• Agustino
    I think it's true because there is a One Punch Man, but there is no One Punch Woman. The evidence is clear.Mongrel
    I don't know about a One Punch Man, but there sure as fuck is a One Pound Fish Man!! >:O

  • Michael
    I think it's true because there is a One Punch Man, but there is no One Punch Woman. The evidence is clear.Mongrel

  • unenlightened
    Also, you confuse actually being dominant, with feeling confident. The two are ABSOLUTELY not the same.Agustino

    I ABSOLUTELY do not.

    Someone could be insecure and yet dominant. Dominance has to do with outward appearance, whereas insecurity has to do with inward feeling.Agustino

    You are confusing being dominant with being domineering. Dominance has nothing to do with appearance, but is simply the fact of a relationship in a particular situation. One is dominant in a situation where one has superior knowledge, experience, interest, strength, or whatever. Whereas one is domineering when one wishes to be dominant but isn't, and that is a matter of appearances, and is all about appearing confident when one is actually insecure.
  • Deleted User
    Some women have a way of making a man think he is in control, but in reality the guy does what the girl wants anyway. That would seem like a very skillful way of dominating. And the guy is not any the wiser...lol.
  • Mongrel
    holy crap! Liberation is at hand!
  • Wosret

    Women are more beautiful, and have superior sympathetic abilities. They don't need to be deceptive, although they're fucking brilliant at it... it's no different than physical violence in its damage to the body, and mind.

    We can all be honest about where our weaknesses and strengths are, stop attacking each other and ourselves, and all grow the fuck up. That would be some cool in my view.
  • Deleted User
    @Wosret I wouldn't say they are all deceptive, but some can certainly be. I wasn't referring to some women's ability to manipulate and hurt others, but rather to a particular and often humorous tendency of a man to do whatever his girl tells him to do in simple matters that really don't make a difference. Such as the color of curtains, or something silly like that.
    BTW, not all women are able to be sympathetic more than some men. I found that by experience.
  • Wosret
    I wouldn't say they are all deceptive, but some can certainly beLone Wolf

    I in absolutely no sense said or implied that.
  • Deleted User
    I in absolutely no sense said or implied that.Wosret

  • Thinker
    Do you like puzzles? Actually this question is rhetorical because we all know the answer already. Philosophy is in the business of solving puzzles. What does it take to solve puzzles? It takes intelligence, analytical skill, spatial recognition, intuition and a few other reasoning characteristics. Philosophical puzzles require another very important characteristic which is not necessarily part of reasoning – courage. If one wants to be really good at philosophy – you are going to need courage - a lot of it.

    Courage has more to do with emotions than with reasons. It is a kind of crossbreed but I think predominately emotional. I think that philosophers can smell a problem a mile off. It is natural that this be so; because we are detectives in the investigation of ideas. We examine the corpus of humanity for its faults, flaws, fallacies and fiction. We are good at seeing the outer world – but how good are we at looking at ourselves? Now here is where we have a sticky wicket.

    Emotional intelligence is quite different than intellectual strength. I think reason can help us to know our emotions, but it only takes us so far. What is the job of a philosopher? It is to know thyself. In knowing ourselves we have a window to the world. We want to know ourselves so that we can know everything else. We gain a portal to the universe. What is one of the best portals to discover who we are? It is through the eyes of the other. If you are a man – that means the eyes of a woman and vice versa. How do we understand the color black – by observing what it is not? Want to know yourself – look through someone else’s eyes.

    Do we play games with ourselves? I think we do; one of the biggest is hide and seek. We hide from ourselves and seek ways to avoid answering questions that make us uncomfortable. Well, why do we do that? The answer is very simple – lack of courage. What are we afraid of? We are afraid of ourselves. When a man or woman tells you that they are very smart – what do you think? The first thing I think is the opposite. That they are feeling insecure about their intelligence. It does not mean they are not intelligent – it means they are insecure – they have questions about it. “Does this dress make me look fat”? There is only one right answer – NO! If you answer any other way – you don’t understand people and probably not very much about yourself.
  • Wosret
    Although I'd like to believe that it's just that I'm so damn courageous, or brave, but not really. Look how long it took me... look how prepared I needed to be?

