• Hanover
    There are absolutely no statistics you've cited supportive of your position that a sizable number of state or federal inmates are incarcerated for simple possession of pot. If you're seen smoking pot, you'll likely get a warning or maybe a citation. If they do book you in, zero chance you'll get prison time unless you're already on probation or parole. And by zero, I mean zero.
  • wuliheron
    My position is that they were harmless potheads, not that they were imprisoned just for smoking pot. These people are being given an average of 88 months, which is close to the average for murder, even though most of them have never been incarcerated before, are over 40, and don't even own a gun. Meanwhile, the Wall Street bankers who committed outright fraud and destroyed millions of people's lives are never going to see a day in jail.
  • Hanover
    Again, the data you provide is false, wrong, and nonsense. Show me 1 actual inmate who was sentenced to 7 years in prison for simple pot possession. When I was a prosecutor in the 90s, I think the typical sentence was $300, the cost of a speeding ticket.
  • Mongrel
    Show me 1 actual inmate who was sentenced to 7 years in prison for simple pot possessionHanover

    Don't really have to.
  • wuliheron
    Again, the data you provide is false, wrong, and nonsense. Show me 1 actual inmate who was sentenced to 7 years in prison for simple pot possession. When I was a prosecutor in the 90s, I think the typical sentence was $300, the cost of a speeding ticket.Hanover

    Again, I said they were harmless potheads, not that they were imprisoned for pot possession. Most were convictions for trafficking. Tommy Chong, of Cheech and Chong fame, was given nine months for selling pipes. Its a culture war where the rich get richer and poor poorer, while alcohol is involved in the vast majority of violent crimes, is addictive, and has serious health hazards, yet, is sold legally on any street corner. Those with money want everyone else violent and divided which is why we now have riots in the streets and people executing cops.
  • Hanover
    400 marijuana charges would not implicate the 3 strikes rule. Read the law or you could just keep on spouting nonsense, which seems to be your preferred tact.
  • Mongrel
    Why on earth did I used to think you were a cool person? Tendency to spout nonsense, I guess.
  • Hanover
    Easy come easy go.
  • dukkha
    They are deliberately targeting blacks because cops get promoted according to how many successful busts and convictions and courts are more likely to convict a black man.wuliheron

    Because black people commit more crimes. You seem to think courts just let white people off because they're white and punish the blacks for the same crime, which explains the disparate conviction rates.

    This is simply untrue. Blacks get convicted of crimes more often because they commit crimes more often. A cop gets called to a murder scene and sees both a white and a black person fleeing the scene. He's better off chasing the black guy because statistically the black man is far more likely to have pulled the trigger. Racially profiling doesn't just happen because cops deliberately are targeting blacks for no reason.

    Blacks rioting in the streets and executing cops is the only viable way they have of making the war too expensive to continue. They already tried the peaceful approach and look what's happened as a result.wuliheron

    Or they could just stop being criminals? Wtf man? Executing cops because you're getting arrested for breaking the law is never viable. What do you even mean "the peaceful approach"? Black people should be allowed to commit crimes and face no concequences? And if this doesn't happen the viable response is to murder cops?

    Looks like you've swallowed the BLM kool-aid.
  • wuliheron
    Or they could just stop being criminals? Wtf man? Executing cops because you're getting arrested for breaking the law is never viable. What do you even mean "the peaceful approach"? Black people should be allowed to commit crimes and face no concequences? And if this doesn't happen the viable response is to murder cops?dukkha

    My own family is Irish Catholic and knows what the score is. When we immigrated to this country we became gang members and crooked cops. When Lincoln freed the slaves the Irish Catholic hung a few in NYC and rioted because they didn't need the competition for the lowest paying jobs. My family is all too familiar with want adds in the paper saying ICNNA which is Irish Catholics Need Not Apply. Bigotry runs deep and the US has just elected a bigot as president in response to Obama. Its war and this one is just getting started. You get the justice you can either afford or what can be taken at the end of a gun.

    My great grandmother was a half breed and when she was conceived her mother and father both moved out west to get away from bigotry. They settled outside a town and a few months later the white boys came around and said he could stay, he could keep his squaw, but the kid had to go. When they moved to the reservation a few months later the local boys told them the same. In Vietnam countless half breed children where never claimed by either side. Complain all you like, but you can kill a man economically just as easily as shooting him in the head and the poor are fighting back.

    If you or I did the things Trump and Hillary did we would be in jail. The moral high ground doesn't cut it when money does all the driving and even your constitutional rights have been suspended indefinitely. Something the IRA took to heart and won serious concessions for, while Germany needed their Hitler to pound home the error of their evil ways.
  • aequilibrium
    actually it could be some alcohols other that ethonol. These other alcohols are know as fusel alcohols and are known to cause headaches and severe hangovers in some people. They are also significantly lower in in vodka as it is very close to being pure ethanol and water and so would explain why she doesn't react as much to vodka.
  • aequilibrium
    From what you say here and from the fact the fact that you say you don't have such a bad time with vodka, I am fairly certain that your negative response it to fusel alcohols and not so much to ethanol.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    From what you say here and from the fact the fact that you say you don't have such a bad time with vodka, I am fairly certain that your negative response it to fusel alcohols and not so much to ethanol.aequilibrium

    Just reading thru Wikipedia it certainly does sound right. You are one smart cookie! 8-)
  • Hanover
    I actually do believe that alcohol has had a significant evolutionary impact on human behavior. Considering it (all joking aside) does make people less inhibited and more openly sexual, you should expect that the genes of the more socially reserved get passed on more successfully in alcohol fueled societies.

    When one looks at alcohol free social groups, they're notable for having very strict marriage and mating rituals, which I'd argue is necessary to accommodate the sizable number of men and women who are socially unable to intimately interact without being chemically altered.

    In other words, plying the ladies with alcohol is not just some neat trick teenagers have stumbled upon, but it's actually an evolutionary tool in place for human survival. When a society removes it (often because of its other deleterious effects), it must offer a replacement for it.
  • Terrapin Station
    If alcohol consumption gives one a glimpse of higher, nobler ways of being, one ought to strive to attaining them without aid;Gaurav Sobti
    This is the crux of your view, but you're not presenting an argument for it.
  • Michael
    Show me 1 actual inmate who was sentenced to 7 years in prison for simple pot possession.Hanover

    Not 7 years, but this guy got life without parole.
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