• Edy
    What is a man, and what ought he be in terms of authority and presence. The latest Assaults on 'toxic' masculinity have me wondering, how do we figure out what is too much or too little masculinity.

    I'm happy with my level of masculinity. But I remember seeing an ad that critisized masculinity, and now I see that criticism popping up all over social media.

    I think the family unit, as well as societies military are governing factors of masculinity. Perhaps also religion. Without enough masculitiny these social structures fall apart, as well as society. Unless they rely on another society that has these structures well established.

    Defining functional family seems difficult. So let's start with the traditional nuclear family of Mother, Father, and children. Altering this core unit, makes this discussion incredibly diverse and difficult. If your definition of a man relies on altering the core unit, then please say so.

    In any company, Government, team or any institute made up of multiple individuals, there must be one person who has ultimate responsibility. Whether its the boss, owner, president or team leader. One person at the top is responsible for the success or failure of the institute.

    In the family, the person responsible is usually the man. In a dangerous situation, its usually the man who has to step forward and put his life on the line. Whether its taking a bullet, or even just checking a noise in the back yard at night.

    It's easy to make a case for the need of masculitiny, but the question remains, how much is too much or not enough...is the even a such thing as not enough.

    I treat my wife like a Queen. She makes all the important decisions, and even if I don't agree, I humbly stand by her and enforce her decisions. But when there's times that we can't agree, I will exercise my authority, and expect my decision be supported. I present myself as a humble King, with the grace of God to guide me.

    The kids sometimes try to argue with mother, and I'll let them sort it out. But they know that what I say goes, which is why I'm casual in exercising my authority. But I need consistency, otherwise authority falls apart.

    There's a point where masculinity becomes toxic, but where is that point?
  • Pfhorrest
    how do we figure out what is too much or too little masculinityEdy

    Toxic masculinity isn't about "too much" masculinity, but about a faulty construal of what constitutes masculinity. In other words, it's when men are socially pressured to do and think and feel things that are bad, both for others and for themselves, on pain of being considered "not a real man" and therefore deficient in some way.

    Nobody's against men being as masculine as they want, so long as it's a healthy positive conception of "masculinity" that they're going after.
  • Possibility
    Toxic masculinity isn't about "too much" masculinity, but about a faulty construal of what constitutes masculinity. In other words, it's when men are socially pressured to do and think and feel things that are bad, both for others and for themselves, on pain of being considered "not a real man" and therefore deficient in some way.

    Nobody's against men being as masculine as they want, so long as it's a healthy positive conception of "masculinity" that they're going after.

    :100: Well put!
  • Olivier5
    There's a point where masculinity becomes toxic, but where is that point?Edy

    When you start to suffer and make others around you suffer because you try too hard to conform to masculinity standards.
  • Wayfarer
    When it stops listening.
  • Olivier5
    When it stops listening.Wayfarer

    That's a good one.
  • Wayfarer
    Drilled into me by.......never mind......
  • Olivier5
    Thank her for it.
  • counterpunch
    No idea. All newspeak goes directly in the lefty hogwash bin!

    My guess is it's something to do with not washing your under-carriage!
  • Wayfarer
    37 years :smile:

    But aside from the ameliorating effect of marriage, which is already noted in the OP, there’s something else that could be said. Masculinity, as a manifestation of testosterone, has an inherent drive. Male H. Sapiens are naturally primed by the four f’s of evolutionary biology - you know, feeding, fighting, fleeing or (again, never mind). That Darwinian heritage has to be de-fanged by civilisation - which is the subject of one of Freud’s great essays, Civilisation and its Discontents. He believed it was contained, albeit never perfectly, through the process of sublimation, which is to redirect those primal urges to a socially useful purpose. And that’s what politics is about. But the kind of culture we're in, pays no mind to that - in fact, it will milk frustrated masculinity for every red cent - think arms sales, and the porn industry, to mention only two.

    Of course, males have to be wise to this, and hopefully most are. But our current culture and media-political environment will encourage and exploit toxic masculinity, and you see it boiling over all the time.
  • bongo fury
    Civilisation and its Discontents.Wayfarer

    See edition of Commentary :rofl:

  • Ansiktsburk
    Not being from a Academical family but a daytimejob background, a family that have made the scandinavian class journey from poor agricultural workers in the 1800-s to now in my generation (me, my brother and all my cousins being either medical doctors or civil engineer) made the class journey to the academics, now living in academic/posh neighbourhoods filled with people whose grandfathers were wealth can see masculiny from probably a better viewpoint than one that has been in a family without social movements:

    Masculinity has, as I see it two main areas in which to exist: The family and the world.

    In the family people like those brought up in something like a republican conservative family might look back on 1958 and seeing that as the wunderland, when dad worked, mommy made food and kids were grounded if smoking.

