• Baden
    The smile function is active, but we have lost personality.

    What the fuck are you saying here, Jim?

    We can still do smile but all elements of personality have been erased.

    Since fucking when?

    Hard to say. According to some engineers, there were at some point personality traces but no one gave a shit when she was VP. No one listens to the friggin’ VP, Marty.

    Yeah right, but now…

    But now some Americans want personality.

    But she don’t got it.

    Fucking Zip.

    Just the smile then.

    The smile and talking points.

    Will it be enough? Are we worried here? Can we do anything?

    We’ve got an engineer in giving her lessons, but it's... making it worse.

    She’s trying…

    Yeah, but it’s obvious she’s trying. Which is…

    Even worse… right.

    Replacement with avatar?

    It’s being considered. Keep her inside. Do most of the shit online or TV. The networks will play ball. Avatar’s can do personality pretty good. But she can’t and it looks like she never will. And we gotta let her out sometimes.

    Can you smile your way into the White House?

    We’ll find out, Jim. We’ll find out…
  • NOS4A2

    I like it. But no scientific experiments needed; she’ll be sure to tell you all about it. But I am a little disappointed there is no accompanying Baden cartoon.
  • Baden

    Unfortunately, comrade @Jamal would probably delete it. So, I am stuck with words for now. :sad:
  • Baden
    "Deconstructing the American Presidential Election with Reference to the Concepts of Lego Bricks and Marmalade."

    Hello, yes, *ahem*, haha, welcome to my lecture. So, let’s get straight, um, to the point. Tonight we will examine the current U.S. presidential election from the general angle of plastic and fruit with specific reference to lego bricks and marmalade.

    Let us begin by problematising the respective notions involved in terms of their likely referents. So, for example, despite being of a similar colour and luminosity to Donald Trump, I will contend that marmalade cannot be said to clearly distinguish him, nor can a lego brick, though being as equally dull, lifeless, and, in isolation, useless as Kamala Harris, clearly distinguish her.

    The no doubt controversial truth of the matter is that the respective candidates inhere properties of both marmalade and lego bricks. For example, Trump is often considered “thick as a brick” and Kamala, slimy and bitter-sweet, such that they trespass on each other’s ostensible conceptual territories from the get-go. And this is just the beginning–as we delve further, the lego brick / marmalade dichotomy becomes blurred to the extent that through the mechanisms of Trump and Harris these ostensibly distinct concepts, I will argue, actually tend towards unification.

    This is a startling and bizarre result, but one that I believe can lead to an understanding of the importance of political polarities in dissolving rather than exacerbating social antinomies. There is nothing less than the future of intra-social harmonic relations at stake here, and the good news is that the humble, discreet and not oft remarked upon aforementioned social atoms are the key to unlocking this heretofore obscured potentiality.

    So, let us explicate in more detail the dissolution of apparent polarities by highlighting the intrusion of the obverse candidate along the following five physical and abstract axes considered to be the sole purvey of the opposition: Taste, texture, function, key political goals, and social class.

    Taste: Marmalade=Bitter-Sweet: >> Kamalic intrusion (Kamala’s emotive orientation)
    Texture: Lego Brick=Thick and Inflexible>> Trumpic intrusion (Trump’s intellectual limitations)
    Function: Marmalade=To add a “smile” to toast and similar wheat based products >> Kamalic intrusion (Kamala’s debate habits)
    Key political goals: Lego Brick =A part of a larger construction>>Trumpic Intrusion (Build the wall!)
    Social Class: Marmalade =Middle class delicacy >> Kamalic intrusion (appeal to the middle class)

    And etc.

    What we see here is that through the employment of these candidates as a “conceptual lens”, the apparent differences between lego bricks and marmalade disappear. The two, in fact, turn out to be the same thing. What’s more, it can be shown that, as a matter of principle, any two opposing social atoms can be de-dichotomised through the employment of the Trump/Kamala political polarity deconstructive method.

    This is revolutionary as it shows us how, far from destroying society, the extreme antagonisms of the current American political scene point a way towards the unification of all opposing linguistic concepts and thus of language itself, which amounts to a path towards the unification of spirit along Schopenhauerian lines and a utopic end to conflict and strife in a final nirvana of universal non-self that has been, up until now, undreamed of *ahem*.

    Well, that’s it, really. I hope you enjoyed my talk *burp * *fart*.

    Good night!
  • javi2541997
    "Deconstructing the American Presidential Election with Reference to the Concepts of Lego Bricks and Marmalade."Baden

    I think we will not find a more detailed analysis than yours, honestly. I always knew—and told myself talking to the pillow—that 'el trompas' and Kámala are the same thing, but I didn't want to share this thesis because I was hesitating on whether I dreamt it or not. It is clear that the compulsive hysteria of Trump and emotional fear of Kámala would join together and transform into a new subject. He, she, or 'it' will be the next President of the United States of America.

