• Nobeernolife
    Ditto in Christianity and the bible to those who want to interpret it that way. Right wing Christians do.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Do you have a reference where a) the bible and b) the bible thumpers call for the DEATH of homosexuals?
    Please show it, otherwise I call BS on you.
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    and it was not that long ago when segregation was a very ugly reality including terrorism to keep the dark skinned people powerless.Athena

    I am surprised to see you make such a false premise.

    You put it in the past when it is still the reality in the U.S.

    I see the institutionalized discrimination against your colored people, who fill your jails, as a good way to stop colored reproduction and keep the whites always in the top position.

    This ongoing abuse I see as an ongoing genocide of whites against the colored as it not only effects those in jail but also the economic and social growth of the colored.

    Some will not see that as a good analogy to what Hitler did but I see the same results when I look at the big picture.

    A fascist regime, be it Hitler's or the U.S.'s, always favors it's own over any other race.

    I see us all as slaves to our oligarch owners but if I was black, for instance, I would see it as masa trying to kill off all the field n word, while favoring the off color piccaninnies and house n word s.

  • Nobeernolife
    Looks true to me. The Christian right not only elected Bush Jr. and Cheny, but they got them reelected after the wrongful invasion of Iraq. We could also speak of the Zionist Christians and Israel's failure to meet United Nations mandates and Trump's approval of Israel's land grab and the Christian Right that supports him.Athena

    I do not know what this mysterious "Christian right" is supposed to be, but Americans also elected Obama and Clinton with their absolutely horrific and misguided destruction of Libya, destabilization of Syria, and support of the Muslim Brotherhood all over the world. TWICE. You blame "Christian right" for that too?
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Please tell me the passages where Yaweh directly instructs his followers to hate and fight the followers of other existing religions. Thanks.

    Can I expect.... crickets?

    Don't work so hard to be a G D ass hole. You are naturally one, it seems, and do not have to try so hard.

    You herd it from this grouchy old fuck and if you disgust me, you must have one hell of an impact on nicer people like Athena.

    Luke 19:27 But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.

    Qur'an 8:7 "Allah wished to confirm the truth by His words: `Wipe the infidels out to the last.'"

  • Nobeernolife
    Luke 19:27 But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    I do not see how that is direct command from Yahweh to the Yaweh believers to hate and fight the followers of specific other religions.
    Do you have a RELEVANT quote?

    And spare your name-calling,,,, that is no substitute for an argument.
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    We could also speak of the Zionist Christians and Israel's failure to meet United Nations mandates and Trump's approval of Israel's land grab and the Christian Right that supports him.Athena

    I did not read or hear Trump speak to the land grab issue but the right wing of Christianity is urging Israel both in words and cash to rebuild the temple and bring on Armageddon.

    The stupidity of god intervening aside, I have to wonder what the Muslim world would do if Israel actually retook the mount and kicked the Muslims out.

    A nuke to the mount is not that far out of the question as retaliation.

  • christian2017
    We today also oppress our poor by keeping them poor with our taxing systems.

    In ancient city states with finite resources, baby sacrifice would have been seen as better than creating starvation for the workers who grew and harvested the food that sustained the tribe, whatever name it held.

    To think it was done regularly by custom would have had that tribe eventually dwindle to nothing.
    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Abortion hasn't brought are numbers to nothing and it similar to child/human sacrifice. Its a matter of amount and spectrum. You should do some research on the ancient Amorites. Have you ever read the book of Isaiah or Jeremiah (to find out more about the ancient Israelites).
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Please show it, otherwise I call BS on you.Nobeernolife

    I call B.S. on you ignoring history and reality and wanting me to be your research bitch.

    I think we are done here a hole.

  • christian2017
    Alcohol is the only psychotropic drug known to kill brain cells. For that reason, I think it is more moral to use other substances for intoxication. Alcohol also creates more violence than many of the other drugs we have access to. Do unto others. We have all heard the joke of ---- what would you like to see coming at you in a car. A drunk going 120 who thinks he is going 100 or a pot smoker going 80 while thinking he is going 100. If one is going to get hit, one would hope for a pot intoxicated person over a drunk. Pot seems to be the more moral drug.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    alcohol can be consumed in less amounts. Jesus Christ drank alcohol. Great weed is slightly more moral but it does kill brain cells and thats been proven. Weed is hard to measure for intoxication when someone is pulled over after they used it.
  • christian2017
    Abortion is forgivable but it is murder.
    — christian2017

    You misuse the language.
    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Why do you say that? You misuse the langauge. Abortion is murder but is forgivable. Why do you say otherwise?
  • Athena
    Do you have a reference where a) the bible and b) the bible thumpers call for the DEATH of homosexuals?
    Please show it, otherwise I call BS on you.

    Really you are not aware of news in the USA and Christians interpreting the Bible to justify discrimination and even brutalizing of homosexuals?

