• Echarmion
    Yeah, it's not like South Korea was the worst affected country after China at the start of the pandemic...
  • Chester
    Those Asian countries are completely different to Western ones...their populations tend to be easy to control...as we are seeing in the States right now Westerners don't always obey their governments...which can be a good thing.

    Another thing, who is to say that what looks like failure now may be good in the long run...herd immunity if there is a second wave...the Norwegians seem to think lock down may have been a mistake.
  • praxis
    ...even the Norwegians are admitting that lock down may have been a bad idea because of the economic costs and the fact that they have built no herd immunity unlike Sweden.Chester

    Sweden isn’t even close to herd immunity. And what, if there were no lock-downs people would dutifully go to work and continue being good consumers, regardless of the risks?
  • Chester
    Sweden is closer to herd immunity than Norway. Sweden also maintained sensible distancing rules...not having lock down isn't the same as running around like loons!
  • 180 Proof
    The red pill, Alice ...

    Good luck with that "dittohead" MAGAt cluster-FOX'd Noise - tRumptard is as tRumptard does - you're probably not as misinformed or hypocritical or stupid as your posts suggest, just malignantly tribal & selfish AF like that dead twat tweeting in the WH.
  • Chester
    You look at something like the video I just linked to , and you know what, some of you are culpable for those events.
  • Benkei
    Do you have an argument other than stating the opposite? I already explained by example how a small country will come off a lot worse in the short term than a large country. The virus spreads at more or less the same speed so in the short term, all things being equal deaths per million will be higher in smaller countries. Mortality rate is therefore uninformative until such time as herd immunity starts to kick in - in which case you're going to start to notice difference in quality of health care.
  • Chester
    I think you are wrong...if a big percentage of the population in a large country live in big , inter-connected, cities then your premise fails.
  • 180 Proof
    If you're more concerned about sporadically violent resistance to domestic terrorism than to the systemic domestic terrorism & violence itself, how are you not, then, part of the fucking problem? :shade:
  • fdrake

    Your "source" edited out the white storeowner charging a black skateboarder with a fucking sword.
  • Chester
    I think it's important to bring the video link that I used on the previous page to this one in order to highlight what the left's protest really is...

  • Benkei
    You really didn't read the original reply did you or the last where I state "all things being equal"?
  • NOS4A2

    I’m not aware of any evidence of Antifa agitators, but Barr’s recent statements and Trump’s tweets suggest they have enough intelligence to make this move.
  • Chester
    Wallow in your protest ...filth. Even if that man ran at them with a weapon to protect his property so what? They piled into him when he was already defenceless...utter scum.If he dies it's on leftist "protesters".
  • Chester
    All things are never equal...we live in a place called reality and in this place the US has done no worse than most advanced European countries.
  • Streetlight
    One could see how a wannabe fascist would be scared of antifacists.
  • Maw
    James Wood is a washed up actor turned twitter fascist
  • Chester
    You haven't got a fucking clue what fascism is.
  • Chester
    Don't shoot the messenger just because you don't like the message.
  • Streetlight
    It begins with bootlickers like you, of course.
  • Chester
    antifa are the fucking very definition of fascism.
  • Chester
    They even dress in black to give morons a fucking clue...
  • Maw
    antifa are the fucking very definition of fascism.Chester

    Does your mom help you dress in the morning? Does she pick out the cloths the night before?
  • NOS4A2

    It certainly isn’t about the injustice of George Floyd’s murder anymore. They gunned down an officer in Oakland, not because he had anything to do with the assassination of George Floyd, but because he was wearing a uniform.

  • Streetlight
    It certainly isn’t about the injustice of George Floyd’s murder anymore.NOS4A2

    Damn straight it isn't.
  • 180 Proof
    antifa are the fucking very definition of fascism.
    — Chester

    Does your mom help you dress in the morning? Does she pick out the cloths the night before?
  • praxis

    The point about the economy is that a downturn was inevitable. It only takes the slightest prick to deflate a balloon. A wide range of things could do it. You can't blame 'leftists' or even the virus for spoiling the Ponzi scheme, though you might take partial blame yourself for playing up the lefty/righty bullshit rather than looking at the real problem.
  • creativesoul
    The point about the economy is that a downturn was inevitable. It only takes the slightest prick to deflate a balloon. A wide range of things could do it. You can't blame 'leftists' or even the virus for spoiling the Ponzi scheme, though you might take partial blame yourself for playing up the lefty/righty bullshit rather than looking at the real problem.praxis

    Ding ding ding ding ding....
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