• Janus
    I wasn't suggesting that unvaccinated people should be accused, much less convicted, of actually infecting people, so I'm not seeing your analogy here. Is it not the case that people may be confined if they are judged to be mentally by professionals ill in a way and to a degree that makes it seem likely to the psychologist(s) that makes the judgement and commit them to an institution that they will be a danger to themselves or others?
  • Prishon

    But who are the freeloaders? The people who get their free vaccinations for which I have to pay too?
  • frank
    But who are the freeloaders?Prishon

    There aren't any freeloaders.
  • Prishon

    Three times I use the word I. I am not to be blamed if I use I that many times. Why am I to blame for using I when I want to? Am I an egoist if I use I as many times as I want?
  • Prishon

    They get loaded for free.
  • James Riley
    We're discussing your seething hatred of those who didn't use your method for deciding, those who, perhaps, did not trust those institutions, who instead, did read the journals, found enough evidence there to support an alternative position. I'm asking you about your ground for thinking those people so utterly worthless as to be deserving of nothing but to be kicked to the street to die.Isaac

    I've already explained this to you Isaac. Those people you reference don't exist. They are utterly worthless as to be deserving of nothing but to be kicked to the street because that was their choice. So, when it turns out they were wrong, they want to come, on bended knee, to the very system they failed to trust, because they did some penny anti BS research in search of conformation bias, and then found it? Tough. As NOS would say: consequences. They must be made to suffer for their choices or they and no one else can learn. Right? Ask NOS. And here's the kicker: I would not feel so heartless if, in the process of their disrespectful, inconsiderate, selfish conduct they had not added to the variants, the full hospital beds, and social costs. You want to be a danger to yourself? Go for it. But don't impose your filthy disease on the rest of us.

    So, the real question is, not why these people would refuse the vax, but what kind of society raises people who think they can listen to a charlatan and somehow know better? I'll tell you what kind of society that does that: One that doesn't spend enough on education, teaching people how to think. They are all rebel and no cause.

    As I asked you before, if your decision, your chosen method of dealing with your lack of expertise, leads to injury, do you expect to be kicked to the street by those who chose differently?Isaac

    I don't remember you asking me that but I'm happy to answer. It's simple, really: Those who chose differently, yes, I would expect them to kick me to the street. After all, that is the kind of people they are.
    But I would NEVER, not in a million years, go to them for treatment.

    On the other hand, I would not expect to be kicked to the street by the system that told me to distance, mask and vax. If it turns out they were wrong, I not only expect to be treated by them, but I expect they will be the ones who discovered they were wrong and who have the knowledge and expertise to best treat me. You know: Doctors.
  • Banno
    But who are the freeloaders?Prishon

    Those who choose not to get the vaccine.

    Let's be clear: they seek an advantage at the expenses of everyone else.

    Three times I use the word I. I am not to be blamed if I use I that many times. Why am I to blame for using I when I want to? Am I an egoist if I use I as many times as I want?Prishon

    You sound like a tantruming toddler. "I, me, mine".
  • Prishon

    Nono. It are the vaccinators who seek advantage at the expense of those who dont want. A free shot! And I gotta pay! Let them pay themselves!
  • Prishon

    I havent used the word mine one mine, eeeh, time.
  • Prishon

    I cant even pass the border freely. Its my own responsibility. Its mine.lll
  • Janus
    I cant make the vaccinated ill...Prishon

    That's not true. The vaccines are not 100% effective against infection.
  • Prishon

    The chances are bigger that the vaccinated make me sick.
  • Banno
    An adult would be able to set aside their fear of a needle for the good of others.

    One begins to take an ethical position when you begin to use words such as "we", as one begins to consider the consequences of their actions for others.
  • James Riley
    That word sounds already very negative. Honestly I dont care if I got sick by the virus ir sick by the vaccination. I just dont want someone to push a needle in my arm and inject some stuff in it. Even it was for my own or others good. Unless the needle contained nice stuff...Prishon

    Here's the deal: You aren't smart enough to know if a needle contained "nice stuff." The dummies who don't vax, get covid and run to the hospital like little hypocritical babies end up getting lots of needles, some full of stuff that has not be FDA approved. All in hopes of saving their selfish lives.