    Is this the end of the US? Will people be able to register to go vote in time? What would happen if they did not mould together finally? There are a lot of answers that only time could answer. Just wait, sitting next to me, son, drinking coffee, and see what happens. People will embrace together, and poppies will flourish again. Time is a circle, not a scary line with no way of turning back.

    The Lego brick will be moulded on the mermalade. Never a thick material was that manageable before. The best we could do? Stay away from both of them, rent a red Volkswagen van, and drive in the dawn until we meet the tan-coloured sun. Free as the wind. :sparkle:
  • Baden

    Love it, lol. :heart:
  • 180 Proof

    (April 2024)


    Roevember 2024:

    VP Kamala Harris & Gov Tim Walz
    ("pro-democracy" Democrats) :victory: :mask:


    The Criminal Clown & MAGA Mini-me 
    (neofascist "weirdos") :lol:
    180 Proof

    Race to 270 electors via swing states*

    • blue states 229 electors > needs 41
    • wins: *AZ, MI, NC, PA, WI = 71 (44) electors :party:

    Big Clown & Lil Clown
    • red states 219 electors > needs 54
    • (probably) wins: *GA, NV = 22 electors :cry:

    I predict Harris-Walz will win the 2024 Presidential Election with at least 300 electors (Biden-Harris won 306 electors in 2020). I also guesstimate that Texas [40], Florida [30] & Ohio [17] are in play and any or all three might be flipped from Red to Blue and add 17 to 87 electors to the Harris-Walz victory: 317 to 387 electors. Yes, I'm predicting a Roevember blowout!

    IMHO, that's a reasonable and low estimate, nowhere near a landside (like 486 electors for Johnson in 1964, 520 electors for Nixon in 1972 or 525 electors for Reagan in 1984).
  • Eros1982
    I live in a state (NY) governed by the democrats the last 40 years or so, and I just see the mentally ill and the homeless increasing in numbers every year.

    So, living in a progressive town, I can't help wondering: how is it possible for these people to defend progressive taxation, all kinds of handouts to single moms, to never stop attaching "tax the rich" stickers on every car and window, and at the same time these (progressive) people will propose nothing about the mentally ill and the homeless who increase in numbers every single year?

    Seeing how the homeless and the mentally ill are becoming more and more (making this town look like taken out from a zombie movie), I can't help thinking that the problem will not be taken seriously by the democrats for the simple reason that democrats cannot classify the mentally ill as a voting bloc. So, they are deaf to their plight for the reason that whether you help or you do not help a mentally ill person, he/she won't vote for you. In contrast, the democrats have an ear for struggling single moms and students burdened with stupid debts, because they see the latter as voting blocs.
  • Paine

    The rate of homelessness in most places is significantly proportional to the cost of housing. Real estate markets are strongest in "blue" states because of the influx of capital that permits very high paying jobs. The curve is flatter where the wealth gap is not as exponential. That is one of the reasons why "red" states receive more from federal funding than they pay out in taxes. Nice work if you can get it.

    The problem with mental health care is a part of the deconstruction of the hospitals and other state institutions that has been done under the idea that such work could be redirected to community level support. This process has been under way for decades. The fallout is perhaps now forcing itself into a wider public awareness. To be clear, this does not resolve into any particular political agenda. It is an intellectual failure of our society as a whole.
  • tim wood
    The problem with mental health care is a part of the deconstruction of the hospitals and other state institutions that has been done under the idea that such work could be redirected to community level support. This process has been under way for decades. The fallout is perhaps now forcing itself into a wider public awareness. To be clear, this does not resolve into any particular political agenda. It is an intellectual failure of our society as a whole.Paine

    Actually, guess who. Republicans, courtesy of Ronald - not the professional clown but the amateur one - Reagan.

  • 180 Proof
    Today in Trumpenfreude

    NASDAQ (DJT) :rofl:

    19Sept24 - $14.70 per share
    (NASDAQ 18,013.98)
    180 Proof
    23Sept24 - $12.15 per share :down:
    (NASDAQ 18074.52) :up:

    https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4897015-judge-rejects-trump-request/amp/ :smirk:
  • 180 Proof

    Happy 100th, President Carter! :party:

    Tonight JD Vance will embarrass himself even more and Tim Walz will move the Harris-Walz ball closer to the end zone: "first and goal!" :point:

    Roevember is coming! :victory: :cool:
  • Eros1982
    That conclusion from JD Vance was a masterpiece tonight!

    I am very frustrated with a democrat candidate who supports more local oil (Harris), and a vp who was an NRA supporter (Walz). I don't know why should I vote them.

    I am just glad that Vance did not refuse global warming; he even blamed democrats for not having done enough with renewables :rofl:
  • 180 Proof
    A forgettable "VP debate". Neither candidate shit the bed and didn't affect the 2024 campaign either way.

