• 180 Proof
    FWIW, my guess (preference) of prospective nominees to emerge out of the Dems Convention shitshow next month:

    1. VP Harris-Gov Whitmer (likely)

    2. Gov Whitmer-Sen Warnock (less likely)

    3. Gov Whitmer-Gov Newsom (very unlikely)

    Nevertheless, MAGAts – Roevember is coming! :party:
  • Echarmion
    Thoughts about Kamala Harris?Shawn

    She is a woman, and thus automatically at a disadvantage. She's also of color, so the DEI-hire narrative writes itself. In fact if you ask in more right wing leaning circles, she's universally reviled already for being a supposed DEI-hire who allegedly has zero qualifications, and is stupid because her laugh sounds weird. That's unfortunately the level of political discourse we can expect.

    Apart from that she seems solid, if nothing more. She has attracted significant left wing criticism for her policies as DA but that probably won't matter against Trump and is not something that I think most voters would care about deeply.

    Really it's all about whether she can effectively deal with the fact that she is a woman.

    I do not think she will be a strong candidate though. I think she would be a significantly stronger candidate if she hadn't been VP, because Biden's administration is not particularly popular.Count Timothy von Icarus

    I guess the deciding question would be whether the administration is popular enough among swing state voters.

    I think the only way she isn't the nominee is if she pulls herself out.Count Timothy von Icarus

    Probably, yeah. She'll be hard to get past if she decides to push it. Nor Do I think the democrats could afford another public pressure campaign.

    Edit: So I just read that she reacted to Biden's endorsement by saying she hopes to "earn and win" the nomination. So she considers herself in the race, but not the heir apparent. This leaves her space to back out, so at least she apparently does not intend to run come what may.

    Honestly overall I think at this point the democrats should embrace chaos and focus on making the most grassroots-based choice possible. Find some way to let the base vote for a candidate, take the hands off the convention and just make it really, really obvious that you're not pushing anyone and whoever makes the best case wins.

    I think such a spectacle might energize voters who are on the fence, but what do I know.
  • Fooloso4
    Thoughts about Kamala Harris?Shawn

    I don't know if she would be the best candidate in terms of electability or capability but she is certainly preferable to Orange Jesus.
  • Lionino
    She is a woman, and thus automatically at a disadvantage. She's also of color, so the DEI-hire narrative writes itself. In fact if you ask in more right wing leaning circles, she's universally reviled already for being a supposed DEI-hire who allegedly has zero qualifications, and is stupid because her laugh sounds weird. That's unfortunately the level of political discourse we can expect.Echarmion

    The political discourse "there" is right as usual. Hillary got millions of votes for being a woman, Obama for being black. Odds are that, if Hillary were Hilbert and Barack Obama were Barry O'Bryan, they wouldn't have won.

    Yes, Hillary won the popular vote.
  • Wayfarer
    I don’t know if Harris will end up as the nominee, and not confident that she can win. But let’s see what happens.
  • Wayfarer
    So I just read that she reacted to Biden's endorsement by saying she hopes to "earn and win" the nomination. So she considers herself in the race, but not the heir apparent.Echarmion

    That’s encouraging. I’ve been reading that there’s the chance of an ‘open convention’, but that in the past these haven’t been very successful. But if it is an open convention, I hope another candidate comes of it.
  • Shawn
    I visit x.com, Elon Musk's playground, and the way things stand is something to the matter with how Harris speaks. It's a little troubling that she can't speak with diction at all. It's actually so pathetic in videos of CNN interviews and past debates that I don't know what to say myself.
  • creativesoul
    Trump will not debate her. She would shred him. Go Kamala.

  • creativesoul
    I visit x.comShawn

    Self brainwash much?
  • fishfry
    Joe has to resign the presidency, the sooner the better. There's are negative and positive reasons.

    The negatives are that as long as he's President, Karine Jean-Pierre is going to be asked:

    1) If Joe Biden is too cognitively impaired to run for President; then isn't he too cognitively impaired to BE President? And since Joe is clearly not running the country and hasn't been for some time, who has been and IS running the country? Obama? Jill "Edith Wilson" Biden? And remember, the media smell a wounded politician like a herd of rabid jackals. Have you noticed the tone shift in the White House briefing room lately? KJP is under attack like she's never experienced before.

