• Baden

    Rather extreme language, but at least you two are bang on topic.
  • Hanover
    Maybe if it was intended as an insult?Michael

    If intended to insult is defined as insult, then the statement "I intended to insult you, but I failed" would be a logical contradiction, but it's not, so your explanation isn't correct, correct?
  • Hanover
    Rather extreme language, but at least you two are bang on topic.Baden

    Calling a male a cunt is a European thing. I'd not heard that before, but I always like to learn new usages. I've heard it to be used to women of course, but such is considered nuclear. To a man, it'd be comical. It'd be like calling a woman a penis.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    Half a second with SLX should tell you which side of that fence he stands on. It was just an interesting dialogue to me because there are plenty of Americans who feel the system is beyond reform, yet are still being told to basically shut up and vote Biden. I personally don't have a dog in this fight but I did feel sympathetic towards SLX despite us warring a little previously.
  • praxis
    Half a second with SLX should tell you which side of that fence he stands on.BitconnectCarlos

    I honestly couldn't say. So pragmatist or ideolog?
  • Streetlight
    Ugh, there is literally no one here that plays more identity politics than you.


    Anyway, because people have, I dunno, sub elementary school reading abilities or something, for like the 45th time, I ain't telling no one how to vote. Well. Except not for Trump because well obviously fuck you and die if you do.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    I'm not playing idpol here. My idpol is mild at best, if you want serious idpol look to who you were arguing with earlier. It's one thing to discuss ideology and differences in ideas and to put people in relative ideological camps, it's another to view the entire world as essentially a struggle between ethnic groups or classes or sex. I do the former. You won't see me doing the latter. That's real idpol.
  • tim wood
    I ain't telling no one how to vote. Well. Except not for Trump because well obviosuly fuck you and die if you do.StreetlightX
    First ray of sunshine and common sense in this thread for a while (excepting my own posts of course).
  • Streetlight
    No no don't try make yourself feel better about it, you can't go one conversation in this thread without playing idpol. It's fine, it's what you do, but you should be aware it.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    Ok, by identifying different ideologies and watching them argue and favoring one side over the other I was playing idpol. I admit my guilt. I was rooting for you, Streetlight.
  • Merkwurdichliebe


    I speak in that accent in all of my posts on TPF.
  • Streetlight
    Thanks I guess. It just really grates on me when people warble over who or what you are, rather than what you say, positive or negative.

    And this on an anonymous forum!

    But really also stop playing idpol all the time.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    Streetlight, I don't know who you are or what you are. All I know about you is what you say. My entire idea of you is based on what you say. I'm here to discuss ideas, not people.
  • Streetlight
    Everything you've written to/about me recently has been about trying to triangulate me on some imaginary left spectrum somewhere. Have you really not noticed? Anyway I really don't give a damn, it's just free advice, can we go back to shitting on American leaders again.

    Edit: try this as an exercise - get through 5 political posts without using the word 'left'. You might find it interesting.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    I only mention the 'left' because of their ideas. I'm not talking about them as people. I notice ideas or philosophies that are different, which makes you unique. That is why I am mentioning you. "Left" is useful because it can describes a certain set of ideas or values.
  • Streetlight
    Whatever makes you feel better about idpol dude.
  • praxis
    "Left" is useful because it can describes a certain set of ideas or values.BitconnectCarlos

    Discrete identities are useful for politicians to manipulate an unsuspecting public, so in order to not be fooled, it may be better to focus on the ideas and values expressed in what others say and do.
  • Benkei
    If intended to insult is defined as insult, then the statement "I intended to insult you, but I failed" would be a logical contradiction, but it's not, so your explanation isn't correct, correct?Hanover

    What? That's not a logical contradiction at all. I intended to score with basketball but I failed.

    I take back calling you reasonable because of this silly mistake. :razz:

    In any case, I would imagine many people would've been insulted or feel disrespected or not taken seriously so I can then call something "insulting". That post I set out things I consider a problem and your reaction is basically "those aren't problems". There's of course no way I'm going to take your problems seriously if you can't take mine seriously.

    That said, I wish I had more time to start a thread about the information apocolypse.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    You describe the term like it's propaganda or something, but I find it helpful and interesting to know where people are coming from politically/ideologically and "left" is a useful descriptor. Discourse between two individuals doesn't just occur in a vacuum, it occurs against a large network of ideas and background assumptions from both sides. Argument within a certain "side" or movement is often more interesting and insightful than argument between different sides because there's more potential for common ground and understanding as well as nuance, as opposed to just arguing with someone who has a completely different values or few shared values.

    I know SLX's left is different from yours or 180s, but it's interesting to me to basically plot these differences and gain an understanding of them so I can better communicate with people. I understand that labeling someone as "left" is just a starting point, but it still conveys information and helps me communicate with others by knowing what to might be productive to say and what likely won't.
  • praxis

    You appear to have bought the propaganda that people may have completely different values.
  • NOS4A2

    Here’s a number of investigations regarding Trump, his family, his campaign, the Trump organization. Lobbying violations, inflated insurance claims, hush money payments, tax practices, campaign contributions etc. I’m sure they’ll let you know if they find anything.


    Let’s hope the Biden family’s dealings will receive the same scrutiny.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    Some people do have very different values, others have some shared. It's a mix. I'm certainly not saying that all Democrats and all Republicans share no values. Check out Haidt's studies on this, there are genuine differences between ideologies.
  • NOS4A2
    A US-brokered deal has been reached between Isreal and Sudan, marking another win for Arab-Isreali relations. In exchange Sudan will be taken off the state-sponsored terrorist list, but first they had to pay the compensation for the victims of American embassy bombings.


    Previous administrations and their nanny-state allies could only ever dream of such advances in Middle East peace.
  • NOS4A2
    Here’s the Giuliani scene from the new Borat.

    It’s deceptively edited, but clearly he’s tucking in his pants after she removes the microphone from him. A dupe’s idea of a story is a still-shot from deceptively edited Borat film. So awesome.
  • Mr Bee
    Let’s hope the Biden family’s dealings will receive the same scrutiny.NOS4A2

    I'll assure you that the GOP will Benghazi the living hell out of this for the next 4 years.

    Anyways, the COVID death toll is currently sitting at 55500 Benghazi's and counting. GOP remains silent.
  • NOS4A2

    I'll assure you that the GOP will Benghazi the living hell out of this for the next 4 years.

    Anyways, the COVID death toll is currently sitting at 55500 Benghazi's and counting. GOP remains silent.

    Comparing Benghazi and coronavirus? No strand of chewing gum could connect the two.
  • Mr Bee
    Yeah, COVID is 55500 times worse.
  • NOS4A2

    A global pandemic is worse than Benghazi? Man, I never would have figured that out.
  • Mr Bee
    Your party hasn't.
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