    Oh, and I doubt very seriously you pay any taxes that end up funding vax. Just a guess.
  • Srap Tasmaner
    on bended kneeJames Riley

  • Janus
    The chances are bigger that the vaccinated make me sick.Prishon

    If vaccination on average reduces transmission then an unvaccinated person would be more likely to infect you than a vaccinated. On the other hand if there are sufficiently more people vaccinated than unvaccinated then that ratio even against the greater statistical likelihood that, all other things being equal, an unvaccinated person is more likely to infect you, might mean that you are more likely to be infected by a vaccinated person. If that seems unclear, then think of it this way; in the extreme case that everyone except you is vaccinated then you could only be infected, if at all, by a vaccinated person, and the likelihood that you would be infected by an unvaccinated person would then be zero.
  • James Riley
    Doubtful.Srap Tasmaner

    Yeah, they won't be able to bend a knee. They will be on a stretcher, begging through gasps and drowning on their own fluids, giving docs permission to treat them with shit that has yet to be approved by the FDA.
  • Prishon

    Do you think I dont know whats in a seringe? Im not going to any hospital ever. I dont trust medical science. In general. Unless my leg is broken or if I need methadone. Or my eyes need scars (I did radial keratotomy). Or whatever I do trust.But not for a cure against corona. That would be hypocritical indeed. For a gunshot I would certainly gi.
  • Prishon

    I dont say that the chances that I get infected by a non vaccinated one are smaller. These are bigger indeed. But the chances a vaccinated one making me sick are bigger than me making them sick.
  • Prishon

    Thats exactly the negative attitude I meant. Why should I be a dummy for not wanting something. I just dont want it. And I not wanna be saved by the same system that is responsible for the virus emerging and soteading in the first place.
  • Prishon
    I meant spreading in the first place.
  • James Riley
    Thats exactly the negative attitude I meant.Prishon

    I think some of the other kids on the playground have schooled you about all the "me me me me" BS. Of course it's going to engender a negative attitude. What, you think negative attitudes are bad? Should we all play nice? Should we all play safe together? If that's what you want, then STFU and get a vax. Think about someone besides you for a change. And if you don't, then don't be surprised when you get negativity, ostracization, consequences, cancelled.

    Oh, and if you do get a bullet or some other malady, don't go to the hospital: The beds are for Covid kids. And they may have to vax you to let you in.
  • Prishon

    Nice example. Would I get infected if I were the only non-vaccinated? But what arguments a vaccinated person can have to make me vaccinate if I dont want it. You can say you just refuse because you want to excercise your self decision right. And indeed, that is the reason. No one can make me. Even if that means I get ill. Call that stupid. The decision is not based on anything other than that I dint want it. So what? Its my life.
  • Prishon
    1mReplyOptionsJames Riley

    Who are you to tell me what to di. You soeak aboht your own views on it all the time. You you and you. STFU and let ne kive in peace. Djeezus...
  • James Riley
    Who are you to tell me what to di. You soeak aboht your own views on it all the time. You you and you. STFU and let ne kive in peace. Djeezus...Prishon

    Where did you go to school? Just curious. :lol:
  • Prishon
    I went to the VU university. Studied physics. That fucking phone is too small for mu big thumb.
  • Prishon
    7mReplyOptionsJames Riley

    Oh man! I cant stop laughing now too! Upon rereading.
  • Prishon

    And then it reads 7mReplyoptions...
  • Prishon

    Isnt it possible that people getting mad at non-vaccinators (and hinestly, I must get one if I wanna go to my family in Italy) are getting mad maybe because they are afraid of infecting them? So they cant give them a hug anymore?
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