    2) Is Joe going to preemptively pardon son Hunter, brother James, and other members of his family, for Federal felonies they may be subject to regarding the Biden family's decades of grift, bribery, and influence peddling involving foreign countries? This family business is a well known open secret in Washington, and is denied by the Dems in exactly the same way that they denied Biden's progressive cognitive impairment. Meaning, they'll deny it everyone finds out about it, then they'll all pretend to be shocked and they'll savage him. So he has to issue the pardons before he leaves office, and he might as well get it over with fast.

    But there's a huge positive and beneficial reason he should resign the presidency first thing tomorrow morning.

    It makes Kamala the incumbent. The "historical" incumbent. Incumbency by itself is a huge advantage, easily worth five or ten percent of the vote. And just as in 2008, centrist-minded Republicans might have said, well, McCain's a corrupt wamongering jerk, war hero nothwithstanding; and I don't want to have to think of myself as a closet racist. So I'll vote for Obama. A lot of votes went that way. If you were any kind of independent or centrist who was not a doctrinaire Republican, you voted for Obama for the historical symbolism of a black man becoming President in this country.

    Kamala would get those same independents. She'd energize all the women in this country. As bad a politician as she is, she could win on symbolism. Symbolism has a lot of power among us humans, like the Trump bloody fist flag photo.

    So I say that if Biden pardons his family and drops out tomorrow morning, that is the Dems' best shot at an electoral victory in 2024. Get it all over wish and by election day the public will have forgotten Biden entirely. The longer this fiasco goes on, the more the American people are reminded every single day of the massive fraud the Democrats ran on the nation. The sooner they get past that the better.

    Personally I hope he doesn't do it. Let the press ask KJP every day. Let the party civil war continue. Already Pelosi and the Obama have not endorsed Kamala, calling for an open process. Under the circumstances a non-endorsement is equivalent to an anti-endorsement. The Clintons and the Bidens are behind a Kamala coronation, for the third consecutive DNC back-room deal rammed down the throats of their own voters. Saving democracy indeed.

    Now you can see why the Dems forced Bobby Jr. to leave the Democratic party. Else he'd be the heir apparent and the DNC hates Bobby Jr.

    I'm just curious, I get that some people just hate Trump. But aren't the liberals getting sick and tired of getting shafted by the DNC? They could have held a competitive primary this year, Joe's condition would have been exposed, and Gavin or Gretchen would be a strong candidate. The Dems did this to themselves. And to the fourteen million Democratic primary voters who voted for Joe, while the media were telling them Joe's sharp as a tack. Aren't any liberals righteously angry about all this chicanery going back to 2016 and 2020 and now 2024? The DNC does not give a hoot about the will of their own voters, or "democracy." The centrist warmongers pick their candidate no matter what their voters think. How long will Dem voters just fall into line behind whatever corrupt hack the central party coronates? After Trump is gone and Trump hate is no longer a factor, what will hold the Dem party together?
  • Shawn
    Aren't any liberals righteously angry about all this chicanery going back to 2016 and 2020?fishfry

    What happened to Sanders during 2016 was pretty wild. Hands down he would have won, but, the Clinton's wanted it their way and look what we got...
  • AmadeusD
    Which says a huge, huge amount about you. Not him.

    absolutely. More jokes in the clowns show.
  • fishfry
    What happened to Sanders during 2016 was pretty wild. Hands down he would have won, but, the Clinton's wanted it their way and look what we got...Shawn

    Yes it's funny that the other day Biden himself said, "That's how we got Trump in 2016," meaning the Dems letting the party insiders override the will of the voters. He still has political instincts. It's very unclear whether the Democrats have improved their situation or not.
  • BC
    herd of rabid jackalsfishfry

    An apt comparison, but even rabid jackals, never mind healthy ones, form 'packs' or 'tribes'. As in 'a pack of wild dogs'. Jackals are canids.