    Nazi Germany
    While many of the Christian majority countries in Europe, the Americas and Asia had begun to decriminalise homosexuality by the mid 20th century, Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party, with intense far-right nationalist support, outlawed homosexual groups and included homosexuals as one of the minority groups sent to concentration camps. An estimated 3000-9000 homosexuals died in concentration camps between 1933 and 1945, with another 2000-6000 survivors made to serve the rest of their sentence in prison under Paragraph 175.

    United Kingdom
    From 1533 the capital felony for any person to "commit the detestable and abominable vice of buggery with mankind or beast", was repealed and re-enacted several times, until it was reinstated in 1563 remaining unchanged until 1861.[26] The last execution took place on 27 November 1835 when James Pratt and John Smith were hanged at Newgate.

    One source claims the last execution for sodomy in the British Empire happened in the Colony of Tasmania (now part of Australia) in 1867.[27]

    United States and colonial America
    See also: Sodomy laws in the United States
    Colonial America had the laws of the United Kingdom, and the revolutionary states took many of those laws as the basis of their own, in some cases verbatim.[26] The last law where the death penalty was on the statute books was South Carolina, the old British law was not repealed until 1873, twelve years after the mother country.[26]

    The number of times the penalty was carried out is unknown. Records support two executions, and a number of more uncertain convictions, such as "crimes against nature".[26]

    I doubt if we would be speaking of this if individuals didn't take matters into the own hands and act on that same mentality of the past, killing and persecuting homosexuals today.

    Search Results
    Web results
    History of violence against LGBT people in the United States ...
    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › History_of_violence_against_LGBT_peo...
    The history of violence against LGBT people in the United States is made up of assaults on gay men, lesbians, bisexual, and transgender individuals (LGBT), ...

    ‎Violence against LGBT ... · ‎1990–1999 · ‎2000–2009 · ‎2010–2019
    Significant acts of violence against LGBT people - Wikipedia
    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Significant_acts_of_violence_against_LG...
    Jump to United States - The police had historically described his death as suicide, but a 2017 inquest — the third on his death — admitted he was murdered ...

    US man charged with triple murder targeting LGBT victims - BBC
    https://www.bbc.com › news › world-us-canada-48564480
    Jun 7, 2019 - According to the prosecutor's office, Mr Davis and Mr Blancher were gay men, and Ms Cameron was transgender, US media said. Prosecutors ...

    Detroit Man Charged in 3 Killings Targeted L.G.B.T. People ...
    https://www.nytimes.com › 2019/06/08 › us › detroit-lgbtq-killing
    Jun 8, 2019 - Officials said the man, Devon Robinson, shot the victims — two of whom were gay and one who was a transgender woman — on May 25. An ...

    L.G.B.T. People Are More Likely to Be Targets of Hate Crimes ...
    https://www.nytimes.com › interactive › 2016/06/16 › us › hate-crimes-ag...
    Jun 16, 2016 - Even before the shooting rampage at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla., lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people were already the most ...
  • christian2017
    Its better to die young then grow up in a very depressing and corrupt culture....
    — christian2017

    Suicide stats belie this.
    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Why do you say that? I'm talking about this how it relates to American statistics
  • Nobeernolife
    I call B.S. on you ignoring history and reality and wanting me to be your research bitch.
    I think we are done here a hole.
    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Well, I suppose that is an answer. You can NOT find any passage where Yahwe tells its followers to hate and fight the followers of other religions as Allah does.
    Which is all I said,.

    But it is really hard to admit having been wrong, isn´t it. Completely human, I hate it too. But I like to think that I can do better and admit defeat if that situation occurs.
  • christian2017
    As to worse things, i find that naturalism and/or atheism leads to a simplistic view on how to treat people so it would benefit my spirits to become naturalist or atheist.
    — christian2017

    I would not call it simplistic, but agree.

    The older atheists did not have my full respect until they began forming atheist churches. Those are more like the old mystery schools and those I approve of as then, atheists are recognizing our tribal natures more and are doing their duty to their children by providing an intelligent tribe for their children instead of just letting them gravitate to some immoral mainstream religion based on fantasy and the supernatural.

    ok. I make the best pizza in the world but how would i prove that on an online forum.
    — christian2017

    That is a subjective call on your part as it is tuned to your taste. All you can prove is your taste says it is the best. You might like a meat lover pizza while many would like those yucky pineapple ones. I like the hot and spicy so would reject your best as not the best.
    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    That pizza statement was a reply to a statement you made about yourself that you would have no way of proving on an online forum, i assumed we both knew i don't make the world's best pizza. And no it wasn't a lie, because most people would figure out the statement was tall order.

    As for the atheist church thing, i've heard of that. Its hard to call naturalists moral, when they approve of abortion. I find most naturalists/atheists to be complacent and apathetic. To be fair modern christian are essentially the same.
  • Nobeernolife
    Really you are not aware of news in the USA and Christians interpreting the Bible to justify discrimination and even brutalizing of homosexuals?Athena

    Not the issue. I was asking specifically where
    a) Yaweh directly says that homoexuals should be killed and
    b) Yawah believers demand that should be the law because it is in the Bible

    Your long list of "finds" does not show that.