    No, it's desire, delusion, aversion. The Buddha is still quite a bit above me. He needed to be even more prepared.
  • Agustino
    When a man or woman tells you that they are very smart – what do you think? The first thing I think is the opposite.Thinker
    I think whether it's true or not, obviously. It would be an emotional reaction due to an inferiority complex if I were to think - fuck, s/he is an arrogant prick, how dare they think they're very smart? I should be saying that about them, not them. That's a stupid reaction to have.
  • Wosret
    I will say though, that I see his physical secret. The image of the lotus reveals it, and combined with my scientific biological knowledge, I also believe that I see a weakness in it... but the Buddha was 36, when he decided that he was done (one must also eventually cease the desire for further growth), so I still have three years to catch him.
  • Thinker
    So what is the point of my poll questions? I think some of the early responders saw the dilemma I am proposing. Many of their responses were less than noble. I also think that the lack of responses - engagement is quite revealing. I see a lot of avoidance/caution in this thread – very interesting. Sometimes you can learn more about what people think – by them not saying anything. Tell me what you think about women, if you are a man; it will tell me what you think about yourself. Are you ready to see yourself – do you have courage?
  • Wosret
    I'll answer the poll. Physically yes, emotionally no.

    Both, and neither.


    Physically yes, emotionally no.

    No, they tend to think men are gullible, and this makes them intellectually inferior, and in some ways it does -- but they're prone to paranoia.

    Philosophers are generally submissive, in that excessive growth in one area, tends to imply deficiencies in another.
  • Deleted User
    It is important to not stereotype people based on gender. I might as well confess that I am girl, not a guy. I consider myself to be independent, and not very submissive to anyone who has not been proven trustworthy and capable. I am not afraid to challenge someone's theory. I do not think all men are stupid or inferior, but there are certainly some.
  • Wosret
    It's not a stereotype, women literally have more nerve endings in the skin, and are literally more sensitive than men. The brain is bio-electrical, and hormone washes cause neurons to fire, and testosterone makes them fire more easily, with less build up.

    There are of course aberrations, and nothing is 100% always true all the time, but exceptions don't break the rule. Something being true of 90% of something doesn't deligitimize it.

    To not stereotype, just don't reason from wholes to parts, but from parts to wholes. As in, knowing that this is true, don't automatically think that it 100% has to be true a priori. Confirm it every time first. That's all.
  • Thinker
    It is important to not stereotype people based on gender.Lone Wolf

    We are all cowards in one way or another – male & female - sometimes. One thing is for certain in this life – things change. I may be a coward today about my finances or physical fitness; but tomorrow I can make a course correction. The same is true about ideas, feelings or just about anything. Humans are a deliberative bunch. We do stereotype – constantly – it is the nature of the beast. Men are strong – aggressive – potentially violent. Are all men this way? No, but a healthy percentage are. Women are nurturing – sexually appealing – not usually violent. Are all women this way? No, and we all change from moment to moment. What may be true today, is not necessarily so tomorrow. However certain characteristics tend to remain – especially in relation to gender.
  • Agustino
    Are you ready to see yourself – do you have courage?Thinker
    No, I'm scared!! >:O
  • Agustino
    Some women have a way of making a man think he is in control, but in reality the guy does what the girl wants anyway. That would seem like a very skillful way of dominating. And the guy is not any the wiser...lol.Lone Wolf
    That is not domination though, that is manipulation. The two are very different. Domination entails brute force used to control generally. Manipulation entails trickery used to control. They are two different means.

    but rather to a particular and often humorous tendency of a man to do whatever his girl tells him to do in simple matters that really don't make a differenceLone Wolf
    Well, let's see, why wouldn't the man do that? If the matters don't really make a difference, he'd be an idiot not to do them in the first place.

