• Athena
    I don't know if this was intended in the OP but is the distinction eastern and/vs western philosophy valid?TheMadFool

    Absolutely. The east has a circular wholistic logic and in the west logic is closed and linear. Western thinking is very materialistic and that makes Christianity a paradoxical mode of thinking, because believing in unseen supernatural beings is not materialistic.

    This western logic is completely rejecting of belief systems involving an animated earth and earth as one living organism until parts of this notion are empirically evident. Empirically the laws of physics, not the laws of spirit. Western logic seriously set back our ability to see how nature works together and what we were doing to the environment and our planet. It continues to blind us to some truths. This is still be a serious problem, especially for Christians who believe in supernatural powers but not an earthly spiritual reality where man is a part of nature, not separate from it.
  • Athena
    I think it would be worth pointing out at this stage that the word Enlightenment is a blanket term used to describe a wide spectrum of exalted states. It will cause numerous disagreements unless the users specify what they mean by it.
    For example, does it mean one who attains Nirvana? Or does it refer to someone who achieves some degree of Samadhi? Both entirely different states, one requiring a Nirvanic realm of existence, the other requiring no spiritual realm at all, necessarily.

    Excuse me, but I have to get political here. No one saw democracy in the bible until there was literacy in Greek and Roman classics. Our Statue of Liberty holds a book because enlightenment is the result of gaining knowledge. The democracy we inherited came from the renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment= literacy in Greek and Roman classics and increasingly scientific knowledge. Modernity follows picking up where the Greeks and Romans left off when Rome fell and Christianity took over.

    That argument may not fit in this thread but it is important to understanding the democracy we inherited and we need to defend it before we loose it. Enlightenment has everything to do with our liberty and a nation of human excellence capable of liberty and being self-governing. The Spirit of American brandishes the Sword of Justice in the mural of the gods in the US Capitol building. These are more eastern concepts than western Christianity. :zip:
  • Punshhh
    can you explain why you are talking about democracy? I didn't mention, or infer it.
  • Athena
    ↪Athena can you explain why you are talking about democracy? I didn't mention, or infer it.Punshhh

    I am sorry. It seems somehow the concept of enlightenment came up and from there I was compelled to mention what enlightenment has to do with liberty and democracy. If you would like I will see I can get the post deleted.
  • praxis
    Enlightenment has everything to do with our liberty and a nation of human excellence capable of liberty and being self-governing. The Spirit of American brandishes the Sword of Justice in the mural of the gods in the US Capitol building. These are more eastern concepts than western Christianity. :zip:Athena

    I would say that the Western concept of enlightenment is quite different from that of the Eastern. The Eastern is based on emptiness, which may possess a liberating quality, however, it still exists within a religious framework and bound to a hierarchical authority system and dogmatism.
  • Athena
    I would say that the Western concept of enlightenment is quite different from that of the Eastern. The Eastern is based on emptiness, which may possess a liberating quality, however, it still exists within a religious framework and bound to a hierarchical authority system and dogmatismpraxis

    Which religion?

    I know I have a problem with Buddhism because I have a problem with being a passive observer and disassociating myself with social and political events but paradoxically my home is full of Buddha figures reminding me of serenity and joy. I must agree with you about east and west enlightenment being different. I did not think of that before posting. Actually I didn't think at all, but just reacted to my passion. My bad.
  • praxis
    Which religion?Athena

    Any one that dangles the “enlightenment” carrot, I suppose.
  • armonie
  • Punshhh
    That's ok, no worries, you don't need to delete the post.
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