    NB: You might want to go slow with bringing the Nazis into this, seeing that Hitler was a great admirer of islam and had the Mufti of Jerusalem in Berlin advising him on the Jewish problem.
  • Athena
    NoberernoLife will NEVER acknowledge that Allah cannot hate the followers of the god of Abraham...because Allah IS the god of Abraham.

    Nobeer is not interested in a discussion of what is true...he is interested in venting his hatred toward Muslims. Okay...for some people that is a good thing, perhaps an important thing, to do.

    I think the position you should take on this now is informed by something any sailor might tell you: Don't piss into the wind.
    Frank Apisa

    Thank you. :lol: The way I am built it is really hard to piss into the wind. I could try spitting into the wind but I don't think that would work so well either.

    Seriously I think you stated the argument better than I have. Clearly stating Allah is the God of Abraham. Period nothing to argue.
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    You should do some research on the ancient Amorites. Have you ever read the book of Isaiah or Jeremiah (to find out more about the ancient Israelites).christian2017

    I have read more than 8 differen religious holy books. My mind set is to ignore much of them and focus on moral issue.

    This well done link is exactly the conclusion I came to for basically all theologies based on supernatural stupid thinking.


    For Athena.

    Here is a transcript to one of the best and most honest views of Yahweh that I have ever seen.
    Page 68 on is what that top link shows.


  • Nobeernolife
    NoberernoLife will NEVER acknowledge that Allah cannot hate the followers of the god of Abraham...because Allah IS the god of Abraham.Frank Apisa

    Ah, but Nobeernolife is pointing out that Allah DOES hate the followers of the god of Abraham. Because he says so. In the Koran.

    Yeah, reading comprehension is a bitch, isn´t it.
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    but it does kill brain cells and thats been proven.christian2017

    I have read every major report since the 1901 Hemp report. That would include what those in the industry call their Bible, The LeDain Royal Commission On Cannabis. Its's findings are also available in the LeDain Royal Commission Report on Psychotropic drugs that is also the benchmark of the drug research industry.

    They belie your statement. Get any peer reviewed repot or retract your lie.

    You should know by now that I say nothing I cannot back up. You should be so honest.

  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Why do you say otherwise?christian2017

    Because all courts would say that those performing abortions do not pass the mens rea standards that all courts go by and that you should consider with your slander.

    Don't think about it and just keep misusing the language.

  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    As for the atheist church thing, i've heard of that. Its hard to call naturalists moral, when they approve of abortion. I find most naturalists/atheists to be complacent and apathetic. To be fair modern christian are essentially the same.christian2017

    Except for the vile actions that come out of the religious as compared to atheists.

    Atheism sure beats religious penchants of war mongering and lawlessness.


  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    NB: You might want to go slow with bringing the Nazis into this, seeing that Hitler was a great admirer of islam and had the Mufti of Jerusalem in Berlin advising him on the Jewish problem.Nobeernolife

    Did he, like the pope provide staff for the death camps as well as funding?

  • Nobeernolife
    Did he, like the pope provide staff for the death camps as well as funding?Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Not that I know. The Mufti advised Hitler and and helped in recruiting muslim SS regiments.

    Do you have a reference for the idea that the Pope financed death camps?
  • Frank Apisa
    NoberernoLife will NEVER acknowledge that Allah cannot hate the followers of the god of Abraham...because Allah IS the god of Abraham.
    — Frank Apisa

    Ah, but Nobeernolife is pointing out that Allah DOES hate the followers of the god of Abraham. Because he says so. In the Koran.

    Yeah, reading comprehension is a bitch, isn´t it.

    One: You ought never to refer to yourself in the third person. It is the boorish form of egoism.

    Two: Quote the Koran passage where Allah says "I hate the followers of the god of Abraham." Give a citation.
  • Alvin Capello
    Abraham is a prophet of Islam, so why would Allah hate the followers of the god of Abraham? He would have to hate his own followers
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Do you have a reference for the idea that the Pope financed death camps?Nobeernolife

    Not at hand but the Jesuits were implicated as well as a section of the Vatican whose label I have forgotten that are charged with pushing the Vatican's ideology.

    They have changed the name of that branch of late but it is still alive and well.

  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Abraham is a prophet of Islam, so why would Allah hate the followers of the god of Abraham? He would have to hate his own followersAlvin Capello

    I would say that any god who offers a bunch of virgins in heaven as a reward, just to the men of course, hates them as I see that as a curse more than a blessing both against Muslim men and their women.

  • Nobeernolife
    Not at hand but the Jesuits were implicated as well as a section of the Vatican whose label I have forgotten that are charged with pushing the Vatican's ideology.
    They have changed the name of that branch of late but it is still alive and well.
    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    So you don´t. I call BS on that, unless you can provide a reference.

    Can you try to stick to things you know instead of spouting conspiracy theories?
  • Nobeernolife
    Two: Quote the Koran passage where Allah says "I hate the followers of the god of Abraham." Give a citation.Frank Apisa

    They are called "the people of the book" in the Koran, which is chock-full of hatred of them. You are seriously unaware of that?
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