    If Joe Biden is too cognitively impaired to run for President; then isn't he too cognitively impaired to BE President?fishfry

    The question should be, "Is he too cognitively impaired to BOTH run for president and be president?" There's a big difference between managing the job for the 5 months and managing the job for 53 more months, should he have been reelected.

    I was in favor of him NOT running for another term before the famous debate. Both Biden and Trump are too old, and Trump has even more cognitive problems, particularly with the reality situation, than Biden.

    Kamela has more than enough on her plate successfully campaigning, never mind trying to become an experienced incumbent in just a few months.
  • BC
    after that, he'd be just fine. :halo:frank

    I'm not quite that generous. Significant brain damage, but recoverable after at least 4 years of intensive therapy for people who have brain injuries. Additional therapy will be needed to rehabilitate his faulty morals and his poor comprehension of the reality situation. Since his misfortunes are self-induced, he would need to pay for this out of his own funds. Once he's impoverished by the medical industry, Medicaid will kick in to cover some (???) level of services.
  • Lionino
    Trump will not debate her. She would shred him. Go Kamala.creativesoul

    Coming from the same people who until last week denied that JB has dementia
  • Lionino
    If Kamala steps up, she has to reflect deeply about who her VP will be. It must be someone with experience, connections in congress, someone who has been elected before and who is comfortable working under a person of colour president. Someone comes to mind.
    Welcome back, Mr. President.
  • Mr Bee
    Coming from the same people who until last week denied that JB has dementia.Lionino

    I wonder if the September debate is still on. Of course Trump may dip out of it like he did during the primaries now that he's going up against someone who's not a senile old man but we'll see.
  • Mikie
    I think there’s less than a 5% chance that happens. They’re sticking with Biden.Mikie

    Alright— I was dead wrong. Either that or this really was an unlikely event, but ended up happening anyway. But it’s more likely I underestimated the chances.

    It’s nutty how ruthless the DNC is compared to the RNC, which couldn’t even stop a Trump.
  • 180 Proof

    Well, if Harris winds up the nominee ...

    :lol: :up:

    Roevember is coming!
  • NOS4A2
    Notice that the resignation letter isn’t on official Whitehouse letterhead, and he apparently resigned by X post, which has been ran by social media handlers for years. Does anyone really believe he resigned?
  • unenlightened
    Notice that the resignation letter isn’t on official Whitehouse letterhead,NOS4A2

    I believe he did not resign. I believe he dropped out of the running for nomination for reelection. A party matter, not an official presidential matter.
  • Wayfarer
    It should be reported as: ‘President Biden has decided not to contest the next election, and instead to retire. He has endorsed his VP…’ etc, instead of all this breathless hyperbole.

    Still, it would have been far better had he made the decision before the primaries. Regardless, it’s still imperative that the MAGA cult is thwarted.
  • NOS4A2

    How dare you squash my conspiracy theory.
  • unenlightened
    You have so many; I'm jealous.
  • Echarmion
    The political discourse "there" is right as usual. Hillary got millions of votes for being a woman, Obama for being black. Odds are that, if Hillary were Hilbert and Barack Obama were Barry O'Bryan, they wouldn't have won.Lionino

    Of course representing certain parts of the electorate is relevant, I did not want to dismiss that. Nevertheless, Kamala Harris wasn't randomly swept off the street because she fit a certain profile.
  • frank
    I'm not quite that generous. Significant brain damage, but recoverable after at least 4 years of intensive therapy for people who have brain injuries. Additional therapy will be needed to rehabilitate his faulty morals and his poor comprehension of the reality situation. Since his misfortunes are self-induced, he would need to pay for this out of his own funds. Once he's impoverished by the medical industry, Medicaid will kick in to cover some (???) level of services.BC

  • Fooloso4
    There's a big difference between managing the job for the 5 months and managing the job for 53 more months, should he have been reelected.BC

    This seems so obvious that should not need to be said ... but evidently and unfortunately it does.
  • Fooloso4

    Thank for that. A powerful, factual based ad. I don't know how effective it would be today. The Trumpsters just don't care. They believe he is their savior and either overlook his faults or think it is all liberal lies. Those who are less fanatical may regard it as a trade-off they are willing to accept. Perhaps there are still enough voters who have not made up their mind who might be swayed.
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