• Streetlight
    Police are literally a public health risk for black people - black men in particular - in the US. It's an incredible 'stupidity' that just so-happens to kill black people at a rate of 2.5x that of white people. Just one of those inexplicable, magic things that happens because of 'stupidity'.

    Of course when it happens to pretty white women, the chances of conviction go up, magically up. Also helps if the cop in question has a name like Mohamed Noor.
  • Harry Hindu
    Police are literally a public health risk for black people - black men in particular - in the US. It's an incredible 'stupidity' that just so-happens to kill black people at a rate of 2.5x that of white people. Just one of those inexplicable, magic things that happens because of 'stupidity'.StreetlightX
    The article says that it is young black men. Race is only a third of the description. The other two being age and sex. So how does it follow that it can only be racism is the cause of all these deaths? If it were racism, then age and sex wouldn't seem to matter, would it?
  • Streetlight
    Go play apologetics somewhere else.
  • Harry Hindu
    Seriously, though. Try taking off those politically partisan goggles for once and you won't make so many category errors.
  • Streetlight
    Says the bootlicker.
  • Harry Hindu
    The fact that you seem satisfied with these kinds of responses to my logical arguments speaks volumes about your lack of maturity.

    You're statements say nothing about me, because your making a category error - an ad hominem - but says a lot about how you can't handle logical arguments that contradict your interpretation of the data you've provided. This is how delusional people behave.
  • TheMadFool
    Not common enough to matter but common enough to mind.
  • Benkei
    So if the article had stated "black person" it would be a racist thing? Or if he was described as a black, fat, stuttering, shy, ugly, young man, we are to investigate whether there is a possibility they just didn't like shy people?

    Funny guy!
  • Harry Hindu
    So if the article had stated "black person" it would be a racist thing? Or if he was described as a black, fat, stuttering, shy, ugly, young man, we are to investigate whether there is a possibility they just didn't like shy people?

    Funny guy!
    Show me the quote you are referring to from which this line of thinking would follow. I just don't see it, so you must be assuming more than what I have said, just as SLX assumes more than what the data they provided is showing.
  • Benkei
    The article says that it is young black men. Race is only a third of the description.Harry Hindu

  • Hanover
    As some additional video indicates, Arbery had been trespassing onto a construction site, had been noticed by two neighbors, who then called the police, who then armed themselves seeking justice, and who then came upon the perpetrator.

    Now here's the problem. Arbery runs from the construction site behind the pickup truck and then he circles around and grabs the shotgun of the guy on the ground. They then wrestle over the gun and Arbery gets shot by the shotgun, not by the sniper in the truck bed.

    Driving around with a shotgun and playing policeman isn't illegal. In fact, citizen arrests are legal. Is it complete dumbassery to walk the streets with a shotgun in search of prowlers? Of course. But, if what is shown to have happened is that there was a gun shot motivated by someone coming after a legally armed person, you've got a very different question.

    Notes to self: Don't chase suspects with shotguns and don't grab at someone's shotgun. We all get that. But the question turns to whether there was an illegal act committed by the shooters, not whether people are stupid and not whether they're racist.

    I'd say the same thing if a white guy were grabbing at a black person's gun too, but I acknowledge that the race issue clouds this whole analysis.
  • frank
    But the question turns to whether there was an illegal act committed by the shooters,Hanover

    Shouldn't that have been investigated? The DA decided not to.
  • 180 Proof
    Ahmaud Arbery was killed by two white men in Georgia last [ February 23rd ] Though the local authorities were aware of it, no charges were made. If not for Arbery's cousin, who brought the story to a newspaper, the death of Arbery would have gone unnoticed.

    My question is: how common is this in Georgia? In the US? In the world? What factors make it more likely to happen?
    As a Black, native New Yorker, now living in Georgia (formerly resident of Arizona, Minnesota, Washington DC, Virginia & California), I've observed since coming of age in the 1970s that summary executions (i.e. lynchings, or murders-with-impunity) of unarmed Black men, women & children are TOO COMMON in Georgia as well as in the US as whole. Centuries of structural inequalities and institutionalized racial discrimination make what amounts to customary-normative 'domestic white terrorism' a (seemingly) intractable, clear and present danger, not only to American Blacks, but to all of our fellow citizens of color. The current pandemic exposes - as the HIV scourge of the 1980s, etc had exposed - these US Constitution-established, legalized civic & social pathologies.
  • Hanover
    Shouldn't that have been investigated? The DA decided not to.frank

