• Lif3r
    I can't say this is an objective morality. I can't assume everyone would agree even if I were able to explain it to everyone.

    I'm willing to discuss the placement of this definition, whether it be God or something else.

    I find it to be a uniting morality in and of it's core regardless of it's name or it's capability of being recognized as objective.

    "Idk I define God differently than everyone else and atheists hate it


    I already defined it. You kind of defined it too. Its everything in existence and all potential energy of existence.
    People say this definition should be a different word.
    In my mind there are enough similarities between that and the traditional definition to warrant it the same thing, but some people dont find it similar enough

    Idk if it's all knowing, but it contains all there is to know. It's responsible for our existence. We are a piece of it, and actually a piece of it that's aware of it's existence. Like a synapse firing in the brain of the essence of reality. It's almost like life is the consciousness of existence, and everything else is the muscle and bone and tissue or what have you. Kind of rambling but my point is existence is conscious, or at least we know part of it is.

    Contains all knowledge
    Created us

    All similarities in relation to the traditional definition


    all I know is that life has so much potential for a place in the universe. We have so much friggin time between now and an uninhabitable universe. The main thing is just making it into that timeline alive lol. We are in the beginning stages of consciousness. You can tell that based just on the amount of time we've existed, our progression into human, the length of time between the beginning of the universe and now, how short of a timespan it is in comparison to the predicted amounts of time before it ceases to exist,and the lack of anything else like us in existence that we can observe for millions of light years in each direction.

    I actually love this subject a lot. I think this idea has a lot of potential to lift morale because it reminds us we are all a piece of a greater thing, we are a unique and important aspect of existence, and we have a unifying goal of supporting life."
  • Lif3r
    I think if you put this in the dictionary as a definition of god it might help people consider this idea. I've been hearing people say they consider the universe god for decades, and what I'm describing is essentially the same idea, except with an outlook not only on the universe but on the very core of existence itself.

    I feel like it helps people relate the traditional definition of God with an outlook that can help them realize they are a part of all of this stuff going on everywhere, and ultimately a part that's important. What use is all of this with nothing to witness it? Nothing to process it and know it is here? We are conscious. We get to experience what existence has formed.

    But! I dont know to be honest if that's the best option or if a new word is in order.
  • Gregory

    Humans have two minds, one which the Indians call Brahmin and one they call Atman. It is a falsehood of Atman that true love is "for another" because we are all one and can love everyone without selfishness. Once distinctions fall we can be spiritually strong. Even Christian theology speaks of this in that the union between us and Jesus is so complete that his goodness becomes our goodness. This is not a hippie dream but our future
  • Lif3r
    I think we solve a lot of problems as soon as we put aside hate and start working better as a unit
  • Lif3r
    Most will say that's obvious, but few actually attempt to sort out the logistics, often because they find it an impossible task and give up.
  • Gregory

    True. You defined God as energy and if the world is enchanted and mystical then to me that makes a lot of sense. Matter is the "form" energy takes. Free will is a monkey wrench for a lot of people because they say "how can God do bad" or "can God go to hell". However, it is the ego that does bad. And free will works within the parameters of divinity. I think its entirely possible everyone goes to heaven, their true home, when they die. Humans fight because they see other people as rivals and get envious
  • Lif3r
    I would say more that energy is a part of God. What I'm referring to in the definition is any potential energy of all of existence. The word for that is Telos. Basically anything that hasn't been created yet, but will eventually come to be in one way or another.
  • Gregory

    Immanence and panentheism are words that refer to the divine inside, or a least along side, everything. We face a destiny we can't understand presently but the faith and hope is for joys that don't end. People said "all is matter" while others say "all is spirit or at least there is a dualism". Making these distinctions can be spiritual in themselves, even if someone does fit into a category
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