    I ABSOLUTELY do not.unenlightened
    Seems like you are already engaged in what is called mimesis unenlightened. So am I to take it that, as per your definition, I already hold the dominating position? >:)

    One is dominant in a situation where one has superior knowledge, experience, interest, strength, or whatever.unenlightened
    Absolutely wrong. One is dominant when one has what another absolutely wants, in the sense that you're using the term dominant (not that I agree with that use). If a man absolutely wants what a woman has, then she will absolutely control him. If on the other hand, a man doesn't absolutely want what a woman has, then she cannot control him, regardless of whatever else is the case. In fact, it is often the case that men resort to promiscuity in an effort not to be controlled by one woman. However, I think they actually have it worse in being controlled by vagina, that is a more serious form of slavery that they need to free themselves from. Once even that chain is thrown off, a man simply cannot be controlled. And I think actually the same applies to women. Once such a man and such a woman meet each other, their relationship is quite secure from the vicissitudes of life, since they do not need anything.

    That's the power of asceticism and renunciation.

    Whereas one is domineering when one wishes to be dominant but isn't, and that is a matter of appearances, and is all about appearing confident when one is actually insecure.unenlightened
    That depends. One is dominant when they can enforce their will (which is largely a matter of appearance, imo). Again, being dominant has little to do with whether that person feels confident or insecure. Being domineering can be, but not necessarily is, part of being dominant. It's just one possible strategy.
  • Deleted User
    We are all cowards in one way or another – male & female - sometimes. One thing is for certain in this life – things change. I may be a coward today about my finances or physical fitness; but tomorrow I can make a course correction. The same is true about ideas, feelings or just about anything. Humans are a deliberative bunch. We do stereotype – constantly – it is the nature of the beast. Men are strong – aggressive – potentially violent. Are all men this way? No, but a healthy percentage are. Women are nurturing – sexually appealing – not usually violent. Are all women this way? No, and we all change from moment to moment. What may be true today, is not necessarily so tomorrow. However certain characteristics tend to remain – especially in relation to gender.Thinker

    Yes, it is most certainly true that our feelings change very frequently. I agree. Just do not assume that because one has seen from experiences that most women are mostly gentle that they all are, or that most men are generally aggressive. I try to understand people for their individual traits, not just what everyone says they should be. Mostly this just annoys me when other people, particularly guys, assume me to be just like "all the other girls". I am not, and am tired of being told that I should be.
  • Agustino
    Mostly this just annoys me when other people, particularly guys, assume me to be just like "all the other girls". I am not, and am tired of being told that I should be.Lone Wolf
    Well, first of all, most other guys are like most other guys too, so what do you expect them to assume? It's the natural thing to assume since "all other girls" are more common than you, so until someone gets to know you, they can't do any better. Also, if you're not like "all other girls", then quite possibly you're not looking for someone like "all other guys" either, so why does it matter what (most) guys assume?

    I am not, and am tired of being told that I should be.Lone Wolf
    Well, good for you, but don't expect not to be told how you should be. I'm quite different from the norm too, being told how you should be is something that never seems to stop, just because, well, that's peer pressure. You're strong, unlike other girls, so you can deal with it.
  • Agustino
    No, they tend to think men are gullible, and this makes them intellectually inferior, and in some ways it does -- but they're prone to paranoia.Wosret
    Well of course they tend to think men are gullible, when most men can be controlled by showing a little bit of skin, a few sexy words, etc. What did you expect? Like this:

  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Yes, it is most certainly true that our feelings change very frequently. I agree. Just do not assume that because one has seen from experiences that most women are mostly gentle that they all are, or that most men are generally aggressive. I try to understand people for their individual traits, not just what everyone says they should beLone Wolf
    Well said Lone Wolf!
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum~
  • Deleted User
    That is not domination though, that is manipulation. The two are very different. Domination entails brute force used to control generally. Manipulation entails trickery used to control. They are two different means.