    Having a dominant father, a rather humble mother and being from something as unusual as a Scandinavias actively Christian family I had my fair share of that. My Mother died just before the Covid and my 80+ yo father had to learn stuff like washing clothes and so. That my mother did all of until the day she passed away.

    This was NOT very good, especially when we were kids (way back in another millenia), and my mother just couldn´t cope with two strong-willed sons. But the kids and the home was her resposibility, dad brought the cash.

    Myself being married to a woman of equal education and salary as me, we have like shared everything. I wash the dishes and have forced her to be able to fix stuff that breaks down in the house, taking care of the economy and so. That works splendidly.
    Even so more, because I have a very Male view on how children should be treated and she has a very feminine one. She is kind "want to do whats best for the kids" ask them "what they want to do with their lives", while I, being from a poorer background than my wife do not tolerate any traces in my kids of being spoiled or omnipotent. My daughter and son has got a little of each, and although they do have some more sense of pressure to produce results, they seem to do good in University, and will not be drones but people that really contribute to mean human lifetime and human comfortability.

    Because the other area is the world. And the world is a place which, for humans have become a tremendously much better place than in the 18th century. And it continues to be better and better. Fewer and fewer people are poor. Fewer and fewer wars are fought. For sure there are problems with ecosystems and so, but the solutions to that will be in the same area as fixed mean lifetime.

    And that is where Masculinity comes in. Face it - what big contribution to human welfare has a woman´s name? What really big scientific discovery? For sure, women have not had the same chances to education and such in earlier times, but they do have those chances now. Guys do invent stuff. That testosterone, Darwin published Origin Of Species earlier than he had intended, to make sure he got the honor, other guys were on the track too.
    Women do great good too, but that is more in terms of making a case for humanity. I do not doubt that the reduction in warfare can be traced back to womenly influence including suffrage.

    So guys push forward and girls moderate. We see a very interesting fight on this subject among caucasians in my Scandinavian home country. Among people of education, the people that will be politically influential - The question of refugees from middle east and Africa. We have admiitted a tremendous lot of immigrants to come to our country. Something that on a humanitarian point of view seem like a good idea, but at the same time, a very large crowd of people from a totally other culture has seen a tremendous lot of problems, murder, rape, beatings of "whities" and a very large unemployment. And through that, a Racism that did not exist before. Generally, a lot of guys goes to the half nazi party that used to be like 4% and now is like 20% in our elections, while women of academy tend to vote for the red-green party that hails Greta Thunberg and want to admit an unlimited number of refugees to our country.

    There, some Yin and Yang for you... The solution? Governments that can take a Yin and Yang look at stuff. In my country the feminine view has been a little too dominant for a couple of decades, while the Middle East countries would fare well with a little more, probably.
  • ssu
    When does wokeness become toxic? :smirk:
  • baker
    When it stops listening.Wayfarer
    To listen is not to be a man.
  • Harry Hindu

    Nobody's against men being as masculine as they want, so long as it's a healthy positive conception of "masculinity" that they're going after.Pfhorrest
    In other words, you can be as masculine as you want as long as your version of masculinity conforms to someone elses version if masculinity. :roll:

    Should we also consider extreme feminism as a problem? What about when opposing extreme feminism is deemed extreme masculinity? This is what is happening: opposing extremism is now considered extremist.
  • Jack Cummins

    The relationship between toxic masculinity is an interesting area. Because we could ask to whom is the masculinity toxic? In some senses it can be toxic to the man if it involves being confined to traditional interests, such as football and male orientated jobs.

    On the other hand, it can be toxic on the level of toxicity which is about keeping women in their place, such as the view that women should be at home, in the kitchen, as housewives. I remember being at school and one of my teachers telling me that a lot of heated discussion took place between the teachers in the staff room, along this line.

    Most people don't think any longer that men should be the breadwinners and women as housewives. However, there are some who think that way, mainly those from a generation who were taught this value. But, of course there are still some chauvinistic attitudes which are subject to scrutiny. I know one man who actually calls himself a feminist. We could ask if it makes sense to identify as a 'feminist man', or is it a contradiction in terms?
  • Hanover
    What about toxic femininity, toxic transsexuality, toxic oldness, toxic youngness, etc? It seems the bad word here is "toxic," so the moral is that you shouldn't do things that are poison or whatever toxic means.
  • Kenosha Kid
    In other words, you can be as masculine as you want as long as your version of masculinity conforms to someone elses version if masculinity.Harry Hindu

    Tbf that's true of all things. Basically: do what you want, just don't be a dick. You found God, great! Just don't be a dick about it. You like a drink, great! Just don't be a dick about it. You want to be the manliest man you can be, go for it! Just don't be a dick about it.

    Toxic men reserve the right to be a dick about it.

    Should we also consider extreme feminism as a problem?Harry Hindu

    Toxic women too.