    I give Gov. Walz a solid B Grade. :up:

    I give Sen. Vance a C-minus Grade.

    Roevember is coming! :victory: :cool:
  • Mikie
    I am just glad that Vance did not refuse global warming; he even blamed democrats for not having done enough with renewablesEros1982

    No he didn’t. He rambled a bunch of nonsense and then threw in a lie about nuclear. He also said “if you believe” emissions are causing climate change. An absolute joke.

    The fact that you give him a pass while criticizing the Democratic ticket, and yet claim you care about climate change, shows how unserious you are — or how fake. The choice is clear for anyone truly concerned about that issue. Should take about 10 seconds.

    A forgettable "VP debate"180 Proof

    Yeah, nothing great. They were polite. Walz stumbled with the Hong Kong answer— Vance stumbled with January 6th and gave ridiculous answers on guns, Climate change, abortion, child care and healthcare. Should have been a slam dunk for Walz— too bad.
  • NOS4A2
    Trouble for the upcoming first gentleman, or baseless rumors?

    Vice President Kamala Harris’ husband is being accused of slapping his ex-girlfriend for flirting with a valet worker at a ritzy gala in 2012, a new report claims.

    Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, 59, supposedly struck his then-girlfriend — described as a successful New York attorney — in the face so hard she spun around while in a valet line after an event at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2012, the three unnamed friends of the woman reportedly told the Daily Mail.

    All three sources requested not to be named due to fear of retaliation from Emhoff, the Daily Mail said.


    This is the same guy who got his nanny pregnant, so it's hard to put it past him.
  • Benkei
    Seems well corroborated across different sources but I wasn't aware he was running?
  • Eros1982
    The fact that you give him a pass while criticizing the Democratic ticket, and yet claim you care about climate change, shows how unserious you are — or how fake. The choice is clear for anyone truly concerned about that issue. Should take about 10 seconds.Mikie

    I wish they win, not because I have high hopes in them, but I do fear Trump may make things worse.

    However, I think Democrats' strategy is not working. They are trying to be appealing to the majority (people who don't want the second amendment to change, people who don't want to make sacrifices for the environment, people who think USA should stand by the side of Israel, etc.), but in this way Democrats will lose the support of grassroots groups: those who want to end the war in Middle East right now (mostly American Muslims), those who take environment seriously, those who want stricter gun laws, etc.

    I am afraid that in their attempt to sound moderate, Harris and Walz will lose support among some groups, and they will try to stick with an economic plan that does not sound popular to the majority (middle class) they are trying to appeal to in other ways.

    So, I wish Democrats had taken the opposite route: they didn't stick with that "opportunity economy", and they were radical on things like gun control, environment, and ceasefire now.

    November 5 will show whether I got everything wrong.
  • 180 Proof
    November [Roevember] 5 will show whether I got everything wrong.Eros1982
    :mask: :up:
  • jorndoe

    Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen!
    By rumors on the street, guy slaps girlfriend in public (she slaps too, they say).
    12 years later, it hits the news like a supposed :fire: bomb. :D
    Might'a taken some efforts to dig that one up.
    Gotta' wonder what happened in the 12 years after. Anything serious?
  • Mikie
    I am afraid that in their attempt to sound moderate, Harris and Walz will lose support among some groups, and they will try to stick with an economic plan that does not sound popular to the majority (middle class) they are trying to appeal to in other ways.Eros1982

    I think that’s a disaster too. But not surprising.
  • 180 Proof
    Today in Trumpenfreude

    :lol: The Insurrectionist-Fascist Clown is shitting the bed (& his XXL man-baby diapers) ...


    >>> Roevember 34.
  • NOS4A2

    I thought we were supposed to care about such things. At least that’s what I was taught. I was supposed to feel outraged when Trump said “grab them by the pussy” decades ago. Are we finally past that?
  • Paine

    Are you past that? Do you condone Trump's behavior in that regard?

    Your brand of libertarian ethos does not engage with such questions on a personal level. Are you living the Trump life?
  • AmadeusD
    I see no one has grown beyond teenage sloganing yet. Cool.
  • Paine

    Do you include "grabbing by the pussy" in that category?
  • AmadeusD
    Doesn't seem relevant, other than as a contributor to my dissatisfaction LOL.

    Insofar as it was ever taken up as a slogan, yes.
  • Paine

    So, you add it to the ledger of your disaffection.
    Trump said that while thinking he was alone with his interlocutor. It was never a slogan.
  • NOS4A2

    I was never stuck on it on the first place. In fact I thought it was hilarious. The only thing I do not condone was the gossip and ink shortage that resulted from it.

    I don’t know if I condone getting drunk and slapping women. Not a good look.
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