    Well, let's see, why wouldn't the man do that? If the matters don't really make a difference, he'd be an idiot not to do them in the first place.
    Does domination always use brute force? I think not, but rather the dominate one would be the one who is obeyed most. Manipulation is just a means to an end.
    Well, I don't know why a man would do that. If he is of the arrogant mindset that he is always dominate and should be obeyed in all matters. My example was just that, a humorous potential scenario.
  • Agustino
    Well, I don't know why a man would do that. If he is of the arrogant mindset that he is always dominate and should be obeyed in all matters. My example was just that, a humorous potential scenario.Lone Wolf
    Okay, I see.

    Does domination always use brute force? I think not, but rather the dominate one would be the one who is obeyed most. Manipulation is just a means to an end.Lone Wolf
    Depends how you define domination. In the end all domination seems to involve the other person having what you want, hence being able to control you. Cease wanting what they have, and they can't control you anymore. All means of control attempt to use your own desires against you. If you desire nothing, nobody can control you. Hence the religious emphasis that is often placed on ascetic practices.
  • Agustino
    Not smart, not a good businessman, and not a good leader.Michael
    The point is that even if S&P500 or any other index did better than Trump, that doesn't matter. Why not? Because most investors SIGNIFICANTLY LOSE MONEY. The very best investors, like Warren Buffett, average somewhere close to 15%/annum, which, when you think about it, isn't that much. The fact Trump still is a billionaire, that's more than enough to say that he has been successful. If he just sat on his money doing nothing with them, then yes, you couldn't say he's a good businessman. But he didn't. He actively played his money. The fact he didn't lose them, and increased them, that makes him a good businessman.

    And slightly unrelated, here's my favourite Trump quote:Michael
    That's the difference between a rhetorical speech, and something put in writing. You wouldn't write something like that, but a speech like that can be, and indeed is, very powerful.
  • Deleted User
    Well, first of all, most other guys are like most other guys too, so what do you expect them to assume? It's the natural thing to assume since "all other girls" are more common than you, so until someone gets to know you, they can't do any better. Also, if you're not like "all other girls", then quite possibly you're not looking for someone like "all other guys" either, so why does it matter what (most) guys assume?

    Well, good for you, but don't expect not to be told how you should be. I'm quite different from the norm too, being told how you should be is something that never seems to stop, just because, well, that's peer pressure. You're strong, unlike other girls, so you can deal with it.

    That is just it, I do not expect them to assume differently, but it is certainly annoying. And to why does it matter what other guys assume, it is because some are less than noble in actions. And I do not enjoy being seen and treated as something I am not; I just want a little respect.

    You are correct in saying it will not cease in others insisting I behave as other girls. I am familiar with proving myself to be capable doing a man's job.
  • Deleted User
    Well said Lone Wolf!
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum~

    Thank you!
  • Thinker
    Are women generally submissive to men? Yes, I think they are. Why, the reason is obvious – men are physically stronger and bigger. Most men can physically dominate a woman. Do they? Not usually if they are civilized. The point is they potentially can if they choose to do so. The reverse is not true – mostly. Most people, including men, will think twice before pushing around Ronda Rousey. Intimidation, whether it is real, imagined or implied is always present. This fact is not lost on the female intellect.

    There are other reasons women are submissive to men - for example – sexual intimacy. When a man and woman make love – both are vulnerable – but who is most vulnerable? The woman – lying down – legs spread – submits to a man. This is a holy action if done right. The woman submits to the man, trying to communicate the power of softness, the embrace of love, the intelligence of giving, the cradling of hearts desire and the holiness of communion. A woman in all her glory is trying to teach a man that her submission is a path to love – holiness - for them both. We learn love first from a mother – then from a woman lover – when we are ready to appreciate it. Unfortunately, many a man has missed this point.
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