• frank

    Janus was saying that people in developing nations should be vaccinated because otherwise new strains will evolve there that will subsequently threaten core nations. My point was that it's amazing that the US hasn't produced a VOC yet. And cases are surging here again.

    The state of Mississippi, the least vaccinated state in the US, just put up two field hospitals as they struggle with the delta variant which, as I can testify, is giving us younger patients whose course evolves very similarly to what we saw in adults with earlier strains.

    As some health official said, we were seeing women burying their parents, husbands, and brothers. Now they're burying their children.

    Those are just the facts. Americans should definitely receive boosters. Since we mainly use Pfizer and Moderna here, that shouldn't impact places like Bangladesh where the AZ vaccine would be a much better choice.
  • Isaac
    As some health official said, we were seeing women burying their parents, husbands, and brothers. Now they're burying their children.

    Those are just the facts.

    2,000 children die every day just from diarrhea. No one gave a shit. No media storm, no hysteria, no moralising those who fail to act...nothing. A thousandth of that and suddenly billions are spent, anyone who doesn't help has "blood on their hand" and you're trying to tell me this isn't a narrative, just the facts?
  • Isaac
    Americans should definitely receive boosters.frank

    So if you're no longer following the scientific advice, what are you following?
  • frank

    I don't need any science to tell me that if you buy a new garden hose, it will rain everyday for a week straight. It's the nature of reality.
  • Isaac
    I don't need any science...frank

    Says it all. When science backs the corporate agenda it's all "follow the science", as soon as it opposes it, "We don't need science...". Pathetic.
  • frank

    Are you saying buying garden hoses has nothing to do with the weather? Citation?
  • Isaac
    Are you saying buying garden hoses has nothing to do with the weather? Citation?frank

  • frank

    Well this is troubling. I'll have to change my entire outlook on life now. Thanks a lot.
  • Wheatley
    Overblown hysteria. The media have nothing better to report, and what better to draw attention than pretending there's a crisis.Tzeentch
  • Isaac
    Well this is troubling. I'll have to change my entire outlook on life now.frank

    Seems unlikely...

  • NOS4A2
    When Aussie nanny-state agents aren’t fighting covid-19 by shooting protesters with rubber bullets and teargas, arresting pregnant women over Facebook posts, jailing people for organizing protests, they are shooting dogs:

    Several impounded dogs due to be rescued by a shelter have instead been shot dead by a rural council in NSW under its interpretation of COVID-19 restrictions, alarming animal activists and prompting a government probe.

    Bourke Shire Council, in the state’s north-west, killed the dogs to prevent volunteers at a Cobar-based animal shelter from travelling to pick up the animals last week, according to council’s watchdog, the Office of Local Government.

    Rescue dogs shot dead by NSW council due to COVID-19 restrictions.
  • javi2541997

    That news completely pissed me off... When public workers or representatives are so damn useless they tend to spread their incompetency to others and even make risky actions which put people's or animal's lives in dager. This time was a poor humble dog which are the most honourable animals ever. Australia should punish so hard that NSW council as a pay back for the poor dog!
  • frank

    They're killing dogs because they're scared shitless.
  • 180 Proof


    In anticipation of this approval (in mid-September) I went ahead and got my first dose five days ago. Still feel like a guinea pig but, living as I do in the stupidest, trumpiest region of the US, the growing risk of contracting the more infectious and severe delta-variant 'persuaded' me not to wait any longer. Bring on the passports & mandates! :mask:
  • frank
    :blush: :up:

    I'm glad you didn't wait. It's surging again.
  • Janus
    They're killing dogs because they're scared shitless.frank

    They're killing dogs because they are callous shitheads. Unfortunately many country people see dogs as nothing more than a "standing (or more accurately running) resource"; it's truly horrifying to think of the kinds of lives many dogs must have in the country.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    Bring on the passports & mandates! :mask:180 Proof

    Ewwww :vomit:
  • 180 Proof
    I guess traffic lights & child-proof caps on medicine bottles make you "ewwww :vomit:" too.

  • Prishon
    The coronavirus has killed about 2,700 people so far. The flu kills roughly 60,000-70,000 people each yearTzeentch

    How wrong you were...
  • Tzeentch
    The IFR of covid-19 isn't very far from a serious flu.
  • Prishon
    The IFR of covid-19 isn't very far from a serious flu.Tzeentch

    How far away is it? A serious flu is one from which you die?
  • Isaac

    We won't really know unless recording changes.