    Don't get me started on toxic prepubescence. Little dicks.
  • Ciceronianus
    Masculinity becomes toxic when men begin worrying about their masculinity.
  • Uglydelicious
    We could ask if it makes sense to identify as a 'feminist man', or is it a contradiction in terms?Jack Cummins

    I wouldn’t consider that a contradiction, since feminism is characterized by a desire for equality of the sexes. Is desiring equality a contradiction to what it means to be a man? If so, that would probably be quite a toxic thing.

    As for the question posited by the OP, “toxic masculinity” to me seems to me when the expectations of masculinity limit or degrade positive social functioning. For example, when expectations of being a man prevent men from expressing emotions in a healthy way. Some refer to this as “emotional castration” that is inflicted on little boys who grow to find themselves in a world where they cannot express emotions effectively, leading to outbursts of anger or aggression. That is toxic for them, and for their communities.

    Dividing traits and characteristics between masculinity and femininity can serve to create a false dichotomy that limits how people move through the world. An interesting example that avoids toxicity is some indigenous treatments of gender whereby the masculine and feminine are seen to be two parts that live within each person in balance. The warrior inside represents a person’s masculine energies, while the creative and intuitive nature is drawn from their feminine energy. There is more to be said on this, but I’d have to dig up a book I’ve already packed for moving house. This treatment of masculine/feminine leaves space for the individual to exist on a spectrum of dichotomous ideas without limiting a person based on genitalia.

    Masculinity really becomes toxic when it puts men in boxes that don’t actually fit who they are beyond their sexual identity. The same for femininity. I suppose the toxicity has a good deal to do with how masculinity and femininity limit people’s world and case them to interact with others in ways that are not pro-social or have negative consequences to the culture.
  • Jack Cummins

    Yes, I think that the less we put people into little boxes the better. I don't want to become 'Jack in the Box'. We are becoming used to having to tick more and more boxes, on more and more forms, increasingly.
  • frank
    What is a man, and what ought he be in terms of authority and presence. The latest Assaults on 'toxic' masculinity have me wondering, how do we figure out what is too much or too little masculinity.Edy

    The word "authority" pops out at me here, along with the fact that "Assault" starts with a capital A as if it's an enshrined religious rite.

    So this is like one of Hitler's speeches about how German men need to stop being a bunch of pussies and get their Viking on. Grab your horn hat and storm something.

    Real men don't need to broadcast their beastliness, tho.
  • ssu
    In other words, you can be as masculine as you want as long as your version of masculinity conforms to someone elses version if masculinity. :roll:Harry Hindu
    And not to just someone, but a specific vocal and dominant group that defines what is good or 'toxic' in the World we live today (among other things).

    Any reference to anything with "Toxic x" has this special narrative and a distinct ideology behind it. I think it is far better to dissect "toxicity" in this case to something more accurately defined: are you specifically talking about sexual harassment, sexism, misogynism, male chauvinism, homophobia, male priviledge or simply bullying. Those terms open up far more better for people who don't know the toxic masculinity narrative. Besides, referring to toxic masculinity makes one think that the person is referring to that masculinity is toxic.
  • Olivier5
    29 years here... :-)

    Like always, the dose makes the toxicity. You have to allow for a little masculine assertiveness once in a while. The women who castrate their men don't have a good time in bed. Masculinity, like feminity, they spice up life.
  • Uglydelicious
    Do you mind if I ask: what is masculine assertiveness? How does it differ from general assertiveness? Is there a feminine assertiveness? Is there prepubescent assertiveness?
  • Pfhorrest
    Masculinity becomes toxic when men begin worrying about their masculinity.Ciceronianus the White

    :100: :up:

    What about toxic femininity, toxic transsexuality, toxic oldness, toxic youngness, etc? It seems the bad word here is "toxic," so the moral is that you shouldn't do things that are poison or whatever toxic means.Hanover

    Sure thing. The phrase "toxic masculinity" doesn't mean "masculinity, which is toxic", but "a form of masculinity that is toxic". There can be a form of pretty much anything that is toxic. The "toxic" in "toxic masculinity" is specifically to differentiate it from other, perfectly okay kinds of masculinity.
  • Wayfarer
    Of course. Balance in all things. Very Aristotelian!
  • Olivier5
    what is masculine assertiveness? How does it differ from general assertiveness?Uglydelicious

    Not sure that it does differ from general assertiveness.
  • Olivier5
    Balance in all things. Very Aristotelian!Wayfarer

    According to Wiki, the idea dates from the renaissance, and from a physician:

    "The dose makes the poison" is an adage intended to indicate a basic principle of toxicology. It is credited to Paracelsus who expressed the classic toxicology maxim "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison."
  • Wayfarer
    Sound principle!
  • Olivier5
    It goes beyond the essentialist idea that some things are bad and others are good by nature. I believe it applies to gender roles and differences. A touch of contrast between men and women, between feminity and masculinity, is not a bad thing per say.
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