have had their colonial wars, but it's usually said that the Dutch have been quite smart when it has come to their colonies. But they tried to hold on to their Indonesian colonies, and had their own lost colonial war also. — ssu
How do you understand the relationship between the individual and the community? I would say that if the community is taking care of the child, then some individual(s) is taking care of the child.
Here is Aristotle:
Welfare is "merited" (on this conception) in light of need; and therefore to give everyone money when not everyone is in need is unjust and unfair.
In what way do you think so?Interesting: so it sounds like you are a bit of an Aristotelian too. — Bob Ross
:chin:How would you define Justice?
I don't. Your concept concerns 'what persons deserve' 'rights' or 'needs' but by justice I understand 'nonzero sum conflict resolution' (i.e. fairness) as a community policy priority / standard.Do you see any solution to the A and B conceptions of Justice that I noted?
No. The latter pertains to community policy whereas the former pertains to interpersonal conduct. "Justice" is a policy priority, not a habit / rule of conduct.Wouldn't you agree, that justice has a normative and applied aspect? There is what is just ideally (which is normative ethics), and there is what can be applied in practical law (which is applied ethics)---no?
I don't understand what you mean.Also, why would "macro top-down" justice require consequentialism?
Not necessarily.Isn't this "interpersonal conduct" that you are referring to underpin the "community policy"? — Bob Ross
Yes. Afaik, personal habits (ethos) are normative and institutional priorities (polis) are applications of norms to public conflicts (or issues) which are not limited to or by those norms.Or are theycompletelydisparate areas of ethics?
which are not limited to or by those norms.
Who would like to try and change my mind? — Bob Ross
Now, I will end this OP by noting that I see the obvious downsides of nationalism (when it becomes radical), like fascism, but it seems wrong to go to the opposite extreme and deny any nationalism and imperialism whatsoever. — Bob Ross
remanens capax mutationem — Heidegger
Northamericanism? What is that? Note that Mexico is part of North America, so why if logical with continentalism, then simply both South and North America? Mexico is actually very close to the US than to Europe.Northamericanism ( — Arcane Sandwich
Northamericanism? What is that? — ssu
Note that Mexico is part of North America — ssu
so why if logical with continentalism, then simply both South and North America? Mexico is actually very close to the US than to Europe. — ssu
And notice that many countries embrace that civic nationalism. Few truly embrace ethnic nationalism, like Israel does. — ssu
That does connect still somehow, even if there is Brazil. Of course, these countries aren't as in such good terms with each other than are for example EU members, but still especially the contrast towards the US is there. There's a lot of feeling to be together in Latin America than just being North American.By contrast, Latin America is not a continent, it's just a group of countries in which the inhabitants speak a language derived from Medieval Latin — Arcane Sandwich
If that's what it boils down to, then I prefer civic nationalism myself.
I believe in continentalism, because I think that continentalism is to the continent what nationalism is to the nation. Non-Europeans and Non-North-Americans (what you call "The West", which is now a "global thing") would do better to just embrace Europeism and Northamericanism (respectively) instead of imperialism (and, of course, Europeans should embrace Europeism instead of imperialism, and North Americans should embrace Northamericanism instead of imperialism, as well).
As for Western Supremacy, I don't believe in that concept, because I don't believe in Eastern Supremacy either, nor do I believe in Northern Supremacy, nor do I believe in Southern Supremacy.
It seems to me that the West has it better than the East — Bob Ross
So you think cultures are just different, not inferior or superior? — Bob Ross
there is such a thing as having an inferior culture (e.g., the Nazis), and there is such a thing as having a view which should not be tolerated (e.g., a supporter of sex offenses). — Bob Ross
There's a lot of feeling to be together in Latin America than just being North American. — ssu
Yet the most important question is, for what would you need Northamericanism? What is the narrative of it? Where do you use it? — ssu
I'll take the loose definition of the Nordic Countries to explain this. First of all, it isn't Skandinavia, as Finland is not part of it and because when the idea of the Nordic countries emerged, the Baltic States belonged to the Soviet Union. Yet in order to have such a group, many things have to happen. — ssu
And above all, there ought to be a genuine feeling for borders being a needless division between friends. — ssu
Above all, there ought not to be any historical grunges and feeling that the other ones behind the border are totally different, even possibly a threat. — ssu
Not only with a bully like Trump, as his disrespect even towards Canada is evident, will there emerge anything like the idea of Northamericanism. Mexico lost huge amounts of territory in the Mexican-American war and the later US actions during the Mexican Civil War and afterwards is at the root of anxiety towards the "Gringos" in Mexico. And the imperialism that the US has shown earlier in Central American and in the Caribbean is there to be remembered. Trump's unabashed imperialist views that are meant to be a distraction only poke the fears and hatred towards the US. — ssu
And in the end, when states do have a national identity, this cannot be replaced. — ssu
This is something that the EU ought to put more importance to than it does. The EU may have a flag, even a hymn, but it lacks at the present the ideological zeal and purpose. It isn't marketed to the member state citizens as it ought to be. The EU has never been marketed to the people as a savior from our bloody past seen from our history, but just as a technical bureaucratic institution that is good for commerce. Bureaucrats in Brussells won't do that. Their effect is the opposite. The EU-citizen hasn't been involved in the experiment, only the elites. — ssu
That’s fair, but those individuals would be sanctioned by the government—if not public servants themselves. My dilemma here is not about public servants nor people who volunteer (and thusly bind themselves) to raise orphans. The question is whether or not Aristotle can justify any sort of duty or obligation for a standard citizen—which is not actively in the course of their public duties which may relate—to take care of a child that is dropped off at their porch. Maybe, just maybe, there is a duty in the sense that a citizen must call the appropriate authorities and take care of the baby until they arrive; but most people would go beyond that say that even if there were no authorities coming that the person has a duty to take care of that child. What do you think? In terms of justice, can Aristotle rightly claim that it would unjust for the citizen, in the above example, to turn the other way? I see how it would potentially be inbeneficient and malevolent; but not unjust. — Bob Ross
The problem I have with that quote, which I read as well in the Eudemian and Nichomachean Ethics, is that Aristotle is being too vague. All he is saying there is that a part of justice is giving people proportionate goods to their merits. Ok, I don’t think anyone disagrees with that. The question is: how does one determine merit and demerit in this kind of manner where everyone gets a proportionate amount? — Bob Ross
That’s true, and I agree to an extent; but it gets finicky real quick. E.g., if Jimmy can support himself working 60 hours a week and Bob is not supporting himself at all, why would Bob have merit for the welfare but not Jimmy? On your elaboration here, it seems like Jimmy would have no merited grounds; but at the same time we would recognize that the sheer work he is putting in might make it fair to give him it as well. — Bob Ross
If the citizens of the US have this national identity of being "American", it's hard to tell that actually now you are going to be Northamerican and so put that antiquated Stars and stripes flag away as it's only a local flag and officially use another new flag. And refer to yourself from now onward as Northamericans when foreigners ask who you are.Hmmm... I'm not sure if I understand this. What do you mean, when you say those words? — Arcane Sandwich
First of all, many Americans think about secession of their state, at least as a theoretical option. The Brits here can tell just how and why UK did Brexit happen, there's a whole thread about it. However do notice that actually Brexit showed other member states just how awful and economically disastrous such a stupid move would be. How badly it went and what UK citizens now think about Brexit is very telling and has actually been noticed by many people, who do have had their criticism against the EU in their own countries.If the European Union is Europe's best attempt at articulating European Continentalism, then it's not good enough, because if it was, people would have never even thought about Brexit as a concept, or even as "the right thing to do in such circumstances". — Arcane Sandwich
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