    This data does not report cause of death, and as such represents all deaths in people with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, not just those caused by COVID-19. — UK Government reporting on SARS-Cov-2 related deaths

    I think we need to start moving away from just reporting infections, just reporting positive cases admitted to hospital, to actually start reporting the number of people who are ill because of Covid, those positives that are symptomatic. We need to be moving towards reporting hospital admissions that are admitted because of Covid, not because they just happen to be positive and they’re being admitted for something else, Otherwise as the infection becomes endemic we are going to be frightening ourselves with very high numbers that actually don’t translate into disease burden — Prof Paul Hunter, University of East Anglia speaking at the the UK All Party Commission
  • James Riley
    This data does not report cause of death, and as such represents all deaths in people with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, not just those caused by COVID-19.
    — UK Government reporting on SARS-Cov-2 related deaths

    I think we need to start moving away from just reporting infections, just reporting positive cases admitted to hospital, to actually start reporting the number of people who are ill because of Covid, those positives that are symptomatic. We need to be moving towards reporting hospital admissions that are admitted because of Covid, not because they just happen to be positive and they’re being admitted for something else, Otherwise as the infection becomes endemic we are going to be frightening ourselves with very high numbers that actually don’t translate into disease burden
    — Prof Paul Hunter, University of East Anglia speaking at the the UK All Party Commission

    Meh, who gives a shit. That sounds like the investigation into whether this was a wild bat release, or a lab release (intentional or otherwise) or a Jewish Space Laser release. Those may be important questions but it's like wondering about whether you should be in a firefight while you are in it. "Oh, gee, the geo-political complexities of international trade, and the influence of the MIC dictate that we shouldn't be in this shit-hole getting overrun by guys with bayonets. What say you, Bob?"
  • Prishon
    "Jewish Space Laser release"

  • Prishon
    "Oh, gee, the geo-political complexities of international trade, and the influence of the MIC dictate that we shouldn't be in this shit-hole getting overrun by guys with bayonets. What say you, Bob?"

    I have to admit. You make me laugh (not at you)!
  • Wayfarer
    "What say you, Bob?"James Riley


    NSW (Australia) is about to hit 1,000 daily cases, probably (today's number was 919). Still, Florida USA, similar population, is hitting around 21,000 per day, with 42,000 deaths (Australia has had 924 fatalities to date.) I guess the libertarians think that the Florida numbers are better, on account of death and serious illness is nobody's business, or that lockdowns are bad for busines. Or something of the kind. But it does seem to me that many on the 'right' are indifferent to human suffering and that trying to prevent it should always take a back seat to individual rights. (There's a comparison here.)

    That said, the Delta variant genie is not going to go back into the bottle anytime soon. The country is going flat-strap to get to 80% full vaccination rates. Attitudes have shifted hugely in the last two months, folks are queuing around the block to get a shot. The country can't stay locked down forever, but 'living with COVID' is going to pose some challenges. I'm now vaccinated but it's not 100%, and I have many friends and relatives in various stages of vaccination. And I can't see it going away any time soon.

    With regards to origins, if anyone has seen Contagion, the closing scene is spookily realistic.

  • Tzeentch
    Some flus cause more deaths than others. Covid-19 has a comparable IFR to flus that kill a relatively large amount of people, the difference being that those flus do not have mass hysteria as a side-effect.

    I fully agree: infections mean nothing for a virus that cause little to no effects in the vast, vast majority of people. Here too, much has been said of covid-19 being noted as the cause of death even if it did not contribute to the actual death of the patient. What is true of all this, I honestly do not know.

    However, I prefer to use numbers that are official, and even then I prefer to use high estimates, so as to give people no excuses to ignore them.
  • James Riley
    I fully agree: infections mean nothing for a virus that cause little to no effects in the vast, vast majority of people. Here too, much has been said of covid-19 being noted as the cause of death even if it did not contribute to the actual death of the patient. What is true of all this, I honestly do not know.Tzeentch

    A year or so ago, rather than go down a rabbit hole on co-morbidities, and whether this or that person would have died anyway, and whether reporting was accurate (under or over), and all the other nuances, I looked at annualized death rates and saw a large jump, even though people were off the roads and staying at home. I can't remember if the jump mirrored the alleged Covid death numbers but the figures were a routine thing, unrelated to Covid. That told me there might be a there there. Also noted that flue deaths were in the toilet.

    Regardless, it seems academic if your loved one is dead or dying. Kind of like gun control: when it's your kid that get's shot, the Second Amendment may not mean shit. Covid is killing people. What are the numbers? Compare that question with the inconvenience of distancing, masking and vaxxing.
  • Prishon
    the difference being that those flus do not have mass hysteria as a side-effectTzeentch

    Very good observation! There was (is?) indeed a form of mass hysteria going on! Always advantageous for the the people with power.
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