    The cover up was fucked up. There's now a new DA assigned who has no political connections to the area, so we'll expect all avenues to be explored.
  • Hanover
    As a Black, native New Yorker, now living in Georgia (formerly resident of Arizona, Minnesota, Washington DC, Virginia & California), I've observed since coming of age in the 1970s that summary executions (i.e. lynchings, or murders-with-impunity) of unarmed Black men, women & children is TOO COMMON in Georgia as well as in the US as whole. Centuries of structural inequalities and institutionalized racial discrimination make what amounts to customary-normative 'domestic white terrorism' a (seemingly) intractable, clear and present danger, not only to American Blacks, but to all of our fellow citizens of color. The current pandemic exposes - as the HIV scourge of the 1980s, etc had exposed - these US Constitution-established civic & social pathologies.180 Proof

    The numbers don't support this claim. More whites are killed by blacks than are blacks killed by whites and more blacks are killed by blacks than either. https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-09-29/race-and-homicide-in-america-by-the-numbers

    Don't get me wrong, as there is something particularly heinous of any murder that is motivated by race (and that number we don't know). I liken this to the 9/11 deaths. Those number of deaths pale in comparison to the number of Americans killing Americans, but what makes it heinous is that the attack is seen as an attack on America, a value system, a way of life, and an identity. I completely agree that race based murderers deserve a special place in hell and that their murders carry the added weight of terrorism, but I disagree that it's pandemic, common, or a true existential threat.
  • frank
    The current pandemic exposes - as the HIV scourge of the 1980s, etc had exposed - these US Constitution-established civic & social pathologies.180 Proof

    This was hard not to notice from the get-go (for me). Statistics show that blacks contract coronavirus at a higher rate, but once in the ICU things even out. I'm not sure what that means.
  • Banno

    Reckon that about sums it up.
  • Baden

    Yep. Dumb white liberty freaks can literally take over government buildings while armed with assault rifles and the police do nothing. A black guy with a foil wrapped sandwich on the other hand, immediate threat, gun him down.
  • Hanover
    Yep. Dumb white liberty freaks can literally take over government buildings while armed with assault rifles and the police do nothing. A black guy with a foil wrapped sandwich on the other hand, immediate threat, gun him down.Baden

    The sandwich shooting: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/oct/09/st-louis-police-officer-shoots-dead-black-teenager-off-duty

    The ballistics test showed the unarmed man fired several rounds at the officer.

    The famous Woolworth sit ins in the 60s by those fighting for liberty did result in some arrests - of white counterprotestors.

    Is the unnuanced view just easier, so you take it?

    Racism is crushing, horrible, and evil. You don't better understand it than me and your sense of compassion is not more advanced than mine. But you're seeing it as the cause of any bad thing that comes the way of any minority is just blind bias.
  • Baden
    The sandwich shootingHanover

    I wasn't referring to any specific shooting.

    The famous Woolworth sit ins in the 60s by those fighting for liberty did result in some arrests - of white counterprotestors.Hanover


    You don't better understand it than me and your sense of compassion is not more advanced than mine.Hanover

    Quote me where I claimed that. Or even mentioned you.

    But you're seeing it as the cause of any bad thing that comes the way of any minority is just blind bias.Hanover

    Quote me where I claimed that.

    This is getting boring. There is nothing at all of substance in your post.

    Anyhow, do you believe armed militia groups should be allowed to take over government buildings? Let's try that with Black Lives Matter and see what happens.
  • Baden
    And yes, the second part of my original post was hyperbolic, but the first was simply describing a fact.

  • Baden
    Unbelievable by the way that you would compare unarmed protesters risking their lives for the cause of racial equality to a bunch of spoilt bitches with huge guns fighting for the right to spread a deadly virus to the old and vulnerable.
  • Banno
    Thinking with his amygdala again.
  • Baden

    Not very hard to spot the difference, really:
  • Banno
    It's the pants.
  • Banno
    “You know, they didn’t make arrests because they saw the video, they made the arrests because we saw the video. Remember that.”
  • frank

    Does this happen in Australia?
  • Banno
    Not so much. We don't have the same gun culture. You can't just wander around with a rifle down here. But moreover, folk don't feel such a need. We're not as fearful.

    So a bit more subtlety is involved, usually in the form of police ineptitude.

    Ms Dhu was one.
  • frank
    For some reason the hospital didn't x-ray her chest. Do you think that was due to racism?
  • Banno
    Not my call. There's a long discussion of the need for much better rapport between indigenous communities and health workers. It's an intractable issue.

    From the inquest:
    Recommendation No. 5 : In connection with medical information provided by medical staff to police on the health of detainees the State Coroner made the following recommendation:

    I recommend that Parliament consider whether legislative change is required in order to allow medical clinicians to provide the Western Australia Police Service with sufficient medical information to manage a detainee’s care whilst in police custody. Allied to this is a consideration of the safeguards concerning that information.

    The core issue, though, is that she was imprisoned for fine defaulting.

    Taya Day is a more recent case of public drunkenness. Note that a white woman picked up for the same offence on the same day got a lift home. Odd, that.
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